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What do you think of the NCPO?


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I know this can be an awkward topic for us falang, as we know that the subtleties of Thai culture often eludes outsiders. But many of us do have political views on the country we have chosen as our home (or home away from home). I don't believe that there is any restriction on our commenting on the situation here. Of course, it must be done with the utmost respect and sensitivity.

To the point - I have just finished watching the broadcast of General Prayuth's NCPO Progress speech - fortunately with English subtitles. I now understand why so many of my Thai friends and acquaintances - from both sides of the political divide - are accepting and even quite happy with the current military control of Thailand.

First, General Prayuth himself is a most impressive leader. A very intelligent, no BS, straight talking man. Inspires confidence and trust. A true leader who radiates integrity. (Why oh why can't we get him to take over Israel? He would sort out the supposedly intractable problems of Gaza and the Middle East within a week).

Aside from the the man himself, the polices of the NCPO are admirable. They take the discipline of a military approach in addressing all economic & social sectors as well as sensitive issues - such as the south and the coup itself. The polices General Prayuth outlined are wide-ranging, focused, constructive. He also stressed his intolerance for bias, corruption or cronyism. I think some of the old guard and bureaucrats with unexplained wealth will be having sleepless nights.

I admit I am a bit starry eyed from my first real exposure to the man's thinking (again, thankyou subtitles). I believe he does see his role as restoring a funcional democracy through correcting imbalances that existed in the previous constitution and recent history of Thailand before heading back into his role as a military man. I am sure that like many Thais, I would be happy for him to oversee this country's governance forever! What about others? What do you see happening from the presence of the NCPO? What are your feelings about it?

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