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Important changes! immigration rules about ED visa .

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The questions is :

Did students got an ED-visa in the past, for extended periods of time, while they were actually not going to school?


If so, those responsible foe organizing this are the reason for the mess the ED-visa system is in now.


Sure, selling of ED visas was or perhaps still is a common practice among pseudo schools. Prices were going down to 9,000 baht for a year's course. Can you possibly teach them 4 lessons per week for this amount? Many schools that sell ED visas have only 1-2 classrooms and even then there are no students there. I have seen many posts about looking for a cheap school selling ED visas. 

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3 different schools in phuket all confirmed that you only need to go 2 days a week for 4 hours a week. There are also many people here that train muay thai or come for fitness goals that take longer then 3 months and they no longer have an ed visa for muay thai or any visa for people with fitness goals.

As for the elite card, the way myself and many others see it is that it is basically ONLY for people who are super rich which would be the minority and the majority would be people wishing to live here long term and work illegaly. For most people a 5 year commitment to one country is just too much especially seeing you have no idea what will happen in the future.



No Muay Thai gyms outside Thailand ?


Why would you need to come to Thailand for fitness goals ? 


Poor excuse for an ED Visa if you ask me.

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3 different schools in phuket all confirmed that you only need to go 2 days a week for 4 hours a week. There are also many people here that train muay thai or come for fitness goals that take longer then 3 months and they no longer have an ed visa for muay thai or any visa for people with fitness goals.

As for the elite card, the way myself and many others see it is that it is basically ONLY for people who are super rich which would be the minority and the majority would be people wishing to live here long term and work illegaly. For most people a 5 year commitment to one country is just too much especially seeing you have no idea what will happen in the future.

No Muay Thai gyms outside Thailand ?
Why would you need to come to Thailand for fitness goals ? 
Poor excuse for an ED Visa if you ask me.

What has "need" got to do with it? You can choose to study in Thailand for any number of reasons. The weather, the food, the temples, the culture, the beaches, the women........... As long as you're legitimately studying, there should be no problem with the visa.
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3 different schools in phuket all confirmed that you only need to go 2 days a week for 4 hours a week. There are also many people here that train muay thai or come for fitness goals that take longer then 3 months and they no longer have an ed visa for muay thai or any visa for people with fitness goals.

As for the elite card, the way myself and many others see it is that it is basically ONLY for people who are super rich which would be the minority and the majority would be people wishing to live here long term and work illegaly. For most people a 5 year commitment to one country is just too much especially seeing you have no idea what will happen in the future.



No Muay Thai gyms outside Thailand ?


Why would you need to come to Thailand for fitness goals ? 


Poor excuse for an ED Visa if you ask me.



well seeing as PHUKET has many fitness places and is trying to become one of the main fitness places for people to come and lose weight and train, great weather and cheap healthy food. Why would they not want people like me coming who are wealthy and spending $40-50k a year here....or are you just a grumpy old man like alot of others on this forum that don't want anyone else coming to thailand...I am picturing you as that grumpy old man yelling "OFF MY LAWN" right now :D

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The quality of information about ED visas on this forum deteriorates by day. I am reading it but not really participating so as not to get all the bashing form all the well wishers (haters). Walen School is taking a very good care of our students, if you are a Walen student ask directly at school. 


Walen School - benefit yourself. 


Just ignore the bitter fools on here who need to moan or criticise others or have an opinion on what others are doing here.  It's themselves who have mental and social issues.  It's just a case of some people being bitter that you have a successful business here, that's what I can only imagine.


To some of us, hearing information from people in the know is quite helpful.  We don't want to read pages of people complaining about other people's visas or "their" bitter opinion.  For, no-one cares about their opinions, just a faceless non important blob on the internet.


Knowledge, advice, or certain rumours, however, is important and so, please keep posting any information you think is helpful and let the rest of us can read that information to the benefit of all.


P.S. The Education visa at this very moment has little importance to myself, but I'm interested about knowing the current situation.

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"A friend told me" .. " I heard from a friend that" ... "A reliable source blah blah" .... etc.

The kind of red flag that should immediately warn everyone of trouble makers stirring up $h!t with their troll posts.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move on now.
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3 different schools in phuket all confirmed that you only need to go 2 days a week for 4 hours a week. There are also many people here that train muay thai or come for fitness goals that take longer then 3 months and they no longer have an ed visa for muay thai or any visa for people with fitness goals.

As for the elite card, the way myself and many others see it is that it is basically ONLY for people who are super rich which would be the minority and the majority would be people wishing to live here long term and work illegaly. For most people a 5 year commitment to one country is just too much especially seeing you have no idea what will happen in the future.



No Muay Thai gyms outside Thailand ?


Why would you need to come to Thailand for fitness goals ? 


Poor excuse for an ED Visa if you ask me.



well seeing as PHUKET has many fitness places and is trying to become one of the main fitness places for people to come and lose weight and train, great weather and cheap healthy food. Why would they not want people like me coming who are wealthy and spending $40-50k a year here....or are you just a grumpy old man like alot of others on this forum that don't want anyone else coming to thailand...I am picturing you as that grumpy old man yelling "OFF MY LAWN" right now biggrin.png





Perhaps I did not word it correctly. The Thread title is " Important-changes-immigration-rules-about-ed-visa "

But with the ongoing saga's on other threads, and the general consensus that there is going to be changes to the ED Visa's. 


It is not beyond the realms of possibility that a lot of subjects that people are studying will disappear from under the ED umbrella.


It was not meant as a dig at you or anyone else. 


I'm only grumpy when the gym is full and slows my workout biggrin.png biggrin.png

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3 different schools in phuket all confirmed that you only need to go 2 days a week for 4 hours a week. There are also many people here that train muay thai or come for fitness goals that take longer then 3 months and they no longer have an ed visa for muay thai or any visa for people with fitness goals.

As for the elite card, the way myself and many others see it is that it is basically ONLY for people who are super rich which would be the minority and the majority would be people wishing to live here long term and work illegaly. For most people a 5 year commitment to one country is just too much especially seeing you have no idea what will happen in the future.



No Muay Thai gyms outside Thailand ?


Why would you need to come to Thailand for fitness goals ? 


Poor excuse for an ED Visa if you ask me.



well seeing as PHUKET has many fitness places and is trying to become one of the main fitness places for people to come and lose weight and train, great weather and cheap healthy food. Why would they not want people like me coming who are wealthy and spending $40-50k a year here....or are you just a grumpy old man like alot of others on this forum that don't want anyone else coming to thailand...I am picturing you as that grumpy old man yelling "OFF MY LAWN" right now biggrin.png




With Tiger becoming a world class camp, even top level competitors coming there to train, I see Chris Cyborg is there this week, the idea that professional level athletes cant get a study visa to train with world class coaches would be silly. 

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Just ignore the bitter fools on here who need to moan or criticise others or have an opinion on what others are doing here.  It's themselves who have mental and social issues.  It's just a case of some people being bitter that you have a successful business here, that's what I can only imagine.




To some of us, hearing information from people in the know is quite helpful.  We don't want to read pages of people complaining about other people's visas or "their" bitter opinion.  For, no-one cares about their opinions, just a faceless non important blob on the internet.


Knowledge, advice, or certain rumours, however, is important and so, please keep posting any information you think is helpful and let the rest of us can read that information to the benefit of all.


The thing is that MacWalen has never posted any factual information on pretty much anything (except one-line slogans of dubious intelligence), while being in the perfect position for doing so. From the tone of his post he appears to be very bothered by the presence of any competition and may be is afraid that indication given could be used by them.

Then he complains of being attacked without realizing why really that happens.

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Ok so these were the rule changes in a new police order mentioned yesterday. Will TVF open a new line of topics like breaking, confirmed, etc ?


And another generic question: the police orders are internal to immigration, not published to the public, or published somewhere like the Royal Gazette ?

Edited by DrTuner
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"The thing is that MacWalen has never posted any factual information on pretty much anything "


Paz is that really so? Before MacWalen started promoting learning Thai nobody has ever heard about ED visas for students of language schools. A fact very well known, you could even say that Walen School is the mother of all schools offering ED visa assistance in Thailand as we were the very first ones to do that. All other schools copy Walen School or copy schools that copied Walen School. All you know today about ED visas you know directly or indirectly from Walen School.


Are you that bitter mate?

Edited by MacWalen
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If I want to live a 9-5 and Monday to Friday lifestyle, I wouldn't be living in Thailand.


Well I have been informed by my local language school that to apply for an ED visa moving forward you will have to sign and submit with your application a declaration that you will attend 5 days per week.


So don't go to class....UP TO YOU.  But you will then be in breach of your own written declaration and open to rejection of your next extension application and perhaps even subjected to a juicy fine...



I'm not on an eD visa but I was considering it and I am actively learning Thai language (self taught from internet and from living here). Five days a week is just unworkable. i don't want to live for the weekend. I have other things I like to do during the day time like train muay thai, travel, hang out with friends, etc. Even when I studied university you were not required to attend most classes during the week. I'd be happy to do more study hours a week (because I am legitimately interested in learning), but not 5 days mandatory a week.


"hey Metapod, you want to come wakeboard with us today?"


"sorry I have to study"


One or two days you can work around. Five days is back to slave lifestyle.


So what you're saying is that you want to use the Ed visa to facilitate your long stay in Thailand and you think that's what it's for ?

Edited by overherebc
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"The thing is that MacWalen has never posted any factual information on pretty much anything "
Paz is that really so? Before MacWalen started promoting learning Thai nobody has ever heard about ED visas for students of language schools. A fact very well known, you could even say that Walen School is the mother of all schools offering ED visa assistance in Thailand as we were the very first ones to do that. All other schools copy Walen School or copy schools that copied Walen School. All you know today about ED visas you know directly of indirectly from Walen School.
Are you that bitter mate?

I don't think people are that bitter. The remark was that you don't bring in anything in this discussion, exept for promoting your school.
Please don't be offended, just write something on this thread that people can use.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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3 different schools in phuket all confirmed that you only need to go 2 days a week for 4 hours a week. There are also many people here that train muay thai or come for fitness goals that take longer then 3 months and they no longer have an ed visa for muay thai or any visa for people with fitness goals.

As for the elite card, the way myself and many others see it is that it is basically ONLY for people who are super rich which would be the minority and the majority would be people wishing to live here long term and work illegaly. For most people a 5 year commitment to one country is just too much especially seeing you have no idea what will happen in the future.


No Muay Thai gyms outside Thailand ?
Why would you need to come to Thailand for fitness goals ? 
Poor excuse for an ED Visa if you ask me.
well seeing as PHUKET has many fitness places and is trying to become one of the main fitness places for people to come and lose weight and train, great weather and cheap healthy food. Why would they not want people like me coming who are wealthy and spending $40-50k a year here....or are you just a grumpy old man like alot of others on this forum that don't want anyone else coming to thailand...I am picturing you as that grumpy old man yelling "OFF MY LAWN" right now :D
If your spending $40-$50k per year the gold card or whatever they call it, would be well within your means and you wouldn't have to worry about going to class at an inconvenient time.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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1 year cost after 29 Aug 2014


tuition 50000B or more for 400 hours if 5 days a week

ED visa 2200B

Visa trip 4500B

Visa Extension 1900Bx3=5700B (3 monthx3 times)


Total 62400B???


Very cheap for the tuition, visa, holiday in neighbouring country to get the visa if you're already here and then the extentions, for a full year of studying full-time. :)

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Guys I have heard this from a reliable source that most schools are going in for a meeting on Monday to be told the new rules so anything you have heard from the schools regarding education visas are not relevant. The schools will tell you anything right now until they get your money. Then they will worry about your visa later. After they are paid then they will give you the bad news. At that stage you will have no choice but to accept it. Think about it guys. This is their bread and butter and will cost them a lot of money when these changes take effect. The days of education visas being used to stay in Thailand even if you are studying are over unless you are a full time student. Actually this makes since but really sucks!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand Edited by mooris6
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Paz is that really so? Before MacWalen started promoting learning Thai nobody has ever heard about ED visas for students of language schools. A fact very well known, you could even say that Walen School is the mother of all schools offering ED visa assistance in Thailand as we were the very first ones to do that. All other schools copy Walen School or copy schools that copied Walen School. All you know today about ED visas you know directly or indirectly from Walen School.


I did not expected anything different from you. Seems like you feel so entitled, but at the same time you are eaten alive by the existence of any competition. I can only suggest you get over it, and come here with basic, fair information about your product value rather than claims of historical superiority.

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"The thing is that MacWalen has never posted any factual information on pretty much anything "


Paz is that really so? Before MacWalen started promoting learning Thai nobody has ever heard about ED visas for students of language schools. A fact very well known, you could even say that Walen School is the mother of all schools offering ED visa assistance in Thailand as we were the very first ones to do that. All other schools copy Walen School or copy schools that copied Walen School. All you know today about ED visas you know directly or indirectly from Walen School.


Are you that bitter mate?


I would guess many are. You're a self made millionaire, young, with a fantastic business in Thailand that you created from scratch.


They're worried about the cost of an Ed visa.



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I cannot guarantee the law, but so far no problems for legitimate students. 

Mac, serious question from a non-hater :) : The Op and further posts mention schools have notified of these changes - can you tell us if you have been told that attendance for 5 days a week is mandatory from the 29th? And, as I know you do a lot of the interaction and paperwork with immigration/MoE, have they informed of this need to pay 1900 every 90 days?



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"Guys I have heard this from a reliable source"

Another rumour monger quoting what he overheard within earshot of his barstool. Here we go again.

I don't want to get into an argument over the Internet with someone who trolls the boards just to make comments because they are bored, then quoting only partial posts. Obviously this was from a language school that teaches Thai language and gives education visas. May I ask you sir why you spend your time refuting posts on the net with strangers. Are you really that bored?

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"The thing is that MacWalen has never posted any factual information on pretty much anything "


Paz is that really so? Before MacWalen started promoting learning Thai nobody has ever heard about ED visas for students of language schools. A fact very well known, you could even say that Walen School is the mother of all schools offering ED visa assistance in Thailand as we were the very first ones to do that. All other schools copy Walen School or copy schools that copied Walen School. All you know today about ED visas you know directly or indirectly from Walen School.


Are you that bitter mate?


I would guess many are. You're a self made millionaire, young, with a fantastic business in Thailand that you created from scratch.


They're worried about the cost of an Ed visa.




+1 (Sorry out of LIKES)

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Mac, serious question from a non-hater smile.png : The Op and further posts mention schools have notified of these changes - can you tell us if you have been told that attendance for 5 days a week is mandatory from the 29th? And, as I know you do a lot of the interaction and paperwork with immigration/MoE, have they informed of this need to pay 1900 every 90 days?


Second question is easy to answer as it's on MacWalen website:



How much does it cost?

The school fee is 24,960 Baht (promotion price)
Extensions are 1,900 Baht every 90 days (government charges)

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The days of education visas being used to stay in Thailand even if you are studying are over unless you are a full time student. Actually this makes since but really sucks!

What does this actually mean though? Studying 9am - 3pm, five days a week?  

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1 year cost after 29 Aug 2014


tuition 50000B or more for 400 hours if 5 days a week

ED visa 2200B

Visa trip 4500B

Visa Extension 1900Bx3=5700B (3 monthx3 times)


Total 62400B???


Very cheap for the tuition, visa, holiday in neighbouring country to get the visa if you're already here and then the extentions, for a full year of studying full-time. smile.png



How about doing a proper University Degree instead - "A degree in TESOL. Study holidays, finish in 3 years. ED Visa. Only B3,000 per month." - and then you can teach legally here after the fact too. FB link here: https://www.facebook.com/thailandbatesol?fref=nf


No affiliate, just saw them though a FB contact. Looks interesting for people wishing to make a working life here - and actually contribute something. Be no problems with annual visas either.

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"Guys I have heard this from a reliable source"

Another rumour monger quoting what he overheard within earshot of his barstool. Here we go again.

I don't want to get into an argument over the Internet with someone who trolls the boards just to make comments because they are bored, then quoting only partial posts. Obviously this was from a language school that teaches Thai language and gives education visas. May I ask you sir why you spend your time refuting posts on the net with strangers. Are you really that bored?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

"Obviously this was from a language school" ... in your imagination.

Provide sources, details, links: any information that'll dispel the suspicions that you're a persistent troll.

Spreading unsubstantiated rumours for cheap thrills is just plain infantile.
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Important message to all our students!

As you probably know, there have been changes to immigration rules in Thailand.

Few changes have been made to ED visa holders:

1. The ED visa will need be extended every 90 days, up to 4 extensions (the option of a 12 months will no longer be available).

2. Second year students will need to leave Thailand and Apply to a new ED visa in a Thai embassy outside of Thailand. (Same as for the first visa).

3. Students with children in their passport will need to pay an immigration fee of 1900 baht for each child who appears in their passport.


see #5,

Edited by susususu
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