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Nigerian Arrested For Murder In Pattaya


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About two years ago I was walking in BK and was stopped by a friendly Nigerian from Lagos he told me. First he tried to make me rich selling me a cheap gold bar not interested I said he than offered me his sister as she needed money I said no. Than he was getting annoyed hard sell coke or good Ganga I said no than he offered me his Rolex for 20k bht I said no. I walked away and he shouted something at me which I am sure was complimentary . Not nice but dangerous people.

i was working and living 4½ years in Nigeria but have not met a fraction of "dangerous" Nigerians the average holier than thou keyboard warrior on Thaivisa has met on Watchamacallit Road, Thailand within a single week.



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In the 1970's I worked as a 'Diplomatic Inspector' in central London, a job that entailed me visiting Embassies and High Commissions advising them on Employment and Tax laws for locally recruited staff
Now you would think I would encounter the cream of each countries society, but I used to dread my visits to the Nigerian High Commission. Their security staff treated me like Western s---t and I was constantly being pressed to illegally obtain passports or National Insurance numbers for the Nigerian staff
It was always a relief to step back into London from the foul atmosphere of Nigeria's small plot of land in the UK,and walk past the dozens of illegally parked high end limo's with Diplomatic Plates to a friendly welcome at the American Embassy or the many other charming missions based in the London area
As Shakespeare might have written 'there is something rotten in the state of (Denmark) Nigeria'
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