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Police in Phuket's fun town to enforce 2am bar closing


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Everyone bitches about corrupt police and public officials. When they are finally doing something about it we bitch again because it is affecting us. You want your cake and eat it too.

If they are not going to enforce a law remove it from the books so it is difficult for corruption to take hold.

It may be a little strange to most of us that laws are enforced but that is the way they do it in our countries so why should they not do it here.

I think people 'bitch' about the way they selectively enforce the laws, on and off. And the possibility they are taking money to sway their selective process. Don't you think it is odd they need to be persuaded to do their job!

Laws are often made to appease people, or justify existence, they rarely please everyone.

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Good...will keep some of the dross and flotsam away from Phuket..it's turning into a bidet..Pattaya is already the toilet of Thailand.

You do know what a bidet is, don't you? It's not a toilet.

Shit still goes down it though!!!

Another one that doesn't know what a bidet is used for.

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So the Police shut down the bars at 2am. Everyone hits the beaches till dawn and leave their trash and broken bottles behind. The whole culture needs to change, and I'm not sure if shutting the bars at 2am will do it.

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So what they are really saying is, " We've never enforced the law in this regard before, but we will now". Amazing how law enforcement admits they broke the law all the while keeping a straight face.

No it's not that at all

They used to be more relaxed about the law to make sure people enjoy their holidays but now for security reasons they have to temperingly toughen up this law

Also when I say they I mean the news report

Edited by BigC
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Good...will keep some of the dross and flotsam away from Phuket..it's turning into a bidet..Pattaya is already the toilet of Thailand.

You do know what a bidet is, don't you? It's not a toilet.

Shit still goes down it though!!!

Another one that doesn't know what a bidet is used for.

It is used for cleaning your private parts.

" A bidet is a low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the genitalia, inner buttocks, and anus "

So I am correct in my assertion. If ya clean your self after a crap. You are in fact cleaning shit which will go down the bidet drain ..

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So what they are really saying is, " We've never enforced the law in this regard before, but we will now". Amazing how law enforcement admits they broke the law all the while keeping a straight face.

No it's not that at all

They used to be more relaxed about the law to make sure people enjoy their holidays but now for security reasons they have to temperingly toughen up this law

Also when I say they I mean the news report

I beg to differ with you Big C. Fact is they were collecting huge tea money to turn a blind eye, it had nothing to do with people enjoying holidays, and has nothing to do with Security now. Now they're saying a forced 2 am closing due to the local bars being upset they were told to close on Mothers Day, when they didn't have to and the police losing face. Never mind about the alleged 75K baht paid by one bar for staying open.

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All the self-righteous, do-gooder, anti-sex, anti-drink, anti-party, anti everything but their so-called religious/moral (religion actually has nothing to do with morals and/or ethics) values people need to crawl back in that dark, ignorant, intolerant, troglodyte hole they slimed out of. This enforcement of "moral" laws could be and I suspect will be a long slippery slope, enforced mainly against farang venues. While this government will never shut down the Thai sex industry, it is after all much, much larger than the farang/tourist part, they could be planning on ending or seriously curtailing it for the farang portion. You know, better tourists, yea right. I'm reminded of an old saying that started something like "First they came for". Again, especially all you so-called moral people, be careful what you wish for, it can and will bite YOU in the ass.

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Nothing wrong with the night venue. In fact, I enjoy some of the bawdy entertainment. Morality aside, common sense rules. These places are getting downright dangerous in the wee hours of the morning. Check out the news during the past year. Most so called "accidents", rapes, assaults, robberies and murders happen about that time.

Irregardless, man up to the law....just as we were all told to man up to the new visa/border run crackdown. In both cases, it is not really a crackdown, but just a turn towards enforcement of current rules.

Bribes/protection money for people who ignore the law will hopefully be no longer tolerated.

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I will be criticized for this and don't care. The first time I went to Phuket as a backpacker in 1986 there were no nightclubs, none. The main attractions were day activities like diving and hiking. By nightfall we were all so exhausted that we had 3 or 4 beers and went to bed. It was fun and welcoming for young and old, Thai and farang. There were places in Thailand to party all night, and we did. Most villages had at least one karaoke bar serving cheap cold beer. It is disappointing to take my kids to Phuket now as it just isn't the same. Imagine todays backpackers taking their kids to Khao Yai national park or 3 Pagodas Pass in 30 years time and finding it flooded street to street with all night bars. I never dreamt Phuket would end up like it is today. There are still thousands of places to party all night and phuket is now one of them, but not the last. Some places should be left unspoilt, but it is unfortunately too late.

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Places never stay the same.

They either grow, or stagnate.

Yes, often for the worse...

That depends on your point of view........

True. I can't wait for Sai Yok and Thaplan National Parks to "grow".

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Last night the infamous Ark Bar in Samui was blasting their music until almost 3am. Nobody did anything. It can be heard for many kilometers up and down the coast, and sometimes as far away as Lamai Beach, across the bay, as they play the music so loud, and the speakers face directly out to the bay. They are so obnoxious. They care about nobody. They have been warned so many times. They do nothing. All they care about is their multi million dollar franchise. Nothing else is of any importance. Absolutely no concern for the hotels, the community, the police. Real bastards.

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Last night the infamous Ark Bar in Samui was blasting their music until almost 3am. Nobody did anything. It can be heard for many kilometers up and down the coast, and sometimes as far away as Lamai Beach, across the bay, as they play the music so loud, and the speakers face directly out to the bay. They are so obnoxious. They care about nobody. They have been warned so many times. They do nothing. All they care about is their multi million dollar franchise. Nothing else is of any importance. Absolutely no concern for the hotels, the community, the police. Real bastards.

Report them
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Last night the infamous Ark Bar in Samui was blasting their music until almost 3am. Nobody did anything. It can be heard for many kilometers up and down the coast, and sometimes as far away as Lamai Beach, across the bay, as they play the music so loud, and the speakers face directly out to the bay. They are so obnoxious. They care about nobody. They have been warned so many times. They do nothing. All they care about is their multi million dollar franchise. Nothing else is of any importance. Absolutely no concern for the hotels, the community, the police. Real bastards.

Report them

How? To who? What is the contact number? Is it anonymous, or?

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Last night the infamous Ark Bar in Samui was blasting their music until almost 3am. Nobody did anything. It can be heard for many kilometers up and down the coast, and sometimes as far away as Lamai Beach, across the bay, as they play the music so loud, and the speakers face directly out to the bay. They are so obnoxious. They care about nobody. They have been warned so many times. They do nothing. All they care about is their multi million dollar franchise. Nothing else is of any importance. Absolutely no concern for the hotels, the community, the police. Real bastards.

Report them

How? To who? What is the contact number? Is it anonymous, or?



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Last night the infamous Ark Bar in Samui was blasting their music until almost 3am. Nobody did anything. It can be heard for many kilometers up and down the coast, and sometimes as far away as Lamai Beach, across the bay, as they play the music so loud, and the speakers face directly out to the bay. They are so obnoxious. They care about nobody. They have been warned so many times. They do nothing. All they care about is their multi million dollar franchise. Nothing else is of any importance. Absolutely no concern for the hotels, the community, the police. Real bastards.

the success of Koh Samui is made by young people who goes there for fun until late night or the morning light. and for this reason there are many hotels..and many thais from anywhere in thailand moved there....and some expats too

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Last night the infamous Ark Bar in Samui was blasting their music until almost 3am. Nobody did anything. It can be heard for many kilometers up and down the coast, and sometimes as far away as Lamai Beach, across the bay, as they play the music so loud, and the speakers face directly out to the bay. They are so obnoxious. They care about nobody. They have been warned so many times. They do nothing. All they care about is their multi million dollar franchise. Nothing else is of any importance. Absolutely no concern for the hotels, the community, the police. Real bastards.

the success of Koh Samui is made by young people who goes there for fun until late night or the morning light. and for this reason there are many hotels..and many thais from anywhere in thailand moved there....and some expats too

Patong too i was ready to go in 1 week but i heard the news and i will go somewhere else..

who complains can move to Rawai its quiet around there just few bars and one disco...or Panwa where there is no entertainment at all

Edited by kaobang
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Well I was out and about on Bangla last night and the many places I passed

and some I had a drink in knew nothing about, or had even heard of any 2AM

closing. i went home well after 2AM and there were not any bars that I could see

were even looking like closing and the ones i asked said they were closing at the

normal time, which was they told me between 0330 and 0600.

So no enforcement on Bangla, just business as usual as far as I observed.


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