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Central Pattaya knife attack leaves American seriously injured

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I'm curious if the farangs always lose the fight, or if it only makes the news when they do.

How many stories of some foreigner snatching one of these guys up and smashing him?

I never hear that, but it seems like the physical advantage is generally in the farang's favor, atleast a good amount of the time.

Ask lostsoul laugh.png

(hope I remembered the right member lol)

He is my TV hero, stands up for what he believes is right, and will take no BS from anyone.

I love reading his stories, about cops, or general encounters and smashing people who do wrong. tongue.png

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How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, Italians

I assume you're being sarcastic. On Thai Visa sarcasm can fly over the heads of the literalists. And often things intended to be taken seriously appear to be sarcasm.

"why oh why dont the thais act like americans,"

... and carry a gun or assault rifle.

As an American ... now far from the land of crazy ... let me tell yu, my friends from other lands, who have never lived in the USA ...this sarcasm is spot on and I come from a city (Boston) ... where worse can happen by just flipping the bird to another driver.

Now some will weigh in with "easy for you, wait until you have a reason to lose your cool with a Thai driver." Been there, done that. I was walking through a parking garage at Siam Paragon and got hit full on by an SUV. I realized that I was perfectly OK, it was an accident, looked at the driver, they apologized, I said Mai Pen Rai ... and that was it.

I do not care where in the world you are, if you look for trouble...you will find it.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

I carry a knife with me everyday. Have done for the last 40 odd years. Obviously don't take it on planes with me, but will have one available at my destination place of work. Habitual I suppose.

He is a butcher after all, but the question would be what would he want with one doing massages?

To be clear, I don't carry a knife for self protection or to cause injury to others.

Hey Chrisinth, Just interested, what do you carry the knife for?

I carry a swiss army knife. It's a tool, not a weapon. It could be a weapon. So could the pen I carry, my book bag, my belt, and the chain and lock I carry on my motorcycle not to mention my helmet and my keys. Is it my intent to ever use them as weapons? Absolutely not. Thai prison does not appeal to me.

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A flame post removed

forum rule 7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.


The American exchanged angry words with the Thai, possibly even showing his anger first. When will westerners ever learn that you don't cause any Thai to loose face in public. Westerners don't understand Thai's, and Thai's don't understand Westerners, so you want the Thai's to change to a western way of thinking, just like that, Never Happen. You have to do as the Romans do, to be able understand the Thai thinking, I live in a village where there are maybe 1% westerners, and everyday I'm able to analayze my Thai neighbors thinking patterns.

I've also seen Thai's get into a confrontational incident in the UK, yet they never got angry from loosing face, WHY ?.


Uh oh, someone said the magic word.

Brings the keyboard cowboys out of the woodwork.
Funny, nobody ever mentions the problem they have with my culture in real life.

Deepest apologies that you all hate the fioreign policy of my government to the extent you think it's socially acceptable to be generally racist toward all of us. Oh, or is it because you can tell that we're having a good time from across the bar? Even to the point of applauding when an innocent man is brutally attacked by a much younger guy, you know, because he "probably had it coming", on accounta we don't like you Yanks.

Keep in mind, Thai boys; You're in the same boat with us.
If theres anything these ThaiVisa trolls love to talk s* about more than us, it's you.

  • Like 1

I've found the best reaction to 'negative incidents' with a Thai male is no reaction at all. Keep still and keep a poker face. It unnerves them. And they will leave.

The 'no reaction' technique takes practice. Try it. It works.

PS: But, just in case, be ready to run like hell!

the "no reaction" technique is by far the best way to deal with aggressive people where-ever you are

  • Like 2

Some of you cracked about Thai politeness, my ass. I was in SiSaKet by the train station when a polite Thai parked 4 deep to go to the 7-11 was blocking the street,so, I honked my horn and this animal kicked in my door and I could not exit my car as others where pushing on the door as he contined to damage my car. As an American I find your people thinking they all tough guys watching the crap on your TV. Had I gotten out of the car I would of beat his ass into the ground with no second thought.

Just because this is Thailand that does not give you the right to injury or damage others. Try that stuff in the USA and the man with the knife would receive about 5-7 years in a prison not a jail and once they found out inside he attacked an American his time would be cut short.

The next encounter I have with a hot headed Thai on Yaba or just stupid I carry a surprise for them.

  • Like 1

How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

I second your sentiments Robert. I have to constantly remind myself of this. Every time someone pulls out in front of me, (at a slow pace) or doesn't indicate. it really annoys me and I'm still blowing the horn at them. Sometimes I feel like charging them with attempted murder because they just shoot out in front of me and expect me to stop while it's me that's on the main road and they're coming out of a side road. I'd just love to know what their defense would be when asked by the judge..."Did you see the motorbike (or car) coming"? and if the answer is "yes".. then why did you pull out in front of him when he was so near you"?

Thanks for another reminder to try and just practice....."Acceptance".........Hope the man makes a full recovery. ...It's a lesson for us all.

Yeah that's how it is to live here. If you like temperament and self expression you should visit China. You can argue freely and no one gets butthurt because they all do it. I'm going there soon and might move permanently sometime in the future.


This incident unfortunately doesn't surprise me at all.

I think I was very close to getting beaten up or worse a few weeks back in Big C Extra where I was topping up my internet at the DTAC store.

I was waiting in line when a thai tried to push in from of me and the service girl to her credit served me first.

He then started ranting about this was Thailand and he was Thai and what was I doing in Thailand and when I uttered one word in protest he was about to whack me ......he was off his tree with anger over I don't know what but it could well have been very ugly for me and this was mid morning in Big C Extra so believe me It could happen to you and you don't have to do anything at all for it to happen.

It shook me up for the rest of the day.

But it could have been a whole lot worse considering what has happened to others like the OP.

  • Like 1

Some of you cracked about Thai politeness, my ass. I was in SiSaKet by the train station when a polite Thai parked 4 deep to go to the 7-11 was blocking the street,so, I honked my horn and this animal kicked in my door and I could not exit my car as others where pushing on the door as he contined to damage my car. As an American I find your people thinking they all tough guys watching the crap on your TV. Had I gotten out of the car I would of beat his ass into the ground with no second thought.

Just because this is Thailand that does not give you the right to injury or damage others. Try that stuff in the USA and the man with the knife would receive about 5-7 years in a prison not a jail and once they found out inside he attacked an American his time would be cut short.

The next encounter I have with a hot headed Thai on Yaba or just stupid I carry a surprise for them.


No one in Thailand honks the horn thats impatiant and stupid patiance may just

keep you breathing "Geesh"

By the way mam " this is a western run forum hence the TVF.

  • Like 1

thais harbour rage internally ,like most,but unlike most,thais have a sense of ownership in thailand,forigners are just toursits and as tourists we have no rights.you will never win in thailand,if you are LUCKY you may break even..but that is rare

i have been told and heard MANY TIMES the following;

if you ever get in an altercation with a Thai; do not shout at them or show any aggression or anger... back-off slowly and hope for the best.

Similar as for an encounter with a Grizzly Bear or a Rattlesnake or number of dangerous, vicious animals.


In my home country of America, the guy would have pulled out a gun instead of a knife. Lucky he was in Thailand.

I see you are from Chicago, too. Pretty sure that wouldn't happen in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

  • Like 1

"When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

I not sure I follow this argument - So, to be angry is 'not Thainess' and is very rude, but to stab someone multiple times is consider both 'Thainess' and an acceptable response to someone raising their voice...I wondered if the Butcher put his hands together afterwards and said 'ka toot kap' (using the correct 'polite particle').

Can't have it both ways - to be passive and accepting one cannot then turn the table and stab/mame or anything else. Be fair!


I think it would be difficult to bone out a side of beef whilst riding a motorcycle don't you ?

"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Misquote! That was me quoting someone else and my answer was same as yours, please be careful to include the whole quote.

  • Like 1

How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, Italians

I assume you're being sarcastic. On Thai Visa sarcasm can fly over the heads of the literalists. And often things intended to be taken seriously appear to be sarcasm.

"why oh why dont the thais act like americans,"

... and carry a gun or assault rifle.

As an American ... now far from the land of crazy ... let me tell yu, my friends from other lands, who have never lived in the USA ...this sarcasm is spot on and I come from a city (Boston) ... where worse can happen by just flipping the bird to another driver.

Now some will weigh in with "easy for you, wait until you have a reason to lose your cool with a Thai driver." Been there, done that. I was walking through a parking garage at Siam Paragon and got hit full on by an SUV. I realized that I was perfectly OK, it was an accident, looked at the driver, they apologized, I said Mai Pen Rai ... and that was it.

I do not care where in the world you are, if you look for trouble...you will find it.

Clearly the guy was looking for some idiot who can't watch where he's going to slam into his bicycle.


"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Boy scouts carry knives..... UPS carries box cutters.... Many people carry a multi-tool with a knife.....

Anyways...what's the point?


"When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

I quite agree.

As an American living in Asia many years, I have come to realize that Americans are prone to quick anger and

vulgarities. Americans seem to think this is normal behavior, but in Asia if you get nasty and call people dirty

names as a result of some minor incident, it is not taken lightly.

As this case demonstrates, Americans who plan to visit or live in Asia would do well to learn a bit of manners

and civility. Otherwise they would be better off to stay in America.

Really? So when a guy on a motor bike drives into you you say sorry? The guy got indignant and for his sins got cut up by a psycho and you think this is normal? If you've been in Thailand for so long you might understand about the Thainess of avoiding confrontation? I'll bet my bottom dollar that although you find this disproportionate response acceptable you think Israel's isn't? I guess Americans around the World are thankful for your hep-handy advice though.

This may not be the most nonsensical post I've ever seen on TV,

but it is surely in the top three.


Some of you cracked about Thai politeness, my ass. I was in SiSaKet by the train station when a polite Thai parked 4 deep to go to the 7-11 was blocking the street,so, I honked my horn and this animal kicked in my door and I could not exit my car as others where pushing on the door as he contined to damage my car. As an American I find your people thinking they all tough guys watching the crap on your TV. Had I gotten out of the car I would of beat his ass into the ground with no second thought.

Just because this is Thailand that does not give you the right to injury or damage others. Try that stuff in the USA and the man with the knife would receive about 5-7 years in a prison not a jail and once they found out inside he attacked an American his time would be cut short.

The next encounter I have with a hot headed Thai on Yaba or just stupid I carry a surprise for them.

You sound like a poster child for small man syndrome. cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

It'll be 'hard' to hide your surprise in a Thai prison.


"When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

I quite agree.

As an American living in Asia many years, I have come to realize that Americans are prone to quick anger and

vulgarities. Americans seem to think this is normal behavior, but in Asia if you get nasty and call people dirty

names as a result of some minor incident, it is not taken lightly.

As this case demonstrates, Americans who plan to visit or live in Asia would do well to learn a bit of manners

and civility. Otherwise they would be better off to stay in America.

Really? So when a guy on a motor bike drives into you you say sorry? The guy got indignant and for his sins got cut up by a psycho and you think this is normal? If you've been in Thailand for so long you might understand about the Thainess of avoiding confrontation? I'll bet my bottom dollar that although you find this disproportionate response acceptable you think Israel's isn't? I guess Americans around the World are thankful for your hep-handy advice though.

This may not be the most nonsensical post I've ever seen on TV,

but it is surely in the top three.

Yes... Since when was attempted murder with a deadly weapon justified because feelings were hurt?

And who thinks Thai people do not get angry when they drive as well? Road rage happens here more than you think....


"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Well I've been a chef for over 30 years and I have never carried a knife outside of work.Why would he?

  • Like 1

As an aside.....why is it necessary for posters to limit their idea to one small detail.... The victim could have been any Nationality.... I seen more articles on Russians, Europeans, Aussies and Brits than on Americans....where they have been victims of violence.


"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Well I've been a chef for over 30 years and I have never carried a knife outside of work.Why would he?

Backpack Features:

  • The ultimate, all-in-one backpack for chefs and culinary students
  • Back pocket is custom built for knife case portfolio (included)
  • Laptop pocket with maximum screen size of 17in
  • Middle pocket is large enough to hold books and/or uniforms
  • Designated area with pockets for your cooking utensils (up to 15in)
  • Front utility pocket with room for first aid kit, wallet, keys, pens, etc.
  • Padded straps and back panel for extra comfort


The point of the back pack is to carry it back and forth to work.


Not defending a thai in any way shape or form, but many need to put things into perspective.

read the daily mail from today,on internet, there are some very vile killings,rapes etc etc in the uk, very gruesome indeed, one first page,includes the eastender star( dont know her) who was brutaly murdered by her brother and body cut up, pure evil..5kids age 13- 15, raping a girl etc etc

Wrong, thats just what you are doing "Defending", like you was trying to defend street food in Thailand in another thread this week. You said it is safe in Thailand, BUT not safe in the USA / UK. " Nuff said."


"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Well I've been a chef for over 30 years and I have never carried a knife outside of work.Why would he?

Backpack Features:

  • The ultimate, all-in-one backpack for chefs and culinary students
  • Back pocket is custom built for knife case portfolio (included)
  • Laptop pocket with maximum screen size of 17in
  • Middle pocket is large enough to hold books and/or uniforms
  • Designated area with pockets for your cooking utensils (up to 15in)
  • Front utility pocket with room for first aid kit, wallet, keys, pens, etc.
  • Padded straps and back panel for extra comfort


The point of the back pack is to carry it back and forth to work.

Was the attacker wearing this handy backpack.....? I think not.


"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Well I've been a chef for over 30 years and I have never carried a knife outside of work.Why would he?

Backpack Features:

  • The ultimate, all-in-one backpack for chefs and culinary students
  • Back pocket is custom built for knife case portfolio (included)
  • Laptop pocket with maximum screen size of 17in
  • Middle pocket is large enough to hold books and/or uniforms
  • Designated area with pockets for your cooking utensils (up to 15in)
  • Front utility pocket with room for first aid kit, wallet, keys, pens, etc.
  • Padded straps and back panel for extra comfort


The point of the back pack is to carry it back and forth to work.

Was the attacker wearing this handy backpack.....? I think not.

My point was a lot of cooks take their knives home because kitchens are not secure and good knives are expensive. They would not make the backpack if I was not correct.

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