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Will The Western Tourist Return in Droves?


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I have read a few posts and news articles regarding the changing demographics of tourists to Thailand.

Russians and China tourists has increased few by a big percentage, then it dropped due to several factors like the clampdown on zero dollar tours and the chaos.

Some are predicting that the western tourist will go elsewhere and the demographics will change forever. Some are saying that they will come back after everything has stabilized and bookings are returning at a steady rate now.

What do you think? Are there any experts out there willing to give us a opinion.

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I think they will return, first at the end of thie upcoming high season when the hotels will have vacancies, and fater that in the years to come as well.

Not in droves though.

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whistling.gif Meaningless.

I can remember the American tourists being the big thing, I can remember the Arab tourists being the big thing, i can remember the busloads of Japanese tourists, i can so many "waves" of tourists of one nationality or another.

They all come and they go.

It's all meaningless.

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As long as there is cheap sex, tourist's from all over the world will continue to flock here.

The way tourist demographics are changing, it will be even more of a buyers market for westerners.

Do you think the sex trade is the biggest attraction for tourists coming to Thailand? It's not.

I don't think people will return in droves. Has anyone here been to islands lately? They are getting more and more expensive all the time. A bottle of Chang beer costs almost as much as a bottle of good beer in western countries. More and more inexpensive bungalow places are switching to all-services enclosed resorts meant to keep you on the grounds. These places are expensive.

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My beer bar business is actually up this month by a lot from May and June. I am in Chiang Mai. The bar is new ownership as of May so I get a limited number of locals. It is hard to get locals to switch from their regular bar. That takes time. The increase has come from tourist especially New Zealand and Australia. (Lollipop Bar in Lio Kroh Entertainement Complex).

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I hope they never come back, but of course they'll be back. Why wouldn't they come back? The joint will be cleaner and far better run now that they've cleaned up the cesspool of corruption that was Phuket and the other destinations. This coup was the best thing that ever happened to Thailand. No beach chairs, umbrellas and drinks on the beach jeopardizing "The tourist experience'? ...Please.

#1 Reason: Thai girls. Oh Buddha, I love em.

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Thailand.....Laos...Burma...Vietnam...etc will always attract tourists who want to experience something different but after doing them (all ) where to next and taking into account the pros and cons...times...costs..rather..exchange rates...rather looks like Spain /Greece and Portugal are all back in favour..Havnt been there since the 70s...but if you are sitting in your studio flat somewhere in Blighty and wanted to go to somewhere easy,cheap hot ...but only 2 hours away... can see the attraction....also with 1 pound =1.27 Euro....hastla la vista..

Just got an offer on email...don't know what outfit but FIO...example.....comparison...in this case to Greece

" holiday to Kardamena, Kos for 14 nights including flights with ALL extras included in the price such as Hotel,luggage and transfers..."... £150 each .


however Mai ko jai...
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As long as there is cheap sex, tourist's from all over the world will continue to flock here.

The way tourist demographics are changing, it will be even more of a buyers market for westerners.

sex is no longer cheap in lieland.... even the buffaloes want 1k for short time.... it seems the thai logic that if turnover decreases then they put the price up...

no wonder pattaya is like a ghost town

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I think it will never return to the really heady days. Western economies will remain weak for at least a decade with high unemployment especially in the younger age groups. The £, $ and Euro are weak v the THB and even with a coup and all of the troubles this remains the same. Prices are rocketing, more restrictions on holiday fun.

Then there is the fact that other previously less accessible destinations are opening up and becoming prime holiday areas.

The times they are a changing, we were lucky to have been here in the heady days (well those that were here were smile.png )

Well said.

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Mixed feelings on this one. I don't think LOS is going to see the "droves" of European and American tourists it had in the past. I think those days are gone, as many of those are looking for other options. However, I think there will be an increase in Asian tourists, mainly Chinese and Japanese. But the Chinese will in no way spend the money the American and European tourists spent.

Something else that is going to hurt is Myanmar. Laugh if you want, but their tourists numbers had doubled in the past couple of years, with no sign of letting up. Keep in mind that 1/3 of Myanmar's land mass is unspoiled, unpolluted ocean front property. Virgin territory just waiting to be developed. Some investors have already started, and more will follow. As that grows for them, it will definitely have an effect on Thai tourism. TAT can massage the numbers any way they want, and say whatever they want, that won't cover the actuality of the number of tourism related business that have had, and will continue to, close up shop.

But, hey, I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. The question is about Western tourists!? For sure Thai tourists and all other Asian tourists are up and will be going up for a long time to come. Despite all the crisisses all over the world, natural disasters, political upheaval, financial catastrophes, prices going up. There will be always more and more people who wants to travel and can afford it. New generations are born, so don't worry, Western tourist will always come to Thailand. The more choices in Asia with opening up more destinations will also benefit Thailand. Thailand is and will always be a magnet for tourism.

And I think a big misunderstanding about other Asian tourist, Chinese and other Asian tourists spends in average the same or even more then there Western counterpart. Asians love shopping and spending alot for this. Asians love luxury. Probably true, a Asian tourist will spent maximum 1 week on holiday, and a Western tourist will try to make it a few weeks with the same budget.

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This has always been a temporary blip, on previous occasions, in 1992 and 2006 and 2010.

Thailand remains an attractive place to visit, for many farangs, despite the best efforts of Immigration & the jet-ski/jewel-shop/taxi-mafias.

Interestingly I saw a guy speaking on Asian tourism on Bloomberg earlier in the week. He said the figures actually show an increasing trend in the numbers of tourists visiting Thailand from Europe but a declining share of the market. So the numbers visiting other SEA countries are increasing at a higher rate.

Lot's of people I know still see Thailand as a real special holiday destination, and are certainly not put off now.

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As long as there is cheap sex, tourist's from all over the world will continue to flock here

may have been a valid point 5-8 years ago; with all the comfortable flat rates in many European countries these guys have no need to buy an air ticket anymore; the Russians take whatever they like (same as the do with the buffet breakfast...) and the Indians like to chum up together with a few blokes on a bus and literally get a free student ride there: All of them plus the one student (this is not meant to be mean, this is Indian culture, mind you)

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As long as there is cheap sex, tourist's from all over the world will continue to flock here.

The way tourist demographics are changing, it will be even more of a buyers market for westerners.

sex is no longer cheap in lieland.... even the buffaloes want 1k for short time.... it seems the thai logic that if turnover decreases then they put the price up...

no wonder pattaya is like a ghost town

Agreed the days of cheap sex are over

There will be big changes in Pattaya

Over the next 5 - 10 years

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I hope they never come back, but of course they'll be back. Why wouldn't they come back? The joint will be cleaner and far better run now that they've cleaned up the cesspool of corruption that was Phuket and the other destinations. This coup was the best thing that ever happened to Thailand. No beach chairs, umbrellas and drinks on the beach jeopardizing "The tourist experience'? ...Please.

#1 Reason: Thai girls. Oh Buddha, I love em.

You hope they never come back? Is this because you feel superior to tourists in your little ivory tower? Or is it because you want Thais who rely on tourism to go without? You sound like a closet Thai hater. an arrogant one at that.

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Will the Western tourists return in Droves...?

NO...You have "Drove" them away...pun intended for all you English teachers...

How many will understand it as a pun, may be the question to ask. Perhaps you should have said, No, you drove them away?

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As long as there is cheap sex, tourist's from all over the world will continue to flock here.

The way tourist demographics are changing, it will be even more of a buyers market for westerners.

sex is no longer cheap in lieland.... even the buffaloes want 1k for short time.... it seems the thai logic that if turnover decreases then they put the price up...

no wonder pattaya is like a ghost town

Agreed the days of cheap sex are over

There will be big changes in Pattaya

Over the next 5 - 10 years

Maybe, you need to take your head out of the tourist traps. I am told, or a friend on mine says, whichever pleases you; the South is still full of B20 bars.

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