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Thai Interior Ministry: Exemption of visa fees considered for European tourists


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it never stops ....massive clampdown , now free tourist visas that assist the very people they were trying to get rid of ....i find this really irritating for what non imm visa applicants have to do and payrn

Thailand is not trying to get rid of tourists. It is getting rid of people who are working here with tourist visas.

I have lived her for 37 years on a yearly extension of stay. I have two children, the first when he was born was not a Thai citizen, when he was two the law was changed and he became a Thai citizen. If the government would let me have a stake in this country, ie buy land invest in a business run my own business make rules that could kick me out the country. I would have invested and done so. I have no stake in this country and therefore care little what. happens. I and all non Thais are treated with disdain and mild contempt. by the authorities. If they would have given me a stake to put into the ground I would have brought my knowledge and money to build something better. The government bourgeoisie only sees a non Thai making money by taking it away from the natives. This is why I care little what happens here

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

Absolutely right. Suspending visa fees is unlikely to boost tourism -But won't do any harm.

Fighting the now epidemic Dengue mosquito in areas like Phuket, Samui, Koh Tao, Pattaya where the levels of Dengue Fever are at horrific infection rates would be a good start.

Samui's tourism is "officially" down by 20% which means it is much worse.

No complaints, but the previously exploding Russian market has almost disappeared. Whilst good for everyone - it's bad for the local economy - the Russians were good spenders despite their appalling manners.

Seeing the Red vs Everyone faction fights on Western TV definitely deterred millions of timid Europeans.

The Military's restoration of peace on the streets has brought joy to all decent Thais but the Western Campaign in the media still supports the old 'conflict in the streets' in its rather twisted defence of a "Democratic" system which never existed in reality.

Ridiculously inflated airfares complete the restrictive practices of EU Governments which seek to keep their "free" populations grounded and spending at home.

Of all these limitations, the easiest to fix is the Dengue horror.

Suspend the visa charge - OK thanks but how does a Tour Operator put that in his brochure "No visa charge if you book and fly before........."

What is all this about Dengue fever on Samui.....? (cannot speak for other areas) but not heard there is a problem on Samui.... this is just unnecessary scare mongering...coffee1.gif

and not all Russians have poor manners either facepalm.gif

Edited by samuijimmy
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Does that include Australia?

Is Australia still a British penal colony?

If not, consult an atlas. Check whether Australia is located near Europe enough to qualify as European.

Many Australians are mistaken for Austrians so it might work!

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

You're 100% right. Only an idiot would base their decision on which country to visit on a mere visa fee. Although Vietnam still requires visas from most nationalities and continues to drag it's feet when it comes to visa exemptions (it recently approved a 30 day visa exemption for Russian tourists, up from the current 15 days though) as anyone who has ever been to Vietnam knows, Vietnam visas are merely about revenue raising and that's it. You can get a Vietnamese visa either on arrival (pre-approved) or in as little as 15-30 minutes depending on the consulate. Much more important than whether a visa is required or not, or what the fee is, is what's on offer in each country, how interesting it is, the food, prices of hotels, tours, transport, food etc.

I have seen and heard ridiculous arguments from people who refuse to visit Vietnam because of the visa fee cost (or in the case of one Taiwanese guy who posted over on ttrweekly.com who refuses to visit Thailand because of the 1000 Baht visa-on-arrival fee). I mean seriously, if $30 or $50 or whatever means that much to you, stay home. You're too poor to travel and neither Thailand nor Vietnam needs you.

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

You're 100% right. Only an idiot would base their decision on which country to visit on a mere visa fee. Although Vietnam still requires visas from most nationalities and continues to drag it's feet when it comes to visa exemptions (it recently approved a 30 day visa exemption for Russian tourists, up from the current 15 days though) as anyone who has ever been to Vietnam knows, Vietnam visas are merely about revenue raising and that's it. You can get a Vietnamese visa either on arrival (pre-approved) or in as little as 15-30 minutes depending on the consulate. Much more important than whether a visa is required or not, or what the fee is, is what's on offer in each country, how interesting it is, the food, prices of hotels, tours, transport, food etc.

I have seen and heard ridiculous arguments from people who refuse to visit Vietnam because of the visa fee cost (or in the case of one Taiwanese guy who posted over on ttrweekly.com who refuses to visit Thailand because of the 1000 Baht visa-on-arrival fee). I mean seriously, if $30 or $50 or whatever means that much to you, stay home. You're too poor to travel and neither Thailand nor Vietnam needs you.

Perhaps it is your argument that is ridiculous. One of the reasons why I have not visited India and Russia as of yet, is in part to do with their visa fees. I don't think there are proportionate and therefore I choose to spend my money elsewhere.

Your 'argument' about staying home because you are too poor is frankly, idiotic.

People like to be able to exercise their right of choice.

I'm quite happy if they remove the fee for a visa. It's called Goodwill.

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it will be only the low quality rubbish that will take advantage of this freebie .. the sort that Thailand already has lots of (sex perverts) .. and Thailand already has one too many of these evil scum from australia and usa

No mention of AUS/NZ or North Americans?

You are 'high quality'? rolleyes.gif

Never ceases to amaze me when I read the quality of the comments on this forum.

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There was a period of free tourist visas a few years ago, so the Hull consulate in the UK introduced a 'processing' fee which was about the same price as the visa! In fact I think it was £3 more!

Not true of course. It was £15 per application. Usual single entry TR cost was £28.

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is this news A JOKE ? Visa crackdown, falangs go home, crackdown on ED visa etc.. and now they give out free tourist visas ? That's all big spending tourists were waiting on to visit Thailand, sa saving of 60$ on their tourist visa cheesy.gif

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

Absolutely right. Suspending visa fees is unlikely to boost tourism -But won't do any harm.

Fighting the now epidemic Dengue mosquito in areas like Phuket, Samui, Koh Tao, Pattaya where the levels of Dengue Fever are at horrific infection rates would be a good start.

Samui's tourism is "officially" down by 20% which means it is much worse.

No complaints, but the previously exploding Russian market has almost disappeared. Whilst good for everyone - it's bad for the local economy - the Russians were good spenders despite their appalling manners.

Seeing the Red vs Everyone faction fights on Western TV definitely deterred millions of timid Europeans.

The Military's restoration of peace on the streets has brought joy to all decent Thais but the Western Campaign in the media still supports the old 'conflict in the streets' in its rather twisted defence of a "Democratic" system which never existed in reality.

Ridiculously inflated airfares complete the restrictive practices of EU Governments which seek to keep their "free" populations grounded and spending at home.

Of all these limitations, the easiest to fix is the Dengue horror.

Suspend the visa charge - OK thanks but how does a Tour Operator put that in his brochure "No visa charge if you book and fly before........."

Have seen perhaps three or four sub 350€ flights to Thailand this year and perhaps one or two sub 300€.. You don't need to travel to Thailand on an EU airline.

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Does that include Australia?

Is Australia still a British penal colony?

If not, consult an atlas. Check whether Australia is located near Europe enough to qualify as European.

Australia used to allow any one into the country, as long as they came in a boat

they even threw money at them

That's why we have such a large African population ^_' Australia has a higher percentage of Europeans than most of Europe.

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There was a period of free tourist visas a few years ago, so the Hull consulate in the UK introduced a 'processing' fee which was about the same price as the visa! In fact I think it was £3 more!

Not true of course. It was £15 per application. Usual single entry TR cost was £28.

I think u r right about the £28 as I was pleasantly surprised when it went down to £25. U might be right about the £15 but I could have sworn it was around the same price as a single entry. i reckon it was £25 hence my vague recollection of a £3 difference. Even at £15 it made a farce of offering it for free, Im unsure as at that time I could get a 'B' visa.

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Not entirely sure if ThaiVisa or smiliar group are asking the Thai Immigration on clarifications. Would certainly be valued added to collect a list of questions from the general population on this , communicate this list to the officials and and have a response from the official.

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it never stops ....massive clampdown , now free tourist visas that assist the very people they were trying to get rid of ....i find this really irritating for what non imm visa applicants have to do and pay

Thailand is not trying to get rid of tourists. It is getting rid of people who are working here with tourist visas.

Oh you mean Russians?

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Time to set clear rules, really. I work for a (uk based) touroperater in vienna and since this visa chaos 60% of the clients from my office switch to neighbouring countries. But anyway, a lot of damage is done. In one sentence, from backpackers to 5* holiday makers: if the thais dont want my money, the cambodians, vietnamese, lao people....will appreciate it.

people tend to remember bad things for long.

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Does that include Australia?

Is Australia still a British penal colony?

If not, consult an atlas. Check whether Australia is located near Europe enough to qualify as European.

No Europeans left in Australia They died out years ago.

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More and more surprises coming out, just as many of us were beginning to wonder about the threatened clampdown!

What is really going on, and how is it possible to plan anything with so many different plans being mooted?

Yes, Seems like there are new regulations every week now in Thailand. All this will backfire big time for Thai tourism I think.

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Why not offer tourist free "ride all day" passes to walking street, bangla road and soi cowboy?

That is what an honest tourist to Thailand really wants

Temples shmemples.....give them what they want

I hate to be the one to break this news but

you can have all the Thai girls you want in LA, NY and Florida, at the massage houses,

once the door closes, it is "up to you" what happens next,


no visa rules,

no long flights,

no double pricing,

none of the crap the average western tourist has to deal with, every 3o, or 60 days,

there is more than enough to go around here,

they have brought, Thainess to you

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

Agreed! Although it looks good for thais talking about it the reality is that it might work as a good ploy for other asian countries to come here but a european travelling is not going to base their decision to travel here on measley 35 dollars.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It can't do much to boost Thailand's diplomatic representation through honorary consuls who rely on visa fees as their sole source from the job. If consulates such as Hull were to close down, Thai embassies would have to take on a heavier load in issuing visas.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

Agreed! Although it looks good for thais talking about it the reality is that it might work as a good ploy for other asian countries to come here but a european travelling is not going to base their decision to travel here on measley 35 dollars.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It can't do much to boost Thailand's diplomatic representation through honorary consuls who rely on visa fees as their sole source of income from the job. If consulates such as Hull were to close down, Thai embassies would have to take on a heavier load in issuing visas.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but

Visa fees are decided upon by the department of foreign affairs?

Visa clampdowns are decided by department of immigration?

One department is police, the other one is army?

Why would anyone expect those 2 departments to coordinate their actions?

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There was a period of free tourist visas a few years ago, so the Hull consulate in the UK introduced a 'processing' fee which was about the same price as the visa! In fact I think it was £3 more!

Not true of course. It was £15 per application. Usual single entry TR cost was £28.

I think u r right about the £28 as I was pleasantly surprised when it went down to £25. U might be right about the £15 but I could have sworn it was around the same price as a single entry. i reckon it was £25 hence my vague recollection of a £3 difference. Even at £15 it made a farce of offering it for free, Im unsure as at that time I could get a 'B' visa.

Yes, TV used to be £28 and take two days at the London Embassy. After the free period, it changed to £25 and next day availability.

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Once again mainly negative remarks about an idea that has been put forward thats all it is.

No wonder the Thai people want t get rid of people like this ,,,most of the time they have negative things to say abut ideas put forward to get rid of illegals because that is what they are not overstays they are illegal immigrants wanting the perks,,,,,,,,, the cheap rents, cheap food beautiful country and great people.

If these moaners dont like it go to Combodia Laos or wherever im sure yu wnt be missed,

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There should be a Youtube video made of top Thai Imm official meetings. With subtitles, you could put it right on 'Saturday Night Live.' One week's meeting: clampdown, require this 'n that. Next week's meeting: free visas for Europeans. Ask 20 Imm officials what a European is, and you'll likely get 20 different answers. Then ask them if Americans, Canadians, Aussies, and/or white South Africans are included, and you'll probably get as many different answers as there are officials to ask. It's like the Thai judicial system: reeks of subjectivity.

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