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Why is there a question about race on the visa form? I picked up forms in UK where the question wasn't asked but I didn't have enough days to wait. Now I've got the Nairobi forms and the question is asked - does it contradict one or other human rights convention?


Some countries still require such information on official forms.

Malaysia is one of those.

It sounds as though Kenya is also in that group.

I usually answer Human to such stupid questions. :D

Mind you Thailand consders me to be an Alien..........

the green skin colour must have washed off. :o

You just have learn to live with these things.

Here in the Middle East, they assume my second name is my father's name, as that is the convention here. It does not apply in the UK where I come from. They also want to know my mother and father's name on every official form.


Stupid questions require stupid answers. Think of the funniest one you can and laugh at others stupidity a little. You'd be pissing into the wind if you though the UNHCR is going to give the slightest toss about something like this....unfortunate but true.


homo sapiens incognitus


homo terrestris

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The thing is, ask yourself "do I really want this visa?". If the answer is "yes" I suggest you answer it correctly. Bureaucrats usually have no sense of humor.


If you have one drop of Hebrew blood, write "Jewish" unless that's very unpopular where you're going. If you have one drop of Mexican blood, write "Mestizo." Race means whatever you wish to call it, even without an ending such as "-oid." If you have one drop of Asian blood, write "Mongoloid."

Scot. Scouse. Hillbilly. Texan. My son-in-law, whose Mexican origins are certain but imprecise, used to say "I'm Aztec."

Some Middle Eastern countries insist you provide details of your religion too. No answer, no entry.
To this question, the answer is easy: unless you’re a Muslim, write “infidel”.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Might be an African thing.

When I was in Zambia (said the old bore leaning on the bar) I had to go to

the town hall to apply for my resident's card.

The guy had a four page form to fill in and top of page one was 'country of origin'.

I said "Ireland" and he said "That's part of the UK isn't it ?"

"Er , not any more" said I.

"But it's part of the Commonwealth , isn't it ?" said he.

"Er , not any more" said I.

He marked something and moved on.

Top of page four was "race" , with a choice of African , European , Asian and other.

He looked at me a few seconds and marked other.


Why is there a question about race on the visa form? I picked up forms in UK where the question wasn't asked but I didn't have enough days to wait. Now I've got the Nairobi forms and the question is asked - does it contradict one or other human rights convention?

I would not dwell on it too much, as doubtless you are keen to ration your time so as to give equal attention to all your other hang ups... :o

Some Middle Eastern countries insist you provide details of your religion too. No answer, no entry.
To this question, the answer is easy: unless you’re a Muslim, write “infidel”.



That will probably mean you do not get the visa. :D

Whatever happens do not write Jewish!! :D (Can't imagine why.) :o

I remember having to show my baptism certificate to go to Saudi Arabia.

Otherwise an embassy letter will suffice.


Why is there a question about race on the visa form? I picked up forms in UK where the question wasn't asked but I didn't have enough days to wait. Now I've got the Nairobi forms and the question is asked - does it contradict one or other human rights convention?

I would not dwell on it too much, as doubtless you are keen to ration your time so as to give equal attention to all your other hang ups... :o

I couldn't have put it better. thanks.

Some Middle Eastern countries insist you provide details of your religion too. No answer, no entry.
To this question, the answer is easy: unless you’re a Muslim, write “infidel”.



That will probably mean you do not get the visa. :D

Whatever happens do not write Jewish!! :D (Can't imagine why.) :o

I remember having to show my baptism certificate to go to Saudi Arabia.

Otherwise an embassy letter will suffice.

First time I went to saudi in around 1975 the company asked us to cut off the labels in the back of our shirts in case we had bought them in M & S (Jewish company)and the raggi customs guys over there wanted to check......

Couple of nurses with us were also ordered to do the same thing with their knickers...never did find out if.... :D anyway we all got in.......


Thanks for the helpful replies, "human", "rat" and "Nascar" are stored for future use. Actually, they accepted a blank, and a polite note. They gave excellent service. By the way, I didn't try answering "Yes please" to the question "Sex?" ...

demographics - only purpose really. :D

Racial discrimination, affirmative action, call it what you will,

is still VERY real in some countries. :o

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In the States I very comfortably write "Black". I'm actualy mixed, Mom white, Dad Black. But in America if your darker than a brown paper bag your Black anyway so it's never been a question. Though I found it strange when I came to Thailand that they said I wasn't "Black" I guess you gotta be like Snipes or something to be considered Black here. I have not filled out one of these forms yet but when I do I will happily put MUTT! hehe

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