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Went looking for a truck...wife and both kids liked MU-X

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It is my understanding trucks are the best deal in Thailand.

I went looking for a top model truck and at one of the dealerships; and ended up going in a different direction, we test drove the MU-X.

Everyone of us liked the MU-X 3.0 4X2 DVD Navi AT. The dealer list on the basic truck was 1,309,000, but I thought I had seen it advertised or mentioned here on TV for 1,289,000.

What should I try for, or be able to get them down to, for a deal, if I pay cash?

I know I we can negotiate the add-ons and to some extent price.

Is there a certain dealership I should approach? For example, is there likely a better deal at one of the bigger companies like UNT in Bangkok or are prices apt to be lower in certain provinces?

Cheers in advance for anyone sharing their perspective!



If it prompts the discussion any.... immediately following testdriving the Isuzu, I visited Chevy as I had now shifted gears away from a truck.

The Chevy people seem more willing to deal but the kids really liked that DVD player for the backseat passengers in the Isuzu. The Chevy has a more powerful engine, but the look, while similar, is not a refined as the Isuzu.


All I can say is it's a good deal don't take notice of off putters, if you like it and the wife and kids like it go for it, it's a good vehicle for the dosh it also has dealerships all around Thailand.


I have driven both vehicles and IMO the MUX is way ahead of the Chev, I found the Chev to have a lot of road noise, coffee1.gif


i have the top model 3Litre MUX now for 7 months its excellent , you wont get anything much off the price but get as maby extras , mats , upgrdes , insurance, fuel, and accesories as possible chucked in my pile came to be worth 52k

oh and avoid the smaller engine option it uses more fuel and is gutless


I haven't experience with the MUX but I have had a 3 liter Isuzu CAB 4 for going on 6 years. Had a few problems all taken care of by warranty. Everything works fine. I still have 2 original tires at 180,000 km.

At your first battery change (about 2 years) opt for an oversized battery. (not from Isuzu) They last longer. Mine is now at the 3 year mark and going strong.



Yes dealer batteries, they don't last so long. I have have problems with Toyota and Mitsu on that.

I have not decided one way or another yet on the MU-X.

I know the Isuzu's are popular with the Thais.

It looks like the list prices have changed recently or are inconsistent. Available on the Internet but not necessarily current is a base price 1,289,000 for the Mu-x 4x2 3.0 DVD Navi AT

I have a color printed price list from the dealer showing the same model at 1,309,000.

There is also word of a promo sale coming up August 29...I am seeking the best deal.


Be sure to ask the dealer about getting the first year insurance free. Last week I picked up our new Honda CRV and we got the insurance as well as lots of other "freebies" that I think if you don't ask for them you don't get them.


The Isuzu MUX is a good choice.Suggest you visit 2 other Isuzu dealerships and get a quote and compare. Usually your favourite dealership will at least match the best quote from my experience. You should get standard stuff like 1 year insurance, car registration, car decoration, 1 full tank of diesel, 1 year road tax. You should also get a cash rebate of 30-50k and sometimes you can negotiate other freebies like a Samsung Note 3 etc. Remember at the moment car sales are down a lot so you should be able negotiate a good deal.


There has been some good advice.

I have better offer already, I think from a dealer in Thonburi, but I need to visit the shop and get it in writing. There is another nearby to where I stay when I am in Bangkok.

There is also a show at BITEC in Bangna. From what I could tell on an Internet search for Isuzu they are pushing the D-max Truck as the main promotion. I may go there anyway.

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