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Why are THAIS totally oblivious to barking dogs?


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I can assure you Thais are not oblivious to barking dogs and in some cases are just as pissed off about it as you.

Your problem was pointing out the fact you have a problem with the dogs to the owner.

You have now left yourself open to having fingers pointed at you.

The Thais will say nothing that will draw attention to them, they will take care of the problem Thai style, and no one will be any the wiser as to who did what.

get yer 3500 baht a month maid to cook n eat them for him

Dont think I have ever said I have a 3500 baht per month maid, in fact we dont even have a maid.

Cant understand why someone who doesnt know me would make such an accusation.

Please provide a link to any post where I have ever mentioned to having a 3500 month per maid.

Found it yet, thought not.

Do have a nice day.

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Unfortunately, these dogs are bought more of less solely as protection from potential burglars, but are neither trained nor taken care of properly; no exercise, small living quarters and will get overexcited and aggressive without any reason.

Whenever I’m going for a morning jog or walk, I pass about 6-7 houses with dogs barking as if the world is coming to an end, and during the night we have not only Thai soap operas but also massive dog operas sporadically starting and stopping throughout the night. Somehow, I hope my jogging and walking will at least make them a bit familiar with people rather than just vehicles, but I’m pretty sure thats a lost cause. Until then, I'll handle these types of owner/dog behavioral issues with my Bowers & Wilkins and some Daft Punk.

One thing which I can’t wrap my head around is how this type of noise pollution (and/or other strange inconsiderations) and เกรงใจ can coexist:

I live in a pretty standard Moo baan in Bangkok - not exactly downtown but not rural either. One day I smelt something burning when I was inside my house; since it’s Bangkok, a lot of these smells is just part of the daily life. I went outside to have a look and to my surprise there was actually smoke coming from my neighbor pouring over my walls. Of course, I ran over to my neighbor to alert them about the fire. However, when i told her that her house might possible be on fire she calmy said ’relax, we are just burning some trash’, like it was the most normal thing you could do. That was when I seriously realized she was in full retard mode. I calmy explained that I was drying my laundry and that her garbage smoke kind of interfered with the smell of my newly cleaned clothes. In this case, being polite and giving a logical explanation did the trick here.

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