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Cleared 4 year overstay this month. Returned without problems.

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4 years over stay . Should be banned for 4 years . I really dont like new rules .but people over stay country 4 years and they l ets them back so easy <deleted> .Thai people try this in Europe & l ets see if they can get new visa

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4 years over stay . Should be banned for 4 years . I really dont like new rules .but people over stay country 4 years and they l ets them back so easy <deleted> .Thai people try this in Europe & l ets see if they can get new visa

Sorry, I just get tired of the false statements about the EU. They have laws technically on the books, but they are very (very) lax about them in real life. Thailand is not anymore. Ok.

Edited by John1thru10
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4 years over stay . Should be banned for 4 years . I really dont like new rules .but people over stay country 4 years and they l ets them back so easy <deleted> .Thai people try this in Europe & l ets see if they can get new visa

It's so bad in the UK now there is no Immigration on exit.

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OP is devoid of all responsibility. He lived here for 4 years knowing he could be arrested and deported at any time leaving all of his Thai life behind. No sense of loyalty to friends, lovers or work colleagues, as they could/would have all been discarded in an instant, or worse, burdened with his criminality. Pretty unsavoury one might say. On the other hand he might be a complete loner who had no one else in his life whatsoever for 4 years.

Thats just an opinion. The OP made concious choices, weighing one risk over another. Imagine doing 4 years of border runs each month. 100% legit during those four past years, no risk for landing in the IDC BUT many others (beside the hassle and cost). For example risking your life each month 2x6 hours in a minivan speeding to and from the border, 48 times in 4 years - how "responsible" is that? Risking your life to be ok with "the law". From death one does not return, from IDC you usually do.

The OP did indeed make a conscious choice, a choice which disregarded any responsibility he may have had for anyone else who he may have been close too. You suggest that he made his choice to break several laws due to the state of Thailand's roads? What a nonsense argument from someone who apparently condones his behaviour. If he was on the correct visa with a work permit monthly runs would not be necessary, would they?

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Thais actually have it much easier if they immigrate to EU. Once they got their first job, they are in permanently. No forbidden corporate job list and no every 90 days reporting. They can establish their own company with 100 percent ownership and buy land. No need to hire 4 Europeans for one work permit.

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OP is devoid of all responsibility. He lived here for 4 years knowing he could be arrested and deported at any time leaving all of his Thai life behind. No sense of loyalty to friends, lovers or work colleagues, as they could/would have all been discarded in an instant, or worse, burdened with his criminality. Pretty unsavoury one might say. On the other hand he might be a complete loner who had no one else in his life whatsoever for 4 years.

Thats just an opinion. The OP made concious choices, weighing one risk over another. Imagine doing 4 years of border runs each month. 100% legit during those four past years, no risk for landing in the IDC BUT many others (beside the hassle and cost). For example risking your life each month 2x6 hours in a minivan speeding to and from the border, 48 times in 4 years - how "responsible" is that? Risking your life to be ok with "the law". From death one does not return, from IDC you usually do.

The OP did indeed make a conscious choice, a choice which disregarded any responsibility he may have had for anyone else who he may have been close too. You suggest that he made his choice to break several laws due to the state of Thailand's roads? What a nonsense argument from someone who apparently condones his behaviour. If he was on the correct visa with a work permit monthly runs would not be necessary, would they?

Myself, what 'I' suggest, is that you're behaving incredibly angry and judgmental about a person who you know nothing about. That's much harder to understand, frankly.

Edited by John1thru10
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I understand both sides of sentiment here. Live and let live is a good way to be.When people choose to disregard the law of the land, that is their responsibility; not mine. The only time I object is when they disturb my Sunday brunch at a restaurant by "shoving it in my face" about how they have openly broken the law for years and boast about it. You know those people: "I'm doing this and that now and I don't give an f*#k about the law."

"Why you break the law here?"

"Because I can! What are you going to do? Rat on me?"

To be honest, sometimes I feel like it and I won't deny that.

Live and let live works both ways.

OP, I'm glad things have worked out well for you and all the best for the future.

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Not deliberately trying to provoke but quite simply the OP should not have been allowed back in the country. Forget crackdown deadlines its totally out of order. Should have been charged daily for the entire 4 years and he many not have been so glib about it......

I partially agree. The max fine is clearly 20K so he should not be fined more than the max allowed by law but what about all this fuss about overstays being enforced. Under the new threat he should have been banned for several years. I flew into Phuket last week on the second entry of a double visa and the IO started debating how many days I had been in Thailand and giving me crap about it (mind you there is nothing negative in my nearly brand passport, everything legit and no overstays or even repetitive entries) so what gives? Selective enforcement is BS. I am not wishing anything bad on anyone, just fair and level enforcement for all. I go through a lot of effort doing everything by the book and this guy thumbs his nose at the Kingdom and breezes by?? Amazing

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Not deliberately trying to provoke but quite simply the OP should not have been allowed back in the country. Forget crackdown deadlines its totally out of order. Should have been charged daily for the entire 4 years and he many not have been so glib about it......

I partially agree. The max fine is clearly 20K so he should not be fined more than the max allowed by law but what about all this fuss about overstays being enforced. Under the new threat he should have been banned for several years. I flew into Phuket last week on the second entry of a double visa and the IO started debating how many days I had been in Thailand and giving me crap about it (mind you there is nothing negative in my nearly brand passport, everything legit and no overstays or even repetitive entries) so what gives? Selective enforcement is BS. I am not wishing anything bad on anyone, just fair and level enforcement for all. I go through a lot of effort doing everything by the book and this guy thumbs his nose at the Kingdom and breezes by?? Amazing

You're confused (not an insult, it is confusing): the banning is not law at this time. It's the PROPOSED law, which will go into affect (if it does, assuming it will) around September, I think (?). It was proposed, and then has an automatic 60 day (?) authorization period. So, the OP got out and cleared things before it is in affect.

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I find the persistent idea in this thread that people like this overstayer (who was quickly let back in) played a major role in these crackdowns absolutely ridiculous. It is absolutely laughable that people believe this notion - it's clearly not the case.

The OP did indeed make a conscious choice, a choice which disregarded any responsibility he may have had for anyone else who he may have been close too. You suggest that he made his choice to break several laws due to the state of Thailand's roads? What a nonsense argument from someone who apparently condones his behaviour. If he was on the correct visa with a work permit monthly runs would not be necessary, would they?

I love it! Just get a work permit and the right visa. Again, plain disregard for people who don't have a 'regular' situation of a job in Thailand, ignoring some of the good comments in this thread about people who may earn money through different means that do not break the law. Or indeed, as when I moved to Thailand (like I said above) having plenty of money in the bank. They DON'T give work permits and visas for money in the bank.

If the 'laws' (again, laughable they're called this when money usually circumvents them - seems the only idiots are those who bust their guts trying desperately to stay legal) here weren't outdated then people wouldn't be doing things like this.

This thread is hilarious...

Edited by darkian
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No isn't false statement if u overstay in France and u out France .if u try ask new visa 100% u will not get ur visa .if u not put some money . Maybe u talk abt people come illegal . Yea they can get 3 month for stay even they make in past many year overstay m its law in France . People come from country where there is war they apply this rules for them .but if u go embassy and u ask new visa after overstay u will not get . My sister experience Lol

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I find the persistent idea in this thread that people like this overstayer (who was quickly let back in) played a major role in these crackdowns absolutely ridiculous. It is absolutely laughable that people believe this notion - it's clearly not the case.

The OP did indeed make a conscious choice, a choice which disregarded any responsibility he may have had for anyone else who he may have been close too. You suggest that he made his choice to break several laws due to the state of Thailand's roads? What a nonsense argument from someone who apparently condones his behaviour. If he was on the correct visa with a work permit monthly runs would not be necessary, would they?

I love it! Just get a work permit and the right visa. Again, plain disregard for people who don't have a 'regular' situation of a job in Thailand, ignoring some of the good comments in this thread about people who may earn money through different means that do not break the law. Or indeed, as when I moved to Thailand (like I said above) having plenty of money in the bank. They DON'T give work permits and visas for money in the bank.

If the 'laws' (again, laughable they're called this when money usually circumvents them - seems the only idiots are those who bust their guts trying desperately to stay legal) here weren't outdated then people wouldn't be doing things like this.

This thread is hilarious...

Agree, completely. Also, the endlessly repeated meme that an over-stayer, or even some English teacher without a WP somewhere, are 'destroying' Thailand, amounts to hysteria.

Edited by John1thru10
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I went and cancelled my non-b extension to stay today and paid 1,900 baht for a 7 day extension, then rode back to my house. You paid 20 grand for 1460 days! You are a visitor at 13.7 baht overall per day, whereas my time costs me 271.43 a day and I waited an hour and a half for my passport back.

Btw, if that happened in Malaysia or Singapore, I'm guessin' we'd come back with these big welts on our butts...... and in Malaysia you get one for one day apparently (but max 24, like the max 20k). Not saying I like to see anyone get mutilated with a stick, but we are writing in English..... just a thought, we are all still fortunate to be given a second chance.

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I think everyone is fully aware that the authorities gave people on overstay a chance to correct the situation with a deadline of August 29th I believe - a sort of amnesty period before the more strict rules and penalties kick in

So the OP decided to correct the situation before then without penalty apart from the fine, everybody on TVF has been advising people to do this for weeks now

I don't see an issue - but he may have problems going forward - who knows

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5000 THB per year

No visa run

No 90 days reports

No waiting for hours at immigration

No immigration interview

No MOE interview

No school fees

I am an idiot

1. You are assuming we arent being wound up

2. How many of us would have slept soundly over that 4 year period knowing we could end up in IDC ?

Thanks, but no thanks to that 'option'.

. "How many of us would have slept soundly over that 4 year period knowing we could end up in IDC ?" At least not me!

"Thanks, but no thanks to that 'option" of course whistling.gif Pffff
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I went to get a new Non-immigrant O in Vientiane last week and the guy in front of me was on 12 years overstay. He had his old and new passport and the immigration officer was friendly and joked around before sending him over to the overstay counter to pay his fine. I saw him at the embassy later that day.

My point is that most immigration officers don't think of overstay as a serious offence. That will probably change with the rules enforcement coming soon. For now it only seems to be fellow expats who get all worked up.

Sent from my ASUS_T00I using Tapatalk 2

So, this guy was overstaying in Laos, right?

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Good luck for you. Still this was a very ignorant thing....4 years...

5k a year. Not too shabby. Probably better than the losers slobbering it out on Visa Run minivans every 30/60/90 days for those same 4 years, and probably spent 3 times as much for doing so.

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Anyone who thinks I was doing something morally wrong or harmful simply because I didn't have an up to date stamp in a book is being too narrow minded without knowing anything about me.

Exactly, it seems to be a running theme in here.

You're a good case study for a situation that the current visa categories (and, by, proxy, the boring people who keep repeating "get the right visa and work permit") don't cater for.

Totally see where you're coming from, also on your choice to take risks. Fair play to you.

Edited by darkian
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Fwiw I did not work in Thailand and I am well off. I did not ever use any sort of social services here and I never harmed anyone. I know my choice to overstay was one most people would not consider. I jumped through the endless hoops for years, practically on house arrest having to always check in with immigration and leave on arbitrary dates, but decided it was worth risking a day in IDC to avoid the circus show. Now that they are being more strict I'm back to juggling through legislation to remain legal and in Thailand. I do not regret my choice, and I would not if I had been arrested, thrown in IDC, and deported and blacklisted, just because it was such a relief to not have to suffer through the process. Also I was able to travel freely, regularly traveled in Thailand, booked hotels, opened a bank account, and everything else on overstay. I contributed to the economy for years at no expense to anyone besides the visa run companies. Anyone who thinks I was doing something morally wrong or harmful simply because I didn't have an up to date stamp in a book is being too narrow minded without knowing anything about me.

blink.png what?? you didnt work in the last 4 years?

You should have keep busy, and worked as a teacher even if you dont have degreewhistling.gif

Its not too late, i heard they are recruiting a lot actually because of the mass exodus.

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Good luck for you. Still this was a very ignorant thing....4 years...

5k a year. Not too shabby. Probably better than the losers slobbering it out on Visa Run minivans every 30/60/90 days for those same 4 years, and probably spent 3 times as much for doing so.

Wow, i can't believe you are calling people who made an effort to stay in Thailand legally a "loser" I can see from this comment you are a real winner!

The morals of some of the people on TV is just amazing. You congratulate a guy for breaking the law just because he didn't feel like doing a visa run.

I never had to take a minivan but i did stay legal the last 20 years. Been working and doing my 90 reports. Never was a problem or a hard thing to do. Just mail it in or take a little trip to immigration, no big deal. I didn't want to do this, but i did to stay legal.

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Good luck for you. Still this was a very ignorant thing....4 years...

5k a year. Not too shabby. Probably better than the losers slobbering it out on Visa Run minivans every 30/60/90 days for those same 4 years, and probably spent 3 times as much for doing so.

Wow, i can't believe you are calling people who made an effort to stay in Thailand legally a "loser" I can see from this comment you are a real winner!

The morals of some of the people on TV is just amazing. You congratulate a guy for breaking the law just because he didn't feel like doing a visa run.

I never had to take a minivan but i did stay legal the last 20 years. Been working and doing my 90 reports. Never was a problem or a hard thing to do. Just mail it in or take a little trip to immigration, no big deal. I didn't want to do this, but i did to stay legal.

This is a visa information forum, not judgment by St Peter at the pearly gates. Not trying to be rude, but just chill. Your payment for doing it right is that you don't have to worry or be afraid all the time. That's why you do that, right? It's why I do. He made a mistake and he did the right thing.

Edited by John1thru10
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