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Thai actress petitions NCPO to execute rapists


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Actress Petitions Junta To Execute Rapists
By Khaosod English

The famous Thai actress Panadda Wongphudee submitted a petition to the military junta calling for punishing convicted rapists with the death penalty. Army Headquarters in Bangkok, Aug 8 2014.

BANGKOK — The famous Thai actress Panadda Wongphudee has submitted a petition to the military junta calling for punishing convicted rapists with the death penalty.

Ms. Panadda said that more than 110,000 people signed the petition, which was addressed to Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, chairman of the junta's National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

The actress presented the petition to Maj.Gen. Pollaphatara Wannapak, secretary of the Royal Thai Army, on Friday.

In addition to raising the maximum penalty for convicted rapists to execution, the petition urges a harsher punishment for those guilty of committing rapes on public transportation. Convicted rapists should also be denied a chance to submit for a Royal Pardon, the petition says.

Calls for punishing rapists with the death penalty rose after 13-year-old girl was brutally raped and murdered aboard an overnight train in July. An employee of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) was arrested several days after the incident and reportedly confessed to sexually assaulting the girl and throwing her body out of the moving train.

Although the suspect, Wanchai Saengkhao, will likely face death penalty due to his murder charge, pro-execution activists led by Ms. Panadda argue that punishing rape alone with the death penalty is needed to deter sexual assailants in Thailand.

Critics of the idea argue that the death penalty has not been proven to lower the number of crimes in many countries.

Speaking at the Royal Thai Army headquarters on Friday, Ms. Panadda said she was campaigning in favour of the death penalty to help express the "people's will."

"I did not do this because I want to follow a trend," Ms. Panadda said.

Ms. Panadda, who was crowned Miss Thailand World in 2000, also urged the NCPO to comply with the petition as a means to "return happiness and confidence in safety to the people."

The NCPO has not publicly responded to the petition.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1407672683&section=14


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"Ms. Panadda said she was campaigning in favour of the death penalty to help express the "people's will."

"I did not do this because I want to follow a trend," Ms. Panadda said."


Was her manager standing off camera giving her the thumbs up ?

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Pretty (if you like) girl trying to appear more than merely a pretty girl who stars in quote: "drivel".


Perhaps this is her way of trying to be taken seriously?


In any case, the death sentence has never been an effective deterrent against anything. History in every country teaches us this. The most effective deterrent against any criminal activity is a police and judicial system capable of arresting and prosecuting criminals to the degree that committing any offence simply isn't worth the risk.

Simply slapping the death penalty on every crime is ineffective if you are incapable of capturing the correct perpetrators. This is what countries used to do in the years before any kind of effective policing was possible - it didn't work.

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These so called "stars" should stick with doing what they do best, smiling and shouting.


I'm all for executions of all Thai Soap Actors and Actresses though, absolute inane drivel that it is.  I wonder if there were any "boing" noises as she handed over the petition?


And appearing in exotic films sometimes!

It's just like Sean Penn and Clooney commenting on societies woes, an attempt to appear significant and concerned for poorer persons while being paid insane amounts of money for quite vacuous work.

Edited by jacko45k
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These so called "stars" should stick with doing what they do best, smiling and shouting.
I'm all for executions of all Thai Soap Actors and Actresses though, absolute inane drivel that it is.  I wonder if there were any "boing" noises as she handed over the petition?

I'll second that mrtoad. But wifey would go bonkers w/o the soaps.
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"Ms. Panadda said she was campaigning in favour of the death penalty to help express the "people's will."

"I did not do this because I want to follow a trend," Ms. Panadda said."


Was her manager standing off camera giving her the thumbs up ?



Watch where you stick those thumbs, or this broad will accuse you of you know what!

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The crime against the 13 year old girl is already punishable by the death penalty as it's a rape and murder of a child.


Most murderers don't receive the death penalty.


If murderers don't get the death penalty when it's available then I can't really see it being handed down as a sentence to rapists who decide not to kill their victims.


Death (from murder) is final. Although it sounds callous, rape is a crime about lack of consent for something. The violence is corrollary and should be dealt with as all violent crimes.

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Perhaps she would be better petitioning thai females to demand that they are equals in Thailand and not rated by the average thai male as somewhere close to a Khwai chattel. Of course difficult to set an example if she is downgrading females as a thai soap actress. 

And agree no way in hell is rape an execution offence. Rape and murder no problems with. 

Edited by Roadman
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I come from a country with possibly the highest murder and rape proportions in the world. Outside of a war zone that is.


I am personally not in favour of the death penalty (in principle) for murder. Much less rape. Largely because mistakes are often made especially against those that cannot afford proper representation.


Rapists and Pedo's are the lowest scum in the world. But what happens is that judges exercise their discretion and do not always apply the harshest sentences because of mitigating circumstances. Ultimately people such as this lady then petition for mandatory sentencing. Which ties a judge or magistrate's hands. Now along comes a fellow who is accused of rape by his one night stand. He said, she said - they were drunk - blah blah -  type of scenario. One of those 50/50 calls. Go to jail forever or put to death. Mmm.... Too risky IMO. Sweden is trying to convict Asange of rape. Read his case. Total BS IMO. With such sentencing he could be sentenced to death???? (I know its Sweden - just a hypothetical)


Someone made a very good point - she is not going to pull the trigger is she? We love people doing our dirty work for us - be they policemen, soldiers or rescue workers.


If these beauty queens want to really help this situation they should draw attention to child abuse and neglect in society. It is striking how many rapists and abusers were themselves abused. I understand that not all abused people do this, but if one does the reading around this, it is pretty clear that it is a strong factor.


Not sure if the logical flow is all here, have been called to the door 3 times. Anyhow, some of my thoughts.



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These so called "stars" should stick with doing what they do best, smiling and shouting.


I'm all for executions of all Thai Soap Actors and Actresses though, absolute inane drivel that it is.  I wonder if there were any "boing" noises as she handed over the petition?



She has a right to petition what she wants she uses her fame to get what she wants. I don't see why she should not be able to do that any less as anyone else.


I don't agree with it as UKRules already said dead penalty is available for murderers but never executed what point is there to have it for rapist. Plus rape is a tricky thing, guys could fall prey to unscrupulous girls  (it sometimes happens now already). Though guys should understand no is no. I am talking about calling something rape after the fact.

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