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Thai Interior Ministry: Exemption of visa fees considered for European tourists


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Once again mainly negative remarks about an idea that has been put forward thats all it is.

No wonder the Thai people want t get rid of people like this ,,,most of the time they have negative things to say abut ideas put forward to get rid of illegals because that is what they are not overstays they are illegal immigrants wanting the perks,,,,,,,,, the cheap rents, cheap food beautiful country and great people.

If these moaners dont like it go to Combodia Laos or wherever im sure yu wnt be missed,

a lot of youngsters are going to outlying countries. They may use Thailand as a quick stepping-off point, but they're spending their cumulative millions of dollars at Thailand's neighbors' venues.

I meet a lot of farang backpackers, and nearly every one tells me they're eager to get out of Thailand and over to more fun places. If it weren't for Thailand's sex tourist venues, Thailand would have about half as many tourists.

Incidentally, It's not only Thais who suffer when tourism tanks. I go to a Burmese town which borders on Thailand, and the vendors and taxi drivers there are morose from lack of tourists. Since the recent visa changes, visa-runs by farang have gone down dramatically. I'd venture it's 5% of what it was months ago. Vendors on both sides of the border are suffering big time.

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Once again mainly negative remarks about an idea that has been put forward thats all it is.

No wonder the Thai people want t get rid of people like this ,,,most of the time they have negative things to say abut ideas put forward to get rid of illegals because that is what they are not overstays they are illegal immigrants wanting the perks,,,,,,,,, the cheap rents, cheap food beautiful country and great people.

If these moaners dont like it go to Combodia Laos or wherever im sure yu wnt be missed,

I am sure many will leave Thailand after this f___ck up by the Thai immigration.

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The original proposal was for visa exemption for China and Taiwan which would have had an impact, as clearly demonstrated by Japan's visa exemption for Thais and Malaysians that roughly doubled arrivals from those countries. People want to avoid the hassle of applying for visas much more than the fees which, in the case of Thai visas, are immaterial. In addition, the Chinese (and many the Taiwanese too) are willing to offer Thais visa free travel on a reciprocal basis which would greatly benefit Thai tourists and businessmen, particularly since China has made it much tougher to get visas, demanding evidence of employment and/ or bank statements.

This is another example of a measure that Thai authorities know is ineffectual but announce it purely for PR purposes on the assumption that most Thais are not smart enough to see it for what it is. The reasons for not going ahead with the original proposal for visa free travel have not been disclosed. Meanwhile Thailand's in serious trouble as Russians who are allowed visa free travel are being hit by their own economic slump caused by sanctions and the Ukraine crisis.

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Once again mainly negative remarks about an idea that has been put forward thats all it is.

No wonder the Thai people want t get rid of people like this ,,,most of the time they have negative things to say abut ideas put forward to get rid of illegals because that is what they are not overstays they are illegal immigrants wanting the perks,,,,,,,,, the cheap rents, cheap food beautiful country and great people.

If these moaners dont like it go to Combodia Laos or wherever im sure yu wnt be missed,

I am sure many will leave Thailand after this f___ck up by the Thai immigration.

Surely they should all leave? After all they are tourists...

@maspat - if you support the promotion then why not give your opinion about the topic, instead of the posters.

People are saying it is ineffectual and does nothing to solve the current set of problems, in fact it causes even more confusion - but do you disagree?

Broad sweeping fact-less monologues add nothing of value at all.

Do you want secretly to be a referee, or critic? Much easier than taking part in the process.

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I meet a lot of farang backpackers, and nearly every one tells me they're eager to get out of Thailand and over to more fun places. If it weren't for Thailand's sex tourist venues, Thailand would have about half as many tourists.

Firstly, asking backpackers for informed and intelligent comments on the sociological problems in Thailand is hugely amusing, especially the 18 - 23 range whom I find are only good for opinions on politics, current affairs and regional conflicts...

Secondly, the old stereotype 'sex tourist'. You really think of 26 million tourists that 13 million are here only for sex? That is a very dismal opinion you have of your ahem fellow man. Do you bump into these people everywhere? Or perhaps you hang out in the places they do. Maybe you are one?

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Meanwhile Thailand's in serious trouble as Russians who are allowed visa free travel are being hit by their own economic slump caused by sanctions and the Ukraine crisis.

A double edged sword - Russia is on the brink of international isolation and even war. Many young people would much rather prefer immigration problems in Thailand (for example) to conscription into Putin's folly.

So, unless Thailand is about to join the international community and restrict travel, there may well be an increase in arrivals to compensate for the 'real' tourists. (if they ever were - most seem to be here to stay.)

Please let me be clear, I am not anti Russian, or racist or nationalist or any other ist, other than a realist.

You guys chose your leader - now enjoy...

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Yeah they chose Obama, now see the result? All these problems come from lack of worldwide jobs , so young (and older guys too) guys come to Thailand to get a job they can get in Europe.

Europe and USA should be be ashamed, it became a shit place with high tax... Bla Bla. So the only way to fix problems in Thailand is Europe /USA must give jobs to westerners! And good paid jobs, not crap jobs at minimum salary .

I mean they have to create jobs now.... Not tomorrow. These <deleted> morons don't understand, globalisation is not working and instead they continue to believe in their megalomaniac dreams.... Cinderella world! Whatever!

In 5 years thailand will become a shit place where everything wil be expensive. Thai will be sleeping in the streets. Because if you are over 27 years old in thailand, they don't want you. So tell me, how they will maintain their families in Isaan.? They can barely pay for their Toyota!

This is why we have all these problems today, it comes from this <deleted> globalisation created by USA and Europe.

Edited by bitcoinman
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they give the impression that they don't know if they are coming or going............

One hand wants to get rid of foreigners then the other wants to bring 'em back

the problem with ruling by dictum is that the decisions are often flawed due to lack of an opposition to criticise them, this then requires further dictums to patch up the flaws as they are exposed in the first ones.

Good thing your heroes in the PTP never ruled by dictum and had an opposition whose criticism they always listened to. That way they never had flaws that needed patching with another dictum. BTW, since you believe there is no opposition to criticize the current rulers, just whom do you think is exposing the flaws in their first dictum?

Confused, much?

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Once again mainly negative remarks about an idea that has been put forward thats all it is.

No wonder the Thai people want t get rid of people like this ,,,most of the time they have negative things to say abut ideas put forward to get rid of illegals because that is what they are not overstays they are illegal immigrants wanting the perks,,,,,,,,, the cheap rents, cheap food beautiful country and great people.

If these moaners dont like it go to Combodia Laos or wherever im sure yu wnt be missed,

show me the people you refer too?

here's the irony,

assuming the goal is more visa fees, add that up, you get very little,

then, compare,

the foreigner working in thailand, on a visa, translation, white foreigner, probably spends more in thailand, than ant thai, who goes overseas and sends all their non living expenses, back to thailand

as the surrounding countries labor illegal?

they arent coming with visa to begin with

please, any thai, defend this moronic policy?

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Yeah they chose Obama, now see the result? All these problems come from lack of worldwide jobs , so young (and older guys too) guys come to Thailand to get a job they can get in Europe.

Europe and USA should be be ashamed, it became a shit place with high tax... Bla Bla. So the only way to fix problems in Thailand is Europe /USA must give jobs to westerners! And good paid jobs, not crap jobs at minimum salary .

I mean they have to create jobs now.... Not tomorrow. These <deleted> morons don't understand, globalisation is not working and instead they continue to believe in their megalomaniac dreams.... Cinderella world! Whatever!

In 5 years thailand will become a shit place where everything wil be expensive. Thai will be sleeping in the streets. Because if you are over 27 years old in thailand, they don't want you. So tell me, how they will maintain their families in Isaan.? They can barely pay for their Toyota!

This is why we have all these problems today, it comes from this <deleted> globalisation created by USA and Europe.

the solution to all the above, is of course, world war

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Meanwhile Thailand's in serious trouble as Russians who are allowed visa free travel are being hit by their own economic slump caused by sanctions and the Ukraine crisis.

A double edged sword - Russia is on the brink of international isolation and even war. Many young people would much rather prefer immigration problems in Thailand (for example) to conscription into Putin's folly.

So, unless Thailand is about to join the international community and restrict travel, there may well be an increase in arrivals to compensate for the 'real' tourists. (if they ever were - most seem to be here to stay.)

Please let me be clear, I am not anti Russian, or racist or nationalist or any other ist, other than a realist.

You guys chose your leader - now enjoy...

Comrade Vlad is the solution to the NWO, not the problem.

I personally want to see him succeed in defeating the EU,

they deserve it

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it will be only the low quality rubbish that will take advantage of this freebie .. the sort that Thailand already has lots of (sex perverts) ..

No mention of AUS/NZ or North Americans?

Hey, people in the sex trade have to eat, too. Those 'low quality rubbish' rent rooms, buy meals, and use public transportation.

Snobbish, much?

and Thailand already has one too many of these evil scum from australia and usa

Is that you opinion of tourists from those countries? What a prat!

Edited by rametindallas
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the workers in the sex trade are suffering all year,

I know this first hand from girls of the night themselves

they are going for days at a time now without seeing customers in many of the well known soapy's

as this directly affects the amount of money going north every month, it is affecting the local economies there as well,

Thailand has not done well by its most vulnerable people

a social security and welfare system, and even food stamps, is urgent paid for by some real serious taxation of the wealthy

You fall for their sad stories? Double the tip you pay them afterwards and their tears will vanish. Until they need a new mobile phone or grandma's buffalo gets sick again.

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parallel story: I was planning to go to India as a tourist.

I traveled 7 hours r-t to Indian Consulate in Chiang Mai. No Indians there, but the Thai secretary told me a visa required several things, among them: proof of address and/or hotel I'll be staying at, plus a personal contact (to vouch for my good character?). I could have easily found slick ways to fill in those blanks. I wouldn't doubt over half of such visa requests (for India and many other countries) insert contrived answers to those questions. Bottom line: they're bullsh*t and unnecessary requirements. The result (for me, and others), is I just won't go to India. If I'd gone, I might have paid about $60/day for hotel/food/transport X 2 weeks = $840 plus about $300 for r/t airfare. Not much, but multiply that by hundreds of thousands of tourists who, like me, choose not to comply with the silly visa requirements to visit India, and that adds up.

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Meanwhile Thailand's in serious trouble as Russians who are allowed visa free travel are being hit by their own economic slump caused by sanctions and the Ukraine crisis.

A double edged sword - Russia is on the brink of international isolation and even war. Many young people would much rather prefer immigration problems in Thailand (for example) to conscription into Putin's folly.

So, unless Thailand is about to join the international community and restrict travel, there may well be an increase in arrivals to compensate for the 'real' tourists. (if they ever were - most seem to be here to stay.)

Please let me be clear, I am not anti Russian, or racist or nationalist or any other ist, other than a realist.

You guys chose your leader - now enjoy...

Comrade Vlad is the solution to the NWO, not the problem.

I personally want to see him succeed in defeating the EU,

they deserve it

So you are looking forward to be living in a world with corrupted Oligarchs running the show and where companies can just be taken over by the State? Maybe you should try to live in North Korea for a while!

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Yeah they chose Obama, now see the result? All these problems come from lack of worldwide jobs , so young (and older guys too) guys come to Thailand to get a job they can get in Europe.

Europe and USA should be be ashamed, it became a shit place with high tax... Bla Bla. So the only way to fix problems in Thailand is Europe /USA must give jobs to westerners! And good paid jobs, not crap jobs at minimum salary .

I mean they have to create jobs now.... Not tomorrow. These <deleted> morons don't understand, globalisation is not working and instead they continue to believe in their megalomaniac dreams.... Cinderella world! Whatever!

In 5 years thailand will become a shit place where everything wil be expensive. Thai will be sleeping in the streets. Because if you are over 27 years old in thailand, they don't want you. So tell me, how they will maintain their families in Isaan.? They can barely pay for their Toyota!

This is why we have all these problems today, it comes from this <deleted> globalisation created by USA and Europe.

I hesitate to enter into a debate with you as your opening sentence gives away your prejudices already...

So Obama created globalization. All on his own. Marco Polo more likely, 100s years before America's birth, was one of the early instigators. How about the Dutch East India company? After the Opium wars in China the export/import game was thriving.

But it was Obama's fault... blink.png

Only a moron would believe that globalisation can be turned off. It is an integral part of the world, in fact it is what defines the modern world. If you cannot understand that, or you believe different then enjoy life in your cave, as you most likely hate the industrial revolution too. The keyboard you just typed this garbage on is in your hands thanks to - globalisation.

As others have managed to deduce - obviously the leader I was referring to is the hilarious, shirtless embarrassment, the one and only 'Action Man', Putin.

So, you reckon in 5 years time Thailand will be in ruins? Why has this not happened over the past 5 years? Or past 50 years?

So full of misguided hatred. Are you pals with behonset?

Or just a victim of the visa clampdown? whistling.gif

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Meanwhile Thailand's in serious trouble as Russians who are allowed visa free travel are being hit by their own economic slump caused by sanctions and the Ukraine crisis.

A double edged sword - Russia is on the brink of international isolation and even war. Many young people would much rather prefer immigration problems in Thailand (for example) to conscription into Putin's folly.

So, unless Thailand is about to join the international community and restrict travel, there may well be an increase in arrivals to compensate for the 'real' tourists. (if they ever were - most seem to be here to stay.)

Please let me be clear, I am not anti Russian, or racist or nationalist or any other ist, other than a realist.

You guys chose your leader - now enjoy...

Comrade Vlad is the solution to the NWO, not the problem.

I personally want to see him succeed in defeating the EU,

they deserve it

So you are looking forward to be living in a world with corrupted Oligarchs running the show and where companies can just be taken over by the State? Maybe you should try to live in North Korea for a while!

tell that to the GM, Chrysler, AIG, etc bond holders

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Paradise lost, you should look at cave countries like Norway and Switzerland. No part of Europe. These 2 countries kick your ass of US citizen full of debt.

Globalisation is for the losers! People just need to wake up. Why do you want buy fruits from China when you can get fruits at the local market? Simple, a middle man take his percentage, making things more expensive, causing inflation,...

I said Obama, but I could say Holland , Merkel,.... The club of the losers . globalisation is not to help each other, but destroy all you can at all costs. I think Russia is seeing the reality more and more and don't want pay for others when the music will stop.

As for thailand, it's already a dead country. No stable government, bkk sinking, flood, tourist leaving, Thai full of debt,infrastructure falling apart like train, bridges,empty hotels, empty cinema, empty bars, business closing, no customers, ...

Edited by bitcoinman
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Paradise lost, you should look at cave countries like Norway and Switzerland. No part of Europe. These 2 countries kick your ass of US citizen full of debt.

Globalisation is for the losers! People just need to wake up. Why do you want buy fruits from China when you can get fruits at the local market? Simple, a middle man take his percentage, making things more expensive, causing inflation,...

I said Obama, but I could say Holland , Merkel,.... The club of the losers . globalisation is not to help each other, but destroy all you can at all costs. I think Russia is seeing the reality more and more and don't want pay for others when the music will stop.

As for thailand, it's already a dead country. No stable government, bkk sinking, flood, tourist leaving, Thai full of debt,infrastructure falling apart like train, bridges,empty hotels, empty cinema, empty bars, business closing, no customers, ...

and you are here because...

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Paradise lost, you should look at cave countries like Norway and Switzerland. No part of Europe. These 2 countries kick your ass of US citizen full of debt.

Globalisation is for the losers! People just need to wake up. Why do you want buy fruits from China when you can get fruits at the local market? Simple, a middle man take his percentage, making things more expensive, causing inflation,...

I said Obama, but I could say Holland , Merkel,.... The club of the losers . globalisation is not to help each other, but destroy all you can at all costs. I think Russia is seeing the reality more and more and don't want pay for others when the music will stop.

As for thailand, it's already a dead country. No stable government, bkk sinking, flood, tourist leaving, Thai full of debt,infrastructure falling apart like train, bridges,empty hotels, empty cinema, empty bars, business closing, no customers, ...

It's too early to be this drunk. Stop hugging that bottle and read a book for once. Educate yourself.

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Paradise lost, you should look at cave countries like Norway and Switzerland. No part of Europe. These 2 countries kick your ass of US citizen full of debt.

Globalisation is for the losers! People just need to wake up. Why do you want buy fruits from China when you can get fruits at the local market? Simple, a middle man take his percentage, making things more expensive, causing inflation,...

I said Obama, but I could say Holland , Merkel,.... The club of the losers . globalisation is not to help each other, but destroy all you can at all costs. I think Russia is seeing the reality more and more and don't want pay for others when the music will stop.

As for thailand, it's already a dead country. No stable government, bkk sinking, flood, tourist leaving, Thai full of debt,infrastructure falling apart like train, bridges,empty hotels, empty cinema, empty bars, business closing, no customers, ...

and you are here because...

I agree with most of what you say except:

Switzerland is the head of the snake, and the financier of WW2, the Swiss flag was on the German tanks and then their aircraft,

BKK is sinking, for sure, but, the malls are full and commerce is bristling hot,

there is more money being exchanged in BKK malls and the outdoor vedors in one day,

then in all of America on any given Black Friday

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Switzerland ....the financier of WW2, the Swiss flag was on the German tanks and then their aircraft,.....

Absurd. I hope you're not teaching history anywhere. Where did you learn about WWII, from a hand-held digital game made in China?

The Swiss financed the war.

There is no dispute amonst those illumined


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Switzerland ....the financier of WW2, the Swiss flag was on the German tanks and then their aircraft,.....

Absurd. I hope you're not teaching history anywhere. Where did you learn about WWII, from a hand-held digital game made in China?

The Swiss financed the war.

There is no dispute amonst those illumined


World War 3 will be financed by the same people, still based in Switzerland, and also now, China:

same people

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Russians are not Europeans...

Yes they are.

Wasn't this the case for a year or two around 2008-9?

Yes they had to do this after the last time the military came in and screwed up the economy. This time they have the experience and know it will be a &lt;deleted&gt; up, so they're getting their free visas in early.

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Shops In thailand are full of customers who use credit card. You know pertinently how it s going to finish .... Slaves in debt like in the USA, working poor...

As for Switzerland, they probably don't give a toss of your point of view of liberator . They are rich thanks to hitler, you are poor(someone had to pay the war like in Iraq) . That s a fact.! Been there, and people have money. Just go to Zurich or else and you will see how Switzerland is perfectly maintained. Same for Norway. For now...

Thailand is going down like the rest of the world, it's just look good to us because it s cheap for a farang , but Thailand is collapsing from everywhere.

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