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Fantasy "NFL" Football League


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For sh*ts & giggles, I created a league on nfl.com, but I haven't posted it online yet. A few of us did this last year, but only half the owners were local. If anyone is interested in joining up send a reply and we'll try to stock it full of local expats this year. 

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     I guess that explains the twin emails in my inbox this morning, the first advising me that the "Gridiron Asia" league had been activated for the upcoming season, and the second (seven minutes later) informing me that the league had been "disbanded". Talk about a short season! 


    As I recall, we had some issues getting this off of the ground last year, and the resulting confusion may have had something to do with the fact that the ten teams in the league were not all locally "owned". Hopefully, the longer lead time before this season gets underway will help with that?


   In either case, that was an enjoyable league to be a part of last year, and I'm looking forward to defending my crownwhistling.gif  er...... contending for the inaugural title in this new league of yours!


   Now...... where did i put my imaginary shoulder pads? unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeC.png



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have an entry fee? 


without one people will lose interest fast and not set lineups, etc. = lg ruined. 




    Surprisingly, that wasn't really much of an issue last year, even though there was no fee (and so....nothing other than pride at stake).

  I have played in "public" leagues in seasons past where some of the less competitive teams have turned into "ghost ships" as their prospects dimmed, but that will happen in money leagues also, unless there are fines and penalties (or incentives...) in place to prevent it.

  The league in which I've been active the longest is extremely competitive, actively managed by all participants throughout the season, and has a waiting list of prospective new managers, despite the fact that there's never been a dime changing hands since its formation 18 years ago.


  "Skin in the game" can help to focus the attention, but it's not necessarily required!

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I'll activate the league on nfl.com next week and set up a draft date for the end of august in order to give enough time for everyone who's interested time to join. If anyone would like to customize the scoring or organization let me know, otherwise it will be the same (default) as last year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would you be interested in turning this into an Outside Group Activity of the CM Expats Club? http://www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/activities/ That is, if you ever get together to talk about your activites, share a beer, whatever.

I'm sorry, I have just a vague idea of what fantasy football league "owners" do, but it seems like a nice activity.

If you became a CEC OGA, you'd be able to publicize your group in our e-newsletter, which goes out to 2500 people, post your activity on our Facebook page and website, make announcements at the once-a-month General Meeting at Le Meridien, which attracts about 150 people and distribute flyers at the twice-a-month Coffee Mornings at River Market, which attract about 60 people. Edited by NancyL
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My bad, the link takes you to the league home page, but there isn't a join option. Type in the league name Gridiron Thailand for custom leagues and join from the directory page instead. Sorry to make it complicated, but I falsely assumed you could join it directly

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Would you be interested in turning this into an Outside Group Activity of the CM Expats Club? http://www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/activities/ That is, if you ever get together to talk about your activites, share a beer, whatever.

I'm sorry, I have just a vague idea of what fantasy football league "owners" do, but it seems like a nice activity.

If you became a CEC OGA, you'd be able to publicize your group in our e-newsletter, which goes out to 2500 people, post your activity on our Facebook page and website, make announcements at the once-a-month General Meeting at Le Meridien, which attracts about 150 people and distribute flyers at the twice-a-month Coffee Mornings at River Market, which attract about 60 people.


Sounds fine to me Nancy, the league is just a goofy thing to do to connect a bit more with American football over here where it's unpopular with few viewing venues. The UN Irish used to do replays on Mondays, but I was usually the only one in there. 

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I'll activate the league on nfl.com next week and set up a draft date for the end of august in order to give enough time for everyone who's interested time to join. If anyone would like to customize the scoring or organization let me know, otherwise it will be the same (default) as last year.


  Last year, the "Gridiron Asia" custom league was composed of ten teams, in two divisions of five teams each.


  In this season's "Gridiron Thailand" custom league, membership appears to be capped at eight teams total. Was that intentional, for some reason?






   The Dude abides!

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