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August 12 is the time limit for visa runs!

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According today's paper , The Nation, there will be a new crackdown on visa runs from August 12, with passports being marked I-O next to their stamp meaning they won't be able to do it again. I'm sure it will affect a lot of expats here in Chiang Mai. Some of them won't be missed but plenty will.

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after aug 12 many things are going to change,don,t know what will happen.but I know many will disappear from these shores.everyone knows someone who stays here with tourist visas or a overstay person.i will wait until that date and watch the sites

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The most probable outcome will be an increase in the number of foreigners living here illegally.

Farangs who live on short-term visas are just one rung above above illegal aliens as it is.

They won't have far to fall.

I think you are right. When only 20,000 baht, max ,is the fine for overstay,if you happen to get caught, numbers will obviously rise.

Hard to sympathise with anyone who finds themselves in this situation.

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The most probable outcome will be an increase in the number of foreigners living here illegally.

Farangs who live on short-term visas are just one rung above above illegal aliens as it is.

They won't have far to fall.

I think you are right. When only 20,000 baht, max ,is the fine for overstay,if you happen to get caught, numbers will obviously rise.

Hard to sympathise with anyone who finds themselves in this situation.

It has already been released that all overstayers will be blacklisted for long times.

If caught, upto 10 years blacklist.

If you hand yourself in, 1 year-10 years depending on the length of time.

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The most probable outcome will be an increase in the number of foreigners living here illegally.

Farangs who live on short-term visas are just one rung above above illegal aliens as it is.

They won't have far to fall.

I think you are right. When only 20,000 baht, max ,is the fine for overstay,if you happen to get caught, numbers will obviously rise.

Hard to sympathise with anyone who finds themselves in this situation.

It has already been released that all overstayers will be blacklisted for long times.

If caught, upto 10 years blacklist.

If you hand yourself in, 1 year-10 years depending on the length of time.

Also for the very long term overstayers (and indeed short term one with attitude) before the fine and the blacklist there is that jail/gaol/detention thingy that they have here that is apparently not that nice. 20 000 Baht does not get you out of this very real possibility if they are (as seems) hardenning up.

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Well at least this will finally resolve the issue of all the workers from Myanmar working here without a work permit! And that is, after all, their primary stated goal: working without a visa! I've never seen any Myanmarians . . .Myanmarites . . . .Myanmese . . . . . whatever: Burmese, on the visa run bus, but they must have a special bus.

I have the utmost faith that the authorities would never devise an enforcement scheme that specifically targeted western foreigners. And I will be shocked, shocked if anyone disagrees with me!

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With workpermits so difficult to get for teachers (degree requirement) there must be some sweating TEFLers out there. They are wanted by their school, wanted by the students, wanted by the student's parents, and needed for the future of the country.

This aspect of it should be altered in someway. Removing the degree requirement for TEFL teachers to be legally employed would be a great move for the country, and the added tax from their income would be an extra few baht in the coffers.

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I doubt it's a "cleaning up of the farang ghetto" or whatever you want to call it, most of the dirty old men loser farangs are likely here on legit retirement visas, the "digital nomad" types probably positively contribute more to both the economy and image of westerners than the ones on old man visas, but that's just what I see.

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The TEFL situation does seem to pose a problem, doesn't it? Thai schools do need qualified (whatever that means) native English speakers to teach English and schools can be very reticient to go through the work permit process (which is somewhat onerous). Sometimes that has to do with concerns about the professional evaluation of new teachers. Sometimes they are just cynical about so-called teachers (There are TEFL "mills" here in Chiang Mai) only really interested, for personal reasons, in extending their stay in Thailand using the TEFL qualification as an easily-obtained professional qualification.

The problem of intention and of quality would be helped by demanding master's level certificate, wouldn't it?

Edited by Mapguy
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is nt it great news, the drop kicks are going to be punted

these bludgers ,are the very reason we bona fide expats have so much red tape at the sewer dept etc etc

before coming bleating about this and that, work permits and ret visas etc etc etc can be obtained if you have the correct status in place

the word on the street is

that the farung hustlers etching out a living ,illegally, are next in their sights

do hope they pull both triggers on these parasites, who again fluffed up the legit expats big time

in fact it can.t quick enuff, and beleive me its on the way, the farung hustlers are on borrowed time, three cheers for that

Edited by evenstevens
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Evenstevens just reading your post the people working here with wrong visa are parasites? If they were getting something for free and giving back nothing in return they could be described as parasites. If you are working you are not a parasite. Your post doesn't make sense.

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For some, it's a cleaning out of the Augean Stables... for others, it's another step toward the gentrification of the farang community here.

I can see both sides of the argument, but I tend to favor letting things stay as they are. Chiang Mai has always been a haven for rogues, but we've avoided getting the worst of the worst like Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket.

Let the authorities zero-in on the real, dangerous criminals and leave the marginal types alone as long as they're not causing serious trouble.

marginal criminals? A new definition.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Evenstevens just reading your post the people working here with wrong visa are parasites? If they were getting something for free and giving back nothing in return they could be described as parasites. If you are working you are not a parasite. Your post doesn't make sense.

thks cnxbkkman appreciate your reply

i said working illegally, they are the parasites

have a nice night

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The TEFLers can go back to their parent(s) basement. The racket is in the courses, and getting the unemployed to pay to work is as old as Moses. Honestly, out of 100 that come to CNX to take a course; how many are lawfully employed in the field a year later? Take away the stream of Bozos, and the Thais will finally be forced to legitimize the whole thing; ie, a rational way to be legal.

Sure, the likes of Spicy, John's, and Cherry Bar may have to lower their prices or offer promotions, and some nasty, slum guest houses may be forced out, but I won't be losing any sleep over that. If those under 50 are as wealthy as they claim; they can start a business or get the Elite Card.

If I were 10 years younger; I would go to Cambodia.....simply more welcome there, and you can bet on future crackdowns there, too.

Edited by Thighlander
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Evenstevens just reading your post the people working here with wrong visa are parasites? If they were getting something for free and giving back nothing in return they could be described as parasites. If you are working you are not a parasite. Your post doesn't make sense.

People like him rarely make sense.
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The most probable outcome will be an increase in the number of foreigners living here illegally.

Farangs who live on short-term visas are just one rung above above illegal aliens as it is.

They won't have far to fall.

I think you are right. When only 20,000 baht, max ,is the fine for overstay,if you happen to get caught, numbers will obviously rise.

Hard to sympathise with anyone who finds themselves in this situation.

It has already been released that all overstayers will be blacklisted for long times.

If caught, upto 10 years blacklist.

If you hand yourself in, 1 year-10 years depending on the length of time.

They say it will be Aug. 12 when they officially start enforcing it. All though there are many places doing it now. So what if some one with say a two year over stay was to turn them selves in now pay the fine and leave the country?

Would they be blacklisted?

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For some, it's a cleaning out of the Augean Stables... for others, it's another step toward the gentrification of the farang community here.

I can see both sides of the argument, but I tend to favor letting things stay as they are. Chiang Mai has always been a haven for rogues, but we've avoided getting the worst of the worst like Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket.

Let the authorities zero-in on the real, dangerous criminals and leave the marginal types alone as long as they're not causing serious trouble.

Sounds like you are sending them an invitation to move to Chiang Mai.sad.png

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Well at least this will finally resolve the issue of all the workers from Myanmar working here without a work permit! And that is, after all, their primary stated goal: working without a visa! I've never seen any Myanmarians . . .Myanmarites . . . .Myanmese . . . . . whatever: Burmese, on the visa run bus, but they must have a special bus.

I have the utmost faith that the authorities would never devise an enforcement scheme that specifically targeted western foreigners. And I will be shocked, shocked if anyone disagrees with me!

The Burmese working here do not and probably never did have a tourist visa.

The Government is taking steps to get them a way to get a work permit real easy. That is just to hurry the process of getting them here legally.

They will still have to go through the registration properly but this will ease the burden on immigration. Don't know if you where here in Chiang Mai when they all had to go through the proper registration. They over flowed out to the street on both sides because the process took so long.

It would help speed matters if they had some people speaking the language of the people to help them get the forms filled in rite. It would surely speed the process up.wai.gif

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For some, it's a cleaning out of the Augean Stables... for others, it's another step toward the gentrification of the farang community here.

I can see both sides of the argument, but I tend to favor letting things stay as they are. Chiang Mai has always been a haven for rogues, but we've avoided getting the worst of the worst like Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket.

Let the authorities zero-in on the real, dangerous criminals and leave the marginal types alone as long as they're not causing serious trouble.

Sounds like you are sending them an invitation to move to Chiang Mai.sad.png

Those types don't wait for an invitation... they come uninvited.

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The TEFL situation does seem to pose a problem, doesn't it? Thai schools do need qualified (whatever that means) native English speakers to teach English and schools can be very reticient to go through the work permit process (which is somewhat onerous). Sometimes that has to do with concerns about the professional evaluation of new teachers. Sometimes they are just cynical about so-called teachers (There are TEFL "mills" here in Chiang Mai) only really interested, for personal reasons, in extending their stay in Thailand using the TEFL qualification as an easily-obtained professional qualification.

The problem of intention and of quality would be helped by demanding master's level certificate, wouldn't it?

Demanding a PhD with 10 years teaching experience would dramatically raise the quality of the applicant - if anyone were to apply.

Teachers with advanced level certs can do much better in other countries.

Certainly teachers should have more qualifications than just being born in an English speaking country, but who can you get for Thai salaries?

How about giving a TEFL grad an actual audition to determine qualification - nah, too much work. A gold embossed degree is better.

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Why teachers or tefl workers worried? Surely they have permits and visas to work?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Can they get a work-permit and visa extension if they only work part-time or free lance, or don't have a degree?

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For some, it's a cleaning out of the Augean Stables... for others, it's another step toward the gentrification of the farang community here.

I can see both sides of the argument, but I tend to favor letting things stay as they are. Chiang Mai has always been a haven for rogues, but we've avoided getting the worst of the worst like Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket.

Let the authorities zero-in on the real, dangerous criminals and leave the marginal types alone as long as they're not causing serious trouble.

marginal criminals? A new definition.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Marginal criminals" may be a new definition, but it's not mine. I never said it.

What I said was "marginal types" and what I meant was the kind of raffish characters that I knew as an art student living in Greenwich Village in the 1960s, and similiar types after settling in Chiang Mai ten years later.

It's true that people like that can't be fully trusted or relied upon, but for my money they're preferable to the judgemental, self-righteous prigs that seem to be everywhere nowadays.

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Evenstevens just reading your post the people working here with wrong visa are parasites? If they were getting something for free and giving back nothing in return they could be described as parasites. If you are working you are not a parasite. Your post doesn't make sense.

Still doesn't make it legal. May not be parasite but quite possibly be criminal.

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