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The Horse Walk, Clomp, Clomp,clomp.

The Skipper

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

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The best thing is that you know they are 100 percent ladies. :D Ladyboys slink along and are very graceful. :o

No, I have not been drinking but I swear a horse just went down my hallway.



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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Never seen a lady before?? :o

Its probaly has something to do with high heals or stiletoes (spelling).

They have been around along time, are you sure your not being drinking too much piss??

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Better than UK where 7 out of 10 LOOK like a horse.

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Better than UK where 7 out of 10 LOOK like a horse.

:o classic

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

maybe it was necessary in the former job to step hard (rice-field?)

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Better than UK where 7 out of 10 LOOK like a horse.

You got a good point, though, I don't see many Tom Cruise look-alikes walking around with British accents either. :o

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Sounds like you have found your equivalent of the whistles. Now you have noticed it you will hear them everywhere. My mate could pick out a whistle next to a Jumbo taking off, he has become so sensitive to it.

What I don't get is how they can clomp like that when they all seem to weigh about 35 kilos soaking wet? I'm 3 times that and move with the stealth of a sleek panther..... being rolled down and alley in a metal bin.

Edited by tourleadersi
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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Better than UK where 7 out of 10 LOOK like a horse.

Ever the optimist... at least an 8 where I come from. :o

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Better than UK where 7 out of 10 LOOK like a horse.

Ever the optimist... at least an 8 where I come from. :D


Margaret Beckett MP ..now theres a fine looking filly!!! :o


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Great observation and you are so right...

As said above I am sure that its all to do with the rice paddies..and mostly the lassies from Isarn.

Having planted a few eves of the stuff over the years the thing you gotta be carefull about when inching up and down the fields is you have to keep a lookout for snakes and things so it much safer to stand on them (the snakes that is)hence the loud footfalls....maybe you got a paddie field upstairs?

Also they all seem to wear wellingtons boots (UK Ko Jai)which fill up with water but at least they keep their feet from smelling and plus it gives more weight to stand on the aforementioned snakes heads..etc.....took thousands of years to perfect this......so..Bang Bang -Clop Clop...

Another couple of footie things you might have noticed is that when they "dance" in the Go Gos......their feet dont actually lift up and they appear to be stubbing out fags under their boots.....(UK fags=cigarette butts)..but it not snakes this time.......scorpions... :D ...again...takes years ......

The last but not least of course is the famous Thai "shuffle".

There has been lots of opinions on this one from the expectation of actually arriving at an ATM machine to making noises before entering a house (ha-low...Im coming )

I prefer the version that when they were all young they could not afford a pair of shoes so they would shuffle along the concrete pavements in the majour cities (just in from Boondocks) trying to hardened up the soles of their "plates"to keep costs down.

Suggested this theory to wife..............but.... :o ....ouch.....

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Now how else are they supposed to keep their borrowed oversized shoes on? :o Didn’t you know they need to push them back onto their feet each time the shoe touches the floor. :D

I can generally tell who's coming to visit just by listening to the sound of the walk. Thais scuff their sandals along the ground. The majority of farangs don’t. :D

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i agree with the skipper....there is a new walking 'fashion' among mainly young girls (and a few ladyboys too i might add) and they DO walk like little ponies. i refer to it as the pony walk, and after explaining this to a few friends, they too now see it everywhere.

its when they walk along and lift their knees up, followed by a kick of their front leg so that it is strait before putting it down again. i guess you have to see it to get it, but it is a real phenomenon going on at the moment.

glad someone else sees it and not just me.....

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Did you ever notice that about 1 in 10 Thai ladies walk like a Horse?

Clomp, Clomp, Clomp, down the hallway or stairs.

I guess the shoes heal is made of some hardwood?

Ther mamasan from the Red Lips bar used to live a few floors above me.

Man, she sounded like a construction project when she went by.

Where did they learn how to walk like this? I thought they were supposed to be gracefull?

I hear it now everywhere, Clomp, Clomp, Clomp.

Better than UK where 7 out of 10 LOOK like a horse.


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