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How does the Ark Bar in Samui get away with playing their music so loud?

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I do wonder then where all the noise, that goes on until well after 2am that rings out all around central Chaweng comes from then?

It carries on until 3/4 in the morning and is the only thing you can hear.

Can't be the Ark as it's already said it closes at 2am so there must be some sort of "ghost music" being played booming out until yon time every single night.

Can't possibly be Green Mango area as it's already been said by a couple on here it is definitely not them, no way whatsoever...weird..it's a mystery not only as to where it comes from but also just why this doesn't seem to be heard by certain people whatsoever and whom only seem to hear music that comes from 1 certain place only and finishes at 2am.

I could swear i have walked along Chaweng beach road after 2am before and the only noise i can hear by far is mega loud pumping music blaring out from what i always thought was in Soi Green Mango! I've. obviously been wrong all this time and there's some other mysterious hidden secret party that's making all this noise but cleverly making it sound exactly as if it's coming from Green Mango and only making the sound to be heard by so many.

Very clever indeed how they manage it, bravo!, :-)

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I have just turned on my computer as I do every morning while drinking my coffee before I go to the gym and i cannot believe this topic is still going on.

Samui has always been one of the big party destinations of Thailand and always will be, I am glad as it keeps most of the crazy drunken youngsters away from the mainland.

You must of known when you moved there - so why on earth did you move there????

The authorities of Thailand will never change things because it is much easier to control it on a small island.

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I suggest that the people who are affected should get together and sign a petition and submit it to local government and also copy the "General" "PM".... I am sure that by coping him you would get some action even if he does not even respond directly. All local governments are afraid and don't want him coming around to investigate the goings on in their area....

Screw these disrespectful people.... They have taken advantage of locals for too long.

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I have just turned on my computer as I do every morning while drinking my coffee before I go to the gym and i cannot believe this topic is still going on.

Samui has always been one of the big party destinations of Thailand and always will be, I am glad as it keeps most of the crazy drunken youngsters away from the mainland.

You must of known when you moved there - so why on earth did you move there????

The authorities of Thailand will never change things because it is much easier to control it on a small island.

A few asinine comments in there Lous. Please let me give my observations

The topic is still going on because people (like yourself) keep commenting.

Samui is more than just Chaweng. Samui is 228.7 sq kms. The 'party destinations' are a small percentage of that. This may surprise you but a lot of people visit Samui for beautiful tropical beaches, and peace and quiet. A friendly tropical island in paradise, perfect for families!

From your comment I see that you are OK about noise pollution on Samui as it is 'not in your back yard'.

Did it not occur to you that maybe the Ark Bar did not play loud offensive music past midnight when a lot of us did move here?

I moved here over 14 years ago. I live in a very quiet rural part of the island. (Nearest 7/11 is 3 kms away!!!). Black Moon Parties have been a part of the islands here for some years. So, if I take your logic, when a BMP started up two years ago just 1 km from my house - I should move?

14 years ago, the only beach where I saw sunloungers, tables, chairs etc, was Chaweng. The others were all pristene. Now there is furniture on most of the popular beaches. Things move on.

Sadly, not all moving on is congruent to the island that we first fell in love with.

This thread is about a business that openly flaunts the law and does so in a progressive and intrusive manner. It was not always thus.

I remember about 10 or 12 years ago sitting on the beach at the Ark Bar enjoying a cold Singha, talking to friends and there was background music. Quite pleasant and relaxing. thumbsup.gif That is not the case today. sad.png

So please remember that whilst it might be quiet where you live today, but it may not be that way tomorrow. facepalm.gif

You will defend Samui because you are probably stuck there and you want the island returned to the place it once was.

Samui now has a reputation the world over as a party island you only have to read any tourist magazine to see that.

Full moon parties are one of the biggest attractions of the island and these are obviously held on the beach at night so I can't see the music stopping.

In all the time I have lived in Thailand I have only visited Samui once and I did not enjoy my time there the only place in Thailand I have not enjoyed. The reasons being loud music everywhere I went, over building everywhere and young drunken people.

I don't think anything will be done about the noise coming from the Ark Bar because noisy places like that bring big money to the island and to the authorities there.

You may say my comments are stupid but they are built on fact and my experience of Samui.

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If you visit the Ark Bar, and look in the bathroom, there is a flyer bragging about how they have 38 speakers, and 24 subwoofers! Most point out towards the bay. None of the authorities so far, have any interest in doing anything about this. And yes, petitions have been signed, and submitted to the authorities. Nothing has been done. The minister of noise and pollution has been contacted. He is useless. We are all hopeful the military will step in. They are the only ones with enough power to overstep all the government officials, and police, who are bought and paid for.

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I'm told the Thai's like noise it apparently scares away the Ghosts, everywhere in Thailand seems to display the issue of overly loud music its not solely happening in Samui, going to a wedding could be compared to attending a Metallica Gig .This might also explain the endless chorus of circular saw action going on for any and every DIY task you can imagine.

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I am a bit thick and simple minded, apparently.

Ark bar is not a night club (dancing). So the simple question would be:

Why play the music so loud to make it impossible to talk to each other at the venue, and at the same time aleniating so many residents?

Sounds like a lose/lose situation?! huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

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I am a bit thick and simple minded, apparently.

Ark bar is not a night club (dancing). So the simple question would be:

Why play the music so loud to make it impossible to talk to each other at the venue, and at the same time aleniating so many residents?

Sounds like a lose/lose situation?! huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I have often wondered this myself. I occasionally walk by, or on rare occasion stop by for a drink (it pains me to support them) with a friend who wants to see the place. The music is usually so loud it is painful to hang out. It does not need to be that loud. Nearly all of the employees will end up with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. Do the owners and managers care? They could so easily change the positioning of the speakers, or turn down the bass. Do they do that? No. Do they know they are creating massive problems for their neighbors, and the whole community? Yes. Do they care? I seriously doubt it. Not much consciousness coming from the owner and the managers.

Edited by spidermike007
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I am a bit thick and simple minded, apparently.

Ark bar is not a night club (dancing). So the simple question would be:

Why play the music so loud to make it impossible to talk to each other at the venue, and at the same time aleniating so many residents?

Sounds like a lose/lose situation?! huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I have often wondered this myself. I occasionally walk by, or on rare occasion stop by for a drink (it pains me to support them) with a friend who wants to see the place. The music is usually so loud it is painful to hang out. It does not need to be that loud. Nearly all of the employees will end up with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. Do the owners and managers care? They could so easily change the positioning of the speakers, or turn down the bass. Do they do that? No. Do they know they are creating massive problems for their neighbors, and the whole community? Yes. Do they care? I seriously doubt it. Not much consciousness coming from the owner and the managers.

Ark Bar is a business and if the loud music scares customers away, they will turn down the volume or change their concept. But looking at the past 5 years or more, they seemed to have gained more-and-more customers, both for beach parties – with dance on beach sand “dance floor” and on the tables – and as resort guests. Samui and Phangan tourism was born as “party” and still famous for that. So as long as the express train is running fast you are not uncoupling the locomotive…

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U see now u r confused

You moved to a new area where there is loud music and for some reason you are complaining about the ark bar even though the people

U have a problem

With is not the ark bar at all because u have moved

If you are stressed I suggest boxing lessons

You do make me laugh Big C. I didn't move anywhere laugh.png lived in an area for several years then an illegal night club opened.

I own my property, can't sell & move as you suggest to all the others, what should I do?

Re my comment about moving, all I said was it was an old cliche to tell someone :

If you don't like it go home.

Copy that braker on the 19

Roger 10/4 rubber duck

You could still move.

Another suggestion would be to find where the managers live and stalk them with a cd from their own bar outside their house then pay one of those loud advertising trucks to stalk him or them round samui

Sure he shall get the message or shoot you either way the noise problem shall be gone

Normally I turn my telly on when loud music outside

But too be honest if it was me and someone opened a loud karaoke outside my house I would destroy it as I was here first

I would employ and deploy an army of ants into their den while they are sleeping

If that doesn't work then out comes the M16 ( BB gun )

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I am a bit thick and simple minded, apparently.

Ark bar is not a night club (dancing). So the simple question would be:

Why play the music so loud to make it impossible to talk to each other at the venue, and at the same time aleniating so many residents?

Sounds like a lose/lose situation?! huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I have often wondered this myself. I occasionally walk by, or on rare occasion stop by for a drink (it pains me to support them) with a friend who wants to see the place. The music is usually so loud it is painful to hang out. It does not need to be that loud. Nearly all of the employees will end up with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. Do the owners and managers care? They could so easily change the positioning of the speakers, or turn down the bass. Do they do that? No. Do they know they are creating massive problems for their neighbors, and the whole community? Yes. Do they care? I seriously doubt it. Not much consciousness coming from the owner and the managers.

Ark Bar is a business and if the loud music scares customers away, they will turn down the volume or change their concept. But looking at the past 5 years or more, they seemed to have gained more-and-more customers, both for beach parties – with dance on beach sand “dance floor” and on the tables – and as resort guests. Samui and Phangan tourism was born as “party” and still famous for that. So as long as the express train is running fast you are not uncoupling the locomotive…

Sometimes one has to give a little back to move forward

I would suggest the ark bar works with local residents and offers some sort of compensation for all it's profit made

Such as putting sound proof windows in houses

At least if people complain you shall get some good publicity and the cost is probably pea nuts compared to the amount of profit that is being made

If the boss wants to be a greedy fat cat then no sympathy shall become as the fatter the cat the easier the target but up to him or her

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I am a bit thick and simple minded, apparently.

Ark bar is not a night club (dancing). So the simple question would be:

Why play the music so loud to make it impossible to talk to each other at the venue, and at the same time aleniating so many residents?

Sounds like a lose/lose situation?! huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I have often wondered this myself. I occasionally walk by, or on rare occasion stop by for a drink (it pains me to support them) with a friend who wants to see the place. The music is usually so loud it is painful to hang out. It does not need to be that loud. Nearly all of the employees will end up with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. Do the owners and managers care? They could so easily change the positioning of the speakers, or turn down the bass. Do they do that? No. Do they know they are creating massive problems for their neighbors, and the whole community? Yes. Do they care? I seriously doubt it. Not much consciousness coming from the owner and the managers.

Ark Bar is a business and if the loud music scares customers away, they will turn down the volume or change their concept. But looking at the past 5 years or more, they seemed to have gained more-and-more customers, both for beach parties with dance on beach sand dance floor and on the tables and as resort guests. Samui and Phangan tourism was born as party and still famous for that. So as long as the express train is running fast you are not uncoupling the locomotive

How would ark bar know if the noise scares customers away? It is not like there is any communication between management and their customers. People who do not like the noise will not lodge a formal complaint, they will just move on. Perhaps they would have had even more customers if it was less noisy? My point is noone, incl. Ark bar management, knows if the noise in itself makes them gain or lose customers.

They could put a flyer on each table asking people if the music is too high or too low. My bet is that many customers would say "too loud", but that they consider it a good place despite the loud music.

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I have previously warned about touching on certain aspects during this debate. General criticism based on facts is acceptable.

Do not start on personal criticism of individuals. I have deleted several posts discussing this.

Please adhere to this directive otherwise this topic is closed.

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