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Bangkok cab driver admits robbing American tourists at gunpoint


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Robbery at nighttime? Does this carry a different tariff to robbery in the daytime?

I know in the US & UK sometimes crimes such as burglary have stiffer penalties if they are done at night.


Really? I am not doubting you, I just did not know that? Is it because of police overtime? giggle.gif



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Lol Same knucklehead tried to Rob me but I B-tch slapped him. Noticed straight away gun was toy.  Hey at my age don't give a damn anymore. Figured that would straighten him out guessed wrong. Hope you got KY boy going to need it in Remand. They going to love you long time and nightly.

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Robbery at nighttime? Does this carry a different tariff to robbery in the daytime?

I know in the US & UK sometimes crimes such as burglary have stiffer penalties if they are done at night.

I thought daylight robbery was the more serious offence.

Definitely night time. Not sure why but the only reason I can think of is that the chances of injury or loss of life is greater. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burglary#Nighttime_burglaries

Can only guess but would assume the same logic is used with robbery here.
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Robbery at nighttime? Does this carry a different tariff to robbery in the daytime?

Perhaps it does. Crimes commited under certain circumstances can carry enhancements when it comes to sentencing and fines.

Crimes commited against the elderly, mentally impaired, using a firearms, being gang related, etc. are examples.

In this case and under Thai law, robberies commited at night may carry such an enhancement.
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Robbery at nighttime? Does this carry a different tariff to robbery in the daytime?

I know in the US & UK sometimes crimes such as burglary have stiffer penalties if they are done at night.
Really? I am not doubting you, I just did not know that? Is it because of police overtime? giggle.gif
Please see #35. From my experience, overtime/crimes commited at night have nothing to do with enhanced penalties.

My experience is from two western states in the USA. It does indicate that I know-all-see-all.
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but said he used a fake handgun, which police later found during a search of his room.



no problem then blink.png


But he also said he stole the money for 'leisure'. Silly boy. Should have said it was for a temple donation. He could have had his suspended sentence halved. 

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That's a special kind of dumb. So..if a murderer gets less than 10 years, an armed robber should get what??? 1 week in a health farm? It's only a farang afterall

At least it's better than the UK. some murderers get out of prison in 3 years in UK. Madness.

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That's a special kind of dumb. So..if a murderer gets less than 10 years, an armed robber should get what??? 1 week in a health farm? It's only a farang afterall

If so,  why Thailand have 3times more incarcerated people per capita than any european countrycoffee1.gif

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From the land of every thing fake, we bring you a robbery with a fake gun, I wonder if he had a fake

drivers licnace and was driving a fake taxi...

It wasn't a fake gun, it is a gun,probably a BB gun or some such thing. The stupid part is that for his dumb act he got B3000 and arrested. He might as well have used a large banana painted black. Total banker..


"It wasn't a fake gun,..."             Apparently it was not a real gun, unless you've examined it and know different.

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Tell all your friends this one simple trick to avoid being a victim of a taxi driver.

As soon as you get in the taxi, call a friend (or pretend to call a friend) and, speaking loudly enough for the driver to hear you, report that you are in cab number XXXXX and that you will call them back when you arrive at your destination. My 'wife' does this every time and never gets any trouble from drivers; not even rude remarks.

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Lol Same knucklehead tried to Rob me but I B-tch slapped him. Noticed straight away gun was toy.  Hey at my age don't give a damn anymore. Figured that would straighten him out guessed wrong. Hope you got KY boy going to need it in Remand. They going to love you long time and nightly.


So doubtless you'll be reporting that alleged incident to the police then?


"Hope you got KY boy going to need it in Remand. They going to love you long time and nightly."


The uninformed, "aren't I witty", urban myth of the remand prison rears it's ugly head again.

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Is it possible for ThaiVisa to follow up on some of these stories and we can know what happened to these people, like were they fined, deported imprisoned etc?


ThaiVisa doesn't make the reports or conduct investigations, how could it be expected to follow-up?  TV can only re-publish what is reported elsewhere, presumably.

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From the land of every thing fake, we bring you a robbery with a fake gun, I wonder if he had a fake

drivers licnace and was driving a fake taxi...


Not to mention the three 1000 notes, which were fake too, hihihi

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[quote name="MJP" post="8213715" timestamp="1407451680"]Robbery at nighttime? Does this carry a different tariff to robbery in the daytime?[/quote
Yes the sentence will be doubled because it happened during the night.

But reduced to nil because he pleads guilty and was polite to the judge.   TIT.

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That's a special kind of dumb. So..if a murderer gets less than 10 years, an armed robber should get what??? 1 week in a health farm? It's only a farang afterall

If so,  why Thailand have 3times more incarcerated people per capita than any european countrycoffee1.gif


Not so many Hi-So. Mostly poor unable to afford defense lawyer or access to govt funded lawyer as in  Europe.  coffee1.gif

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