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Video of Thai police slapping murder-rape suspect causes stir


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Video of Police Slapping Murder-Rape Suspect Causes Stir

By Khaosod English


Wanchai Saengkhao, the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) employee who police say confessed to raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl on a night train on 6 July. [July 8, 2014].

BANGKOK A video of a police officer smacking a rape and murder suspect during his interrogation has highlighted divisions in Thai society over how rape crimes should be punished.

In the four-second video, which first surfaced on social media on 9 July, a police officer can be seen assaulting Wanchai Saengkhao, the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) employee who police say confessed to raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl on a night train on 6 July.

Many commentators on social media have applauded the action depicted in the video, arguing that Mr. Wanchai deserves much more than a smack or two for his alleged crime.

"I am so tired of these beautiful-world and human rights people who defend this animal from hell," one commentator wrote. "If the person who was raped were your relative, will you really do nothing? Even though I am not her relative, I want to stamp this [snip] monster to death under my feet."

Outrage over the rape and death of the 13-year-old girl has recently ignited an online campaign for punishing convicted rapists with the death penalty. Under current Thai laws, those convicted of rape can face 5-20 years in prison.

However, the video has also raised concerns among some that Mr. Wanchais confession may have obtained under duress; Thai police have a history of coercing suspects to confess during interrogation.

"We have to respect laws," wrote another commentator. "Don't use our affection or disaffection to judge. A police officer hurting a suspect [like this] could be considered a criminal case as well."

Mr. Wanchai is currently being detained at Prachuap Kiri Khan Provincial Prison. Prison officials said Mr. Wanchai will be under special watch to prevent him from committing suicide or being assaulted by other inmates after a rape suspect was beaten to death in prison yesterday.

Police have charged Mr. Wanchai with murder, sexual assault, theft, and drug abuse.

Meanwhile, the case also took a supernatural turn, with mother of the victim reportedly claiming that she was visited in her dreams by her dead daughter.

According to a report on Matichon, the victim's mother said her daughter has informed her that Mr. Wanchai wasn't the only suspect, and that "there were many people" who killed her.

The victim also claimed to continue to haunt the train where she was murdered, her mother said.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1405062365


-- Khaosod English 2014-07-11

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Attention getter..

Looked like he had gone to sleep.

Wake up you still haven't finished answering the questions.

Wonder at what point in the questioning the slap was delivered ?

If it was after he had told them how he had raped the girl and chucked her out the window then it would be quite understandable for the cop to be disgusted enough to give him a whack, particularly if the cop had girls of his own.

Don't look like it did the rapist any harm.

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Nice to see how many people are out there and crying for democracy but raise their hand for lynch justice, I could probably get everyone to confess a murder with torture even if he or she hasn't committed the crime. Achievements in human rights are going down and society slowly falls back to cavemen style, what a wonderful future.

Calling for lynch justice is an occurrence in every country developed, undeveloped, etc... When a nation is horrified by a revolting crime. Not sure about who's shouting for democracy. And as for us all going back to some Mad Max Apocalyptic cave-man existence. Mate you need a beer. Cheer up yeh miserable old sod.

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Another reason why these idiotic re-enactments don't need to occur.

The guy is lower than scum. Do what you like to him, just don't do it in public. Get him to court, death sentence and off you go. Bear in mind, aside from the rape. He murdered someone. Murder in Thailand often carries the death penalty. For a country with such a huge sex and prostiutiton industry to be debating the death penalty for rape is a little odd. I think there are far greater social issues to be solved than executing rapists.

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Another reason why these idiotic re-enactments don't need to occur.

The guy is lower than scum. Do what you like to him, just don't do it in public. Get him to court, death sentence and off you go. Bear in mind, aside from the rape. He murdered someone. Murder in Thailand often carries the death penalty. For a country with such a huge sex and prostiutiton industry to be debating the death penalty for rape is a little odd. I think there are far greater social issues to be solved than executing rapists.

No social issues need discussing at all. He's a scumbag who admitted raping a 13-yr old girl. Deserves a bullet or a rope immediately. End of story.

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I see a big problem here,a police officer should never use violence if it is not justified.

If the officer was angry he should not have gone near the suspect,this video can do some damage in the court room.

The police are there to arrest and detain and even interrogate but it has to be strictly by the book.

The court will and should decide if some one is guilty or not.

All you tough guys will be the first to complain if you feel il treated.

Lets hope for Thailand this high profile case will be treated in a very professional manner.

People are watching.

No problems with this. We have a Thai court, so the verdict has already been arrived at. This guy is no Moo Hamm or "Little rich girl"

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Attention getter..

Looked like he had gone to sleep.

Wake up you still haven't finished answering the questions.

Wonder at what point in the questioning the slap was delivered ?

If it was after he had told them how he had raped the girl and chucked her out the window then it would be quite understandable for the cop to be disgusted enough to give him a whack, particularly if the cop had girls of his own.

Don't look like it did the rapist any harm.

I've seen worse by Thai teachers, in Thai classrooms.. this is nothing.

Edit: A video of them cropping off his tosser would well be worth distribution.

i understand the feelings of the police officer and the cyber lynch mob, but in many court systems in the western world such treatment and a video to prove it on the internet could lead to this guy walking.

Yep in Australia a good, well a $10 lawyer would have this guy out on bail now and the chance of conviction is totally blown. Confession under duress. Handcuffed behind his back and slapped/beaten.

What is wrong with the BIB and their want to have the media present at everything. Pack of morons.

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