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How long need time that paypal activation code areived in Bangkok bank account?

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One question
I allready use paypal on my scb and kasikorn remove limits receiving the 4 digits by online SMS notification service and on scb online
But removing sending and receiving limits in my wife's Bangkok bank accounts make problems
Last year paypal sends some satang to the bank during that time online banking and SMS service was not activated
Cannot look far in the payment history online
Pp no option send the limit removal payment again
I remove the account add again the
Same and send remove limit request again no SMS got payment areived after 4 days also in online banking nothing any ideas?
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The one time I did it about 5 years ago the PayPal trial deposits appeared on/posted to my Bangkok Bank savings account after approx 3 business days.  I didn't have SMS Remittance notification at the time....just say it appear when using my Bangkok Bank ibanking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To answer your question correctly, please tell us more that you have added a credit card or a bank account(BBL) to your wife's paypal account and if you add BBL NY as an US Bank or BBL as a Thai bank to paypal.

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