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Thais and the culture of just dumping rubbish with no regards for others.


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Here in Isaan when they start to build the house they have to level ground level same or higher than road.

Now, I don't see anything wrong with it. Problem is all the garbage. They don't clean it, they just put dirt on that garbage.

I was like blink.pngbah.gifblink.png when I saw it. Imagine to live in house while thinking that under is garbage dump with God knows what.

Thai way, mai pen rai.

My wife used to throw stuff out of car. I finally teach her not to do that. How hard is to keep it inside car and later throw in garbage bin at gas station?

I suppose it very hard for most.

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As a part of our community service, when I taught at an International school in Rayong, we would take the students on a beach clean two or three times a year.

As we piled the 50+ bags of trash to be picked up by the collectors, the locals just looked on as if to say......"Do you guys know how long it took us to dump all this trash on the beach?? Now we have to start all over again." mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif

And they claim to love their country. cheesy.gif

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Seeing people toss their trash on the ground and in the canals is heartbreaking.

It's just what low-educated and low class folks do.... there are lots of Thais with the sense not throw trash everywhere, but unfortunately they aren't the majority...

Trashy low class folks in Japan chuck trash everywhere too. I have seen that decline in the last 20 years, but it's still a problem.

Lots of trashy folks in the U.S. just chuck their trash into the wind or out their cars as they drive down the road. Again, awareness of this being a bad thing has started to grow.... the world is waking up to this. It's not a Thai thing, it's an awareness thing.

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It´s kinda funny, they are so proud and say they love their country so much yet to dump trash EVERYWHERE. It´s a shame but noone seems to care and as long as I don´t have to clean it up I don´t mind (anymore) Open google streetview, select any random place/street and you will find trash.

I know I know, developing country, poor people and hard life and so on, yeah all true. But is that a real excuse to dump your crap wherever you are?! Noone says you should get shot for littering like in Singapore but a little bit more environmental awareness would be good for these guys.


I know it's only small part of a big problem but it is nonetheless a part of it.

Thailand generally has a dearth of rubbish bins which results in people forming the habit of just throwing any trash on the ground where they're standing.

But rubbish bins means someone (government?) has to tend to them and where does that lead?

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It is what it is.

Do I like it ... No

Can I change it .. No

Move on ... nothing to see here ...

Can you change it... Yes you can

You have twins, that is 2 people you can raise not to dump litter. It's a start..!!

No-one at the Farm dumps any rubbish.

They save what they can for re-cycling and then sell it.

As for general rubbish ... the Thai Family burn it.

All the Thais around here burn it.

We actually use the used toilet paper as the fire starter ... w00t.gif At the Farm, like most non-urban Thai Families, we can't flush toilet paper as it will overload the waste system. No Bum Guns here ... no reliable running water here to speak of.

I live in the reality that is Thailand. The Farm has many adults and many children living under the one roof or in adjacent housing.

As a Westerner, have you ever tried to change a Thai persons mind about a fundamental practice?

Do I try and do my bit ... sure.

I've bought the washable Modern Cloth Nappies which are used most of the time so the boys, MissFarmGirl, and myself are doing what we can to reduce the overall rubbish load.

It is what it is.

Do I like it ... No

Can I change it .. No

Pollution is like corruption ... when the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.


No Bum Guns here ...blink.png

From now on end, every time I will read one of your post it will be impossible for me not to feel deep compassion wink.png

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I was watching a documentary about how all this rubbish is collecting in the seas 1000s of miles away so this doesn't just affect Thailand but the rest of the world.

"...all this rubbish is collecting in the seas 1000s of miles away ..."

Yes, that's right. All the world's pollution originates here in Thailand. Well spotted.

And some people think there's never any original well thought out, analytically-inspired messages posted here at the hub of "duh." I guess this proves them wrong.

And apparently we should blame Thais and their culture because the number of Brits shooting blanks is related to rubbish-filled waterways in the UK because Thai culture makes people throw litter in the canals of Bangkok and no where else on the planet.

New research strengthens the link between water pollution and rising male fertility problems. The study, by Brunel University, the Universities of Exeter and Reading and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, shows for the first time how a group of testosterone-blocking chemicals is finding its way into UK rivers, affecting wildlife and potentially humans


I think it's now safe to assume all the world's problems originate in and/or are exclusively to be found in Thailand. Case closed.

090118200636-large.jpg Isn't that a tin of (obviously Thai) mushy peas floating lower center?

Edited by Suradit69
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education, or lack of it, I see people throwing rubbish out of car windows all the time, kids on scooters throwing icecoffee containers and bag onto side of road, ??????

and 50 years ago , it was common in north america as well

And the rest of the 'civilized' world. Change has to come through legislation and enforcement.

Thais do it (and a lot of other things since banned in more evolved countries) because they still can.

Some of those things are what makes many farang happy to live in Thailand. They relish the 'freedom' and things they like and learn to ignore those they don't like or don't work in their favour.

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Not that I would ever think of saying anything or getting involved in any way, I just have to say "Mai Phen Rai"

I always say something! I stand over them until they've cleared it all up, disposed of it properly to the point of fetching a bin bag. They look a tad bemused/shy but get the message. And if it's some pickup fouling the once lovely sois, I take a photo and threaten them with the OBJ! There are signs posted re littering around here, and I've noticed a decline in garbage dumping where they are, even though there's no one around to enforce the 2k fine. How else are these peasants going to learn? Really. Some of you blink.png

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I was watching a documentary about how all this rubbish is collecting in the seas 1000s of miles away so this doesn't just affect Thailand but the rest of the world.

"...all this rubbish is collecting in the seas 1000s of miles away ..."

Yes, that's right. All the world's pollution originates here in Thailand. Well spotted.

And some people think there's never any original well thought out, analytically-inspired messages posted here at the hub of "duh." I guess this proves them wrong.

And apparently we should blame Thais and their culture because the number of Brits shooting blanks is related to rubbish-filled waterways in the UK because Thai culture makes people throw litter in the canals of Bangkok and no where else on the planet.

New research strengthens the link between water pollution and rising male fertility problems. The study, by Brunel University, the Universities of Exeter and Reading and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, shows for the first time how a group of testosterone-blocking chemicals is finding its way into UK rivers, affecting wildlife and potentially humans


I think it's now safe to assume all the world's problems originate in and/or are exclusively to be found in Thailand. Case closed.

090118200636-large.jpg Isn't that a tin of (obviously Thai) mushy peas floating lower center?

I never said anything about Thais being the only people in the world that dump rubbish in canals,

But this is Thailand and this is a Forum where they require you to post Topics related to Thailand.

Also in England and other western countries it only the minority that would act in this manner.

Its common here in Bangkok for the majority of people living along the canel to dump rubbish in the canal. So this is what this topic is about,

What are you talking about???

Off Topic post removedcheesy.gif

Edited by Killian30
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About 45 years ago there was a commercial on American Television. There would be an old Indian on a horse, and a car would drive by. The Indian looked very noble, but a tear would roll down his cheek as a bag of garbage was thrown out of the window of the car. That commercial, along with 500 dollar fines for littering, did wonders for the U.S. highway littering problem.

I was thinking...would this work on Thai Television? Just substitute a farang for the Indian. Not quite as noble, but the message may get across. Then again....Indians were the native people, whereas we are not.

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Not that I would ever think of saying anything or getting involved in any way, I just have to say "Mai Phen Rai"

I always say something! I stand over them until they've cleared it all up, disposed of it properly to the point of fetching a bin bag. They look a tad bemused/shy but get the message. And if it's some pickup fouling the once lovely sois, I take a photo and threaten them with the OBJ! There are signs posted re littering around here, and I've noticed a decline in garbage dumping where they are, even though there's no one around to enforce the 2k fine. How else are these peasants going to learn? Really. Some of you blink.png

Are you Thai? As the problem is that someday you could say something to the wrong person at the wrong time in Bangkok as too many people are carrying weapons these days.

I don't get involved with any Thai issues that is the way Thailand want it and like it..

If a foreigner in my home country told me off, I know I would not be listening to it.

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About 45 years ago there was a commercial on American Television. There would be an old Indian on a horse, and a car would drive by. The Indian looked very noble, but a tear would roll down his cheek as a bag of garbage was thrown out of the window of the car. That commercial, along with 500 dollar fines for littering, did wonders for the U.S. highway littering problem.

I was thinking...would this work on Thai Television? Just substitute a farang for the Indian. Not quite as noble, but the message may get across. Then again....Indians were the native people, whereas we are not.

I have always touted this ad as being an effective way to educate the populace here. You don't need a 'farang', just another Thai with the byline 'so, you really love Thailand eh?'

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Not that I would ever think of saying anything or getting involved in any way, I just have to say "Mai Phen Rai"

I always say something! I stand over them until they've cleared it all up, disposed of it properly to the point of fetching a bin bag. They look a tad bemused/shy but get the message. And if it's some pickup fouling the once lovely sois, I take a photo and threaten them with the OBJ! There are signs posted re littering around here, and I've noticed a decline in garbage dumping where they are, even though there's no one around to enforce the 2k fine. How else are these peasants going to learn? Really. Some of you blink.png

Are you Thai? As the problem is that someday you could say something to the wrong person at the wrong time in Bangkok as too many people are carrying weapons these days.

I don't get involved with any Thai issues that is the way Thailand want it and like it..

If a foreigner in my home country told me off, I know I would not be listening to it.

Oh Christ, didn't take long for the wimps to come out did it. Get a bloody grip. Do you live here? Does the effect of this pig ignorant behaviour not bother you and your environment, never bloody mind 'it's not my country' No, and it's not those by dint of birth to use it as a trash can either. And I quite believe you 'wouldn't be listening to it'. Get a grip. This Earth needs all the help, however small, it can get. Pfft. Pussy.

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Not that I would ever think of saying anything or getting involved in any way, I just have to say "Mai Phen Rai"

I always say something! I stand over them until they've cleared it all up, disposed of it properly to the point of fetching a bin bag. They look a tad bemused/shy but get the message. And if it's some pickup fouling the once lovely sois, I take a photo and threaten them with the OBJ! There are signs posted re littering around here, and I've noticed a decline in garbage dumping where they are, even though there's no one around to enforce the 2k fine. How else are these peasants going to learn? Really. Some of you blink.png

Are you Thai? As the problem is that someday you could say something to the wrong person at the wrong time in Bangkok as too many people are carrying weapons these days.

I don't get involved with any Thai issues that is the way Thailand want it and like it..

If a foreigner in my home country told me off, I know I would not be listening to it.

Oh Christ, didn't take long for the wimps to come out did it. Get a bloody grip. Do you live here? Does the effect of this pig ignorant behaviour not bother you and your environment, never bloody mind 'it's not my country' No, and it's not those by dint of birth to use it as a trash can either. And I quite believe you 'wouldn't be listening to it'. Get a grip. This Earth needs all the help, however small, it can get. Pfft. Pussy.

Not at all, I m just like I heard this Indian/Thai guy say to me repeatedly when referring to Thailand "I am not trying to be a Hero" while often he boosted about the two guns in his house.

I suppose I have learned from living in the Bronx for 5 years previously makes you turn a blind eye.

Edited by Killian30
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welcome to the third world we the world is the garbage can

that is one thing that is UNEQUIVOCALLY culturally superior and better about many western countries,

throwing your crap out the window or on the street is completely unacceptable for the most of the populace

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No-one at the Farm dumps any rubbish.

They save what they can for re-cycling and then sell it.

As for general rubbish ... the Thai Family burn it.

All the Thais around here burn it.

We actually use the used toilet paper as the fire starter ... w00t.gif At the Farm, like most non-urban Thai Families, we can't flush toilet paper as it will overload the waste system. No Bum Guns here ... no reliable running water here to speak of.

I live in the reality that is Thailand. The Farm has many adults and many children living under the one roof or in adjacent housing.

As a Westerner, have you ever tried to change a Thai persons mind about a fundamental practice?

Do I try and do my bit ... sure.

I've bought the washable Modern Cloth Nappies which are used most of the time so the boys, MissFarmGirl, and myself are doing what we can to reduce the overall rubbish load.

It is what it is.

Do I like it ... No

Can I change it .. No

Pollution is like corruption ... when the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.


You have a defeatist attitude if you think you can't or aren't changing things.

Like I said, you start with your family and it expands from there.

Thailand is catching up, slowly, but it is...

cornishcarlos ... I'm going to have to call you on this. Absolute Bullshit.

You almost paint me as an environmental vandal because I don't start a one man crusade to change the Thai attitude to that we have currently in the West.

As for "defeatist attitude" ... more like realist attitude.

So, before you go casting dispensations around like confetti ... please list how you personally, cornishcarlos have gone about educating the Thai population at large the evils of discarded rubbish.

What results have you had from these actions?

I do what I can to not to add to the Rubbish heap. Influence those who I can in my immediate sphere.

When the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.

I'm smart enough to know when I'm pissing into the wind.


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When the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.

Stupid remark. So CITES and the UN, for two, should just pat them on the head and say, 'there there, we just know not to kill endangered wildlife or sell people into slavery will dawn on you as a jolly good idea in the end, left to your own devices'. Dear God.

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Not that I would ever think of saying anything or getting involved in any way, I just have to say "Mai Phen Rai"

I always say something! I stand over them until they've cleared it all up, disposed of it properly to the point of fetching a bin bag. They look a tad bemused/shy but get the message. And if it's some pickup fouling the once lovely sois, I take a photo and threaten them with the OBJ! There are signs posted re littering around here, and I've noticed a decline in garbage dumping where they are, even though there's no one around to enforce the 2k fine. How else are these peasants going to learn? Really. Some of you blink.png

Are you Thai? As the problem is that someday you could say something to the wrong person at the wrong time in Bangkok as too many people are carrying weapons these days.

I don't get involved with any Thai issues that is the way Thailand want it and like it..

If a foreigner in my home country told me off, I know I would not be listening to it.

Oh Christ, didn't take long for the wimps to come out did it. Get a bloody grip. Do you live here? Does the effect of this pig ignorant behaviour not bother you and your environment, never bloody mind 'it's not my country' No, and it's not those by dint of birth to use it as a trash can either. And I quite believe you 'wouldn't be listening to it'. Get a grip. This Earth needs all the help, however small, it can get. Pfft. Pussy.

Pls let me know how spitting bile on TV is helping the planet..

Personally i can't believe that you spend your time lecturing the Thais on garbage disposal.

...If you want to help, do your bit and stop harassing the people.

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We keep piles of unsightly trash around in our back yard. When the sorted piles get high enough we sell it. It's called recycling.

I agree Thai people generally are very laissez-faire about littering. It's disgusting. I remember when I was a young boy on Television we were bombarded with public service announcements which were placed in between the cartoons. One was Smokey The Bear (against forest fires) and the other was anti litterbug (don't be a litterbug). It sunk in and I still abhor litterbugs to this day. There are no such public service announcements in Thailand.

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When the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.

Stupid remark. So CITES and the UN, for two, should just pat them on the head and say, 'there there, we just know not to kill endangered wildlife or sell people into slavery will dawn on you as a jolly good idea in the end, left to your own devices'. Dear God.

Mate ... we are talking about the dropping and sometimes the dumping of rubbish.

Somehow, in your weird perspective you have drawn the United Nations into the debate ... blink.png

For those who don't know ... and I was one of them who had to Google it ... "CITES is an international treaty drawn up in 1973 to protect wildlife against over-exploitation, and to prevent international trade from threatening species".

So now, according to jpeg ... the ivory trade and the like and the slavery trade is linked to the casual Thai attitude to rubbish ... facepalm.gif

Get a grip man!


Last time I looked, Westerners are 'Guests' in the Kingdom, marginalised by the Visa situation, unable to own land, targeted sometimes as ATMS, can't vote, I think that, as a collective voice we represent less then 1 % of the bodies inhabiting Thailand ... but YES ... WE CAN CHANGE THAILAND.


Thailand will change when the Thais want it to change ... not before.

Quick James ... get that soapbox for me ... I'm heading down to Pattaya's walking street and educate the masses about the sins they have seen and make them see the light ... those who don't convert ... 50 lashes to them ... yes, even the woman and children.

Brother ... repent now ... the end is neigh.

Am I defending the Thai's general attitude to rubbish ... NO

Am I realist who lives in a Thai dominated household and have a good understanding of what is possible ... and empathetic YES




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About 15 years ago, the wife and I bought a nice wooden house in Isaan from her elder sister. One problem with the house was that rats would just stroll around the place in broad daylight, and the rats attracted snakes. When I pointed this out (unnecessarily, of course) to the missus, her reply was, 'What do you expect? You're living in the countryside!' However, when we started to renovate the place and clear the undergrowth behind the house, we discovered what had attracted the rats, Her elder sister, who had attended Khon Kaen University and who was the head of a school, had dumped all her garbage in the back garden for years. I rented a truck and paid a couple of blokes to take a few lorry loads of garbage away, and it was a disgusting job.

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No-one at the Farm dumps any rubbish.

They save what they can for re-cycling and then sell it.

As for general rubbish ... the Thai Family burn it.

All the Thais around here burn it.

We actually use the used toilet paper as the fire starter ... w00t.gif At the Farm, like most non-urban Thai Families, we can't flush toilet paper as it will overload the waste system. No Bum Guns here ... no reliable running water here to speak of.

I live in the reality that is Thailand. The Farm has many adults and many children living under the one roof or in adjacent housing.

As a Westerner, have you ever tried to change a Thai persons mind about a fundamental practice?

Do I try and do my bit ... sure.

I've bought the washable Modern Cloth Nappies which are used most of the time so the boys, MissFarmGirl, and myself are doing what we can to reduce the overall rubbish load.

It is what it is.

Do I like it ... No

Can I change it .. No

Pollution is like corruption ... when the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.


You have a defeatist attitude if you think you can't or aren't changing things.

Like I said, you start with your family and it expands from there.

Thailand is catching up, slowly, but it is...

cornishcarlos ... I'm going to have to call you on this. Absolute Bullshit.

You almost paint me as an environmental vandal because I don't start a one man crusade to change the Thai attitude to that we have currently in the West.

As for "defeatist attitude" ... more like realist attitude.

So, before you go casting dispensations around like confetti ... please list how you personally, cornishcarlos have gone about educating the Thai population at large the evils of discarded rubbish.

What results have you had from these actions?

I do what I can to not to add to the Rubbish heap. Influence those who I can in my immediate sphere.

When the Thais want to change their attitude, then things will change.

I'm smart enough to know when I'm pissing into the wind.


Call bullshit all you like my friend, but you keep repeating that you can't change anything..!!

Are you raising a family or not..? Do you not have influence over your children's attitudes to the environment ?

Unless I am missing something here, the fact that we are in Thailand is irrelevant to how you raise your kids..!!

As for me, I don't educate the Thai population at large (that is for the government to do) but I try to have some positive affect on my local area. In this respect, my wife runs a school at our place and we are very pro active in educating about garbage and recycling etc. The kids also get the message quickly if they start littering in our area.

If you say that the Thais will only change when they want, that is defeatist. Things don't happen over night but it's going in the right direction. Quite a lot of Thais are wanting change already.

You really over reacted on this one my friend, just pointing out that we can all do something if we want.

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Quick James ... get that soapbox for me ... I'm heading down to Pattaya's walking street and educate the masses about the sins they have seen and make them see the light ... those who don't convert ... 50 lashes to them ... yes, even the woman and children.

Brother ... repent now ... the end is neigh.

Was that you who used to stand outside "Lucifer's"?

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