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Cheaters and corrupt politicians may be banned from Thai politics for life


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There also needs to be a reworking of the party list MP system in Thailand. No ministerial positions should be given to party list members, yet Charlerm who had not won an election in years keeps popping up as a minister in government with no accountability to anyone but the party leader.

Don't conveniently forget that Ahbisit was a party list MP and he was a party leader with no accountability to anyone but himself. He was also instrumental in increasing the portion of party list which he think will benefit his party in an election.



So was Yingluck a party list MP - no: 1 by her bro'


It is not true that Abhisit had no accountability. He was elected leader of the Democrat Party (unlike the PTP & others) and is accountable to that party. You have a very scant knowledge of Thai politics.


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There also needs to be a reworking of the party list MP system in Thailand. No ministerial positions should be given to party list members, yet Charlerm who had not won an election in years keeps popping up as a minister in government with no accountability to anyone but the party leader.

Quite agree. There are definitely some honest politicians, probably around the same percentage as the population at large. However they have to kow-tow to the elite financier at the head of most parties here.
PTP, BJP, CTP etc are all run by dictatorial & corrupt power-crazy a-holes who are running their parties as a business - to make money.
If the new charter can mandate against that and allow the founding of real political parties with a genuine ideology and an internal democratic format - it might well attract more Thais with a less-corrupt (totally honest is asking too much) style of working for the country's benefit.
One can only be hopeful.


The kow towing also extend to the Dem Party where the Thaugsuban family finance 1/3 of the party. Manifested in the business aspect related to the palm oil scandal and the Phuket land scam beside others corruption cases.



Another lie or provide proof. If the Democrat party was kow-towing to Suthep's clan (& it wasn't) he would have been elected leader (which he wasn't). Alluding to unproven conspiracy crap is not fact either.


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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




Jeez, your color codes bias is as obvious as the nose on your face.

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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




Jeez, your color codes bias is as obvious as the nose on your face.


Yes. He hasn't the nous to work out that the lack of real democracy by corrupt politicians might be the reason for the coups.


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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




Jeez, your color codes bias is as obvious as the nose on your face.

So all you naughty boys who just need to get your asses spanked are in 7th heaven now eh?

Can't beat a big soldier with a gun for lacivious pleasure.

I can just see you all now, throwing flowers as the tanks rolled on by.

Sure sure, we needed another coup, just like the other 19......

This time it will be different... better...yada yada.

One thing is for sure, the military have been doing a great job since they began running this country 80 odd years ago.

Brilliant education system,

Corruption free judiciary.

The rule of law.

Excellent infrastructure.

A civil service second to none.

An enlightened population.

heh heh



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So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




Jeez, your color codes bias is as obvious as the nose on your face.

So all you naughty boys who just need to get your asses spanked are in 7th heaven now eh?

Can't beat a big soldier with a gun for lacivious pleasure.

I can just see you all now, throwing flowers as the tanks rolled on by.

Sure sure, we needed another coup, just like the other 19......

This time it will be different... better...yada yada.

One thing is for sure, the military have been doing a great job since they began running this country 80 odd years ago.

Brilliant education system,

Corruption free judiciary.

The rule of law.

Excellent infrastructure.

A civil service second to none.

An enlightened population.

heh heh





The military running the country? That's where the planet allusion seems about right.


No group, 'elected', half-elected or military have done a great job which is why the country has been left behind by Malaysia, S Korea and Singapore. Corruption, corruption & more corruption and the judiciary is the least of worries in that area.


Maybe it will be different this time, maybe it won't, but having the soldiers with guns getting the criminals with guns & grenades off the streets will certainly help.


BTW I think that most of the population is more enlightened than blinkered outsiders like you.


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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

bobmac10 sounds like he much prefers that Thaksin and his heirs be in power for the next 50 years. He's still butt-hurt that DL's latest puppet government got removed from the feeding trough. He's on this thread complaining that all the reforms the NCPO has already accomplished has not given them enough credibility to convince him that they are working for the Thai people. He gives the impression that he believes the Thaksin corruption machine, that they are removing, was better for the Thai people than the Democrats.


A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.

Of course, bobmac10 (inadvertently) makes the case that if the new anti-corruption/

cheaters rules are put in place, Thaksin forces will be out of a job for the next 50 years (because they are all/always corrupt/cheating) and the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years because they aren't as corrupt. Good job, bobmac10, of undermining your own argument.

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"'The interim charter also sought to prevent an individual or a group of people from dominating the entire MPs of a party to the extent that they cannot think by themselves but have to be submissive to their boss,' said Bovornsak."



I've lived in Thailand four years now and was told of this "block voting" mentality in year one. Haven't heard much about it since. A knowledgeable Thai explained to me that "Thai democracy not like western democracy, MP's and other elected officials are all under some kind of boss, puyai, and will be told how to vote, or at a local level, what decisions to make." There is a "trickle down" of power of Puyai's from BKK, and an elite that have run this country for years. My own thoughts: Thaksin was OUTSIDE this system and this is the reason he and others are so vilified; it's not really the "business corruption."  Well, even though it may just be rhetoric, it's nice to see the above quote on here as they (supposedly) deal with "corruption" of all sorts. Did I say "all sorts"? Surely it shall be so?!  (I will leave the quote about "cannot think for themselves" alone for the present.)



Does Thailands political system do things differently from The West

You say that Thailands way of doing things is different from the west , I disagree, America for instance their political system is run by the 1% of the population that have all of the wealth and the big corporations who can afford pay to lobby the so called elected candidates, sometimes more than they pay in taxes, if that situation does not exercise outside control then what does.

The six largest corporation in the USA

When the six largest corporations in the USA receive handouts from the government amounting to over just under $ 1 trillion each year, you can see where the power lies in the united states, as you can see where the power lay's in Thailand - in Bangkok with the Bangkok Elite.

The reason that Thaksin was so vilified was because he was not part of that Elite he realised that handled properly the Power should lay with the Majority of the electorate The PEOPLE of Thailand.

I am not saying that he didn't do corruption that is not the issue all politicians are corrupt , but he did attempt to help the people and in doing so he became very popular and the puyai could see he was gaining vast popularity among the people and because he was outside their group he was out of the groups control.

They could see themselves losing their stranglehold  

they could see themselves losing all of the power they had exercised before Thaksin became the political leader of Thailand and well we've all seen the results of that power struggle. The Bangkok Elite are not interested in their country or the People of Thailand, they dont care how much unrest they have created or how much damage they do to the Economy, tourism, or the GDP as long as they still retain their Power Base and control the Government they didn't care how much disruption they created as long as they still maintained their Power Base.

So Mr Bovornsak don't talk to me about the political scene not being controlled by one group of Elite or a Boss, It will always be so until you find someone with the determination and will of the like of Taxin who is not already part of a Group,  to put a stop to it

Long Live Thailand and Power to The people 




Delusional, much?

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I would completely agree with all political parties being disbanded and made to register as new parties after a suitable waiting period.  I think under the circumstances we have had it is also reasonable that all past ministers at least be not permitted to contest for 5 years.  This may put some new blood in the party but still enables competent people to contribute later if the people do want them.


     New names, new parties brings to mind a few folk wisdoms.  "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.  If it walks like a duck, looks like duck, quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.  A turd by any other name is still a turd.  The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.  The velvet glove hides the iron hand."

     However, "Hope springs eternal.", has a positive ring to it.

     For daily optimism, I recommend;  "Yesterday is gone, tomorrow never comes, today is the miracle."  Go ahead and make your day. smile.png  oc

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Maybe we have seen the last of Suthep and the Thaksins



There is only one Thaksin, thank Christ!!



Not really.  The NCPO smells an awful lot like Thaksins populist ideas,...the only difference is that the NCPO actually has the power to shut down the opposition,...in this case, the majority of the Thai people.  Whereas neither Thaksin nor Yingluck, who won landslide elections, could persuade the minority Bangkok elite from joining in with the prosperity.



Please try to keep up with things the Shinawatra led PTP made populace promises and then did not deliver on them. The NCPO says things and then delivers on them even if they are not popular. They are also cleaning up the mess you people left the country in. It is a time consuming job. The present estimate of completion is over a year away.

Who were you in your last incarnation? You post like calgaryll. 

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Where as here in Thailand long before Suthep entered the scene it was many groups of private citizens rejecting the corrupt ideas put forth by Yingluck. Then Suthep came on the scene and united them.


Big difference.

But if you think it is the same and it makes you feel good go ahead and believe it. the facts won't change one iota no matter what you believe.



Mr Suthep said he "hated" Yingluck, and would opposed everything she did, before she was elected (by landslide).  He went on, espousing hate for Yingluck.  Is that the "unity" you're speaking of?  


And what corrupt ideas are you talking about?  Replacing some agency positions?  With people that she can communicate better with.    Advancing a high-speed transportation system?   So to advance the prosperity of Thailand.


I've took some serious time in past 15 months inquiring about Mr Suthep, now the "Enlightened Monk," and have found no redeeming value in his every action, except the Bangkok elite.  Mr Suthep's tactics that I've observed over the past 15 months are pretty similar to the USA's Sen. Ted Cruz,....100% obstructionist.



I think you made a mistake in your post. I think you meant to say

 pretty similar to the USA's Sen. Ted Cruz,....100% obstructionist. I believe you meant progressive.


Now that he has succeeded we can see that he was rite. The PTP can no longer cover up their scams. Thaksin may have been the first ex PM to be tried found guilty and sentenced. But if Yingluck comes back she will be the first ex PM to be tried found guilty sentenced and sent to jail.wai.gif

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Ted Cruz is a positive figure trying to challenge taking away of more freedoms, forced laws, infringing on people's liberties. If you don't have him or Rand Paul, it is just globalists running the show convincing everyone to step out of the way and shut up and go along with their scheme; some men have balls to stand up and say 'enough!!' Why would you not want characters like? Or is it better to be passive and convince yourself to accept whatever you are dealt, as the state tells you? Ted and Suthep are quite vastly different; but at least they are brave enough to voice it. 


Those were not merely BKK elite taking to the streets here; people of all classes fed up. You weren't here just a few months back?????

A speed train?!! Basic necessities aren't meant, low standard of living. Good start. Buy used cars, not new. Don't gamble. Finish school. First things first.



Your blindered view of Cruz,...most likely from Fox News,...is much like the pre-May 22 Yellow Shirt media.  They (Mr Suthep) spewed daily about the corruption of PM Yingluck,...yet where is that so?.... Except in the shadowy wishes of the Yellow Shirt Judges and the NACC,...who have yet proved a single case of corruption.  All of Mr Suthep's rhetoric was hateful lies,...and those lies media-ted to the public watch Yellow Shirt news as truth.


Ted Cruz is an abomination to humanity, and as Un-American as one can achieve.  You should try to balance your views with some less divisive commentary.  Ted Cruz knows squat about America, beyond his Christocratic views which are built upon Christian revisionism.  Cruz and Suthep are similar in that they are both egomaniacs who make things up as they go alone, to suit their delusions, and incite hatred and division among sheeple like yourself.. 



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Please try to keep up with things the Shinawatra led PTP made populace promises and then did not deliver on them. The NCPO says things and then delivers on them even if they are not popular. They are also cleaning up the mess you people left the country in. It is a time consuming job. The present estimate of completion is over a year away.

Who were you in your last incarnation? You post like calgaryll. 



Yingluck was unable to deliver because of Yellow Shirt obstructionism,...which the Military does not have to deal with.  Yingluck went out of her way, over and over, to include the Yellow Shirt egomaniacs.  Look at the Reconciliation Forum of 2013,....Suthep spit all over it,.




Suthep is a 100% obstructionist of everything not of the Bangkok elite.

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"'The interim charter also sought to prevent an individual or a group of people from dominating the entire MPs of a party to the extent that they cannot think by themselves but have to be submissive to their boss,' said Bovornsak."



I've lived in Thailand four years now and was told of this "block voting" mentality in year one. Haven't heard much about it since. A knowledgable Thai explained to me that "Thai democracy not like western democracy, MP's and other elected officials are all under some kind of boss, puyai, and will be told how to vote, or at a local level, what decisions to make." There is a "trickle down" of power of Puyai's from BKK, and an elite that have run this country for years. My own thoughts: Thaksin was OUTSIDE this system and this is the reason he and others are so vilified; it's not really the "business corruption."  Well, even though it may just be rhetoric, it's nice to see the above quote on here as they (supposedly) deal with "corruption" of all sorts. Did I say "all sorts"? Surely it shall be so?!  (I will leave the quote about "cannot think for themselves" alone for the present.)


It isn't only Thai MPs who are told how to vote and what decisions to make. It's been apparent in all western political systems for decades. Although it has got worse in recent years.

There is even a formal Party position (the aptly named "Whip") to make sure the MPs do as they are told. Local representation in the western nations died a looooong time ago.

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In this country it is never going to change to the way that everyone is thinking of.


Modifications yes, but a complete overhaul  and the elimination of corruption and scamming and all the self serving mentality that is prevalent in Thai society is never going to happen.


Which ever political party does get elected you can only hope they manage to accomplish some good and not do too much damage in a variety of ways while they go about enriching themselves and catering to their own self serving agendas.


It should be obvious to everyone that political positions in this country are not obtained for the purpose of changing the country for the better, rather the political positions are to be used for enriching themselves in a variety of ways....while that aspect of Thailand is all part of the "Thai ways" that us foreigners are forever mystified by. 


If you live in Thailand you have to accept the way they run the country...although far from satisfactory in all too many aspects and plenty to complain about.


However if you want to frustrate yourself and be angry all the time then try to follow and or understand the political mentality of the politicians in Thailand.



Edited by gemguy
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This would be marvelous if it were applied across the board but of course it wont be. Just another stepping stone to the intoduction of a long term one party state , some of you guys really need to take your blinkers off.


When you get your blinkers off you will see it was the end to an attempted long tem dictatorship.wai.gif

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So, who gets to say who's corrupt and who isn't?

Oh wait.... let me see.

it wouldn't happen to be a military nominated anti-graft committee would it?

Gee, what a good idea.

A sure fire way to ensure the military/elite/royalists finally get to cement their puppets into power.

Now no need to have elections, the Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years.


So what planet are you from?

Planet western democracy.

Er... what country has had twenty (20) miltary coups since "democracy" began?

Yes that's right it's Thailand.

Now it doesn't take a university don to work out that something is not quite right here.

Perhaps it's the continual military coups that are destroying any chance of a successful parliamentary democarcy ever evolving?




Well you got the university don rite. Now work on counting. What country do the people continually have to hold their ankles with no recourse? Thailand obviously is no the correct answer. They get rid of the offenders.wai.gif

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Please try to keep up with things the Shinawatra led PTP made populace promises and then did not deliver on them. The NCPO says things and then delivers on them even if they are not popular. They are also cleaning up the mess you people left the country in. It is a time consuming job. The present estimate of completion is over a year away.

Who were you in your last incarnation? You post like calgaryll. 



Yingluck was unable to deliver because of Yellow Shirt obstructionism,...which the Military does not have to deal with.  Yingluck went out of her way, over and over, to include the Yellow Shirt egomaniacs.  Look at the Reconciliation Forum of 2013,....Suthep spit all over it,.




Suthep is a 100% obstructionist of everything not of the Bangkok elite.


Suthep and the anti govt protests were non existent before the amnesty bill the original protesters (apart from the Guy Fawkes mask assemblies) were against that bloody amnesty bill and during the time of the initial protests Oct last year there was little doubt that they were anti govt however they were most certainly anti amnesty bill protests first and foremost I remember Abhsit at Samsen train station receiving a rock star standing ovation and Suthep was nowhere to be seen. Because of Yinglack's (Thaksin??) determination in shoving that bill through parliament by any (illegal) means necessary she caused the whole movement to gain momentum and morph into what became the biggest street protests/marches this country has ever seen. Yes Suthep didn't want to compromise but Yinglack has only herself to blame. That bill was an abomination in its scope and all for one breathtakingly selfish reason. Bring back Big Bro, and you expect people to reconcile with PTP and some members (and tellingly not all) of the UDD etc... after they tried and almost succeeded in pulling that one off. Ordinary decent law abiding Thais (NOT elites/Hiso) could and will never reconcile with a group of individuals who basically wanted to empty the prisons just so one despised individual could return back to his native country and I don't blame them!



Have  you ever wondered what would make some one post such obviously false information as he does. What possibly can he gain by it. Every one knows Thaksin was just trying to whitewash himself. If I recall correctly he wanted amnesty for every thing even going back to the early years of his time in office. The things he had not yet been caught on.


I can understand there being a lot of people unhappy with his departure from power. The money is no longer flowing. But what I can't understand is what they hope to gain by making things up. Not that I agree with the libel laws here but some of the statements these people make could wind them up in court.


That is an area that I feel sure will be looked at in due time. Defiantly along with so many other things needs working on.


The Reconciliation Forum of 2013 suggested nothing from Yingluck. She simply said she would set up a committee to do it. I believe it was some thing she planned on doing after the election. Can't swear to the after part but it was defiantly some thing she would do in the future. At the time she was to busy trying to whitewash her brother.

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In this country it is never going to change to the way that everyone is thinking of.


Modifications yes, but a complete overhaul  and the elimination of corruption and scamming and all the self serving mentality that is prevalent in Thai society is never going to happen.


Which ever political party does get elected you can only hope they manage to accomplish some good and not do too much damage in a variety of ways while they go about enriching themselves and catering to their own self serving agendas.


It should be obvious to everyone that political positions in this country are not obtained for the purpose of changing the country for the better, rather the political positions are to be used for enriching themselves in a variety of ways....while that aspect of Thailand is all part of the "Thai ways" that us foreigners are forever mystified by. 


If you live in Thailand you have to accept the way they run the country...although far from satisfactory in all too many aspects and plenty to complain about.


However if you want to frustrate yourself and be angry all the time then try to follow and or understand the political mentality of the politicians in Thailand.




A lot of what you say has truth in it. is. How ever you really should get out a little more. You talk like Thailand is the only country in the world that has corruption in the government.


We are indeed lucky to live here in Thailand when it is an honest Military running the country not as you say corrupt politicians.

They have a schedule of over a year to go when they will have cleaned up the corruption and made it a lot harder to do in the future. There will always be some one to find away around it but there will not be that many easy ways to do it. Watch closely when Amnesty International puts out it's next ranking's for least corrupt #1 to most corrupt #176 give or take. Thailand will defiantly climb quite a bit from it's #102 position.

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I think expats should run the country and make laws for Thais to vote on and approve any projects that need to be done expats suggest Thai citizens vote on them. That way the people have the power not the elite.

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