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Chief investigator says mastermind abroad financed violence against PDRC protests

Lite Beer

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Gee I coulda told them, and did write it on Yahoo comments, the first day of the protests. There was even one photo I saw of black shirted guys training in military formations. It is very clear that there was the possibility that a private army could have begun work fully destabilizing the nation.

This destabilizing actions are textbook for American intelligence agencies in countries targeted for take over and installation of a local puppet leader, think Noriega for example.

This whole thing is not over and if the Army quits too soon, watch out.

But all this is painfully obvious to the astute observer.

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witch hunt

Witch hunt? Or is this a report just telling something that anybody with any nous knows already. Off course this and the previous red occupation were financed by Khun ..... err? Are we allowed to mention the self-exile's name?

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Great; now, who were the on-shore masterminds who orchestrated the anti-government violence and smuggled war weapons to the PDRC? Hey, as long as we're looking...

UDD Red Shirts was the only group with RPG's, C-4 explosives, and Grenade Launchers AKA "war weapons".

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Thailand: The 'Hub of Coy' (no, that's not short for katoy, but it could be).

Chalerm would do that once in awhile: He could say it in a poem like this:

I know who the crime bosses are

they know who they are

and they know I know who they are.

I only mention the first initial of their names.

Then I know they will fix their evil ways.

That's all I'm going to say.

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We get use to this kind of allegation at every coup. Previous was the Finland plot and now another plot. Both to justify reason for the coup. Finland plot fizzle out and nothing heard. I am sure will follow the same life span.

Does that make it untrue, then ? wink.png

To me it sounds more like a consistent policy, orchestrated from abroad, as the police claim.

You tell me. The Finland was a serious allegation that will put the mastermind away for LM for a long long time and would have caused a big swing in popularity for TRT. Yet the allegation fizzle out the the matter is no longer topical. Sure this made he allegation untrue.

Anyway this latest allegation does made the opposition the more likely suspect and probably true.

I don't know, Eric. Nor do you. We're both just speculating.

The allegations may have been true, they may not, it would help if knowledgeable chief-investigators would name names, rather than pussy-footing round the issue. I am reminded for example of confident declarations by then-DPM Chalerm, that he knew who was behind the black-shirts, but wouldn't tell !

But I can understand why allegations are sometimes left to fizzle out, it might be because of behind-the-scenes deals, or it might be because one's nominee-party is in-government and has no interest in investigating & revealing the truth. It's not necessarily because they weren't true. wai2.gif

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We get use to this kind of allegation at every coup. Previous was the Finland plot and now another plot. Both to justify reason for the coup. Finland plot fizzle out and nothing heard. I am sure will follow the same life span.

Does that make it untrue, then ? wink.png

To me it sounds more like a consistent policy, orchestrated from abroad, as the police claim.

You tell me. The Finland was a serious allegation that will put the mastermind away for LM for a long long time and would have caused a big swing in popularity for TRT. Yet the allegation fizzle out the the matter is no longer topical. Sure this made he allegation untrue.

Anyway this latest allegation does made the opposition the more likely suspect and probably true.

I don't know, Eric. Nor do you. We're both just speculating.

The allegations may have been true, they may not, it would help if knowledgeable chief-investigators would name names, rather than pussy-footing round the issue. I am reminded for example of confident declarations by then-DPM Chalerm, that he knew who was behind the black-shirts, but wouldn't tell !

But I can understand why allegations are sometimes left to fizzle out, it might be because of behind-the-scenes deals, or it might be because one's nominee-party is in-government and has no interest in investigating & revealing the truth. It's not necessarily because they weren't true. wai2.gif

Concur with you that we both are outside looking in. But have to disagree with your point of one's nominee party government having no interest in investigating. The Finland plot was alleged in 2006 and went through 2 governments and none are the non's nominee party government that you are implying. That period totaled 5 years and could have completed and implicated the masterminds by then. That's why I dare day that the allegation was untrue.

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"Investigations have revealed that the actions were part of a larger movement aimed at destabilizing the country."

So the culprit was Suthep?

It clearly states, "from abroad" agenda again ?? number 3 on the topic trying to hog it with anti investigation propaganda ??

So it was someone from abroad who wanted to destabilize the Yingluck government. Gee, Suthep and others inside of Thailand wanted the Yingluck government to fail, maybe they have friends abroad.

What the hel# are you talking about ??? re-read the topic again without trying to high-jack it--agenda ??

High-jack the agenda? I'm just wondering who "aimed at destabilizing the country" while Yingluck and the PTP were in charge.

Gosh, you're really not very bright, are you?

Edited by Mister Fixit
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So ...

The police were tasked by the NCPO

They found that 'Investigations have revealed that the actions were part of a larger movement aimed at destabilizing the country.'

While the Yingluck government was in power.

Logical conclusion, ....

It was Thaksin.

Yeah, right.

Posters here are basically blind.

Is there any particular reason why someone like you that has extensive knowledge in all things Thai only has 37 posts?

Another stockpiles?

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So ...

The police were tasked by the NCPO

They found that 'Investigations have revealed that the actions were part of a larger movement aimed at destabilizing the country.'

While the Yingluck government was in power.

Logical conclusion, ....

It was Thaksin.

Yeah, right.

Posters here are basically blind.

Is there any particular reason why someone like you that has extensive knowledge in all things Thai only has 37 posts?

Another sockpuppet?

Edited by Mister Fixit
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Wake up and smell the roses, all of this crap is right out of the NWO manual. Pity it will be too late for you all when the penny drops. Financed by and carried out on behalf of the Illuminati, of which Thaksin is a proven puppet of. Now you all just keep on bantering between one another with your school yard opinions and let them finish what they started.

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Wake up and smell the roses, all of this crap is right out of the NWO manual. Pity it will be too late for you all when the penny drops. Financed by and carried out on behalf of the Illuminati, of which Thaksin is a proven puppet of. Now you all just keep on bantering between one another with your school yard opinions and let them finish what they started.

What, these boys?


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Wake up and smell the roses, all of this crap is right out of the NWO manual. Pity it will be too late for you all when the penny drops. Financed by and carried out on behalf of the Illuminati, of which Thaksin is a proven puppet of. Now you all just keep on bantering between one another with your school yard opinions and let them finish what they started.

What, these boys?


credit where credit is due. I have to hand it to you fab you have come closer to reality. Most people laugh while you believe.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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So ...

The police were tasked by the NCPO

They found that 'Investigations have revealed that the actions were part of a larger movement aimed at destabilizing the country.'

While the Yingluck government was in power.

Logical conclusion, ....

It was Thaksin.

Yeah, right.

Posters here are basically blind.

Yes, others noticed that line and wondered what it meant. Possible a bad translation or poor journalism or lack of proofreading. The article was about the murderous attacks on the PDRC protests and how the arms were financed, smuggled in & disrtributed and who paid the murderers. But, but, but, but, Suthep?????????????? Getting a wee bit desperate, arn't we, now?

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