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Thai's and foreign food.


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In America and most western countries it seems most people eat a wide variety of cuisines from around the world.  When living in the states, for as long as I can remember, our family never went a week without eating food from at least 4 different parts of the world.  We would always eat things such as Italian food, Japanese, French, Chinese, Peruvian, Mexican, Cuban, Indian, Thai, etc.  I always found it very exciting and always kept dinner as an interesting experience.  


My question is, why do most Thai's stick to almost only Thai food?  Most Thais I know eat food foreign to the Asian continent once a month if that.   Doesn't it get boring eating rice almost every day?

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To be honest I am sick of eating white rice, I much prefer brown rice, as it's tastier and better for you, but to be honest when we are out and about rarely I can find it in the restaurants.

I love eating Thai food, as I like spicy food, not keen on there sweets as they are too sweet....

Anyway, that's my take.
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It's cheap tastes nice I guess that's why.

Foreign food is usually a lot more expensive.

Sure it's tasty, but even the best food in the world can't be eaten every day without becoming a bore.  And international food can be made at home fairly cheaply.  South American food, Middle Eastern food, and some European specialties can be made here rather cheaply and the ingredients are easy to find in a market.  


I have been here about four years now and it has always been a wonder of mine how people don't get bored of the same type of food.  Granted I am not putting them down, I simply want to know how this style of eating came to be.  

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"not keen on there sweets as they are too sweet...."


Please tell me what traditional sweet that is too sweet?


The majority of Thai deserts mix savory with their sweet.


As for the OP, I am not sure that you represent the majority of American families. I think the typical American family is just as narrow with their food choices. Most Americans that don't travel abroad typically eat quite bland boring monotonous foods.


Thai's typically are not adventurous but often like things that they are introduced to. Sushi is incredibly popular here, Korean food is also.

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It's something I noticed as well. Thai people love Thai food. Thankfully I do to, so heads never butt, but I do find it curious. 



Frankly, I think it's a socioeconomic thing. Decent western food, in comparison to what Thai people earn, is expensive. And shit. 


Westerners and             Thai people with disposable income

McD / KFC / BK etc.       7/11

Chinese / Thai etc.          Issan Food stall / Noodle Stand (more Chinese than Thai IMO)

'Steak Night'                    Eat I am / MK etc.


                                        Poverty Stricken (in my country no equivalent exists)

                                         Sticky Rice / Bamboo Shoots / Bugs / Grass ETC.



The Thai people are uniquely proud and culturally homogenous compared to those around the. Yes there are a lot of different people, that they all seem to fly under the same banner remarkably well.  


In Malaysia and Singapore, you have three significant ethnic groups. All of whom have excellent food, and most of which appreciate each others food. (Though Chinese peoiple don't like Indian food much)


In Cambodia, any culinary legacy was murdered by the Khmer Rouge what remained was some french cooking and transplants from Thai and Vietnamese refugee camps. They don't eat western food because they seem too poor to afford it.


In Laos, it seems to be similar to Issan food and they aren't in a financial position to treat themselves to Western Food


and in Myanmar, it's a pluralistic country with a shitload of disunity and everyone kind of sticks to their own group


Fillipinos are obsessed completely on fast food and 'gourmet' crap as well. In my opinion because their own food is not good at all.. 


Thus, summing up, "Thai people" are a fairly new creation. They are the product of about 100 years of nation building and the many different ethnic groups within modern day Thailand, Chinese immigrants under one banner and they are lucky enough to have such a wide range of different food available, cooked at a high standard (it's yum! but not necessarily healthy or sanitary) without the colonial baggage or pluralism (Everyone is Thai. Chinese person from BKK is Thai. Lanna person from Chiang Mai is Thai). Chances are if you arent from a good background than you probably wont try western food until you're an adult in Thailand.  


Good idea for a sociology paper if anyone studies that.


Edited by CodyB
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It's cheap tastes nice I guess that's why.

Foreign food is usually a lot more expensive.

Sure it's tasty, but even the best food in the world can't be eaten every day without becoming a bore.  And international food can be made at home fairly cheaply.  South American food, Middle Eastern food, and some European specialties can be made here rather cheaply and the ingredients are easy to find in a market.  


I have been here about four years now and it has always been a wonder of mine how people don't get bored of the same type of food.  Granted I am not putting them down, I simply want to know how this style of eating came to be.  



My mrs cooks and eats, Indian, Mexican and Italian food, on top of that she can cook and eat farang and Korean food.


Last week I was in The Mall Bang Kapi, there must have been at least one hundred people waiting in line to get into one of these Korean/Japanese places.


Where are you observing what you see?

One thing is for sure it aint Bkk.

Head out to Fashion Island on a weekend and see for yourself.

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It's something I noticed as well. Thai people love Thai food. Thankfully I do to, so heads never butt, but I do find it curious. 



Frankly, I think it's a socioeconomic thing. Decent western food, in comparison to what Thai people earn, is expensive. And shit. 


Westerners and             Thai people with disposable income

McD / KFC / BK etc.       7/11

Chinese / Thai etc.          Issan Food stall / Noodle Stand (more Chinese than Thai IMO)

'Steak Night'                    Eat I am / MK etc.


                                        Poverty Stricken (in my country no equivalent exists)

                                         Sticky Rice / Bamboo Shoots / Bugs / Grass ETC.



The Thai people are uniquely proud and culturally homogenous compared to those around the. Yes there are a lot of different people, that they all seem to fly under the same banner remarkably well.  


In Malaysia and Singapore, you have three significant ethnic groups. All of whom have excellent food, and most of which appreciate each others food. (Though Chinese peoiple don't like Indian food much)


In Cambodia, any culinary legacy was murdered by the Khmer Rouge what remained was some french cooking and transplants from Thai and Vietnamese refugee camps. They don't eat western food because they seem too poor to afford it.


In Laos, it seems to be similar to Issan food and they aren't in a financial position to treat themselves to Western Food


and in Myanmar, it's a pluralistic country with a shitload of disunity and everyone kind of sticks to their own group


Fillipinos are obsessed completely on fast food and 'gourmet' crap as well. In my opinion because their own food is not good at all.. 


Thus, summing up, "Thai people" are a fairly new creation. They are the product of about 100 years of nation building and the many different ethnic groups within modern day Thailand, Chinese immigrants under one banner and they are lucky enough to have such a wide range of different food available, cooked at a high standard (it's yum! but not necessarily healthy or sanitary) without the colonial baggage or pluralism (Everyone is Thai. Chinese person from BKK is Thai. Lanna person from Chiang Mai is Thai). Chances are if you arent from a good background than you probably wont try western food until you're an adult in Thailand.  


Good idea for a sociology paper if anyone studies that.



In Malaysia and Singapore, you have three significant ethnic groups. All of whom have excellent food, and most of which appreciate each others food. (Though Chinese peoiple don't like Indian food much)


Sorry, fail. I disagree with your "observation".

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I don't think it's a particularly Thai trait to be narrow-minded in food preferences.

As Zeichen said above, " I think the typical American family is just as narrow with their food choices. Most Americans that don't travel abroad typically eat quite bland boring monotonous foods."

It's not just Americans. My friend's parents are English. They view spaghetti bolognese as "foreign muck" and would rather have "a traditional, real English meal" whatever that is.

I know Kiwis who will always order steak and chips if it is available at any restaurant of any culture.


And I don't think the Thai narrow taste is to do with cost. I often cook stuff that is not Thai and give a plate to my neighbours....most often the food gets passed on to the Wat, lol, and I'm not a bad cook. They just are not used to a different taste.


I'm with the OP in that I think it is nice to experience different cuisines,

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Thais can't go a day without rice and they certainly can't go more than a few days without Thai food. Any Thai that goes on holidays usually takes a supply of Thai food in their suitcase and on the odd occasion that a Thai moves overseas for a new job etc they insist on shipping rice, noodles, curry paste etc with them. Yes, not all Thais, but 95% of them.


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they like Japanese food.


I think other types of food is too expensive for many.


They think they wont like it, so dont buy it - but they actually dont know as they have never tried it.



next time you pass a,MACDONALDS,K.F.C.PIZZA HUT you will see who's eating what,chicken,burgers,pizza,chips and now mashed potato.not exactly thai food.

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A typical usa shopping mall food court will have, pizza, Thai, china, indian, mex ,,sushi plus whatever local regional styles... the US is a nation of immigrants unlike here.

Edited by daoyai
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I think they have to be exposed to the variety....there's a great many western foods my wife enjoys - however when we eat a lot we both gain weight......Thai's are happy with their diet and for the most part it is a good one....


A lot has to do with the spices.....they simply accept them as normal and when traveling quite frequently either send them ahead (USA) or bring along.....on a group tour to China (I was the only farang) they wouldn't touch Chinese food without adding the spices the tour company was obliged to bring - they explained to me they would otherwise lose the Thai business......they looked at the Chinese food with visible dismay....easy for me to take it all in as I am not fluent in Thai so people watching, which I do anyway but more so this trip was a little more interesting.....as were meal times....

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A typical usa shopping mall food court will have, pizza, Thai, china, indian, mex ,,sushi plus whatever local regional styles... the US is a nation of immigrants unlike here.


You obviously not been to a Thai shopping mall then.

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If they want a pizza, look how much it costs.


That's a point ... just why is Pizza so expensive in Thailand.


It can't be because the high quality ingredients used ...  blink.png





 Cheese, gas, training.


And because people pay it and market is limited as half the population can't afford it or like it.

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My wife loves marmite ,tomorrow we will have shepards pie ,she also eats baked pots ,(she makes the best i have ever tasted,honestly) as a familly we eat indian ,japanese ,anything going ,but then we all lived in the UK for many years.

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If they want a pizza, look how much it costs.


That's a point ... just why is Pizza so expensive in Thailand.


It can't be because the high quality ingredients used ...  blink.png




I got an Issan Pizza once with peas and carrots on it amongst the ham, cheese and tomato sauce.


Wasn't expensive, only 60 baht. Tasted like a 60 baht pizza btw.

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I think they have to be exposed to the variety....there's a great many western foods my wife enjoys - however when we eat a lot we both gain weight......Thai's are happy with their diet and for the most part it is a good one....


A lot has to do with the spices.....they simply accept them as normal and when traveling quite frequently either send them ahead (USA) or bring along.....on a group tour to China (I was the only farang) they wouldn't touch Chinese food without adding the spices the tour company was obliged to bring - they explained to me they would otherwise lose the Thai business......they looked at the Chinese food with visible dismay....easy for me to take it all in as I am not fluent in Thai so people watching, which I do anyway but more so this trip was a little more interesting.....as were meal times....



 Bangkok and Chonburi plus many other places I suppose are full of Chinese food stalls. Half the food about is of Chinese origin.

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OP I dont know what you're talking about? Take a walk around Bangkok and every other restaurant is Korean or Japanese. Ask my Thai friends what foreign food they like - the answer is inevitably "sushi". 


Why no western foods? I Guess the good ones - Italian, French, Spanish - are all too expensive for the average person here to afford. And the other ones - English, american, german - are crap!


I do find it odd that thai's dont like indian food, it seems ideally suited: spicy, rice, easy to cook.

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Thais can't go a day without rice and they certainly can't go more than a few days without Thai food. Any Thai that goes on holidays usually takes a supply of Thai food in their suitcase and on the odd occasion that a Thai moves overseas for a new job etc they insist on shipping rice, noodles, curry paste etc with them. Yes, not all Thais, but 95% of them.



When Uncle Soutie goes to work, he packs his bags with "western" goodies as well to take with him, so no different from what "thai's" do, so struggling to see the how "Thai's are singled out doing this


All the guys I have ever worked with used take their "own" specific food items to work with them, its the done thing, however many years ago, one guys got his "crockpot" full of indian curry confiscated at the heliport he was most upset wouldnt let him take it on the chopper biggrin.png

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Thais can't go a day without rice and they certainly can't go more than a few days without Thai food. Any Thai that goes on holidays usually takes a supply of Thai food in their suitcase and on the odd occasion that a Thai moves overseas for a new job etc they insist on shipping rice, noodles, curry paste etc with them. Yes, not all Thais, but 95% of them.

When Uncle Soutie goes to work, he packs his bags with "western" goodies as well to take with him, so no different from what "thai's" do, so struggling to see the how "Thai's are singled out doing this
All the guys I have ever worked with used take their "own" specific food items to work with them, its the done thing, however many years ago, one guys got his "crockpot" full of indian curry confiscated at the heliport he was most upset wouldnt let him take it on the chopper biggrin.png

Well, cause they are Thai they need to be singled out and ridiculed in an anonymous web forum for doing that stuff that all other foreigners do.

I mean, none of these posters ever dare shop at Villa, foodland or the French section of Big C now do they?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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Both not true:





all the Chinese and Japanese Food

every saw the milk products and sausage in the supermarket

They sell these lot of spaghetti and chocolade not only to Farangs


So a lot foreign food in Thailand. Just they don't celebrate it as foreign food, they often include it into their food.


And in the USA you have no other choice than to eat foreign food. I am not aware of any US food. Even the Burgers were known in Europe before.

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