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Thaksin,Yingluk and the clan

Crazy chef 1

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just wanna know why most of our members are so obsessed with the Shin's.don't get me wrong i am also not a big fan of Mr T but neither he nor his cronies had any affect on my life. furthermore this country belongs to the Thais and they choose what they want.whenever the name of T or YL is in the news i am sure this topic get at least 4 pages of replies.

is there nothing more interesting to debate about it such as Costa's dairy obsession,JT's encounters with baht busses,Mr Cools tales from Rhek Thum, the idyllic life in Issaan, family problems,the traffic and so on.

is anybody really affected by the Shin's?

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Besides stealing, cronyism and squandering billions of tax payers money no they haven't affected anyone at all.

And of course the Shinawatra family are unique in this respect. All the other top politicians and businessmen in Thailand are as pure as the driven snow, honest as the day is long, and corruption and nepotism didn't exist before Thaksin came to power.

I hope you got your free cow. Mr, Costas and myself are still waiting,

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Besides stealing, cronyism and squandering billions of tax payers money no they haven't affected anyone at all.

they affected many people(and i am sorry for them) but they haven't any affect on me.same as Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,Bush and all the others.

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What direct effect have they had? I suppose it would depend on where you live, what line of work you are in. Certainly the deep divisions within this country which they are partly responsible for have had impacts on tourism and associated industries. The Red Shirt violence in 2009 and 2010 which were effectively led by them caused mass disruption to many in Bangkok. The airport closure by The Yellow Mob was a further hit to many , and the roots are in the Pro Thaksin and Anti Thaksin camps.

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What direct effect have they had? I suppose it would depend on where you live, what line of work you are in. Certainly the deep divisions within this country which they are partly responsible for have had impacts on tourism and associated industries. The Red Shirt violence in 2009 and 2010 which were effectively led by them caused mass disruption to many in Bangkok. The airport closure by The Yellow Mob was a further hit to many , and the roots are in the Pro Thaksin and Anti Thaksin camps.

you are right Mr T.but if it wouldn't be Thaksin it would be someone else. on the other side we can't do anything for or against it though where is this obsession coming from?just this mornings news about his daughter get twins have already 49 replies-i just give a F##k what his daughter is doing,you know what i mean?

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OP, I'm not a Thai Citizen, I can't vote.

But I have chosen to live in this country, for good or for bad.

So, I can't avoid getting involved in everyday life or politics that do affect everybody's living here.

I have seen the wrong doings this family has done to Thailand for the past so many years, as mentioned by, mrtod, before.

So I feel the need to express my opinion, either to my immediate environment or on TVF.

Some people, do listen, some ignore, and some are against my opinions.

But at the end of the day, I get my own satisfaction that somebody has listened to me and opened their eyes to the evil this family represents.

I believe, other TVF members feel the same, like me or against me, so you can see so many postings on TVF when the subject comes up.

Anyway, better go back to my dairy obsession, the cows are waiting for me.

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Besides stealing, cronyism and squandering billions of tax payers money no they haven't affected anyone at all.

they affected many people(and i am sorry for them) but they haven't any affect on me.same as Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,Bush and all the others.

Well you may feel that but they have, you just haven't noticed it. You'll be paying 10% VAT next year thanks to them. Hitler affected everyone and Stalin started the Cold War, didn't that affect you?

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Agree CC, The Dark Lord of Dubai is a moron, and the sooner the better news doesn't report any of his nonsense. He's just desperate to be noticed, for him being ignored would be even more painful than living a life as a fugitive.

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Agree CC, The Dark Lord of Dubai is a moron, and the sooner the better news doesn't report any of his nonsense. He's just desperate to be noticed, for him being ignored would be even more painful than living a life as a fugitive.

cheers T- at least one understands.

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Besides stealing, cronyism and squandering billions of tax payers money no they haven't affected anyone at all.

they affected many people(and i am sorry for them) but they haven't any affect on me.same as Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,Bush and all the others.

Well you may feel that but they have, you just haven't noticed it. You'll be paying 10% VAT next year thanks to them. Hitler affected everyone and Stalin started the Cold War, didn't that affect you?

What if i was born after the WW2 & the cold war? . Silly Answer.

They have raisedthe level of Asian Political corruption to a level only reaches by the Marcos family in Asian democracy in recent decades. and have politicaly divided the country with populist promises & policies.

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Last night I met seven Dutchmen - all well-mannered, obviously well-educated, etc. It was their first day and they were full of questions and excited to meet someone to help them out. (When I told them those 'girls' they were flirting with weren't girls, they were literally shocked.)

They wondered how dangerous Thailand is now with military rule and based on all the news coverage they have been exposed to.

When it got down to “Will there be elections soon?”, my answer was of course 'no'. But then we were asked “Do we think there SHOULD be elections as soon as possible?”

Well, how do you answer that to outsiders that still share many of our same values, relish freedom, etc.?

We are all democracy-loving people. Of course, we have a different view living here and seeing all the b.s. for years with the Shin cronies and all the other corrupts and dysfunction. We know what an election would bring.

They couldn't believe how all of us in the pub support what is going on and how pleased we were that all the protests and bickering was halted almost in an instant.

They said it sounded like we were saying this country is incapable and too incompetent to rule themselves.

Of course, when the conversation tried to get into the 'grey area' (secession), I abruptly departed.

In a way, this all goes back to the OP's question, but there's so much more to it. And saying “neither he nor his cronies had any effect on my life” is absurd.

So we are not Fascist, but it is certainly hard to describe to anyone, and we certainly have no idea what is going to happen in the future. It's a rather unique country we live in.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well you may feel that but they have, you just haven't noticed it. You'll be paying 10% VAT next year thanks to them. Hitler affected everyone and Stalin started the Cold War, didn't that affect you?

What if i was born after the WW2 & the cold war? . Silly Answer.

Your answer is silly because if something affected your family it would affect you even though you don't realise it.

Maybe your family had their wealth destroyed or stolen during WWII. Western Governments were spending more on defence than anything else during the Cold War so people received poorer education, lower salaries etc. Haven't you ever heard of existentialism?

Doubt it by your foolish reply.

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