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Water mismanagement case against Yingluck dismissed

Lite Beer

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Water mismanagement case against Yingluck dismissed

BANGKOK: -- A Central Administrative Court on Wednesday dismissed a case against former premier Yingluck Shinawatra for mismanagement of floodwaters, which led to severe flooding in Nakhon Pathom and nearby provinces in 2011.

Suthirak Thongwanich and 10 others plaintiffs filed the complaint against Yingluck and other members of the then flood management committee and sought compensation of Bt3.7 million

The Court ruled that Yingluck and her government had done its best to handle the flooding and prevent the water entering inner Bangkok.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Water-mismanagement-case-against-Yingluck-dismisse-30238627.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-16

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My congratulations to Yingluck, may blessings be upon her, on this day of the dismissal of the case against her regarding water mis/management by her PTP government.

As I posted on another thread, perhaps we can now anticipate a further acquittal of Yingluck, regarding her role in the rice pledging scheme,its collapse and subsequent scandal. After all, we all know she's not culpable.

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Propellerman doing his best is still "mishandling".

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you mean what I think by "Propellerman" - I believe you should read the 4th paragraph of this link - that describes the origin of this technique.


Did you actually read the paragraph??

The original suggestion was related to a much shallower canal. The river is much bigger and flowing much faster than the canal. There were also high tides at the time (therefore nowhere to push the water).

Bottom line: it was a stupid idea to use it in the Chao Phraya river during the floods when there were high tides.

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Propellerman doing his best is still "mishandling".

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you mean what I think by "Propellerman" - I believe you should read the 4th paragraph of this link - that describes the origin of this technique.


Did you actually read the paragraph??

The original suggestion was related to a much shallower canal. The river is much bigger and flowing much faster than the canal. There were also high tides at the time (therefore nowhere to push the water).

Bottom line: it was a stupid idea to use it in the Chao Phraya river during the floods when there were high tides.

During a period when one person was almost charged with article 112 for standing outside the US embassy holding a sign saying "long live the USA" - you feel it's appropriate to make comments like that?

Well - good for you - you just keep on truckin then.


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Did you actually read the paragraph??

The original suggestion was related to a much shallower canal. The river is much bigger and flowing much faster than the canal. There were also high tides at the time (therefore nowhere to push the water).

Bottom line: it was a stupid idea to use it in the Chao Phraya river during the floods when there were high tides.

During a period when one person was almost charged with article 112 for standing outside the US embassy holding a sign saying "long live the USA" - you feel it's appropriate to make comments like that?

Well - good for you - you just keep on truckin then.


Where did I say anything that could be considered LM? The original suggestion was for a shallow canal where the water actually had somewhere to go. Applying that idea to a completely different scenario doesn't / didn't work, and has nothing to do with the original idea.

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Propellerman doing his best is still "mishandling".

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you mean what I think by "Propellerman" - I believe you should read the 4th paragraph of this link - that describes the origin of this technique.


Did you actually read the paragraph??

The original suggestion was related to a much shallower canal. The river is much bigger and flowing much faster than the canal. There were also high tides at the time (therefore nowhere to push the water).

Bottom line: it was a stupid idea to use it in the Chao Phraya river during the floods when there were high tides.

Of course it was stupid.....gravity flows it's course......<deleted>' boats aint gonna improve the flow.......<deleted>!!..Simple science!

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The Court ruled that Yingluck and her government had done its best to handle the flooding and prevent the water entering inner Bangkok.

I guess this decision means that we can disregard Jatuporn's accusation that the floods in 2010 were all the Democrats fault.

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The Court ruled that Yingluck and her government had done its best to handle the flooding and prevent the water entering inner Bangkok.

I guess this decision means that we can disregard Jatuporn's accusation that the floods in 2010 were all the Democrats fault.

Yes you can disregard his statement regarding the 2010 floods as the flood was in 2011. And yes they didnt empty the dams enough to take in the water that fell in their catchment area and yes YS came to office in middle of August when the flood was already building up in the central plains for 2 months and yes the officials showed their incompetence by giving the wrong advice and conflicting advice and yes she did make a mess of the communication side of the flood then it hit BKK. But like most things here you cant only blame 1 side.

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The Court ruled that Yingluck and her government had done its best to handle the flooding and prevent the water entering inner Bangkok.

Nice to know she was concerned only about BKK, and sod off to the rest of the country.

I guess the court admin all live in BKK, judging by the result of the case, and in much bigger houses after today.

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If she is not found guilty, who is ?

Her minister at the time---didn't he admit that he made the mistake by not letting water out of the then full dams prior to the storms/rain. I am near sure he admitted the error of judgment.

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Eventually all cases will be dropped.

Darn waste of the courts time and the public's money.

I wonder if this was politically motivated,??? all the other charges the reds were chanting this, as a reason.giggle.gif

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She isn't going to find the rice scam case so easy to wriggle out of.

There is plenty of evidence to prove she and her government did their best to lose the country up to 600 Bn baht and wreck the future of Thailand's biggest industry that anything from 10 to 15 million rely on for their living.

She never went to any meeting even though she awarded herself the chairperson's role and collected the salary and benefits while the whole scam fell apart.

She is also solely responsible for the 1 million farmers not being paid and the farmers who killed themselves as a direct result of her bungling incompetence is going to leave blood on her hands.

I think she is being saved for this case, because it is going to hit her with much bigger punishment than the flood disaster.

Can't wait to read the results and her and her flunkies handed down huge punishments and hopefully their entire assets seized.

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Eventually all cases will be dropped.

Darn waste of the courts time and the public's money.

On what basis do you base that? That she is whiter than white; or that the cover ups will be to clever; or that an elite never gets prosecuted and convicted regardless of which side they're on (well, apart from her brother of course).

In all fairness they were shrouding her in cotton wool to keep her as "clean" as possible. But only needs one error.

She has certainly lied and been negligent in her duties and complacent in illegal acts such as the new passport for her brother; and will find it hard to deny or wriggle out of if there is a decision to pursue her.

Edited by Baerboxer
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The Court ruled that Yingluck and her government had done its best to handle the flooding and prevent the water entering inner Bangkok.

Nice to know she was concerned only about BKK, and sod off to the rest of the country.

I guess the court admin all live in BKK, judging by the result of the case, and in much bigger houses after today.

I did notice that as well. The verdict seems to suggest that the plaintiffs are from inner Bangkok and MS. Yinglucks administration was successful in protecting inner Bangkok.

If the plaintiffs are from outside Bangkok this reasoning doesn't seem to make much sense though blink.png

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May I be the first to congratulate yingluck on this ruling. Well done.

I will not throw sh#t at the courts, burn effigies of the judges or burn coffins out the front of the court house. I will not intimidate the judges or give their addresses out. I am not a fanatical monkey. I am educated and understand that in a democracy the rule of law must be respected. I don't agree with the ruling and in fact strenuously disagree with it, but democracy must prevail. Respect must be given to the courts and judges. Maybe they had more evidence that we got from the Thai media. Maybe they mulled through the 100's of pages of statements and facts that we are not privy too. Maybe just maybe they made the decision based on these facts and not an agenda.

I for one cannot help but think the courts are non partisan after all the ruling that have gone in favor of the red shirts and the PTP of late and in fact in the past as well, but that is just silly to suggest that so I won't as not to embarrass myself. It is scape goating and an easy out for defenders of criminals to use as a last ditch effort to defend the criminal elements in society.

One must remember not to applaud the courts when decisions go for you and denounce them when they go against you. Again I do not agree with the decision, but I applaud the courts for making it based on all the facts and evidence presented. I am glad that I was wrong in this case and that she is not guilty.

I am sure we are all pleased for you.

A good attitude to adopt heay! Respect for the law and the courts. Who would have thought democracy could be so easy to respect.

May peace and reconciliation be with you my dear friend.

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