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Underprivileged People Will Be Given Access To Non-formal Education

Jai Dee

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Underprivileged people will be given access to non-formal education

Authorities are drafting plans to widen education opportunities for underprivileged children and adults.

Mr. Sombat Suwannapithak (สมบัติ สุวรรณพิทักษ์), the Director of the Non-Formal Education Administration Office, said his agency is designing new education innovations for street urchins and the disabled after having been assigned to provide access to education for these groups of people.

Mr. Sombat said his agency will not work alone but will cooperate with communities and society in helping these underprivileged people live a better life.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 June 2006

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Hey, it's a governmental announcement, by an official who was told to do a job, even if he's not expected to really do it. So he notifies the people he's going to do his job, and nobody expects results.

But real Thai educators of formal education love to give out formal certificates that you went to school/seminar/course/symposium for one day, and then they waste time giving out the formal certificates in a formal ceremony.

Merely teaching an urchin to read and write Thai would be great, even if it's informal.

....do rural areas have urchins, or do they only have bumpkins in the pumpkins?

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Informal education? Is that like teaching them to count on their toes, rather informally?

Let's see... I think formal education probably is the kind of thing that costs money. Therefore the government isn't planning to spend any money on this project...


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There are already MOE sponsored Adult Education classes available in many areas in Thailand for people who did not finish their primary or seconday education. I know at least two people who finished their M6 diplomas by taking weekend classes for a few months or years (depending on when they had left school). Hopefully this program will be something similar or will actually be an expansion of the weekend classes.

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