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A strange world: or how I learnt to stop judging and love the diversity


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Nice post by the OP and exactly what most of us think when first arriving in places like pattaya.Its harder for the younger visitors just because they are young and dont see the carrying on back home that happens here.


There are two things here,one thais do not tend to discriminate about age and of course many thais are extremely poor and hooking up to some money that will make their life less stressful is more important than any age gap.


For any man,lets say 50 plus years its a joy to behold,to have the attention,love and affection of a younger lady.Not all of them are money grabbers.Yes they expect you to take care of them just as we would do in a relationship back home,and yes for some there is a lot of pressure and expectationns from family back in the boon docks.Its really up to us how we handle all this,maybe with some sensitivity and understanding the "other side of the coin" can help.


Good luck to all of us to count our blessings and enjoy!

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Yes sometimes some of us get that light globe go off in our heads, mine was when when i was 35 the office girl bit younger with fantastic legs ass and waist, flat as a board and a face that was....well... for 6 months id watch her walk through the factory and my mind did judge her on her flat chest and her ...well...face...one day i had to talk to her from then on every time which was at least once a day she would stop and chat to me, not long after i started to see her in a different way as i got to know the person better she went from plain ugly to attractive, you see the inner beauty of her soul began to showed on the outside to me.


From that time on ive been very careful about not only judging a person but also make stories of what i think might be the reason for this or that.


As for the age thing in Thailand and back home...there are plenty of white women looking for older guys if you know where to look of course not as many as in Thailand, ive given up trying to meet a more mature Thai woman and now im just going with the flow, the fact is there are more younger ones not only available but looking for you and yes they do cost more to keep ( as in expectations like starting a family and security) if you make the right choice and not a doormat it can work well for both of you.

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I still make judgements about other people ... I'm not terribly PC.
No problems here.
But thanks for sharing your personal story.
What does Roland Rat think?

Yeaaaaaahhhhh Ratfans !

Good story, bit sloppy form me, but ok, thanks for sharing.
As for my opinion, there are two things I have to say about this......

"Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up"

"The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence"

Just be nice, costs nothing ! Yeaaaahhhhhh



You forgot to add........never buy, always rent...........


OP, really enjoyed reading your post.

I so much associate with the old guy............

Edited by Costas2008
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OP ... Well said !
I try to think and live my life in a way that does not cause harm to others. As long as two people are happily engaged in a relationship why should anyone judge them. ( unless it is illegal )
If some young or old guy wants to dance and have fun at a disco.... Go for it !
If you want to drink and drive or cause fights or make problems for others then let's hope you see the light and change your ways quickly.

We all have faults and will never live up to everyone's expectations so we just need to try and make sure our path is the best way to go and is not full of regrets.
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That old man at the disco could have been anyone. But he had a good time and he helped me shape my life here. And it helped. I still see things that make me laugh/cringe/stare and blush but live and let live keeps me grounded and happy. May the good times last forever for all of us, even the grumpy haters. Who knows what happened to embitter them.


That's a very good point. 

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Myself personally, I wouldn't at this point want a big age gap in my relationship. That's a personal choice. Maybe when I'm 60 and want to relive my youth then it might be different.

Most of the haters though are the young , penny pinching, plotless losers that think that they alone are gods gift to women, and the self righteous do gooders.

If they are having fun, and it's a mutually beneficial relationship, then who really cares.

Enjoy your life in Thailand, as in the the end life's to short to sit and tug away in front of a computer getting bitter.

Your post would be valid if you had not written the second paragraph. Seems that you can learn alot from OP his attitude. Edited by benalibina
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Myself personally, I wouldn't at this point want a big age gap in my relationship. That's a personal choice. Maybe when I'm 60 and want to relive my youth then it might be different.

Most of the haters though are the young , penny pinching, plotless losers that think that they alone are gods gift to women, and the self righteous do gooders.

If they are having fun, and it's a mutually beneficial relationship, then who really cares.

Enjoy your life in Thailand, as in the the end life's to short to sit and tug away in front of a computer getting bitter.

Your post would be valid if you had not written the second paragraph. Seems that you can learn alot from OP his attitude.



How much were you taken for?


Toady is a long time expat here and has lived in various provinces.

I dare say we have observed the same, will need to wait for him to verify.



Not mentioned in the opening post, after Khun gramps had enjoyed himself and spent his money as they all do, it was probably back to matron at the local nursing home.


Or come on here and vent his spleen about being taken to the cleaners by some girl with no more than a P4 education.

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Myself personally, I wouldn't at this point want a big age gap in my relationship. That's a personal choice. Maybe when I'm 60 and want to relive my youth then it might be different.

Most of the haters though are the young , penny pinching, plotless losers that think that they alone are gods gift to women, and the self righteous do gooders.

If they are having fun, and it's a mutually beneficial relationship, then who really cares.

Enjoy your life in Thailand, as in the the end life's to short to sit and tug away in front of a computer getting bitter.

Your post would be valid if you had not written the second paragraph. Seems that you can learn alot from OP his attitude.
How much were you taken for?
Toady is a long time expat here and has lived in various provinces.
I dare say we have observed the same, will need to wait for him to verify.
Not mentioned in the opening post, after Khun gramps had enjoyed himself and spent his money as they all do, it was probably back to matron at the local nursing home.
Or come on here and vent his spleen about being taken to the cleaners by some girl with no more than a P4 education.

Welcome too. The topic is about judging others. God knows why you come up with what you have written. If all in your life is good, just be happy and dont judge so much. Be the better man.

On your question.....alot.
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Oh folks life eh..

All I can say life passes far too quick, life is too short to judge, no one is perfect, live and let live, and if the old guy in the club is having a ball, that's the main thing, if we all took a look at ourselves and our past, I am sure we have all been like the old guy in the club, I know I was, especially with a few drinks... But it was fun for me, and that's what life is all about letting your hair down..

Enjoy.... And smile....
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If Grandpa sticks to making a fool of himself in a Pattaya disco, I won't judge him. If he comes to my neck of the real world, I'll tell him straight not to be a stupid old fool. 

Siggurus, don't you think it kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, being in  Pattaya bar if you get my drift. You are both deluded kids in the same candy shop.

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Delusions- what a concept. Of course you judge people, there is nothing wrong with that. Only when you judge from  a crooked road are you mistaken. And, you do care, if you pronounce it to others; you want them to judge you as you want to be judged, not as you are.


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What will 70 year olds do if there comes a day and age where there are no longer any third world countries with desperate women?


Aaaaah a post that irks me on so many levels :-)

Well done packing so much negativity in a one liner, bashing the old, bashing Thailand, bashing women, and asserting your own moral superiority!


I believe a balanced society should have both deperate men and women, but somehow western countries seem to have more desperate men than women.


- "Let's give enough to everyone to not be desperate!"

- "Good plan. So you will pay for one to two persons to not be desperate, right?"

- "Umm... well... I barely have enough to pay the mortgage and a holiday per year, so no... <another voice> Let's take it from the rich! Yeah, let's take it from the rich"



I rest serene knowing that the coming of pension age of the baby boom generation will definitively bury freeloaders' dreams.

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Could be a good contest between you and the OP for most delusional



Looking a fair bit younger than my 45 years, fit as a butcher’s dog and having a wallet the size of an elephant’s scrotum I was fair game. I indulged and partied like it was the proverbial 1999.


He really is a handsum man.



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What will 70 year olds do if there comes a day and age where there are no longer any third world countries with desperate women?


Aaaaah a post that irks me on so many levels :-)

Well done packing so much negativity in a one liner, bashing the old, bashing Thailand, bashing women, and asserting your own moral superiority!


I believe a balanced society should have both deperate men and women, but somehow western countries seem to have more desperate men than women.


- "Let's give enough to everyone to not be desperate!"

- "Good plan. So you will pay for one to two persons to not be desperate, right?"

- "Umm... well... I barely have enough to pay the mortgage and a holiday per year, so no... <another voice> Let's take it from the rich! Yeah, let's take it from the rich"



I rest serene knowing that the coming of pension age of the baby boom generation will definitively bury freeloaders' dreams.


Has anyone else noticed that in these topics about loving Thailand - the most dedicated and excited posters always seem to find a way to slag off Western women and Western society?
Apparently your happiness is coupled with bitterness.

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What will 70 year olds do if there comes a day and age where there are no longer any third world countries with desperate women?


Aaaaah a post that irks me on so many levels :-)

Well done packing so much negativity in a one liner, bashing the old, bashing Thailand, bashing women, and asserting your own moral superiority!


I believe a balanced society should have both deperate men and women, but somehow western countries seem to have more desperate men than women.


- "Let's give enough to everyone to not be desperate!"

- "Good plan. So you will pay for one to two persons to not be desperate, right?"

- "Umm... well... I barely have enough to pay the mortgage and a holiday per year, so no... <another voice> Let's take it from the rich! Yeah, let's take it from the rich"



I rest serene knowing that the coming of pension age of the baby boom generation will definitively bury freeloaders' dreams.


Has anyone else noticed that in these topics about loving Thailand - the most dedicated and excited posters always seem to find a way to slag off Western women and Western society?
Apparently your happiness is coupled with bitterness.


Yes and most of them always slag of their ex western female partners on forums like this one but never say what they did wrong in said relationship ,like most of the silly old farts and el cheapo english teachers you meet in expat bars who say they never pay for it having just built that house for noi from the sexy man bar .But i dont have a problem with age gaps.And having spent their live savings on the house for noi from the sexy man bar are all complaining about the new visa rules coming in to place soon on certain forums.Yes indeed us young guns still have a lot to learn from those old asia hands.

Edited by Kudel
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