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I have always reported positive remarks and given credit to this office.

It therefore goes that i should also let people know when things are not so good.

I went to renew my residents visa which has always been granted due to my producing the usual documents along with all other information i have that could be needed, including photo copies.

Due to a change of officers and Nina leaving the place is in chaos i am sad to say.

The attitude of the replacements is anything but friendly.

I always get there early to avoid the later congestion but unfortunately the office didn,t open until 09.10 and the officers lady assistant didn,t turn up until 09.30.

My paper work was all in order to allow easy access as and when it was asked for.

It was obvious he wasn,t in a good mood and after looking at my passport asked in an aggresive manner " what do you want " ( in Thai ), to my wife who translated.

I said in a friendly manner, i,ve come to renew my yearly visa please.

Again he went off like a headless chicken saying " you no have application " " you no have other documents, come back when you have them ".

I again said in a friendly manner " there all here in the folder pointing to the desk ".

My application for extension was o.k. but unfortunately the officer wanted an additional one along with photocopies of all previous visa,s in addition to the usual.

No problem for me and i went to do the photo copies ect. while my wife was asked to continue with the proceedure.

When i returned she looked really sad and bewildered and my documents looked like they had been shuffled like a pack of cards and then dropped all over the desk.

Apparently the officer kept asking for certain info and then sorting through them scattering and mixing everything up, not showing the ability to find them.

She then said he wanted certain info and i sorted through the stuff finding it bit by bit.

He then demanded 800,000 baht be put into my acc. and go away ( again ) and come back when it,s deposited.

I know my circumstances only require 400,000 and i always keep well above this amount in my acc. all year round.

I will not bring more than is needed into Thailand due to obvious reasons and keep it all secure back home.

I politely said that because of my status, it,s always been 400,000 and could he please check it for me.

To his credit he made a phone call and it was confirmed, he then seemed to calm down and at last began functioning in a respectful and officious way.

He said now no problem and completed my application.

Unfortunately he said, now no have resident visa and i send info to Bangkok for approval.

I,ve had the res. visa 3 years by the way with no problem.

To top it all he told me i must wait for the No.1 to come and sign the stamp for one month while it is in review and to wait outside.

The officer turned up at 11 o,clock to start his day so we had plenty of time to exchange our thoughts,

The group consisted of several nationalities, all of whom had displayed restraint and politeness as they all in turn went through a similar proceedure to mine.

We all managed to have a laugh about it all while feeling totally confused and despondent about what was happening, i,m certain.

It also came out that the officer doing the signing turned up late or later every time.

We gleaned this from some who only wanted a further month while awaiting confirmation on a previous extension and also confirming the above was now the normal proceedure when they had also

re applied.

Please understand i am not a Thai basher nor a repeated whinger on official matters or proceedures, as this is always expected, anytime.

The purpose of this post is to demonstrate what you may expect there at the present time.

Also to offer the advice that you should go to Nong Khai for more co-operation and a friendlier proceedure.

Remember always smile and never loose your temper as this makes it worse for yourself and the next applicant.

To the credit of all our lot, no one did.

At the same time i would hope eventually the atmosphere in Udon returns to it,s previous service it became known for, which was first class and a pleasure to experience by most visitors.

I shall monitor the situation and will definitely go to Nong Khai next year if it doesn,t improve.

Although this has left me a little drained i am still smiling in spite of it happening and getting back to the happier side of life, after all tht,s what we are all here for.

marshbags :o:D:D


You seem to be applying for a "support Thai wife" extension of stay which only requires 400k in your bank account but does require approval from Bangkok which is normally one or two 30 day stamps. If you have 800k in your bank account believe they are allowed to issue this extension without Bangkok review so perhaps you met that requirement in the past?


I always go to Nong Khai even though the AEK staff are from that office, had no problems with my last "O" visa extension and it does take 2 months for approval from Bangkok although I believe ours are being processed in Korat now.

I'll bet you were interviewed by the ###### that usually sits at the far right in the Nong Khai office. I had to report him to the supervisor about 9 months ago for not giving me a drivers licence letter, the supervisor did it for me.


He then demanded 800,000 baht be put into my acc. and go away ( again ) and come back when it,s deposited.

I know my circumstances only require 400,000 and i always keep well above this amount in my acc. all year round.

I will not bring more than is needed into Thailand due to obvious reasons and keep it all secure back home.

I politely said that because of my status, it,s always been 400,000 and could he please check it for me.

To his credit he made a phone call and it was confirmed, he then seemed to calm down and at last began functioning in a respectful and officious way.

He said now no problem and completed my application.

Unfortunately he said, now no have resident visa and i send info to Bangkok for approval.


You seem to be applying for a "support Thai wife" extension of stay which only requires 400k in your bank account but does require approval from Bangkok which is normally one or two 30 day stamps. If you have 800k in your bank account believe they are allowed to issue this extension without Bangkok review so perhaps you met that requirement in the past?

Surprises me a little.

I wait already more than 3 months for the grant of Bangkok. Okay, it's the first time for approval a one year extension (support Thai wife) for me.

An officer said to us, it would be more easily to have 800k in the bank and retired, then it could issue my extension still in one or the same day, so we have to send it to Bangkok first and wait.

My annual pension is near 750k and I'm not 50.

Would that mean, if it's used in the future, every year additional (30 days) extensios to pay of 1'900 baht for waiting of Bangkok?


Unfortunately there are good and bad people in all jobs.

It sound like you hit a bad one, or a good one on a "bad hair" day.

If the problems persist, then a polite letter to the Head of Immigration at Suan Plu, never goes amiss.

You will find the full name and address on a big board somewhere in the office.

Good service can be rewarded in the same way. :o


You do not have to pay extra for the 30 day extension of stays while waiting - the original TM.7 request for 365 days extension covers them so you only pay the 1,900 baht one time.

You do not have to pay extra for the 30 day extension of stays while waiting - the original TM.7 request for 365 days extension covers them so you only pay the 1,900 baht one time.

marshbags wrote: ..."Unfortunately he said, now no have resident visa and i send info to Bangkok for approval."

And I paid 1900 baht every time without the last time was free.


Can only say in Bangkok you are given a short extension of stay and at the end of it you are provided the full extension and the whole process is one payment of 1,900 baht. Have never done upcountry so I must be wrong if you have to pay each time. Don't believe anyone has ever mentioned it before.

Can only say in Bangkok you are given a short extension of stay and at the end of it you are provided the full extension and the whole process is one payment of 1,900 baht. Have never done upcountry so I must be wrong if you have to pay each time. Don't believe anyone has ever mentioned it before.

Thanks Lopburi3 and all other posters for additional insights.

It seems i may have misled you in someway relating to the 1,900 and i apologise.

I only have to pay it once and not everytime i go for approval or if not another 1 month extension wihich is free until such time as it is approved.

So yes it is a one off payment of 1,900 baht.

Yes it was the officer you mentioned bdenner.

Would you believe, it was him who gave me my residential visa last year at Nong Khai and although he was difficult then, i was lucky enough to have Nina in the office at the same time.

Having been to Udon several times and also going to the meetings we used to have, she knew both my wife and me well, was friendly while at the same time being professional, and intervened on our behalf after which he changed his attitude completely.

I might add that Nina used to take lots of stick from the armoles of the Udon area but always went out of her way to help everyone, even when she should have given them the word of command.

I,ve given her well deserved Kudos many times in and around Udon, referred her to many who used to be worried about going for a visa, she is sadly missed.

As for catching the guy on a wrong day, as bdenner also observes, he can be very awkward most of the time.

The other point that got to us all was having to sit around for at least an hour after process waiting for the no.1 to turn up and sign the stamps / give his approval.

This again was not a one off but a regular occurance of arriving late.

As observed by others on awaiting approval and re visiting for further extension stamps.

Before as in N.Khai they were signed at the time of completion or near enough anyway, passing from one desk to the other.

The office was up and running well before the nine o,clock opening time as it is now in N.Khai.

I cannot but help thinking someone is letting imm. down through their selfish efforts.

Does any reasonable person keep you sat about feeling like an under priviledged ?? and if so what,s the point apart from rubbing our noses in the inferior muck some of them seem to think we are.

Another point with the res. visa by the way is you only get one stamp in your passport and if your running out of pages this makes a big difference.

Again as we all agreed while waiting, we do not want or expect any favours, want to work with them to help the sevice while helping each other.

Nothing more and nothing less would make us more than happy and more important our poor spouses, who suffer in silence and worry what is to happen to us all if it goes back to the earlier years when it really was bad.

How sad for Udon after all the hard work that was put in by all of us to make it a more than just an office / production line mentality.

Also undermining the owner of Eak Udon who is very kind to all of us and allows us the facility by the way.

A last point, they also used to process 90 day ext. more or less straight away without having to sit and wait in turn.

How easy it all was.

May the better times return as soon as possible..................................please.

marshbags :o:D:D

Can only say in Bangkok you are given a short extension of stay and at the end of it you are provided the full extension and the whole process is one payment of 1,900 baht. Have never done upcountry so I must be wrong if you have to pay each time. Don't believe anyone has ever mentioned it before.

Sorry, I was wrong!

Was study my passport more exactly and spoke with my wife what she paid.

1. first have changed on middle Feb my Tourist-Visa in BKK in a NON-IMMIGRANT VISA valid 3 months - paid 2000 baht;

2. from May I paid 1'900 baht for the (1.) extension 30 days. Also mad the first 90 days notification,

3. from Jun I don't have to pay for the (2.) extension 30 days,

4. I have to go next week. If not approved, also not have to pay the (3.) extension 30 days usw.

Made me a bit confuse. But don't have problem.



I didn't know AEK Udon Immigration Office had reopened,(when?)since over a year Ikeep going to Nong Khai,so thank you for the information.

//moderator edit - lopburi3//

Will try the Udon office next week,as I need a re-entry permit.

Man,am I happy not to have to wait for the Bkk approvation! :o

I didn't know AEK Udon Immigration Office had reopened,(when?)since over a year Ikeep going to Nong Khai,so thank you for the information.

//moderator edit - lopburi3//

Will try the Udon office next week,as I need a re-entry permit.

Man,am I happy not to have to wait for the Bkk approvation! :D

As you,ve been a member since 2003 you,ve obviously missed the post referring to this event.

Your remarks on Nina seem to sum up for me your attitude and i think you will find if a consensus where taken you,d be in a very slim minority.

I,d be really interested as i,m sure other would like to know is as to how / why you formed this opinion.

What circumstances brought this conclusion about to justify your remarks ?

By the way if you couldn,t get along with Nina i would strongly recommend you don,t even think about seeing the present officer vetting applicants at Udon Aek, and continue using Nong Khai.

Again as far as Nina is concerned, perhaps you should ask people about all the good work she did on our behalfs, over and above her obligations and on and off duty.

The fact that you disagree with me is on this is of no importance, however i will defend Nina,s well earned reputation being anonymously attacked via Thai Visa or any other forum, in person or otherwise unless it is reasonably justified.

I await your further imput on this with interest.

marshbags :o:D:D


Without meaning to sound like i,m having a go at you, may i offer a further bit of useful advice.

When you go to immigration perhaps you should take someone along to help translate your wishes as this post suggest there is a communication problem if the content of the English is anything to go by.


Having the AEK office open again does take some pressure off Nong Khai but I wouldn't use it for anything other a 90 day report or buying a reentry visa.

Nong Khai opens at 08:30 and they are usually off and running by then. I was processed and out of there before 08:30 last trip having my 12 mth visa placed into the passport.

I agree Nina was always very pleasent. There is a new female officer there now, she is also very helpful.


Thanks for your advices,but....

When I read about the Imm.Office in AEK reopening I went to check,after a week it was not working,didn't care to look agan since.

I did write abuot Nina and her attitude before you subscribed to thaivisa,years ago,since her departure I found the visit to Immigration much less stressful;admittedly not all farangs are the same,the feeling for me was not right,but then //moderator edit - lopburi3//

//moderator edit - lopburi3//

By the way,I always have a Thai accompaning me to the Imm. Office,I know that my English isn't up to Thai standards. :o

Can only say in Bangkok you are given a short extension of stay and at the end of it you are provided the full extension and the whole process is one payment of 1,900 baht. Have never done upcountry so I must be wrong if you have to pay each time. Don't believe anyone has ever mentioned it before.

Definitely only ONE payment at the office in Sri Racha, Chonburi.

Having the AEK office open again does take some pressure off Nong Khai but I wouldn't use it for anything other a 90 day report or buying a reentry visa.

Nong Khai opens at 08:30 and they are usually off and running by then. I was processed and out of there before 08:30 last trip having my 12 mth visa placed into the passport.

I agree Nina was always very pleasent. There is a new female officer there now, she is also very helpful.

Agree and can re itterate all what you are saying.

I haven,t seen the new lady at Udon yet, woder what,s happened to her or perhaps she had other duties on my visits.

I tend to go in there to observe any new instructions ect. that may have been posted.

Thanks for pointing out that Nina was always pleasnt.

I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone could be tret in an unfair manner without some sort of mis understanding.

Obviously i realise some people will not get on others and vice versa but again i never once witnessed any animosity that wasn,t justified via attitude and disrespect ect.


Well I visited AEK for the first time on June 16th to do a 90 days report and get a re-entry permit. Never saw such an unfriendly immigration officer. He ignored my wai, shoved the 90 days form away, snapped the gf she needed to make some copies of passport pages. I got my re-entry permit in the most ugly way posssible. At least the younger officer signing the passports looks to be an ok guy.

For my next retirement extension I will hit Bangkok, as I did previous years.

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