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Three Thais arrested in Japan for reckless driving


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Apparently took effect in May

TOKYO: A new Japanese law to impose tougher penalties on drivers who cause accidents resulting in deaths or injuries due to reckless driving took effect on Tuesday, Japan's Jiji Press news agency reported.
The law sets the maximum prison term at 15 years for drivers causing fatal accidents as a result of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or certain diseases such as epilepsy.

Read more: New tough law on reckless driving takes effect in Japan - Latest - New Straits Times http://www2.nst.com.my/latest/new-tough-law-on-reckless-driving-takes-effect-in-japan-1.601651#ixzz3Ak3njlRb

Edited by uptheos
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Trust me, in Japan, it doesn't matter who their daddy is, his money there won't mean crap to the Japanese authorities. They can kiss their asses good bye.

that`s true, because they are so <deleted> rude and rasistic.


I am gonna guess you are Thai . me me me

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Hope they get more than a 500 baht fine and a slap on the wrist, which is what they might have expected in Thailand.

not only 500bath fine , in thailand you would have to go prison to, im 110% dont speak bullshit,

Like the Red bull heir?

Money talks in Thailand ... there is a price for everyhthing

Fortunately, money doesn't talk when you drive a Ferrari like this:


Unfortuntaely, and more so, others lost their lives, similarly akin to a Red Bull heir you mentioned.

Again, unfortunately, the case you mention entitled time for the drugged and pissed up culprit to get away, after MONEY hid him, and BRIBES permitted him to leave the country!

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Three Thais arrested for reckless driving? An unexpected and insane outrage! I expect the entire nation of Japan to be tried for lese majesty charges in absentia very soon.

The audacity of some countries. Really. Whats's the world coming to when Thainess is not an excuse for any red-bullish behavior abroad?.

Thais might also boycott Japan as a travel destination, and the Land of the Rising Sun can kiss that .02% of their GDP goodbye!!

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>The agency quoted a Japanese television news agency as reporting that initial investigation found that their alcohol level was higher than allowed by the law.

The legal limit in Japanese is something like 0.03%, which you will go over with a single drink. Regardless of what you blow in the breathalyzer, the cops can still decide you're drunk because you had a drink the night before.

Perhaps being so strict is a good thing, I'm just pointing out that "alcohol level was higher than allowed by the law" doesn't mean all that much.

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Is a Thai drivers licence accepted in Japan?

or did they have international licences or maybe Japanese?

No, foreign licenses are not accepted in Japan. You have to get an international license in Japan. If you reside there for more than one year, then you are required to have a Japanese license.

The cops will be hard on those guys, they really get off teaching the foreigner a lesson. Not that those guys don't deserve it, but they are going to feel the force of the law. With a felony record (which drunk driving is), they will not be allowed to get a residency permit in Japan, or be hired by a Japanese company.

There were some really tragic accidents about 10 years ago in Japan, and the country just got crazy crazy strict on drinking and driving.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm interested to know how they can charge 3 for wreckless driving, when only one was at the wheel.

One can be charged for accompanying a drunken driver, but three can't be in possession of the wheel at the same time, unless they had a different agenda when driving. wink.png

Maybe as accessories as two knew the third as driver was impaired?

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Sorry to post again, but I just saw the photo of the accident! That's some serious sh1t, man.

I could see Japanese people talking about this for years... definitely going to have an impact on the reputation of Thailand, which is already pretty bad as far as driving goes...

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Sorry to post again, but I just saw the photo of the accident! That's some serious sh1t, man.

I could see Japanese people talking about this for years... definitely going to have an impact on the reputation of Thailand, which is already pretty bad as far as driving goes...

Can you link the picture?

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Can we assume

1. They were all intoxicated.

2. Whoever was at the wheel is denying that he was.

3. The other two have not yet shopped him.

4. None had a legal driving license.

5, They will be guests of the japanese detention system for a while.

6. They will enjoy all the free sushi they can eat.

7. Their families don't farm rice in Mukdahan.

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I forget the exact conviction rate for people that are charged with crimes but I do know it is well over 90%. The japanese will not charge a person for a crime unless there is an overwhelming amount, hence the high conviction rates. There will be NO payoffs for these guys. They will pay dearly for this all of them. First they must make a direct restitution to all the families of the victims. This is a "im sorry" fee and I imagine in upwards of at least $30000 US. That has nothing to do with the fines, court costs etc. Japan is no joke when it comes to drunk driving and especially in regards to people being injured.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Dangerous any where they drive. Uh oh, doesn't matter who their daddy is, they are in Japan.

You mean it`s only Thais that drive recklessly, meaning there are no exceptions and they all have the same traits. I guess that you consider yourself as a model driver wherever you go and consider that your basic mentality is well above the Thais.

I am not trying to defend these people in anyway, but to me you come across as arrogant and just another Thai basher.

Have you sat in a thai taxi these days? It gets worse and worse by day. I seriously start thinking not to drink in a restaurant anymore and drive everywhere myself to that I can avoid these nutters. Nothing to do with Thai bashing, traffic in BKK seems to get worse not better...........very frustrating and dangerous.

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Dangerous any where they drive. Uh oh, doesn't matter who their daddy is, they are in Japan.

You mean it`s only Thais that drive recklessly, meaning there are no exceptions and they all have the same traits. I guess that you consider yourself as a model driver wherever you go and consider that your basic mentality is well above the Thais.

I am not trying to defend these people in anyway, but to me you come across as arrogant and just another Thai basher.

Have you sat in a thai taxi these days? It gets worse and worse by day. I seriously start thinking not to drink in a restaurant anymore and drive everywhere myself to that I can avoid these nutters. Nothing to do with Thai bashing, traffic in BKK seems to get worse not better...........very frustrating and dangerous.

Then in your case I advise you acquire your own transport.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The driver didn't flee the scene?

I observed a driver in Japan trying to walk away after a collision. The crowd that formed chased, subdued and roughed him up a bit until the constables arrived. Very sobering indeed.
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Dangerous any where they drive. Uh oh, doesn't matter who their daddy is, they are in Japan.

You mean it`s only Thais that drive recklessly, meaning there are no exceptions and they all have the same traits. I guess that you consider yourself as a model driver wherever you go and consider that your basic mentality is well above the Thais.

I am not trying to defend these people in anyway, but to me you come across as arrogant and just another Thai basher.

Have you sat in a thai taxi these days? It gets worse and worse by day. I seriously start thinking not to drink in a restaurant anymore and drive everywhere myself to that I can avoid these nutters. Nothing to do with Thai bashing, traffic in BKK seems to get worse not better...........very frustrating and dangerous.

Then in your case I advise you acquire your own transport.

I´ve got my own one, but when I like 2 or 3 beers with my Pizza then I don´t use it. My point was that the Thai drivers scare me (even more my wife) more and more. This accident fits to the style of driving I saw as a passenger. Rude, careless, fast, drunk (smell in the Taxi)

The last few rides have been so bad I seriously think of avoiding them. Don´t crackdown on Shishas, fix the traffic please!

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Sorry to post again, but I just saw the photo of the accident! That's some serious sh1t, man.

Can you link the picture?

It's just the photo from the original article:


THAT much damage from hitting 2 people on bikes? They must have been flying to cause that!

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Why were three arrested, surely only one was the driver.

The Japanese are clever people. They arrested all occupants of the car after they were, according to the report, unable to establish who was actually at the wheel, (one of them was in denial). However, considering they were all intoxicated, the Japanese police wisely scooped them all and will probably press further charges. Absolutely zero sympathy from me and I am sorry for the families of the dead girl and the injured guy.

Hopefully, the little r soles won't be able to buy their way out of jail with 3 bottles of 30 year old Suntory.

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Just a terrible title as one can see denial even by the Thai media. It is much more than just reckless driving...

He is denying he was behind the wheel so he wants some else to take the fall for him? What a wimp and a drunk!

They just never learn the seriousness of driving...


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Japanese jails are clean and safe. But, they have very tight and tough daily routine. Every movement and task must be executed perfectly. Even to do common things like to take a shower is like to do a Japanese Tea Ceremony. clap2.gif

It's a nice place to learn discipline.

Edited by alocacoc
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