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Is a sub-retirement age single person allowed to stay in Thailand?

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I don't see the problem. Start a company, pay tax and social security for you and 4 Thais and get a work permit and extension of stay based on employment.

You mean, start a company with your money that is all your, but that for the majority is legally owned by others.

you can not start a company because there is no market with thai investors, if you open a company you have to pay 2000000 baht but yu own only 980000 baht so you loose the day you open a company already more than 1 Million, then you hae to put 2 thais as partner, who can take over your busness anytime by 51%

there are no thai who ever bring in any money from their pocket into a business with a foreigner, limited companys are only a scam in thailand

I have a feeling that will change very quickly when the foreign investment in Burma cranks up, as it has been reported that there in none or much less of the Thai rip off going on there.

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I am a little amazed---& glad-- that Thailand has an open door policy for all people over 50 (with the correct funds) because so many of them that I know are not medically insured , & could never get a company to take them either. Maybe that's what they will look at next.

Yep that's what I think too.

A lot of older fellas turn up at government hospitals with no coverage and get taken care of at considerable expense to the state. A couple of hours' "tinkering under the hood" can easily run to ฿500,000.

All those overly-smug retirees who rush to stick their self-righteous oars into these infernal debates while hiding behind their retirement visas may soon find themselves being told to get insured or get out . . .

If you're 60+ and maybe getting hammered a bit more than you ought to be or still sucking down 40 Woodbines a day, you could suddenly find yourself knocked back by an insurer or asked for an eye-watering, lump-sum premium. OK, no problem if you're loaded and can self insure but how many old boys feelin' the pinch on a public sector pension are gonna have 1 million+ sitting around in lieu of an official insurance schedule?

Not many

OP, if you can get away with working online for a foreign company and getting paid into a foreign bank account which you then use to transfer money to a Thai account, don't listen to the more envious jokers because, to all intents and purposes, you're untouchable. If, however, you're super paranoid, bolt on a VPN for peanuts-a-month a work away cos nobody's gonna be knockin' on your door any time soon. Just book up 200 hours of Thai language or Muay Thai lessons to get your ED visa and attend 4 hours a week.

BAM, that's it !!

Oh and keep your mouth shut about what you do

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To respond to the above post: You can certainly do your under-the-radar online ex-Thailand computer service with funds deposited ex-Thailand. The only question to which I have ever responded is: Why doesn't Thailand modernize its work and business policies to accommodate the one-man online shop?

Because IMHO their priority is to encourage investment in the Thai online services business both with clients in and ex-Thailand and the hiring of Thai computer graduates and encouraging the non-Thai independent in Thailand is a dis-incentive to those who would make such investments.

BTW I had to look-up what is a Woodbine.

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What kind of Long Stay visas are available in Laos? ... I like Nong Khai and if Thailand ever starts messing with 'O' visas I suppose (if allowed under one Laotian visa or another) I could live across the bridge and visit Thailand under a newly issued tourist visa as often as I could get a new one or an extension.

On TVF I have read of newly published (but not yet in effect) ED visa which tighten down that program considerably. I have read about the newly proposed overstay rules and penalties. Likewise I have read about the cut off of extensions and limiting tourist visas... So - this coming so quickly in just over a few weeks - I do not feel too secure about any sort of 'O' visa rules and regulation remaining in tact - despite what some may say. It would seem someone in the new government doesn't like Farangs. And that it is more than just wanting to remove people who are working illegally ... a new ATTITUDE perhaps as seen with the off the wall recent rule invoked at Kanchanaburi requiring a full Myanmar Visa or one is not allow to exit Thailand. Making border runs very difficult. Was this a Thai decision (arbitrary and capricious) or a Myanmar decision? It seemed to be only for the one checkpoint at Kanchanaburi... It would seem to be it would be best if one discussion thread was created to bring these issues together. Plus be one place to report new happenings based on new restrictions.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I believe that the "elite" 5 year visa is still available for TB 20,000. No runs, no 90 report, just the money every five years.

I'm not sure where this 5 years for THB 20,000 comes from or the THB 500,000 mentioned earlier. According to the Elite site, there is only one type of individual membership and it runs for 20 years. This now costs THB. 2 million plus VAT up front PLUS an annual charge of THB. 20,000 plus VAT.

Qualifications for membership are not onerous -

6.1 Being sui juris under Thai law at the age of or over twenty (20) years old;

6.2 Being allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related law of Thailand;

6.3 Holding a foreign passport;

6.4 Not having been adjudicated bankrupt;

6.5 Not having been declared as a person of unsound mind, incompetence, or quasi-incompetence; and

6.6 Not having been sentenced by a judgment to imprisonment in any countries except for an offence committed through negligence


Edited by Wozzit
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I believe that the "elite" 5 year visa is still available for TB 20,000. No runs, no 90 report, just the money every five years.

I'm not sure where this 5 years for THB 20,000 comes from or the THB 500,000 mentioned earlier. According to the Elite site, there is only one type of individual membership and it runs for 20 years. This now costs THB. 2 million plus VAT up front PLUS an annual charge of THB. 20,000 plus VAT.

Qualifications for membership are not onerous -

6.1 Being sui juris under Thai law at the age of or over twenty (20) years old;

6.2 Being allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related law of Thailand;

6.3 Holding a foreign passport;

6.4 Not having been adjudicated bankrupt;

6.5 Not having been declared as a person of unsound mind, incompetence, or quasi-incompetence; and

6.6 Not having been sentenced by a judgment to imprisonment in any countries except for an offence committed through negligence


Thailand Easy Access - THB 500,000.


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I'm not sure where this 5 years for THB 20,000 comes from or the THB 500,000 mentioned earlier. According to the Elite site, there is only one type of individual membership and it runs for 20 years. This now costs THB. 2 million plus VAT up front PLUS an annual charge of THB. 20,000 plus VAT.

Qualifications for membership are not onerous -

6.1 Being sui juris under Thai law at the age of or over twenty (20) years old;

6.2 Being allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any related law of Thailand;

6.3 Holding a foreign passport;

6.4 Not having been adjudicated bankrupt;

6.5 Not having been declared as a person of unsound mind, incompetence, or quasi-incompetence; and

6.6 Not having been sentenced by a judgment to imprisonment in any countries except for an offence committed through negligence


Read the website more carefully and Google is your friend. Look for Thailand Easy Access Membership on http://www.thailandelite.com/glimpse.php for 5 yr membership.

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You're not really contributing in the way you think. The tourist industry is one thing but when you live there and are

on a different pay scale you take resources away from Thai people. If they allowed it, it wouldn't be just you doing this it

would be thousands of others like you. Me too. I left Thailand several years ago only because my Visa ran out.

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Is a sub-retirement age single person allowed to stay in Thailand?

The answer is apparently yes, but only if the person is willing & able to foot the bill:

1) Start a business, hire some locals, and pay some taxes; or

2) The Investment VISA (requires a minimum investment in the country); or

3) The Thai "Elite Card" (500K baht/5yr most seem to be saying).

If the thai intent is to thin out the foreign herd, that oughta' just about do it...

Oh, but there's the ED VISA, too. I wouldn't bet the farm on that availability/those terms not changing too, and soon, though. 'Probably ripe for a nice thai-style smackdown... Don't feel bad though; I have a feeling changes are in the wind for the retired set as well.

I have a feeling changes are in the wind for the retired set as well.

Thereby killing off a lot of income for Thailand........

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and who has this elite card? I guess nobody? only spreading rumors here, this card not exist,!!!

there is nothing in Thai immigration law about this,

You realy think you pay 500000 Baht and you get Visa for 5 years and you not have to show any finacial background, but people who have thai relatives must show 400000 baht every year or income 40000 baht/month, this would violate all the Immigration laws and Constitution in Thailand

I've got one. All I had to do was fill out the application form, wait for it to be accepted and then pay the 500k Baht fee into the Thailand Elite companies bank account and they gave me a five year visa at Chaeng Wattana immigration along with a one year stamp.

Edited by ukrules
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and who has this elite card? I guess nobody? only spreading rumors here, this card not exist,!!!

there is nothing in Thai immigration law about this,

You realy think you pay 500000 Baht and you get Visa for 5 years and you not have to show any finacial background, but people who have thai relatives must show 400000 baht every year or income 40000 baht/month, this would violate all the Immigration laws and Constitution in Thailand

I've got one. All I had to do was fill out the application form, wait for it to be accepted and then pay the 500k Baht fee into the Thailand Elite companies bank account and they gave me a five year visa at Chaeng Wattana immigration along with a one year stamp.

I'm looking at '5. Fee(s) and Conditions' at thailandelite.com, which seems to be the website of the thai company that runs this program, and it says"

5.1 Membership Fee

THB 2,000,000 (two million Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member.

5.2 Annual Fee

THB 20,000 (twenty thousand Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per annum or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member. "

...for a total of 2,000,000 + 20x20,000 = THB 2.4M or about USD 75K (at today's rates),

I've been hearing 500kB for years, but the above is apparently what the fee is now. ('Course the term now is 20yrs, but the up-front amount seems to be THB 2M ) If there's a THB 500K option, I don't see it.

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and who has this elite card? I guess nobody? only spreading rumors here, this card not exist,!!!

there is nothing in Thai immigration law about this,

You realy think you pay 500000 Baht and you get Visa for 5 years and you not have to show any finacial background, but people who have thai relatives must show 400000 baht every year or income 40000 baht/month, this would violate all the Immigration laws and Constitution in Thailand

I've got one. All I had to do was fill out the application form, wait for it to be accepted and then pay the 500k Baht fee into the Thailand Elite companies bank account and they gave me a five year visa at Chaeng Wattana immigration along with a one year stamp.

I'm looking at '5. Fee(s) and Conditions' at thailandelite.com, which seems to be the website of the thai company that runs this program, and it says"

5.1 Membership Fee

THB 2,000,000 (two million Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member.

5.2 Annual Fee

THB 20,000 (twenty thousand Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per annum or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member. "

...for a total of 2,000,000 + 20x20,000 = THB 2.4M or about USD 75K (at today's rates),

I've been hearing 500kB for years, but the above is apparently what the fee is now. ('Course the term now is 20yrs, but the up-front amount seems to be THB 2M ) If there's a THB 500K option, I don't see it.

Nothing on that web page gives me any confidence in the scheme. Looking at the 'Fact Sheet' and the FAQ, I really have to wonder how many of these they've actually sold. It was pilloried here and on other Farang websites when 'Mark 2' was announced last year and I agree that they dont explicitly state that you can buy 5 years for 500K. As with anything reliant on ongoing government co-operation, one also has to ask how many regime changes remain for Thailand over the next 20 years. Unless someone can show us otherwise, I dont know that the Elite Card is anything more than an elaborate marketing exercise, at least based on that website. Even among the Benz set, I also question whether a card like this carries any particular cachet - it seems to be a more expensive yet significantly watered-down version of the earlier, failed Elite card. If that site is correct. there is no 500K option - happy to hear otherwise.

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I agree with you that it is not easy to stay in Thailand unmarried, not working and under 50. I also think it would be a good idea for the Thai revenue department to be stricter on foreigners residing in Thailand but earning an income from online or offshore activity. Being in the country over 180 days would make you tax liable anyway. Just also allow people who spend less time here but do not reside in an other country to voluntarily apply for tax residence. Both mandatory and volunteered tax residents should in return be issued with a one year extension of stay, providing the paid tax meets a certain threshold. Win win for everyone.

But why don't they do this? And why are retirees of whom most don't pay tax here welcome anyway? I think this boils down to the Very strong Thai belief in Thainess. Similar to many xenophobic westerners don't like 'weird' foreign influences to be to obvious in their society. Thais do not like westerners telling them how to run their country. Retirees generally don't give a shit and are not trying to change the system. Young foreigners investing in a life and family here are generally much more outspoken on their beliefs to improve Thai society. Well this advise is as welcome to Thais as is the idea to introduce shariah law in Europe to most Europeans. Thais have an identity and are proud of that.

You only have to read the political threads on here, to see that you are right

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Nothing on that web page gives me any confidence in the scheme. Looking at the 'Fact Sheet' and the FAQ, I really have to wonder how many of these they've actually sold. It was pilloried here and on other Farang websites when 'Mark 2' was announced last year and I agree that they dont explicitly state that you can buy 5 years for 500K. As with anything reliant on ongoing government co-operation, one also has to ask how many regime changes remain for Thailand over the next 20 years. Unless someone can show us otherwise, I dont know that the Elite Card is anything more than an elaborate marketing exercise, at least based on that website. Even among the Benz set, I also question whether a card like this carries any particular cachet - it seems to be a more expensive yet significantly watered-down version of the earlier, failed Elite card. If that site is correct. there is no 500K option - happy to hear otherwise.

It's real and not marketing (all versions). There is no report here or elsewhere from anyone that paid then didn't got what was promised. I know one guy that has it, and at the airport services were delivered as promised. Regarding the 5 years version, read firs person reports above or in the dedicated thread. I don't think it cost much to Thailand to honor their promises no matter what is the gov't in charge.

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Does anyone read? It's been stated that Elite 500,000/5 yr visa is an as option for those under 50 that wants to stay long term. I can understand people not wanting to choose this option but it's a valid option.

But can you get a work permit on that VISA, my understanding is no, and if no, you would be working illegally, so what's the point.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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and who has this elite card? I guess nobody? only spreading rumors here, this card not exist,!!!

there is nothing in Thai immigration law about this,

You realy think you pay 500000 Baht and you get Visa for 5 years and you not have to show any finacial background, but people who have thai relatives must show 400000 baht every year or income 40000 baht/month, this would violate all the Immigration laws and Constitution in Thailand

I've got one. All I had to do was fill out the application form, wait for it to be accepted and then pay the 500k Baht fee into the Thailand Elite companies bank account and they gave me a five year visa at Chaeng Wattana immigration along with a one year stamp.

I'm looking at '5. Fee(s) and Conditions' at thailandelite.com, which seems to be the website of the thai company that runs this program, and it says"

5.1 Membership Fee

THB 2,000,000 (two million Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member.

5.2 Annual Fee

THB 20,000 (twenty thousand Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per annum or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member. "

...for a total of 2,000,000 + 20x20,000 = THB 2.4M or about USD 75K (at today's rates),

I've been hearing 500kB for years, but the above is apparently what the fee is now. ('Course the term now is 20yrs, but the up-front amount seems to be THB 2M ) If there's a THB 500K option, I don't see it.

Regardless of the above, I have a 500k 5 year membership with no yearly fee so I know for sure it's possible. The 1 year stamp in my passport tells me so.

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Does anyone read? It's been stated that Elite 500,000/5 yr visa is an as option for those under 50 that wants to stay long term. I can understand people not wanting to choose this option but it's a valid option.

But can you get a work permit on that VISA, my understanding is no, and if no, you would be working illegally, so what's the point.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The point is that some here claim that -

a. they have plenty of money

b. they want to be able to stay in Thailand longterm without working and without being hassled re their status as a 'tourist'

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and who has this elite card? I guess nobody? only spreading rumors here, this card not exist,!!!

there is nothing in Thai immigration law about this,

You realy think you pay 500000 Baht and you get Visa for 5 years and you not have to show any finacial background, but people who have thai relatives must show 400000 baht every year or income 40000 baht/month, this would violate all the Immigration laws and Constitution in Thailand

I've got one. All I had to do was fill out the application form, wait for it to be accepted and then pay the 500k Baht fee into the Thailand Elite companies bank account and they gave me a five year visa at Chaeng Wattana immigration along with a one year stamp.

I'm looking at '5. Fee(s) and Conditions' at thailandelite.com, which seems to be the website of the thai company that runs this program, and it says"

5.1 Membership Fee

THB 2,000,000 (two million Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member.

5.2 Annual Fee

THB 20,000 (twenty thousand Baht only) exclusive of value added tax per annum or an equivalent amount in USD pursuant to the Exchange rate which will be notified by the Company or the Sales Agent (as the case may be) to the applicant/ the Member. "

...for a total of 2,000,000 + 20x20,000 = THB 2.4M or about USD 75K (at today's rates),

I've been hearing 500kB for years, but the above is apparently what the fee is now. ('Course the term now is 20yrs, but the up-front amount seems to be THB 2M ) If there's a THB 500K option, I don't see it.

Regardless of the above, I have a 500k 5 year membership with no yearly fee so I know for sure it's possible. The 1 year stamp in my passport tells me so.

Agreed. UJ put the matter to rest. Although the Terms & Conditions I was looking at refer only to the 'Individual Membership' option, elsewhere on the website (including the application form) there's the 'Easy Access Membership' (which is the THB 500K/5yr option). I should have looked further. No question, both options (as well as a 'Family Membership') seem to currently exist.

Edited by hawker9000
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You're not really contributing in the way you think. The tourist industry is one thing but when you live there and are

on a different pay scale you take resources away from Thai people. If they allowed it, it wouldn't be just you doing this it

would be thousands of others like you. Me too. I left Thailand several years ago only because my Visa ran out.

With respect this is just your opinion. I'm sure you can come up with valid arguments, and I could construct an argument otherwise - many high end condominiums in Thailand are half empty. A digital nomad on an ed visa living there isn't taking away living space from Thais. Then say he/she lives on 30- 60k baht/month instead of a Thai amount, eats at Western restaurants instead of streetfood, takes expensive Muay Thai lessons (aimed at farang), buys VIP cinema tickets, uses taxis instead of riding a bike (Taxis struggle and openly complain when farang numbers decline, e.g. during the Bangkok riots), joins a Crossfit gym (aimed at westerners), takes weekend trips and stays in hotels that mostly cater to tourists, hires a jet-ski, runs up a way higher air con bill at home than Thais using a fan, gets occasionally overcharged wherever he goes, tips more than Thais tip, etc. the list goes on.

He/she hardly takes resources away from Thai people. Just my opinion though.

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There are lots of people who work online and choose Thailand as their base of operations. Now that immigration seems to be against people staying longer than a few months, is it even possible for a freelancer to live in Thailand now?

In Chiang Mai a couple of years ago they had an event at the hotel run by immigration where the commanding officer was asked about people who work online but their work has no connection to Thailand whatsoever, and his answer was it was fine to work online as long as you're not doing any sort of work that deals with Thailand.

So at this point what are the options for someone who has been living here for years already and has built a life here?

I'm going to go get another tourist visa in Cambodia and hopefully that will be alright for the short term. But after that what is there? ED visa?

Their intention is to stop people working illegally in Thailand in jobs such as tour guides and such where Thais could potentially have a job, but in this case it's individuals supporting themselves in a situation that only adds money to the Thai economy and does not take away any jobs at all.

Are they just going to start telling me 'no you can't come back' since I've been living here a long time already?

There are lots and lots of people just like me who aren't doing anything wrong and contribute to the Thai economy by living here. It doesn't sound like we're not welcome, but we're being painted with the same brush as others and it's going to affect a very large amount of people.

I don't see the problem. Start a company, pay tax and social security for you and 4 Thais and get a work permit and extension of stay based on employment. Then you contribute more than buying subsidized rice, eating subsidized food, fueling your car/motorbike with subsidized fuel and using subsidized electricity.

Yes I know that 80% of Thai people also don't pay much tax, but it is their country. Thailand expects foreigners to contribute at least 100,000 baht annually in order to be welcome. Be that via taxes or a PE elite visa they don't care.

so when i am in my house and i make a business plan for a project outside Thailand then I have to make a limited company first?

when i write a novel or a book, and somebody pays me money for it in Europe, then is not legal until i build a limited company?

and who has this elite card? I guess nobody? only spreading rumors here, this card not exist,!!!

there is nothing in Thai immigration law about this,

You realy think you pay 500000 Baht and you get Visa for 5 years and you not have to show any finacial background, but people who have thai relatives must show 400000 baht every year or income 40000 baht/month, this would violate all the Immigration laws and Constitution in Thailand

the elite card doesnt exist?? lol

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You're not really contributing in the way you think. The tourist industry is one thing but when you live there and are

on a different pay scale you take resources away from Thai people. If they allowed it, it wouldn't be just you doing this it

would be thousands of others like you. Me too. I left Thailand several years ago only because my Visa ran out.

With respect this is just your opinion. I'm sure you can come up with valid arguments, and I could construct an argument otherwise - many high end condominiums in Thailand are half empty. A digital nomad on an ed visa living there isn't taking away living space from Thais. Then say he/she lives on 30- 60k baht/month instead of a Thai amount, eats at Western restaurants instead of streetfood, takes expensive Muay Thai lessons (aimed at farang), buys VIP cinema tickets, uses taxis instead of riding a bike (Taxis struggle and openly complain when farang numbers decline, e.g. during the Bangkok riots), joins a Crossfit gym (aimed at westerners), takes weekend trips and stays in hotels that mostly cater to tourists, hires a jet-ski, runs up a way higher air con bill at home than Thais using a fan, gets occasionally overcharged wherever he goes, tips more than Thais tip, etc. the list goes on.

He/she hardly takes resources away from Thai people. Just my opinion though.

The problem is there are just 5 people doing it this way...the hordes of others are just getting by and taking up seats on SRT trains and intra-city busses, taking stools at food vendor carts, and pushing up the cost of one-room rentals all around Bangkok.

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The problem is there are just 5 people doing it this way...the hordes of others are just getting by and taking up seats on SRT trains and intra-city busses, taking stools at food vendor carts, and pushing up the cost of one-room rentals all around Bangkok.

If anyone on TV actually has stats for the expat population % and their income I'd be happy to hear it. TV's minor poll had >90% of us on 30k/mo or more. Double a Thai wage - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/734082-poll-what-is-your-spending-as-an-expat/

I don't know any farang that use intra-city buses other than maybe English teachers who obviously are here legally and contributing to society. Food stalls, lol they're everywhere. Thais live in 2000 baht apartments, don't know any farang in those either.

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Nothing on that web page gives me any confidence in the scheme.

I don't think Thailand Elite is any less reliable than the alternatives. When getting extensions based on retirement or marriage you have to satisfy the requirements each year and there is no guarantee that these won't change. They can easily increase retirement age or required funds or whatever.

With Elite you get 5 year visa with (quoted from their FAQ) automatic 1 year approval of stay on each entry.

Granted, their marketing is a huge failure and I wouldn't even know about this option if not for Thaivisa. At this point I think they should just rename it to something less pretentious and focus marketing efforts on the long stay visa. After the last year's relaunch they are definitely moving into the right direction (changing of entry stamp from 90 days to 1 year and introducing the 500k visa-only option)

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Does anyone read? It's been stated that Elite 500,000/5 yr visa is an as option for those under 50 that wants to stay long term. I can understand people not wanting to choose this option but it's a valid option.

But can you get a work permit on that VISA, my understanding is no, and if no, you would be working illegally, so what's the point.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They even help you getting a work permit. Read the long thread about this visa

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The problem is there are just 5 people doing it this way...the hordes of others are just getting by and taking up seats on SRT trains and intra-city busses, taking stools at food vendor carts, and pushing up the cost of one-room rentals all around Bangkok.

If anyone on TV actually has stats for the expat population % and their income I'd be happy to hear it. TV's minor poll had >90% of us on 30k/mo or more. Double a Thai wage - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/734082-poll-what-is-your-spending-as-an-expat/

I don't know any farang that use intra-city buses other than maybe English teachers who obviously are here legally and contributing to society. Food stalls, lol they're everywhere. Thais live in 2000 baht apartments, don't know any farang in those either.

A lot of English teachers work here illegaly.

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The problem is there are just 5 people doing it this way...the hordes of others are just getting by and taking up seats on SRT trains and intra-city busses, taking stools at food vendor carts, and pushing up the cost of one-room rentals all around Bangkok.

If anyone on TV actually has stats for the expat population % and their income I'd be happy to hear it. TV's minor poll had >90% of us on 30k/mo or more. Double a Thai wage - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/734082-poll-what-is-your-spending-as-an-expat/

I don't know any farang that use intra-city buses other than maybe English teachers who obviously are here legally and contributing to society. Food stalls, lol they're everywhere. Thais live in 2000 baht apartments, don't know any farang in those either.

I researched the number of Western Ex[ats living in Thailand late last year... Using various sources I pinned together an estimate of about 550,000 throughout Thailand. Please note my tally is a 'guesstimate' only and I do not claim that it is without error. If anyone has a better tally then I would like to see it... Quite frankly I am a bit surprised that there is not a more concrete method to come up with the answer... Maybe the Thai Immigration office has it - but not sure they would give it out.

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