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Israeli troops 'withdraw from Gaza'


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Israeli troops 'withdraw from Gaza'

JERUSALEM: -- Israel has announced the withdrawal of all of its troops to "defensive positions" outside the Gaza Strip.

Lt-Col Peter Lerner told reporters Israeli forces would have left Gaza before a 72-hour truce, scheduled for 08:00 local time (05:00 GMT).

Israeli media reports had claimed the main aim of the conflict - to destroy militants' tunnels - had been achieved.

Gaza officials say the four-week conflict has killed 1,800 Palestinians. Some 67 Israelis have also died.

A Thai national working in Israel was also killed.

The withdrawal announcement came moments before the latest truce was due to come into force.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28654229


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Hamas spokesman beaten by Gaza residents, who blame Hamas for the killing and destruction they suffered.


The residents blamed Hamas for the death of family members and for destruction of their homes. Armed Hamas terrorists from the Izzedine al-Kassam Brigades extricated Abu Zuri and arrested the angry residents.


Channel 10 said that Hamas executed 20 residents of Shejaiya who had dared demonstrate against Hamas.

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Get out and stay out. thumbsup.gif


That's right! 

We, the Great Palestinian Nation do not come to you. We only dig and croll and fly out rockets. If the wind blows them into your land it is not our fault.

Stay out!  

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Hate breeds hate and all of the posts here from the Zionists demonstrate clearly the evil concept of their racial and religious nationalism.


There will never be peace whilst the likes of these extremist  exist  and that goes for both sides,


Indeed it is shame that common sense has died or in fact was slaughtered many years ago by an international land grab which has led to this evil inheritance we now see on a daily basis in the region.


Let us hope that this latest peace truce move will prevail and that any breaches will and can be healed by patience and common sense irrespective of who may breach the current truce. 

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Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.
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Hamas have offered an indefinite truce and recognition of Israel in its 1967 borders

That is a LIE and it has been pointed out to you by numerous posters. One more time. Hamas did NOT offer to recognize Israel - in fact they have made it clear that they will never do so.



PA and all Arab countries have offered to recognize Israel .....deal with them then.

Hamas has offered to accept a Palestinian state as of the 1967 borders, so that ain't inside Israel's borders is it? duh. 


If a few die hard Hamas supporters then want to rabbit on wanting all of pre 1967 Palestine, just like Zionist fanatics will always prattle on about a greater Israel from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, the benefits of peace and prosperity will marginalize them both.


World War 1 ended with just an armistice/ceasefire...less than 40 years later (1957) we had the EU established. It can happen if Israel gives peace a chance.



Edited by dexterm
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Hamas have offered an indefinite truce and recognition of Israel in its 1967 borders

That is a LIE and it has been pointed out to you by numerous posters. One more time. Hamas did NOT offer to recognize Israel - in fact they have made it clear that they will never do so.

PA and all Arab countries have offered to recognize Israel .....deal with them then.

They can't make a deal without Hamas. There is no point.

For the millionth time, a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders does not recognize Israel and a temporary truce does not guarantee Israel's security. It DOES provides Hamas more territory for terrorist infrastructure in order to launch another war.
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It's telling when even Gazans are angry at Hamas and its militants, yet those same Gazans are threatened with physical harm if they speak their minds.  In other words: Hamas heavies and their militant fringe insist on Gazan civilians' compliance - under pain of injury or death.  Not a lot different than N.Korea.  

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The pummelling of Gaza has cost Israel sympathy not just in Europe, but also among Americans. Israelis are debating how to respond





The writing is on the wall for the Zionists in Israel.


It is time for Zionist Israel to stop this  merciless crusade against a civilian population, that campaign it would seem is somewhat reminiscent of a similar campaign conducted in Europe in the 20th century.


Sadly it would seem no lessons were learnt by the current campaigners who claim that their ancestors were the victims of another brutal regime.


Yet Zionist Israel happily engages in a campaign against a civilian population who have had their land stolen, property destroyed etc. 


Perhaps a new Palestinian Holocaust industry could well be in the making to the detriment of both the Zionists and non Zionist Israelis.



Edited by siampolee
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UG wrote,
They can't make a deal without Hamas. There is no point.

For the millionth time, a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders does not recognize Israel and a temporary truce does not guarantee Israel's security. It DOES provides Hamas more territory for terrorist infrastructure in order to launch another war.


So why not make a peace deal with the PA and other Arab countries. They have already agreed to recognize Israel completely in secure permanent borders, exchange of ambassadors, trade, tourism the works?


Wait for it ...here it comes straight from the Hasbara handbook....Israel can't make a deal with the PA because it doesn't represent all Palestinians. Catch 22.


You sound like your masters...a problem for every solution.

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We the Jewish people control America, and America knows it.
Ariel Sharon.

It has already been pointed out that this is a FAKE QUOTE and several sources have confirmed it. Why do the Israel-haters have to constantly resort to dishonesty and lies to make their case?



I've discovered the quickest way to find out if a statement involving Israel is true or false.


Ask Ulysses, and invert the result.

Edited by joepublic
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It's telling when even Gazans are angry at Hamas and its militants, yet those same Gazans are threatened with physical harm if they speak their minds.  In other words: Hamas heavies and their militant fringe insist on Gazan civilians' compliance - under pain of injury or death.  Not a lot different than N.Korea.  


You been to Gaza ?

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Israel should be able to defend itself. Full stop.


The only way Israel can truly defend itself is negotiating a just peace agreement with its neighbors. Permanent secure recognized borders are the only borders worth having. As the decades of peace and detente thereafter roll by Israel could start spending on improving their citizens' lives rather than forcing them into 3 years brutalizing conscription.


PA and all Arab countries in 2002 and 2007 have offered to recognize Israel in secure permanent borders.







Hamas, of course, rejected it on both occasions.

Lebanon was not (and is not) in any domestic situation allowing it to sign any meaningful treaty, and the same is true

for the sorry state Syria and Iraq are in today.

The PA's current situation, with the Hamas acting separately and according to its own ideology does not lend much

credibility to the PA's ability to uphold this initiative.

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UG wrote,
They can't make a deal without Hamas. There is no point.

For the millionth time, a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders does not recognize Israel and a temporary truce does not guarantee Israel's security. It DOES provides Hamas more territory for terrorist infrastructure in order to launch another war.


So why not make a peace deal with the PA and other Arab countries. They have already agreed to recognize Israel completely in secure permanent borders, exchange of ambassadors, trade, tourism the works?


Wait for it ...here it comes straight from the Hasbara handbook....Israel can't make a deal with the PA because it doesn't represent all Palestinians. Catch 22.


You sound like your masters...a problem for every solution.


It is not even clear that the Fatah holds the majority among the Palestinians. What is the value of making an agreement

with the PA if it might not represent the majority of the Palestinians? Why is this an unreasonable point?


And still no answer as to how this is relevant to the Gazs Strip issue.


Two of Israel's neighbors are not in a position to sign anything, the other two got peace treaties in place.



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It's telling when even Gazans are angry at Hamas and its militants, yet those same Gazans are threatened with physical harm if they speak their minds.  In other words: Hamas heavies and their militant fringe insist on Gazan civilians' compliance - under pain of injury or death.  Not a lot different than N.Korea.  


You been to Gaza ?



I am not sure if he did, but I was multiple times and sadly - he is right on the money, honey.

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