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Public debts in May reduce by 51.3 billion baht: Thailand


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Public debts in May reduce by 51.3 billion baht


BANGKOK, 8 July 2014 (NNT) - Public debts during the month of May have dropped by 51.3 billion baht due to reduced debt levels in the government sector.

Chularat Suteethorn, the Director of the Public Debt Management Office, revealed that the total public debt in May stood at 5.53 trillion baht, accounting for 45.9 percent of the country’s GDP.

Out of that number, 3.9 trillion baht were debts raised by the government, 1.08 trillion by state enterprises which are non-financial institutions, 531 billion by state enterprises which are financial institutions, and 3,652 million by other state agencies.

When compared to the month of April, government debts fell by 49.5 billion baht in May, and the debts of other state agencies reduced by 251 million baht.

-- NNT 2014-07-08 footer_n.gif

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

More like Thaksin/Yingluck Shinawatra have done a number on you. Did you not get suspicious of them when their finance minister was caught lying and said it was OK if it made people feel good and they sanctioned it?wai.gif

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

More like Thaksin/Yingluck Shinawatra have done a number on you. Did you not get suspicious of them when their finance minister was caught lying and said it was OK if it made people feel good and they sanctioned it?wai.gif

We these are the junta numbers ., 45%

Hardly life threatening to the economy. Maybe even some space to borrow a bit to fund new schools, infrastructure . maybe even a hospital or two.

Or would that be too populist?

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My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

More like Thaksin/Yingluck Shinawatra have done a number on you. Did you not get suspicious of them when their finance minister was caught lying and said it was OK if it made people feel good and they sanctioned it?wai.gif

We these are the junta numbers ., 45%

Hardly life threatening to the economy. Maybe even some space to borrow a bit to fund new schools, infrastructure . maybe even a hospital or two.

Or would that be too populist?

With all due respect TAH, there's little left in the kitty. That's life threatening to the whole darned country. No space for borrowing, until the national AUDIT is completed.

The mess left behind is scarcely quantitive, never mind qualitative. There ain't no simple Likert scale here.. 1 for don't like and 5 for very much like.

What is a Junta number; it is a rifle pointed at you? Get on with, and clean the floor, in this instance... and good.... better to clean the floor first, then you see how much shit and dust comes off the top of the wardrobe... then when you've cleaned that, you clean the floor again! ;)

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

Fortunately for us, we have you to point out how we are wrong. Your totally unbiased, Shin supporting, smug attitude is always popular though.

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My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

More like Thaksin/Yingluck Shinawatra have done a number on you. Did you not get suspicious of them when their finance minister was caught lying and said it was OK if it made people feel good and they sanctioned it?wai.gif

We these are the junta numbers ., 45%

Hardly life threatening to the economy. Maybe even some space to borrow a bit to fund new schools, infrastructure . maybe even a hospital or two.

Or would that be too populist?

With all due respect TAH, there's little left in the kitty. That's life threatening to the whole darned country. No space for borrowing, until the national AUDIT is completed.

The mess left behind is scarcely quantitive, never mind qualitative. There ain't no simple Likert scale here.. 1 for don't like and 5 for very much like.

What is a Junta number; it is a rifle pointed at you? Get on with, and clean the floor, in this instance... and good.... better to clean the floor first, then you see how much shit and dust comes off the top of the wardrobe... then when you've cleaned that, you clean the floor again! ;)

They were quoting 45% before the junta and they are still quoting 45%., I think we can safely say that the accepted number is 45%.

So with the UK, EU and USA running at over 75%, I think thailands public finances were, are and continue to look just fine.

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

Fortunately for us, we have you to point out how we are wrong. Your totally unbiased, Shin supporting, smug attitude is always popular though.

Its got nothing to do with being pro Thaksin. Its about when the man is on the microphone screaming that thailand is doomed and the shinawatras are robbing the country and the only answer is to dismantle democracy and have a coup to save the country, because Thailand is becoming Greece. Pee Nong kap.

To engage ones brain, go and open a copy of the economist and maybe the business page of the nation to find out the truth of the matter.

Quite a way to go to reach danger levels on public debt in Thailand. I don't know why they don't aim for 30% of debt to GDP. I mean the schools and hospitals and infrastructure are just world class. Why build anything or invest anything at all. The education is just first rate....

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

OCD strikes again !

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

OCD strikes again!!!

Please, translate "blinkered" for the benefit of those who are standard English challenged. wai.gif

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So the country wasn't poised to become the next Greece was it?

It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

OCD strikes again!!!

Please, translate "blinkered" for the benefit of those who are standard English challenged. wai.gif

"Inability to see the broader picture or context" will do for me.

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It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

More like Thaksin/Yingluck Shinawatra have done a number on you. Did you not get suspicious of them when their finance minister was caught lying and said it was OK if it made people feel good and they sanctioned it?wai.gif

We these are the junta numbers ., 45%

Hardly life threatening to the economy. Maybe even some space to borrow a bit to fund new schools, infrastructure . maybe even a hospital or two.

Or would that be too populist?

Don't be ridicules those are needed things not promises of pie in the sky which the uneducated seem to gobble up at the foot of the Shinawatra's table.

Pads for every student twice the value of the rice 15,000 baht a year for college grads. Give me 6 months I will make every one rich and on the parade of nonsense goes.

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Don't be ridicules those are needed things not promises of pie in the sky which the uneducated seem to gobble up at the foot of the Shinawatra's table.

Pads for every student twice the value of the rice 15,000 baht a year for college grads. Give me 6 months I will make every one rich and on the parade of nonsense goes.

What are you going on about? These are figures that are globally accepted by the world financial community. Of course, there could be a 97 like fib going on, but it isn't likely. THailand has a boat load of Forex lying around and debt to gdp is after all this messing around. 45% of GDP. Figures which most of the developed world would give their eye teeth for.

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It would have if it was still bein run by YL and the PTP.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

OCD strikes again!!!

Please, translate "blinkered" for the benefit of those who are standard English challenged. wai.gif

"Inability to see the broader picture or context" will do for me.

Would that apply to those who 'forget' that over B1tn was swept from the government's debt under the BOT carpet?

Kittirat's way of 'creatively' bumping up the PTP kitty.

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Would that apply to those who 'forget' that over B1tn was swept from the government's debt under the BOT carpet?

Kittirat's way of 'creatively' bumping up the PTP kitty.

His white lie was about export growth figures. Look everyone, while everyone was jumping up and down proclaiming doom and gloom, the tablets didn't break the country's finances, the rice didn't break the countys finainces and now the trains have been stopped, there is nothing hidden anywhere to break anything.

Yes, debt was transferred, none of which changes the fact that debt to gdp was about 40|% when they came in and 45% when they left. Hardly catastrophic. In fact, I wish they had taken Gordon Brown aside and explained to him about not allowing public finances to get completely out of kilter. Yes they werent' the best in the world, yes they told white lies, yes they spent some money. Is Thailand on the precipice of becoming the next Greece.


The country needs more schools, hospitals and other things not less. So being over the moon that debt went down as a share of gdp isn't exactly something to be whoooooping and hollering about.

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Would that apply to those who 'forget' that over B1tn was swept from the government's debt under the BOT carpet?

Kittirat's way of 'creatively' bumping up the PTP kitty.

His white lie was about export growth figures. Look everyone, while everyone was jumping up and down proclaiming doom and gloom, the tablets didn't break the country's finances, the rice didn't break the countys finainces and now the trains have been stopped, there is nothing hidden anywhere to break anything.

Yes, debt was transferred, none of which changes the fact that debt to gdp was about 40|% when they came in and 45% when they left. Hardly catastrophic. In fact, I wish they had taken Gordon Brown aside and explained to him about not allowing public finances to get completely out of kilter. Yes they werent' the best in the world, yes they told white lies, yes they spent some money. Is Thailand on the precipice of becoming the next Greece.


The country needs more schools, hospitals and other things not less. So being over the moon that debt went down as a share of gdp isn't exactly something to be whoooooping and hollering about.

Well I'm certainly not over the moon about a small debt reduction. Nor am I convinced that the country is anywhere close to being broke.

Having said that, the sheer waste of large sums of money by PTP (rice subsidy, tablets & the wasteful spending on the mismanaged flood abatement scheme) would have built a hell of a lot of schools, hospitals, clinics and maybe even sorted out the SRT debt.

Luckily PTP weren't able to remove Prasarn or things could have been worse. Also luckily they were removed before they were able to get their sticky fingers on the B2.2tn infrastructure scheme which they never honestly decided where the funds were coming from. BTW that B2.2tn and the FIDF B1.15tn would have nearly doubled Thailand's debt if transparency was at all part of their modus operandi.

But we have been spared that. We can justifiably hope that the CMPO will get going with some of the projects with at least some level of oversight and transparency.

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