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Applying for Guardianship visa

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I'm aware of what is required for a Guardianship visa for a parent.

1. One child attending a school in Thailand for each guardian

2. Parent/Guardian enter Thailand on Non Immigrant O Visa

3. 500,000 Baht deposited into a Thailand bank for at least a month

We have two children (non Thais, 5, 8 years old), my wife and I are non Thais (we all are Australian). One child is enrolled in a school in Chiang Mai the other we can enrol him.

The problem we have is how can you obtain a Non Immigrant O visa from a Thailand Consulate in our country for my wife and I (we are planning to get two guardianship visas one for my wife and one for me).

1. How can you show a bank account in Thailand with 500,000 baht in your name if you are not living in Thailand? You can only get a bank account after arriving and renting a house.

2. To get a Non Immigrant O visa you need a sponsoring letter from an organisation in Thailand. If the school writes a letter will that be sufficient?

Has anyone been successful in getting a Non Immigrant O visa using the school as the sponsoring organisation? What must be said in the letter? What about the bank account and money?

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You should be able to get the single entry non-o visas needed if you have proof of your child's enrollment in the school. You will also need to apply for a non-ed visa for each child.

The 500k baht is only needed when you apply for the extension at immigration..

Are you aware and understand that each parent will need to show the 500 baht in the bank to get the extensions.

Both children will need to be on extensions of stay for attending a school.

One parent will be getting an extension based upon one child's extension and the other for the other child's extension.

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Yes I know that we will need 500k for each parent/guardian deposited in a bank and in our case we also need 2 children attending the school. One child for one parent and another child for the other.

Question: Is the money in the bank account is still 500k I heard it has gone up?

So in regard to getting a school letter what should be stated in the letter?

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What must be stated in the letter from the school?

Obviously that our two children are enrolled to start with it in ......., Their passport no. etc.

The need for them to get a non immigration education visa, and the need for us their parents/guardians to get a non immigration O visa. What else?

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Once you have you have the required documents to get the children their visas all that will be needed for your non-o will be their birth certificates to prove your relationship to them.

ED visa requirement are here on the Sydney consulate website: http://www.thaiconsulatesydney.org/thai/visa#country/a/australia

You may find it easier to get the visas from one of the honorary consulate than Sydney or the embassy. Contact info for them here: http://canberra.thaiembassy.org/consulate.html

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  • 1 month later...

I've got a question.

After I get the documentation from the school. I apply for

1.a. Non-Immg Education visa for my boys?

b. What is the length of stay in Thailand for the visa (3 months or longer)?

2. a The visa my wife and I will apply for will be Non-Immg. What sub category?

(we hope to move across to Guardianship visa after arriving in Thailand)

b. What is the length of stay in Thailand for the visa (3 months or longer)?

3. What is the validity of the visa after receiving it in which you then must enter Thailand or the visa becomes void (12 months or what)?

a. for the Non Im Educ?


b. for my wife and I?

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A single entry visa gives a 90 day entry. It will be the same for the children's and yours.

Your non-o visa will be based upon being the parent of a child holding a non-ed visa.

After arriving the children will apply for one year extensions of stay (not visas) for attending school.

You and your wife will apply for extensions of stay based upon being the parent of a child attending school, The 500k baht for each of you must be in a Thai bank for 30 days when you apply.

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Please correct me if what I understand is wrong you are saying this:

for single entry non-im visa you have 90 days to enter Thailand otherwise it is made void. If you enter within that 90 days you have 90 days stay in Thailand to extend the boys visa to a year visa and the parents to Guardianship visa?

Or The visa starts upon getting it stamped in the book. You've got 90 days to get to Thailand and put the kids in the school and to get the Guardianship visa?

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  • 5 months later...

I don't know where to put a new post to ask these question anyway here are my questions

1. Is there a web page which tells the public when Chiang Mai Immigration office will be having a public holiday and their doors will be closed. For instance in March and April which working days it has been declared as a public holiday and their doors will be closed?

2. If a person had his children come in on a 3 months non immigrant type O visa and is going to move their children over to a study visa (they attend an International School here). What forms do they need to get from the Immigration office to fill out for this (assuming the person has all the reliant documentation from an International School in Chiang Mai, notorised documents (birth certificates etc))?

3. Similarly if parents had arrived in Thailand on a 3 month non immigrant type O visa and they are going to move across to Guardianship visa what forms do they need to fill out from the immigration office (that with their supporting documentation from the School, and bank, with notorised documents like marriage certificate and birth certificates of their children)?

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What notorised documents must be brought with the extension visa for 1.our children's student visas (changing from 3 month non Immigrant to Student visa) and 2. our guardianship visas (my wife and I). I've heard notorised photocopies of the children's birth certificates and parents marriage certificate (however a friend said he hasn't had anyone from the Immigration office ask for his notorised copy of his marriage certificate yet)?

The reason why I'm asking is I'm going to my embassy to get my copies notorised before going to the Immigration office.

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When applying for extensions for student visa and guardianship visa at Chiang Mai Immigration and they ask you "do you want single entry or multiply entry".

1. Does single entry mean since you are in Thailand you can leave once and re-enter after that if you plan to go again overseas you have to get another single entry visa for Student and or Guardianship?

2. If you have to get another single entry, do you have to get all the letters from the school, bank, etc and show them. Line up at Immigration office and spend a day there in order to get another single entry?

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They do not over single or multiple entry visas, they offer single or multiple re-entry permits, which keep your permission to stay alive if you want to leave the country.

1. Yes, that is the meaning. A multiple would mean that you have unlimted entries and exits during the 1 year your permission to stay is valid.

2. No, you would only need to show a ticket out of the country (if asked for) and a copy of your passport and departure card, together with a pass photo. Waiting time should be less for a re-entry permit and they are also available at some airports.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Three questions:

1. If my children's study visa and my guardianship visa finishes on 16th June (which coincides with the end of the school academic year), how early can a person apply for an extension for another year (assuming my children's school fees are paid for next academic year and we have all the necessary paper work available)? I have had a number of people tell me different time frames (eg: 30 days, 45 days or longer)?

2. If one of my children's passport expires in March 2016 will the Immigration process our application for renewal of their year study visa in May 2015 knowing that one child's passport needs renewal in March 2016?

3. When I got my children's study visa and our guardianship visa just a few weeks ago, a man who was on a retirement visa told me he got a new passport and he couldn't get his retirement visa transferred across to the new passport. He had to reapply for his retirement visa with all the paper work. Is this correct? If it is then we can't get our child's study visa transferred to their new passport when we get their new passport in March 2016, we will have to reapply for it?

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Three questions:

1. If my children's study visa and my guardianship visa finishes on 16th June (which coincides with the end of the school academic year), how early can a person apply for an extension for another year (assuming my children's school fees are paid for next academic year and we have all the necessary paper work available)? I have had a number of people tell me different time frames (eg: 30 days, 45 days or longer)?

2. If one of my children's passport expires in March 2016 will the Immigration process our application for renewal of their year study visa in May 2015 knowing that one child's passport needs renewal in March 2016?

3. When I got my children's study visa and our guardianship visa just a few weeks ago, a man who was on a retirement visa told me he got a new passport and he couldn't get his retirement visa transferred across to the new passport. He had to reapply for his retirement visa with all the paper work. Is this correct? If it is then we can't get our child's study visa transferred to their new passport when we get their new passport in March 2016, we will have to reapply for it?

1. It is 30 days at most offices.

2/3. You are getting extensions of stay at immigration not visas.

If a passport has less than one year of validity remaining the extension will only be issued to the date the passport expires. When a new passport is obtained immigration will transfer the shortened extension stamp to the new passport. Then before the shortened extension ends a new extension must be applied for by showing all the required documents for a new extension.

If you are basing your extension on this child's extension yours will also will be only issued to the date their extension ends.

If possible it would be best to get a new passport for your child prior to applying for a new extension.

Edit: Info on renewing a Australian passport here: http://www.thailand.embassy.gov.au/bkok/Consular_P2.html

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  • 2 months later...

My family and I have a one year non immigrant visas. The boys are on Study Visas and my wife and I are on Guardianship visas. We are going overseas in the beginning of June for 25 days and I know we need to get re-entry permit before we leave. My questions are these:

1. Can you get your re-entry permit at Chiang Mai Airport before you leave (I would like to avoid the immigration office since lost of people go there) ?

2. How long do you have to plan for processing it (1 hour)?

3. Can you get the permits a day before you your schedule flight?

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CM-airport has reportedly a re-entry permit desk. (Don't know about opening times, but guess you can always ask an immigration officer if you need one).

Processing time is normally about 20 minutes (in BKK). Prepare copy passport and pass photo.

You can only get the re-entry permit at the airport after you have a boarding pass for the plane.

Waiting times at CM-immigration are not for re-entry permits. I suspect you can have those in a fashionable time.

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CM-airport has reportedly a re-entry permit desk. (Don't know about opening times, but guess you can always ask an immigration officer if you need one).

Processing time is normally about 20 minutes (in BKK). Prepare copy passport and pass photo.

You can only get the re-entry permit at the airport after you have a boarding pass for the plane.

Waiting times at CM-immigration are not for re-entry permits. I suspect you can have those in a fashionable time.

The wait is not from the actual stamp into the passport but the wait after for return of the passport it can take up to 45 min. to have your passport returned.

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