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Thais and Soap


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this thread is not about soap operas!

when i walk around in shopping malls and markets, many times i see these soap shops. and im not talking about the soap carvings as a souvenir,

these shops usually have many colours and interesting variations of soap.

is this just another sign of a culture, who likes to be well groomed and where outer appereance (f.e. smelling good) is very important or is there more to it? any cultural background or history?

maybe someone here knows an article to post?!

thx in advance


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Don't they have these shops where you come from? Don't people make colorful scented soap as a hobby to sell at craft fairs in your home country? Maybe you just didn't have the leisure time to notice the global interest in smelling good, giving pretty soap as a gift item and using soap as a decor item in your "powder room". The fact they have these shops here is an indication that the Thai people are also interested in being well-groomed and upwardly mobile. Haven't you noticed Martha Stewart on the TV and her magazine on the newstands? Martha is on at least twice a day on Truevisions. These colorful, nicely scented soaps are a "good thing"

Edited by NancyL
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What part of the world are you from where this is not a normal thing?
"Lush" is pretty famous for example, but there are tons of shops doing scented soaps etc.
Indulging in nice soaps is pretty much the norm..and giving scented soaps and talc gift sets etc is general too.
Did you maybe just not notice or are you from some very small place?

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is this just another sign of a culture, who likes to be well groomed and where outer appereance (f.e. smelling good) is very important or is there more to it? any cultural background or history?

..just going back to what you wrote there. I really am very curious about which part of the world you grew up in, because i personally have never considered being clean/well groomed and smelling good as a cultural thing. I always thought it was a normal thing lol.

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