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Drunk Russian attacks pregnant woman, cops


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Hay Dublin!!!... Trust me it's not just you!... What is all that florescent shit they ware.... Looks like the are off to a Village People gig!!

The worrying part is I think that they think they look cool!!!... Somebody should tell them they look like bell ends.... There women look OK but....??

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got to ask!!!!! Do Russians get those shorts handed out to them on the flight to Thailand...here is your pea nuts sir and your free beach shorts,,,, wai.gif

Maybe just me,, or do they all wear the same outdated shit...giggle.gif

HaHa --- that is freeking funny!

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I have some property here and i have an absolute "No Russians" policy and after reading this only reaffirms my policy....

This is about as dumb as it gets. Ignorance in top form.

Each person is entitled to their own opinion ---

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I don't think is much people don't like Russians therefore treating them all the same.

I just don't think I've ever read anything positive about Russians anywhere in Pattaya.

I'm sure there are some good ones out there somewhere, but they are probably to ashamed to admit to being Russians due to their fellow countrymen/women.

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Alcohol fueled violence is an international problem. Glad no one was seriously hurt.

There is an Alcoholics Annoymous meeting hall on that street (Soi 9 -Skaw Beach). It's open to all and can be found on the Internet.

One Day at a Time.

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KittenKong, on 01 Aug 2014 - 19:36, said:

"It took a group of uniformed and volunteer officers to restrain the boisterous Russian ....."

I'm surprised they dont use tasers in situations like this.

Cops here buy their own equipment, so if he has already bought a gun, why would he then by a Taser.

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marrmrrs, on 01 Aug 2014 - 20:11, said:

What is all that florescent shit they ware... Looks they off to a Village People reunion gig... And they think they look cool... Someone tell them for christs sake!!???

Why do you post the same, well almost, comment twice...

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"A very-pregnant Khwanta Saenkhanueng, 29, said she was sleeping on the roadside"..."on Second Road in the wee hours"

Way to go mom!

I don't think it would be out of choice iReason..................coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"A very-pregnant Khwanta Saenkhanueng, 29, said she was sleeping on the roadside"..."on Second Road in the wee hours"

Way to go mom!

The article does bring one question to mind in a glaring fashion - WHY is a pregnant woman sleeping in the streets? Are there no agencies in the government to assist people like this? Even going to a temple would be better than sleeping in the street.

Few possibilities.

Homeless / hiding from abusive husband / boyfriend /gik

May have been a street vendor sleeping near her stuff

The agencies that help the homeless can't keep up with demand either because as Thailand becomes more affluent (said with a straight face) the new wealthy are abandoning old traditions such as looking after their aged or disadvantaged family members. They fill up the hostels etc so there's no room for everyone.

Whatever the reason for her dossing out it's a sad future for her unborn child.

Regarding the sack of excrement that treats women like that....hope he gets a severe dose of his own whilst waiting to post bail

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Yet another case, showing how nice these people are, they are liked (sorry) disliked by everyone, and they have overrun Pattaya, and Phukett, with this same kind skum bag actions. Well the boarder runs, will eliminate most of these asses, good riddance, to them all.

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im absolutely astounded a and dumbfounded that the local motorbike taxi mafia didnt have a feeding frenzy first before the cops arrived. there are 2 sides to this story im sure of that but i cant help feeling that this guy looks like a complete spanner blink.png

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The article does bring one question to mind in a glaring fashion - WHY is a pregnant woman sleeping in the streets? Are there no agencies in the government to assist people like this? Even going to a temple would be better than sleeping in the street.

Could be drunk, on drugs, who the hell knows, could be street vendor it goes on, and on why make All these wild theories.

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This is better, get rid of the visa ruuners etc etc. Make room for this sort of quality tourist.

quality tourist.... in pattaya? lol. hes a border runner and yall know it. i go to immigration every 3 months for the last 8 years. if you are too poor to do this.... maybe you should stop spending your money on hookers in pattaya. or go home.

or do what i do and bring snacks , fruits and GIVE it to immigration guys. it goes smoother...

Good idea, anything to make the process run smoother.

Edited by Brigante7
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"A very-pregnant Khwanta Saenkhanueng, 29, said she was sleeping on the roadside"..."on Second Road in the wee hours"

Way to go mom!

I don't think it would be out of choice iReason..................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

I don't try to think about a reason either.

But if were to, perhaps alcohol had something to do with it?

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The mug on this moron looks familiar. Hmmmmm? Perhaps Frankenstein? Or "Lurch" from the Addams Family? Not sure. Whatever! Anyhow, if it took a bunch of Police and Police Volunteers to subdue this Drunk, I think the entire Force needs some Mixed Martial Arts training. After all this is the land of Muay Thai.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The article does bring one question to mind in a glaring fashion - WHY is a pregnant woman sleeping in the streets? Are there no agencies in the government to assist people like this? Even going to a temple would be better than sleeping in the street.

Could be drunk, on drugs, who the hell knows, could be street vendor it goes on, and on why make All these wild theories.

Why she is in the street has nothing to do with it.

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He certainly should be deported and blacklisted. What a tosser

That's way too light.

Jailed is more like it for a couple of years at least. No room for people like this in society.

Though I must admit it is bizarre. Just randomly going up and kicking a pregnant woman... Even for a boisterous violent drunk. I find it more than odd.

She had probably parked herself in his way.

There is even a chance he simply stumbled over her in his condition.

But likely not, just an aggressive act from an aggressive drunk.

Other than his behaviour, I wonder why she would be sleeping in the gutter or on the pavement in her condition.

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