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The ugly side of Thailand's elephant tourism


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The ugly side of Thailand's elephant tourism
By Jeanne Kim

BANGKOK: -- Tourism brochures for Thailand showcase its stunning beaches with clear blue waters; colorful carts of fresh fruits at outdoor markets; and elephants meandering through the jungle with excited visitors on their backs. But it turns out there’s a dark side to these elephant rides.

Thailand is one of 13 countries in Asia that trades Asian elephants—most from bordering Myanmar—to fuel its tourism market. And a recent report found widespread abuses in the industry.

TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade group governed by the World Wide Fund (WWF) and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), released the results of an investigation into 108 elephant tourism camps, hotels, and government facilities they examined between 2011 to 2013. They found around 80 of the elephants in those facilities that they said were illegally captured for the tourism industry. And of those whose origins are identifiable, nine out of 10 were from Myanmar. Estimates put the number of elephants at tourist camps in Thailand at 1,688.

Last century, Asian elephants were used for logging, and poached for their skin, meat and ivory. But after the Thai government banned logging in protected areas in 1989, it wasn’t long before the elephants were repurposed as a tourist attraction—which became a new reason to illegally trade elephants.

Full story: http://qz.com/239437/the-ugly-side-of-thailands-elephant-tourism/

-- QUARTZ 2014-07-29

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Did they need something to fill a blank spot in their rag?


Probably been going on for years.


Come next year and their will be a lot more trading with other countries, elephants as well one would imagine.

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Ayuttaya using elephant for tourist ride it's really cruel as hook use to control on ear and over working during weekend where you can see many tourist, need to boycott such moved to return poor elephant to Myanmar forest where they belong, still lack of laws to protect such great animal .

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When you see them walking baby elephants around the

markets,tourist places,selling bananas and sugar cane

for people to feed the youngster,its not right,they say

an elephant never forgets,not many happy memories

for those little elephants i suspect.

regards Worgordie 


P.S one night i was driving home and it was very dark,

when in the headlights i see a small red light swaying

back and fourth,I am thinking some drunk on a bike,

until i got closer a bloody big elephant with a light

attached to its tail !

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I read the headline and was curious how many elephants come to Thailand as tourists.  Hope they are not counted in the annual tourist numbers.  whistling.gif

Boeing catered for that kind of tourism with the Jumbo jet.


cheesy.gif  ... I got it!

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"The ugly side of Thailand's elephant tourism"


Is there another side?




Whether elephants are performing at 'shows' for tourists or being paraded around town to 'feed', both of these activities should be banned IMO.


(I think the last government or maybe many previous governments have advised Thais not to feed elephants out on the street because of animal cruelty yet it still seems to be common practice across many provinces.)


A little off topic I know but nonetheless I must ask ... how many posters have been insulted by the elephants 'carers' (****ing joke that) after refusing to feed there 'slaves'?


I have refused to feed elephants in the north, south, east and centre of Thailand and pretty much been insulted (or the wife) in all locations for not feeding their elephants. On many occasion, the 'carers' have stank of booze!


I love elephants yet am totally scared of their size (I saw one freak out at a show in Phuket years ago .. terrifying)


Those poor elephants.

Edited by lostmebike
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It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth every-time I see or read about Elephants in Thailand or other Asian countries and it is all the ugly side alright,  their treatment can only be described as torcher , they should be free , to wander or be looked after as a noble beast which they are , there are places that look after them and they get my vote, not the TATS of Thailand.bah.gif

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Yea, seeing a young elephant with its ribs and hip bones clearly standing out, most likely because it was taken from its mother's milk way to young is a sad sight. Feeding these beautiful animals sugarcane is not the nourishment  young elephant needs

Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


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Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


Garbage - plenty of these camps give these elephants a life far better than they had when they were used for logging.  


There's a coterie of complete and utter idiots campaigning against elephant camps in this country - and it's mainly being driven by total clown bloggers. 


Clueless idiots that don't realize what they are campaigning for is a mass cull of elephants.  

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Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


Garbage - plenty of these camps give these elephants a life far better than they had when they were used for logging.  


There's a coterie of complete and utter idiots campaigning against elephant camps in this country - and it's mainly being driven by total clown bloggers. 


Clueless idiots that don't realize what they are campaigning for is a mass cull of elephants.  



but complete drunk mahouts that parade elephants around towns is surely worse.

Not breed or import elephants for a couple of years would be good....there are far too many. Go down to 1/4 of the amounts of elephants and take care that they live happy and enjoy the tourist shows as well (they do).

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Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


Garbage - plenty of these camps give these elephants a life far better than they had when they were used for logging.  


There's a coterie of complete and utter idiots campaigning against elephant camps in this country - and it's mainly being driven by total clown bloggers. 


Clueless idiots that don't realize what they are campaigning for is a mass cull of elephants.  



It can be done differently, there are elephant camps that do it right. The problem is that clueless idiots like yourself have never seen a video of a young elephant whose mother has either been shot or poisoned being 'broken'. Or maybe you have and you think it's 'cool'. All good clean fun, trapped inside a very small cage for days, being jabbed and not allowed to sleep until they 'comply'. No elephant whisperers in Thailand, not among the Thais anyway. I agree that logging with elephants was a thoroughly evil state of affairs but the way these young animals are smuggled in and mistreated before being presented to a delighted public is just not acceptable. It could all be done very differently and just as many people could gain their daily bread as do now. This really is the ugly side of the Thai attitude towards animals, I live on a farm here and so I am no weeping willy, I have assisted at a few killings and slaughtering of animals. My aim is to get it over with as quickly as possible,the guys don't care. I'm not saying that they are wrong, I'm saying that some education might be of some use. Especially amongst coteries of complete and utter idiots. Don't ask me to give you links on Youtube, go look for yourself.


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 Elephants should be banned and blacklisted in Thailand.


Espiecially those with their beer bellies and cheap sandals, who only explain, instead of eating sugar cane.


But what really bugs me are those P-icks, who walk them to cities and want tourists, or innocent expats like us to buy a tiny bag of nothing, to make money.



    Just don't buy them and they'll have to stop it.



   Same goes for "begging" kids, seen all over the country, "students" in school uniforms, sampling money for some utter bs.


If you see students without names and school emblems on their uniforms, they're not students. 



       These people are usually bought from Cambodia and all people who think they're doing a good deed are doing exactly the opposite.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


Garbage - plenty of these camps give these elephants a life far better than they had when they were used for logging.  


There's a coterie of complete and utter idiots campaigning against elephant camps in this country - and it's mainly being driven by total clown bloggers. 


Clueless idiots that don't realize what they are campaigning for is a mass cull of elephants.  



It can be done differently, there are elephant camps that do it right. The problem is that clueless idiots like yourself have never seen a video of a young elephant whose mother has either been shot or poisoned being 'broken'. Or maybe you have and you think it's 'cool'. All good clean fun, trapped inside a very small cage for days, being jabbed and not allowed to sleep until they 'comply'. No elephant whisperers in Thailand, not among the Thais anyway. I agree that logging with elephants was a thoroughly evil state of affairs but the way these young animals are smuggled in and mistreated before being presented to a delighted public is just not acceptable. It could all be done very differently and just as many people could gain their daily bread as do now. This really is the ugly side of the Thai attitude towards animals, I live on a farm here and so I am no weeping willy, I have assisted at a few killings and slaughtering of animals. My aim is to get it over with as quickly as possible,the guys don't care. I'm not saying that they are wrong, I'm saying that some education might be of some use. Especially amongst coteries of complete and utter idiots. Don't ask me to give you links on Youtube, go look for yourself.




It can be done differently, specially when there are less elephants (=higher profit, =better educated mahouts) and checks from government and NGOs. Having a "mahout" license and on the first problem the elephant and the license will be taken away.

All elephants should be chipped, and DNA recorded. Maybe also partially from the wild one. Every baby elephant must be DNA tested to check his parents. And long jail terms if someone try to fake it.

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Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


Garbage - plenty of these camps give these elephants a life far better than they had when they were used for logging.  


There's a coterie of complete and utter idiots campaigning against elephant camps in this country - and it's mainly being driven by total clown bloggers. 


Clueless idiots that don't realize what they are campaigning for is a mass cull of elephants.  



but complete drunk mahouts that parade elephants around towns is surely worse.

Not breed or import elephants for a couple of years would be good....there are far too many. Go down to 1/4 of the amounts of elephants and take care that they live happy and enjoy the tourist shows as well (they do).



Street elephants are banned in Chiang Mai, and I believe in the rest of Thailand too?


That is the type of campaign that people should get behind - and I have no problem with people campaigning for better standards within the camps. 


Campaigning for camp closure is ludicrous. 


Now you are suggesting an effective cull of 3/4 of the captive herd?  Based upon what?  


I know of seven elephant camps personally that rely upon tourism money so that they can buy mistreated elephants.


Yes, sometimes they have to buy them.


Did you know that?    

Edited by Pattszero
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Elephant tourism should be banned. Thailand and other countries should be internationally prohibited from running elephant shows.


Garbage - plenty of these camps give these elephants a life far better than they had when they were used for logging.  


There's a coterie of complete and utter idiots campaigning against elephant camps in this country - and it's mainly being driven by total clown bloggers. 


Clueless idiots that don't realize what they are campaigning for is a mass cull of elephants.  



It can be done differently, there are elephant camps that do it right. The problem is that clueless idiots like yourself have never seen a video of a young elephant whose mother has either been shot or poisoned being 'broken'. Or maybe you have and you think it's 'cool'. All good clean fun, trapped inside a very small cage for days, being jabbed and not allowed to sleep until they 'comply'. No elephant whisperers in Thailand, not among the Thais anyway. I agree that logging with elephants was a thoroughly evil state of affairs but the way these young animals are smuggled in and mistreated before being presented to a delighted public is just not acceptable. It could all be done very differently and just as many people could gain their daily bread as do now. This really is the ugly side of the Thai attitude towards animals, I live on a farm here and so I am no weeping willy, I have assisted at a few killings and slaughtering of animals. My aim is to get it over with as quickly as possible,the guys don't care. I'm not saying that they are wrong, I'm saying that some education might be of some use. Especially amongst coteries of complete and utter idiots. Don't ask me to give you links on Youtube, go look for yourself.




It can be done differently, specially when there are less elephants (=higher profit, =better educated mahouts) and checks from government and NGOs. Having a "mahout" license and on the first problem the elephant and the license will be taken away.

All elephants should be chipped, and DNA recorded. Maybe also partially from the wild one. Every baby elephant must be DNA tested to check his parents. And long jail terms if someone try to fake it.



You do realize that many of these elephant camps are producing a turnover in excess of 2 million baht a month already?   


It's profit that's driving the camps.  

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