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Wireless Internet In Korat Area

mango head

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I live in a rural area with no hardwire phone service and cel phone service is poor. Im looking for a place that sells wireless devices for notebooks that will enable me to connect to the internet. I have been to several stores in Bangkok and Korat with discouraging results. Does anybody sell air cards or cel phones that can be hooked up to computers? Any help will be greatly appreciated. [email protected]

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Guest The Judge

Michael, I know it sounds unreasonable, but if the reception on yuor mobile isn't great, perhaps you could develop that to "Internet won't be great either".

I got ###### to set me up with IpSTAR in rural area, and it is great.

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Unfortunately the Judge is correct,

There's only two wireless options, one is the aircard from Hutch but thet don't have coverage in Khorat yet. The other is GPRS on the regular GSM network, but to get it to work reasonably you have to have almost perfect reception...

This only leaves you the IPSTAR option... Not cheap but works well.

Check out :


and / or contact ###### on the forum or his website


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Guest The Judge

Cheap is as cheap is seen. Cost me 10K to get set up. IT was about half of that to make sure it went fine, and it did. My Thai language is appalling so it was good to not have to worry. He just turned up and did it.

Got 2 weeks free then they gave me an account etc.

For me was a very good deal.

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Did you already contacted ###### as advised?

He already gave me a price indication for my future installation.

Some members do have very positive experience.

Why go for the unknown if some of us do have the skills/possibilities/experience and willingness to do?

If IT offers you lower as you indicated then he is trying to ripp me off :o

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23000 Baht would be clos to normal ( I paid 20500 for the 1500 Baht/month package)

I'm sure at the moment they've got a promotion going on where part of the start up fee is waived, so take care somebody doesn't try to pocket it!!


Unfortunately only in Thai, so get somebody to translate, print out and bring to your loacl IPSTAR dealer!!!

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