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Stubborn virus !

Tao Diver

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I had a mess of malware such as HAO123 plus 555.in.th - got rid of the first with difficulty, no one knew about 555 (HAHAHA) and getting more crap all the time..  None of about half a dozen malware/spyware programs were able to do anything about those two - HAO and 555- if someone can find the designers, please send them to me. I would personally like to peel the skin from their body in 1/4 inch strips while they scream for mercy. Yes, I do like to look at a lovely once in a rare while.- I'm human so please excuse me, the flesh is weak at times..


However, went to Fotune, found my guy of more than six years pulled out of there so took it to some friends who work there, for advice.  They sent me to a store which supposedly was good, gave him my Legit copy of W8 to install.


Got home and was trying to upgrade to W8.1 - no luck. After 3 days I called Microsoft - very helpful, spend almsot three hours during which time I found that the tech had instead put on a local copy copy of W8 on my cpu.even with the original copy in his hand - later found he thought it was easier as his 'set up' program had the forgery and was easier to install.  So much for techies around town - anybody know one you can trust besides yourself, and even after 17 years on these things, I am still a dork!  Finally got that all straightened out and now reasonably working well on W8.1 after upgrade but malware still trying to sneak on.  Told on the Avast to upgrade my GOM player and just before hitting 'accept' there was, lo and behold, in very small red print that I was also accepting Baidu and HAO123 - quickly cancelled - so beware GOM or updates even tho a good player for me most of the time.,  Also found that on W8.1 you cannot control the date to reveert back to, it is apparently built in - at least as far as I was able tofind.


Now afraid to download anythinmg but do need some important ones.  Even Adobe has a copier, trying to get you to download what they call an upgraded flashplayer, looks similar but it is not by Adobe, was warned off BY my AVAST.  And finding a good techhie -- do any do house calls, I hate taking my desktop apart and traipsing all over town with it all the time - don't mind paying a nominal fee.


Now Back to OP and part of his original question paraphrased - how about a good maleware  and spyware and or whatever program that will actually get rid of the garbage that sometimes creeps onto out machines, even with carefful scrutinizing when downloading?   HELP!!!!!!!!.

Edited by snooky
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All this advice about numerous software to install and download, and yet no one has offered the real solution to this problem. I'll try to do that here.


1) Back p your important data.

2) Format your hard disk.

3) Re-install from a known good source.

4) Restore your data.


Oh and if you *DO* have a virus, be a good egg and disconnect from the internet immediately.



Perhaps because you didn't bother to read what came before.


Even your advice is flawed, as the OP does not have a licence for Windows 7. So to which 'known good source' do you refer?


The fact is that the OP needs to learn to answer simple questions, rather than to run a myriad of software without guidance.


I'll try to educate your ignorance as i happen to actually work in the cybersecurity and anti AV/Malware industry.


Most Virus/Mal has masking in to avoid detection from the lists and lists of software being mentioned in the thread - I'm even going as far as not recommending my own companys' product - cleaning up after the fact simply is not a 100% way of cleansing a machine.


My "good known source" Is an original copy of OS media, either downloaded and md5sum'd from the originators URL, or purchased and unwrapped personally - so PUHLEASE! If the OP is using an unlicensed copy of Windows 7 - then the support stops. Free or otherwise.


Stop knocking up your post count with useless cruft.

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I could be wrong but   1. as a previous poster noted grub should not be on a windows only based computer if it is there it suggest you or someone tried to install a linux based OS, or the grub is there by factory install and the system restore is done in a linux environment, very possible

2. if your having problems just booting and getting to a factory restore it sounds like more of a hardware problem than a virus or maleware problem as a factory restore option bypasses your current os environment and would not give your "virus" a chance to load

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That wouldn't surprise me rolleyes.gif I did though pay supposedly for a proper copy. Has worked great up to the last few days. There was a small partition so maybe it was pre loaded with Unix ? 


I have that T-shirt. try the stuff I mentioned, if it don't work then you will have to pay for "genuine" W7. I did and all OK.



It's difficult to get hold of windows 7 now. I bought a new computer the other week ( because of virus problems with 7 copies) and could only find windows 8.1 64 bit. couldn't even order 7 in any form.



You can buy genuine Windows 7, home and Ultimate, in IT CITY Thailand. They still had copies last week. I have tested many of the copy software programs sold in Thailnad and  every copy has serious viruses and trojans on them. My laptop was seriously hacked 2 weeks ago with a virus that disabled Norton 360 and windows bit defender. I backed up all my files and took the laptop to Acer Service Center at Seacon Square, and for B450 the reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate(Factory Installed) and solved the problem with overheating (which had been slowing the PC down. I also bought a new Vaio PC with Windows 8.1. I wish I hadn't it is awful, so I am now back with my ACER Aspire 8942G running Win 7 Ultimate.

Edited by Estrada
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djhotsox, on 14 Aug 2014 - 22:56, said:


catweazle, on 14 Aug 2014 - 17:19, said:

Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.


Yes!  Once you've gone Mac you'll never go back! cheesy.gif


Try getting you Mac repaired....how long can you live without it?

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All this advice about numerous software to install and download, and yet no one has offered the real solution to this problem. I'll try to do that here.


1) Back p your important data.

2) Format your hard disk.

3) Re-install from a known good source.

4) Restore your data.


Oh and if you *DO* have a virus, be a good egg and disconnect from the internet immediately.



Perhaps because you didn't bother to read what came before.


Even your advice is flawed, as the OP does not have a licence for Windows 7. So to which 'known good source' do you refer?


The fact is that the OP needs to learn to answer simple questions, rather than to run a myriad of software without guidance.


I'll try to educate your ignorance as i happen to actually work in the cybersecurity and anti AV/Malware industry.


Most Virus/Mal has masking in to avoid detection from the lists and lists of software being mentioned in the thread - I'm even going as far as not recommending my own companys' product - cleaning up after the fact simply is not a 100% way of cleansing a machine.


My "good known source" Is an original copy of OS media, either downloaded and md5sum'd from the originators URL, or purchased and unwrapped personally - so PUHLEASE! If the OP is using an unlicensed copy of Windows 7 - then the support stops. Free or otherwise.


Stop knocking up your post count with useless cruft.


The only thing that you have succeeded in doing is confirming that you hadn't read what I had written before...in post #30. It is clear to all that the OS has a hacked install. So the fact that you wrote if it is an unlicenced copy, just shows that you weren't paying attention. Don't embarrass yourself by jumping in, trying to look like the big man and then planting both feet directly into your own mouth.


Allow me to re-post what I had already written:




Backup and start from a clean slate(that includes a clean and properly installed OS). Install updates and applications and then create an image that can be applied in the event of failure. Macrium Free can create such an image.

Right now you have no idea as to the provenance of the Operating System installed to the machine. First things first. You are just propagating the idea of the one click software fix....no different from the advice of the 'casual user'.

The evidence of a GRUB Bootloader likely points to the existence of a Loader being used to activate the system.

This system needs an overhaul from the initial install going forwards.



Let's see if you are man enough to admit that you were wrong.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.



Get a mac or anything Unix based = its not technically possible to get a virus.



If PC:

Download kaspersky and clean the PC. 

I have been in the IT security business for 22years. 

Never use Internet Explorer.

Don’t use Exchange.

Don’t have ISS installed.


Don’t surf on porn sites. Don’t download ”free” software (<--- even IT veterans install virus with this).

Use sandboxing (win7+) for unknown .exe files.


If you want to look at funny sites on the net: Use an iPad or anything with iOS = its impossible to get virus/trojan/spyware or anything else since everything is signed by Apple + Sandboxing. (I mean: how fun is it to be a virus with sandboxing? ”look I want to do some evil virus things and log keys. Whoops.. I can’t see any keys. Lets delete some random files. Oh... I can only access my own files. So I delete my self)



And for our Norwegian friends:



I am a virus. Please open your address book and send me to your 50 top friends.

Now delete some random files in c:/.

For example: c:/deltree *.*/r



Stop talking out of you <deleted> please.


The last 3 people that have asked me to get rid of virii/malware off their computers were Mac users, you know them systems where it's impossible for that to happen.


You make me laugh, keep on believing the myths you are told.


I completely disagree through experience.


I have run Macs for 15 years + and have never had a virus of any sort on any of them.  From the beginning iMacs to the latest MacBook Pro laptops, never a virus.  Ever.

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djhotsox, on 14 Aug 2014 - 22:56, said:


catweazle, on 14 Aug 2014 - 17:19, said:

Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.


Yes!  Once you've gone Mac you'll never go back! cheesy.gif


Try getting you Mac repaired....how long can you live without it?



Why would I need my Mac repaired?

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djhotsox, on 14 Aug 2014 - 22:56, said:


catweazle, on 14 Aug 2014 - 17:19, said:

Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.


Yes!  Once you've gone Mac you'll never go back! cheesy.gif


Try getting you Mac repaired....how long can you live without it?



I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.  Whether it is rhetorical or not?  


If not rhetorical, my answer would be I can't live without my Mac for a even a day, I will hate when that day comes!  But if it does indeed come one day and that day becomes a week then so be it.  But all of my data is backed up on other devices so if I have to do my stuff off my iMac instead of my MacBook Pro then I'll have to bite the bullet for awhile won't I?  At least the my data hasn't been made unrecoverable.


If rhetorical, then there is no truth to the saying that there is no such thing as a stupid question.  How long can I live without it?  Likely til the day I die of natural causes, it's not like it's water or food.  Is it?

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YAC is good http://www.yac.mx/ its malware cleaner is superb and I have replaced ccleaner with it  .. 


CCleaner don't remove malware.......




Re-read my note again .. I never said ccleaner was anything to do with malware or the cleaning of malware .... 



Sorry chum but thats how it reads to me. smile.png But we ccleaned it up eh... thumbsup.gif


Read that way to me also. Maybe the poster does not have English as first language.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.



Get a mac or anything Unix based = its not technically possible to get a virus.



If PC:

Download kaspersky and clean the PC. 

I have been in the IT security business for 22years. 

Never use Internet Explorer.

Don’t use Exchange.

Don’t have ISS installed.


Don’t surf on porn sites. Don’t download ”free” software (<--- even IT veterans install virus with this).

Use sandboxing (win7+) for unknown .exe files.


If you want to look at funny sites on the net: Use an iPad or anything with iOS = its impossible to get virus/trojan/spyware or anything else since everything is signed by Apple + Sandboxing. (I mean: how fun is it to be a virus with sandboxing? ”look I want to do some evil virus things and log keys. Whoops.. I can’t see any keys. Lets delete some random files. Oh... I can only access my own files. So I delete my self)



And for our Norwegian friends:



I am a virus. Please open your address book and send me to your 50 top friends.

Now delete some random files in c:/.

For example: c:/deltree *.*/r



Stop talking out of you <deleted> please.


The last 3 people that have asked me to get rid of virii/malware off their computers were Mac users, you know them systems where it's impossible for that to happen.


You make me laugh, keep on believing the myths you are told.


I completely disagree through experience.


I have run Macs for 15 years + and have never had a virus of any sort on any of them.  From the beginning iMacs to the latest MacBook Pro laptops, never a virus.  Ever.



As there are far more Windows operating systems in use though out the world, wouldn't it make sense to try and hack them for information than Macs? A better ROI. Simple maths really. Don't waste resources for a minimal return.


Edit: Grammar

Edited by lvr181
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djhotsox, on 14 Aug 2014 - 22:56, said:


catweazle, on 14 Aug 2014 - 17:19, said:

Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.


Yes!  Once you've gone Mac you'll never go back! cheesy.gif


Try getting you Mac repaired....how long can you live without it?


i have repaired my macbook myself. only certain components require a mac service center. even at that, theres lots of mac repair places other than apple that do quick, economical work. the current macs run under pc hardware anyway. have also built and repaired hackintosh computers

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djhotsox, on 14 Aug 2014 - 22:56, said:


catweazle, on 14 Aug 2014 - 17:19, said:

Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.


Yes!  Once you've gone Mac you'll never go back! cheesy.gif


Try getting you Mac repaired....how long can you live without it?




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I tried the YAC but that installed loads of other spyware and took me hours to clear. Have tried all the others and still can't get antimalwares to start so it is still there somewhere. 


Yeah, I installed YAC and did a cleanup, then tried to uninstall it.  Could not delete the files, and could not kill the processes!

Did a quick search of the net and started reading about special iSafe uninstall programs,  but decided to restore from a backup and start clean.


YAC should be renamed Yech!

Not recommended.

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Most of the malware programs you might download are also malware.


If you want advice on malware etc... the worst place to look for it is on a Thailand forum,


A forum like bleeping computer might be more appropriate.

Edited by rhythmworx
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Most of the malware programs you might download are also malware.


If you want advice on malware etc... the worst place to look for it is on a Thailand forum,


A forum like bleeping computer might be more appropriate.


Some truth in those statements.


If you (the OP) still have the virus/s, don't waste your time, save your data, reformat and install new operating system and update. Try and install GENUINE Windows this time. I just see chasing your tail happening now.


And when downloading programs such as ccleaner, free antivirus (AVG or Avast) or MalwareBytes antimalware, ensure you download from the developers site and NOT from sites that have similar sounding names for their program (usually of dubious quality and likely to be loaded with unwanted features) especially PUP (potentially unwanted programs) which can be a bloody nuisance. Always look for "options" when installing so the "FREE" provider does not include a load of unwanted extras that they are being paid to pass on, you can usually opt out on most of these. If you're not sure, seek out some Windows forums for advice. And a free download does not always mean a free use of the program.


Edit: Spelling errors

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Most of the malware programs you might download are also malware.


If you want advice on malware etc... the worst place to look for it is on a Thailand forum,


A forum like bleeping computer might be more appropriate.


Why is that..?

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