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Can you tell in Thailand the difference between a beef or pork hamburger?


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I like a good beef hamburger, and not from US chains like McDonalds or Burger KIng, but here I am not sure if some places indicating on the menus using beef are not using pork meat instead... How to tell the difference?... taste, color, texture, ???? Where in Chiang Mai I can have a 100% beef hamburger?

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Are we talking about the gristle that is offered as 'beef' here, usually with added 'filler', or actual imported Australian or New Zealand Beef? Though I must admit I haven't tried the beef raised locally by CMU.

Unfortunately I refuse to pay the price required to get an actual hamburger, so haven't personally tried The Dukes Grill & Bar (on Chang Klan Rd - Night Bazaar) or even Loco Elvis’ Mexican Food that also serves burgers and fries.

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I make my own pork burgers , i don't like the beef in Thailand there's no taste to it for the price you pay .

I only make around ten a week just , it only takes me about 15 mins to make them and i know there fresh and what goes in them, not like the beef one's at Makro witch taste very strong taste ,and have a horrible texture.


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I used to buy beef at a local market and ground it at home, made patties, and froze it. About 3 years ago the price of beef went up. I can now by frozen ground beef at MAKRO for about the same price. As far as quality Thai beef is tough not good for steaks or roasts; except beef tenderloin. However, the ground beef is no different than the ground beef in USA super markets. Great for hamburgers, meat balls, chili, and meat loaf.

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for a laugh...

To tell the difference between beef and porc i use the following trick....

when still rare stick a fork in it... if the burger reacts with "Mhoo", then its porc ( remember we are in Thailand ;-)

and to rare to eat...

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At Makro they will mince a piece of Beef of your choice, if you ask them nicely.

I was making Beef pies for a while and that's what I was doing, selecting a piece of meat and having them mince it, that way you get to decide what is in it and how much fat is in it as well, you need some, or it will be too dry tasting.

Edited by Pungdo
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Thai beef is very poor, no flavour at all, it also has a strange almost jelly like texture, in short rubbish. So, fi you are eating a "beef burger" made of thai beef then forget it, have a chicken burger instead. If you can buy using Australian beef well then thats completely different as Australian beef at it s best is some of the best beef in the world..

i personally make my own burgers using decent beef, that way I know what I am eating and it always tastes like beef.

At the end of the day I find most western food (not just fast food) is pretty poor in Thailand. There are a few exceptions but generally they are very expensive and a very occasional treat. So, if you want to mix your diet between western and Thai more frequently you either pay more or make it yourself.

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the difference is,a hamburger is pork,and a beefburger is beef. easy to make your own,nice big burger buns at makro.

In the USA a "hamburger" is beef.

What? How can a "ham"burger be made of beef. Are you sure you got this right?

No wonder the OP is confused if they don't even know the difference in the US,, the "home" of the beef burger...

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Thai beef is very poor, no flavour at all, it also has a strange almost jelly like texture, in short rubbish. So, fi you are eating a "beef burger" made of thai beef then forget it, have a chicken burger instead. If you can buy using Australian beef well then thats completely different as Australian beef at it s best is some of the best beef in the world..

i personally make my own burgers using decent beef, that way I know what I am eating and it always tastes like beef.

At the end of the day I find most western food (not just fast food) is pretty poor in Thailand. There are a few exceptions but generally they are very expensive and a very occasional treat. So, if you want to mix your diet between western and Thai more frequently you either pay more or make it yourself.

havnt you ever heard of PON-YANG-KHAM beef co-operative,try it you will be surprised and half the price of aus.beef.

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