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How Many Thai Women Would be Happy Living in a Western Country?

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whistling.gif You're probably right, it is a troll post.

But anyhow, Ive seen both good and bad results.

Some Thai wives take to the foreign country and embrace the life style.

Others hate the foreign country, and want to go back to Thailand as soon as possible.

It depends on the personality and the expectations of the individuals involved.

For example, I knew one Thai woman who married a Brit and went to England .... happily married and enthusiastic by all accounts.

A year later she was back in Thailand.

What she found so annoying is that her hubby could not explain to her why he absolutely had to go out to the Pub with his "mates" 4 or 5 nights every week and leave her alone in their flat.

That was just one thing she had never expected.

She never got over that.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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My wife has been to Australia numerous times and she is currently in South America. She loves a heap of things about travelling but in her heart she loves Thailand. She talks to her mum daily so she doesn't lack contact and we go for months without seeing her family when we are in Bangkok, so she isn't pining for family. She just loves Thailand and the food. We have talked many times about moving permanently to Australia and she would go but she would think it was a poor decision based on standard of living versus cost if living.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Thai wife and I spent 40 years in California. We both worked, and lived a comfortable life. 5 years ago, we retired and built a house in Northern Thailand. We both looked forward to our "golden years". While we do live well on our retirement funds, we both agree that if we could afford to live in California without working, we would go back.

Boy can we relate to your post.a my Thai wife and I lived in Santa Monica. We live well here in Chiang Mai but do miss much of our former Southern California lifestyle (without price tag).

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Do the numbers. Percent divorced in USA? Add to that percent divorced in mixed cultural marriages? Then go to Thai town and talk to a Thai psychiatrist to have your head examined. The Thai psychiatrist will tell you the actual percentage of Thai women who can exist outside of Thailand.

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Most Filipinas and most Cambodian women would prefer to live in a Western country but most Thai women prefer to live in Thailand.

Well there aren't really a lot of Cambodian women abroad to compare to Thais, but Filipinas and say Vietnamese and Chinese, absolutely. Even Indians. All 4 of these nationalities are heavily represented in Australia, Canada and the United States and their numbers greatly exceed those of Thais in almost every instance. Additionally, unlike the Thais, people from these countries often express no desire to go back to live in their home countries although some of them make regular trips back home, once a year or so for a couple of weeks.

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It depends a lot on the individual. Some people are self starters and movtivated, others struggle. My wife found a job in a Thai restaurant within days of arriving which was a blessing as it enabled her to get in to a routine and build a network of friends. She's since gone on to study and find better paying work. The other big thing was when she got a drivers license and gained some independece. The Thai town area in Sydney has been a great cure for home sickness. A nice authentic meal and visiting the Thai grocery, DVD store etc has lifted her mood many times. BTW I can't see how anyone could dislike San Diego!

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  • 3 months later...

I've brought my wife back for visits many times. Onetbing you will deal with is food.

I've lived in Asia over twenty years, eat rice of some sort every meal and rately eat bread.

When we go to states, its all about getting rice in her belly. She fixates on it like a child.

She does get rice, imo lots of it. When we go camping I still eat rice (for many reasons)!

We go back every 18 months and Id like some of MY comfort food now we are in.states for ONE month thank you...

She says oh you can it that and I can it this. No, we eat together or you can find another husband...

Her interest in bread is soft, white and sweet.

She's picky about food which also disturbs me. Usually after trying it, she likrs it and sometimes loves it. <roll eyes>

Another bit of stress is that I am often caught fighting her about ridiculous things related to her dafety or my sanity. Its my country, when she's spent a few years there I can trust her make judgements about things. Cities and people can be dangerous in US. She is tiny and trusting. More than that, I'm 55 and we are not going to judt try it her way when every fiber in my being knows that is a waste of time, money or dangerous.

She travels very well, great at meeting nee people. She wants to go to US but honestly lacks ambition. So, I have my doubts, the move is fir her. She needs to do much of the heavy lifting. Hard worker when needed, but total mai pen rai.

My wife is a great fit for a move.

A 40yo might be great but hope she's a looker at that age. Dont discount issues she might have with adult kids...no different than states.

PS make sure she is a good cook and wants to cook and is willing to cook.

Low maintenance woman. Gobs of hot 40 yo milfy types here just dying for a decent guy to love.

Edited by Rocketsurgeon
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  • 2 months later...

It took my wife a year or so to acclimate (we lived in the Tahoe area for quite a few years) but now she never wants to leave. Not all adapt so well but we know quite a few couples where the Thai wives love living here. You need access to a good Asian supermarket, some decent Thai eateries and a temple she can go to and socialize with other Thais. She will miss home and plan to take her back each year but as time has gone on my wife doesn't even want to go back anymore. Good luck!

Edited by AZBill
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At 40+ at least you won't have to worry about her running off with some other guy...

But you would need to worry about her running off with your home, car and a portion of your income.

California is a joint assets state.

plenty of chance for a attractive slim 40 yo to upgrade in california, joint assets

most thai ladies would be happy to go

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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It's mostly about the money.Plenty of funds no problem.If be getting by 1 day at A time ,noone wants that

In my experience it's not so much getting a prestige job,good money earned by a menial job can also give high status!theres nothing T

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It's mostly about the money.Plenty of funds no problem.If be getting by 1 day at A time ,noone wants that

In my experience it's not so much getting a prestige job,good money earned by a menial job can also give high status!there's nothing Thais like more than being able to impress with magabucks earnings.

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I don't think San Diego makes a hill of beans when it comes to happiness. Yes the climate there is popularly rated as the 'best in the US' but there's probably Thai women happily married and settled with their partners in Duluth and Albuquerque.

The OP's two lady friends who don't mention the very common 'missing my family' reasons for the Thai partners unhappiness. Are these ladies still in Thailand or in the US? Have they traveled overseas for extended periods? Or maybe they are just giving the OP the correct answer as they may think they have a chance to be 'the one'?

In the end, the OP is sharing his life with a partner so superficialities such as location don't really mean a lot. The OP's retired and doesn't appear to have any hobbies or activities that he could share with his partner. Having said that, maybe try and do something new together? That way there's no challenges of one being the expert and the other feeling obliged to like something their partner likes or is good at. I think a big enabler of a happier relationship would be the OP making a big effort to learn Thai as there's a lot difficulties that can be avoided by better basic communications. If you BOTH are comfortable discussing things in each others languages, that goes a long way in making the relationship work.

She doesn't need to be pigeonholed into working in a Thai restaurant or Lao market either. If she is comfortable with her language skills and meeting people, there's no restrictions on what work or activities she could do or even share with the OP.

If he OP wants a number, try 711.

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I know many Thai women living overseas who have no intetion of ever returning here.

Your problem aint so much the woman, its the Thais they befriend in farangland that coz the problems.

My mrs has been called a snob and other such derogatory terms becoz she wants nothing to do with some of the Thais living overseas.

Wife said to me, I wouldnt mix with them in Thailand why should I mix with them in farangland.

Wait 'til you hear the stories about gambling and money lending, there is always some Queen Bee in the background.

I feel much the same about some farangs in Thailand.

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My Thai wife and I live by Duluth,Minnesota. She loves it here,been here about 7 years.

She can handle the winters and has a DL and her own car.Never had a problem driving on

ice and snow. She makes great money as a Thai chef and waitress. She has a few Thai girlfriends

and they love it here too. Lately when I talk about retiring soon an moving to our home 2 hours

north of Bangkok,sometime she says maybe I stay here and work. We spend about 2 months

a year in Thailand and that seems to be enuf for her time with family.

All girls are different and you won't know until you take them from their home.

Her facebook is full of her and her Thai girlfriends playing in the snow. LOL

.....She is a awesome woman...Once you go Asian..you will never go Caucasian.

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Around 22.3%

This figure would dramatically increase if the Thai women could live in a Thai bubble, having only Thai friends, working at a Thai restaurant owned by a higher-status Thai or in a group under a Thai queen bee, only occasionally and briefly interacting with Westerners, speaking broken Tinglish/Frai/ThaiDeutsch/Nederthai and all-importantly getting the increase in wealth that allows regular trips (say, at least every 2 years) back to Thailand to demonstrate and show the rise in wealth and status to anyone she knows.

Without the above, I would stick with 22.3%

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My Thai wife and I live by Duluth,Minnesota. She loves it here,been here about 7 years.

She can handle the winters and has a DL and her own car.Never had a problem driving on

ice and snow. She makes great money as a Thai chef and waitress. She has a few Thai girlfriends

and they love it here too. Lately when I talk about retiring soon an moving to our home 2 hours

north of Bangkok,sometime she says maybe I stay here and work. We spend about 2 months

a year in Thailand and that seems to be enuf for her time with family.

All girls are different and you won't know until you take them from their home.

Her facebook is full of her and her Thai girlfriends playing in the snow. LOL

.....She is a awesome woman...Once you go Asian..you will never go Caucasian.

except for the snow part, we live in both FL. and NY but most of the time she winters in Florida.

story identical to yours, also lives in the US for about seven years, has good job, drives her own car, has a couple of Thai friends, but stays away from most of Thais, says too much drama.

wife loves it here!! a few months in Thailand are enough for as.

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It is not a simple answer.

If wifey has lived in BKK, has a reasonable education, speaks fluent English, has done a little international travel & been amongst expats, the % increases. Having Thais living nearby in the other country - an added bonus.

Nthn ladies - not so simple - me thinks. Close attachment to family, Thai cuisine, language - big factors.

My missus has been to SGP with me - not an enjoyable trip. Less than 1 week away - homesick & missing "real" Thai food.

Would she live in my native country? NO!

Solution - if a return to native country is a possibility, we very selective in choosing a wife in LOS.

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90% Thai women would be happy living in a Western country?

Forget about Thailand! That kind of % will not be true in ANY country!

Really, does that need ANY confirmation?

When citizen of ANY country is educated & living a comfortable life in their own country then urge to migrate diminishes.

Travel? Yes.

It is the uneducated & misfits that are the majority of migrants - especially the current 'economic migrants' we hear about so often are a good example.

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By the experience of friends living in the US with Thai wives for many years now, they adapt very well to the US culture, specially if they are young and willing to learn the language. Also, living and working in the US, or with a good retirement, most of those friends spend the US summer there and the US winter here, and owns a small property close to the wife's family...enjoying the best of the 2 worlds.

No children to deal with in any side. In my opinion, if the income is not a good one, may be not a good idea to bring a Thai wife to the US.

Every women will become a "shopper" in the US very fast....

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  • 4 weeks later...

My wife loves living in the U.S. and her trips home are becoming less frequent and it's now been several years. I think people underestimate their ability to acclimate to a new country. As long as they have some friends, Thai food and a temple close they get along just fine.

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