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I have an English friend who is about to leave the country with 18 months overstay. He's willing to take his medicine and face a 3 year blacklist even though he has a wife and two children.

I put it to him the other day, and to all of you today..

What about going back to the UK and changing name by deed poll, getting a new passport and simply returning?

Feasable or not?

Do Thailand have good facial recognition software so that alarm bells will ring if trying to re-enter while blacklisted? Or it it simply done by passport number/name?


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According to the running post about the clampdown the new regulations about getting blacklisted are not coming into force till September in which case your friend should be OK. Up to now we have only rumours and hearsay that the rules have come into effect. It would be good to know for sure. The poster saying they haven't says he called BKK immigration ?

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So what to do? He will have to have clarification about the rules before risking it.

Is it possible to pay at Bkk imm then? Is that the best idea? Then he can go out 'unscathed?'

This is all fucked.

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Let him clear his overstay today. There is a very good chance the new ovestay rules are not in effect yet. But if he waits to long they will be for sure.

I've only seen indications it's.already in effect. I have an international flight in similar circumstances and I am considering aborting it. If it's not in effect yet I certainly will go. I understand nothing is certain but what are the odds in favor of.?
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So  he pays the 20,000 now and gets sent to the airport. On his own accord or escorted? Does he have to have a flight booked? And does it matter where to?

Is it just a  case of flying to malaysia, new imm o and back in?

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The notice has been removed from BKK-immigraiton's website. Also some mebers have reported that the rules are not being enforced yet. So the odds are good.


I can only advise to call the number to get more certainty, or the airport immigration directly.



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I guess the big worry is paying the fine, going out and not being let back in. Then he's stuck in another country with not enough money to do anything or go anywhere. All it takes is one miserable official and its all pear shaped.

His back up was to fly to UK with his son and go from there.

He's not got enough money to do that yet though, his plan is to go next year before he's 3 years over.

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So  he pays the 20,000 now and gets sent to the airport. On his own accord or escorted? Does he have to have a flight booked? And does it matter where to?

Is it just a  case of flying to malaysia, new imm o and back in?

The overstay is paid on departure from the country.at an airport or border crossing.

If he was to leave now and go out for a non-o visa based upon marriage to a Thai he should have no problem returning to the country.

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Thanks ubonjoe.

should is the magic word there though isn't it?

I gave the option that would have the least probability of there being a problem which is having the non-o based upon marriage.

There are factors that could affect the result that I may not be aware of..

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I just phoned my friend and told him to phone immigration at swampy. His wife phoned and spoke to them. They said if overstay more than 1 year then not sure if they can let him back in.

That's it then. :-(

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The immigration at swampy called my friends wife back.

They have the rules in place now.

If he goes out with 18 months now he will not be allowed back in for 3 years.

Game over

I think that will need further confirmation. There is to great a chance of a misunderstanding during a phone call.

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The immigration at swampy called my friends wife back.
They have the rules in place now.
If he goes out with 18 months now he will not be allowed back in for 3 years.
Game over

I think that will need further confirmation. There is to great a chance of a misunderstanding during a phone call.

I agree with Joe. Take flight out via swampy to one of the countries around us where they easily issue non imm o visas. He better risk it now.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE
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The immigration at swampy called my friends wife back.

They have the rules in place now.

If he goes out with 18 months now he will not be allowed back in for 3 years.

Game over


A report here suggests no blacklisting yet: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/744965-thailand-immigration-confirms-new-overstay-rules-are-now-official/page-18?p=8141528#entry8141528

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I got a PM from a member that was advised by a law firm that has contacts with immigration that as of yesterday the new rules had not become law yet. And that they would have to be published in the royal gazette and would not go into effect until 60 days from when they are published.

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I have an English friend who is about to leave the country with 18 months overstay. He's willing to take his medicine and face a 3 year blacklist even though he has a wife and two children.

I put it to him the other day, and to all of you today..

What about going back to the UK and changing name by deed poll, getting a new passport and simply returning?

Feasable or not?

Do Thailand have good facial recognition software so that alarm bells will ring if trying to re-enter while blacklisted? Or it it simply done by passport number/name?





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I guess the big worry is paying the fine, going out and not being let back in. Then he's stuck in another country with not enough money to do anything or go anywhere. All it takes is one miserable official and its all pear shaped.

His back up was to fly to UK with his son and go from there.

He's not got enough money to do that yet though, his plan is to go next year before he's 3 years over.


Geez how poor is this guy that he can't even come up with a few hundred bucks to fly to or stay in another country for a while. To be honest he really got himself into a big mess with this overstay thing. I believe if he can get himself onto a plane for say Laos, spend a few days over there, come back with an appropriate visa (preferably a non-O) then all will be good. But not having enough money is a poor excuse. Surely he could ask family/friends for some money to help out? He has kids and no money to support them? Something doesn't sound right here.



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It's not a few hundred bucks though it if he gets stuck in Laos and not allowed back? He has the 20k and cash to fly to Laos or Malaysia, then what if he cant come back? He has a job, 35K a month, but he wont if he's stuck elsewhere will he?

If he had family or friends to ask Im sure he would have 18 months ago...

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