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Right or wrong ?


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Sounds like an elaborate con to me, but the only kink in the story is that you bought him food / necessities instead of giving him cash and he was grateful... Odd indeed...

Yes, that sound strange to me too.

OP, Where did you get the food from, was he guiding you towards a conveniently located nearby food seller or did you just pop into the nearest 7/11 ?

I was walking same direction as him when he mentioned buying him food I saw a 7/11 on the opposite side of the road over a bridge ahead of us so I headed to bridge and walked over it and took him to that one theres was also one in front on same side.

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Sounds like an elaborate con to me, but the only kink in the story is that you bought him food / necessities instead of giving him cash and he was grateful... Odd indeed...

Yes, that sound strange to me too.

OP, Where did you get the food from, was he guiding you towards a conveniently located nearby food seller or did you just pop into the nearest 7/11 ?

I was walking same direction as him when he mentioned buying him food I saw a 7/11 on the opposite side of the road over a bridge ahead of us so I headed to bridge and walked over it and took him to that one theres was also one in front on same side.

Good on you, someone doing a good deed. Rarely seen these days


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You helped him.

It saddens me when I'm walking on an overhead bridge, and there are so many people who walk by and don't give anything. They just treat the poor/homeless like they're animals and they just ignore them. I thought this behavior was only prevalent in America. Guess I was wrong.

I've found that the people who truly give are the most happiest. The other 99% who don't give are normally not happy.

Are they happy because what they did actually mattered/helped? Or are they happy because they feel better themselves?

Not to say you shouldn't help people in need, but do we do it for our own satisfaction?

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The old saying goes

" A wise man believes no one. A good man believes even the liars."

I say never trust a man from the Indian Sub Continent bearing pictures of his brurtalised family. Tell him to get a job selling those nuts that no one buys.

NO more nut sellers. Let them be tailors. We have enough nut sellers.

Plenty of them in the Plaza these days, bars full of them actually.

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You helped him.

It saddens me when I'm walking on an overhead bridge, and there are so many people who walk by and don't give anything. They just treat the poor/homeless like they're animals and they just ignore them. I thought this behavior was only prevalent in America. Guess I was wrong.

I've found that the people who truly give are the most happiest. The other 99% who don't give are normally not happy.

As the saying goes"there is more happiness in giving than receiving"

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What constitutes a scam? Yesterday a Ukrainian lady with her child asked for money because she was broke and was trying to figure out her next move. How many time can she do this before it becomes a scam? Gave her a 100 baht and wondered how unpleasant it would be to be dependent on pity.

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I don't care I just want to know where to buy rice bread in Bangkok.

Don't know Bangkok but a Tops would be a sure bet. The bread is just made with ground rice as opposed to ground wheat. Rice milk is also nice, good for lactose-intolerant folk.
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All this is basically called 'begging"....the ukrainian,the bangla deshi etc.but when confronted on the street its hard to know,so being kind guys we give a little,but on reflection from reading some posts here its not hard to come to the conclusion that its just an easy way to get a little extra.

I mean how did they get into thailand originally? They must have had money to start with.

At the end of the day we all make our own judgement whether to help in some small way or not.And of course in the back of our own minds might be the thinking"this could be me one day"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why would he take photos of his beaten children?

Don't worry about it you thought you were doing good.


OP, when you said you bought him necessities, I for a second there got fooled thinking he was real. But after you explained more, it seems he "was prepared", too prepared if I would say. With those pictures, and those things to say. You know a lie when you see one without holes. A simple no food, hungry, would have me buy a pick up full of foods for them. But because they said her daughter legs broke or what, wife that, grandfathers that, it's too much. The story is too exaggerated that cries for sympathy from people.

Next time, walk back to that same area, and watch that guy. Just watch him, does he go after "another victim"? Or does he actually eat the food and bring it home.

I was in Asok mcdonalds, this indian man in suit asked if he could sit down with me. I said sure go ahead. He goes on about this blessing, how the face formation is blah blah blah. Says some religious stuff, and starts a scam. He has you write down 5 things on a piece of paper, you age, what you like to have in life, etc. Then crumbles it up. Later on you do some silly religious stuff with the crumbled paper. Then you place the paper on his notepad, then he asks you to repeat after him in a chant. It's to take away your concentration off him while he writes down what you wrote in that crumbled paper. After this "ceremony", he reveals to his notepad what you wrote. AS IF, he knew that before you wrote it. Next he writes on paper. "1000 2000 3000" on the paper. "Please choose, are you rich, average, or poor." Then stares at you. "Now, you give me." HAHAHAHA

Then starts showing pictures of kids and orphanages in temples. I asked if I can visit the temple and donate it myself. Guess what? NO haha.

Indian man, mid 20-30's, around Asok area. Beware!

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Why would he take photos of his beaten children?

Don't worry about it you thought you were doing good.


OP, when you said you bought him necessities, I for a second there got fooled thinking he was real. But after you explained more, it seems he "was prepared", too prepared if I would say. With those pictures, and those things to say. You know a lie when you see one without holes. A simple no food, hungry, would have me buy a pick up full of foods for them. But because they said her daughter legs broke or what, wife that, grandfathers that, it's too much. The story is too exaggerated that cries for sympathy from people.

Next time, walk back to that same area, and watch that guy. Just watch him, does he go after "another victim"? Or does he actually eat the food and bring it home.

I was in Asok mcdonalds, this indian man in suit asked if he could sit down with me. I said sure go ahead. He goes on about this blessing, how the face formation is blah blah blah. Says some religious stuff, and starts a scam. He has you write down 5 things on a piece of paper, you age, what you like to have in life, etc. Then crumbles it up. Later on you do some silly religious stuff with the crumbled paper. Then you place the paper on his notepad, then he asks you to repeat after him in a chant. It's to take away your concentration off him while he writes down what you wrote in that crumbled paper. After this "ceremony", he reveals to his notepad what you wrote. AS IF, he knew that before you wrote it. Next he writes on paper. "1000 2000 3000" on the paper. "Please choose, are you rich, average, or poor." Then stares at you. "Now, you give me." HAHAHAHA

Then starts showing pictures of kids and orphanages in temples. I asked if I can visit the temple and donate it myself. Guess what? NO haha.

Indian man, mid 20-30's, around Asok area. Beware!

We got a Singh ( Sikh) bloke going round harrods years ago.

Same scam. Tries to work the arabs in town.

Thought he was gone. Saw him few days ago.

Must be making money if still at it.

Could be a franchise.

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You helped him.

It saddens me when I'm walking on an overhead bridge, and there are so many people who walk by and don't give anything. They just treat the poor/homeless like they're animals and they just ignore them. I thought this behavior was only prevalent in America. Guess I was wrong.

I've found that the people who truly give are the most happiest. The other 99% who don't give are normally not happy.

Did you not notice the lack of movement/rattling of tins 99 times out of your hundred, followed by a sprint across the walkway to land at the feet of the 100th?

Edited by evadgib
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Scam or not, I think OP did a good deed and should get Karma points (for whatever that is worth). Yes, I am very leery when someone asks for money. Food?!? I'm happy to buy someone food to know that the money isn't used for gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc.

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On my first trip to LOS (1998/late 30's) myself and a friend encountered someone we had been at school with 2 decades earlier who had fallen on hard times (he was already a legendary conman and fraudster by this time). To cut a long story short I paid for his flight home knowing full well that I'd be taken for a ....

Several years later (2004) I was approached by a young Irishman (19-22) @ Singapore airport offering a sob story & looking for help getting a flight home. I felt sorry for him & his story seemed credible, but having already been bitten there was no way that i'd do it again.

I will occasionally buy food as per the OP but never ever give money.

Just my 2p.

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I think that giving food to someone who's probably down on his luck is a good thing. Chances are it was an elaborate con - I just don't think the reaction of someone who's family has been beaten is to go begging on the street. All begging is based on trying to turn an emotional response into cash - but I bet he's not exactly rolling in cash so a meal was a kind act.

Giving money is another thing. There's been a woman with a baby and some puppies near my apartment for 4 years - the baby and the puppies never get any older. Giving money to her will just result in her minders getting more babies and puppies for their scam which will drive child labor and animal abuse.

But you've made me think - perhaps I should give her some baby milk and puppy food.

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Over the years I have been approached by falangs asking for a handout. My experience has been that whenever you question them for details their story always falls apart. The last time I was approached was in McDonalds on Sukhumviut Soi 19, about 6 months ago, by a Brit who was waiting for a transfer from his bank in London and needed B1800 to cover the transfer fee. I told him how that usually works is the bank just deducts the transfer fee from the money transfered. He said no, the bank wanted him to pay the fee first, before they would give him the money. Sounded fishy to me. A couple years back, again on Sukhumvit, a young American guy, told me he had been robbed the night before. He was in a bar on Patpong, left his bag at the bar, got up to take a piss and when he came back his bag was gone! Unbelievable. In the bag were his passport, money etc. I told him he would have to get a police report to take to the embassy to get a replacement passport and that I would help him. No thanks. All of a sudden he had something better to do and wandered off. Then the Filipino con men who like your shoes are another story. How that usually works is you will be standing along Sukhumvit (or anywhere) and a guy will come up to you saying he likes your shoes and asks where you got them. You tell him you got them in the States (or Europe etc) and he will then ask what state and city. If you say Denver or wherever he will immediately tell you that's where his sister lives. His angle is to become your friend then try to get you to visit his house where they then try to get you in a card game where you will be cheated out of your money. I have never gone that far but I do chat with the guy for a few minutes just to hear out the scam. Actually I haven't been approached by these guys for a couple of years but assume they are still around. Also haven't seen the Sikh fortune teller that used to hang around McDonalds on Soi 2.

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There was a bald brit guy stopped me around Nana once with a sob story. He got scared off when he found out I lived in BKK. About a month later he tried it again. He did not remember me but I remembered him. He took off. LOL I now wished I would have played along but was in shock. I bet he is still around doing it.

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You helped him.

It saddens me when I'm walking on an overhead bridge, and there are so many people who walk by and don't give anything. They just treat the poor/homeless like they're animals and they just ignore them. I thought this behavior was only prevalent in America. Guess I was wrong.

I've found that the people who truly give are the most happiest. The other 99% who don't give are normally not happy.

So we are supposed to go around all day, giving money and food to people who we feel sorry for?

Then and only then, will we find true happiness

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Been pestered many times in town,,, have heard all the sob story's me,,, used to feel sorry for some of them too,,, I would give them some money, and then watch them walk straight into the little shop and spend it on a shot off Low Cow.

Some times when me and Er Indoors are eating food on the side of the road,,, the misses wont give them any money,, but she will order a meal for them,,,, If they refuse a meal and insist on money,, she will tell them politely,,, On your way smile.png

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You helped him.

It saddens me when I'm walking on an overhead bridge, and there are so many people who walk by and don't give anything. They just treat the poor/homeless like they're animals and they just ignore them. I thought this behavior was only prevalent in America. Guess I was wrong.

I've found that the people who truly give are the most happiest. The other 99% who don't give are normally not happy.

So we are supposed to go around all day, giving money and food to people who we feel sorry for?

Then and only then, will we find true happiness

People find happiness in different ways. Some like to make bum fights, use them for target practice or just set them on fire.

I don't know about the karma though if you do this.

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