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Michael Brown killing: State police take over riot-hit US town


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Anyone who thinks the U.S. is still the great land of liberty and freedom it once was 30 years ago or more is delusional or just plain stupid. Protestors ramsacking and plundering Missouri businesses is plain wrong but understandable given the increased number of police shootings and further reinforced by trained snipers lining up unarmed protestors in their sights.

When I was a kid in the 1960s, there were no riots or protests and everyone got along just fine. Those were the good old days. whistling.gif


And there was a rail road track that ran through the town and some people lived on one side of the track and others on the other side and they didn't cross where they didn't belong. They had drinking fountains for people of different races, and bathrooms, and schools.

They also had a big problem with things like Polio.

It seems nice, when filtered through the lenses of time, but there were plenty of problems then too.

Problems? You mean Eddie Haskell?

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Anyone who thinks the U.S. is still the great land of liberty and freedom it once was 30 years ago or more is delusional or just plain stupid. Protestors ramsacking and plundering Missouri businesses is plain wrong but understandable given the increased number of police shootings and further reinforced by trained snipers lining up unarmed protestors in their sights.

When I was a kid in the 1960s, there were no riots or protests and everyone got along just fine. Those were the good old days. whistling.gif


And there was a rail road track that ran through the town and some people lived on one side of the track and others on the other side and they didn't cross where they didn't belong. They had drinking fountains for people of different races, and bathrooms, and schools.

They also had a big problem with things like Polio.

It seems nice, when filtered through the lenses of time, but there were plenty of problems then too.

Problems? You mean Eddie Haskell?

Clarence 'Lumpy' Rutherford ?

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Anyone who thinks the U.S. is still the great land of liberty and freedom it once was 30 years ago or more is delusional or just plain stupid. Protestors ramsacking and plundering Missouri businesses is plain wrong but understandable given the increased number of police shootings and further reinforced by trained snipers lining up unarmed protestors in their sights.

When I was a kid in the 1960s, there were no riots or protests and everyone got along just fine. Those were the good old days. whistling.gif

Detroit Race Riots 1960's. How quickly we forget.

I know. I was being sarcastic. I thought that mentioning "the 1960s" would give it away.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The first riots there were the East St. Louis Riot (May and July 1917) was an outbreak of labor- and race-related violence that caused between 40 and 200 deaths and extensive property damage.

I guess this one is a lot less violent.

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Two Things.

1st - This so called "Gentle Giant" was a THUG, pure and simple, and with his strong arm tactics, someone was bound to give him a case of lead poisoning eventually. Or another thug would have done it.

2nd - When a white is killed by the cops, you don't see massive rioting and looting in the streets. But let a black get shot by a white cop, for whatever reason, and suddenly it's "RACIST!" thing, and nothing to do with "law & order" or right & wrong. And what's funny, or sad, depending on how you look at it, they riot, loot and tear up THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS! Like Forest Gump said - "Stupid is as stupid does".

As for Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, they are two of the biggest racists using oxygen. They live and breath for ANY excuse to pull the Racist card and exploit it to the fullest. "Reverend" Jessie Jackson and "Reverend" Al Sharpton. Yeah, "Reverends" of the Holy Church of Self-Righteous Racism and Bigotry.


+1 totally

Anyone seen The rant by the black minister Jonathan Gentry I think his name is. He is allowed to say whay no white person could ever say and he is spot on.

I also find the fact that the Government is now in control all wrong. As said how come they can spare 40 FBI officers when a black thug gets shot but can't for far more important matters of state ?

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The Missouri State Police captain now in charge is also black, a small detail the BBC story apparently did not think important enough to include. So, we now have a black Hwy Patrol officer in charge at the scene, a black US Attorney General, Holder, directing the feds, and a black US president issuing Solomonic announcements from the Rose Garden. The OJ jurors are now in charge of everything. I'm sure justice is assured.

Very much to the point. Thanks for the post.
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The U.S. is increasingly becoming a militarized police state. The NSA, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, ATF, half billion dollars in war equipment to militarize local police against their own people. Anyone who thinks the U.S. is still the great land of liberty and freedom it once was 30 years ago or more is delusional or just plain stupid. Protestors ramsacking and plundering Missouri businesses is plain wrong but understandable given the increased number of police shootings and further reinforced by trained snipers lining up unarmed protestors in their sights.

Interesting viewpoint.

From my limited experience, I was trained that criminals came in all colors, backgrounds and intents.

When someone is intent on killing me or another innocent bystander, the option to use deadly force is moved ahead of all other choices.

"Stupid is as stupid does" as one other poster quoted.

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Here is how I see it. The big problem is that there is a white or mostly white police force in a town that is majority black. If the town had a black police force, these cops would probably still kill or f-up that pos Michael Brown. There would be no riots and no need for the race-baiters Sharpton and Jackson.

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Here is how I see it. The big problem is that there is a white or mostly white police force in a town that is majority black. If the town had a black police force, these cops would probably still kill or f-up that pos Michael Brown. There would be no riots and no need for the race-baiters Sharpton and Jackson.

There is probably a very good reason for that.

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this is a live leak to the ongoing, and growing, demonstrations against the Ferguson County Police Dept.

there is now a legal challenge, and class action status being given to anyone injured, although I dont know the details about that, other than,

"change has come to America"


Edited by SteveFong
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Now, there is going to be a THIRD autopsy, following the local authorities and the private one obtained by the Brown family. Keep on performing autopsies until you get the results you need to hang the police. Oh, and this autopsy is being conducted by Eric Holder, who earlier tried to withhold the video of Mike Brown robbing the Asian store and its clerk.

Brian Fallon, a Justice Department spokesman, said the department would also consider the results of the first, state-conducted autopsy. There was no indication that federal investigators saw any problems with the local examination. The family has also had a private autopsy conducted.


Edited by zydeco
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Seems the earlier winesses/friend's stories weren't quite accurate.


"After running, the witness said that Brown stopped and turned back around.

“Next thing I know he’s coming back towards the police. The police had his gun drawn on him,” the witness said."

Kind of puts things in a whole new light.

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Kind of puts things in a whole new light.

Indeed. Also from your link.

Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson said on Friday that Wilson was not aware that Brown had been involved in the strong-arm robbery when he first encountered them. But as Wilson was pulling away, he heard a police dispatch call describing the suspects in the robbery. He then doubled-back to confront the two, according to Jackson.

Wilson told investigators that Brown punched him in the face and tried to steal his gun during a struggle inside Wilson’s cruiser.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/17/unwitting-witness-pokes-holes-in-michael-brown-shooting-story/#ixzz3AiVFi7DH

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