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Briton Arrested For Killing Thai Girlfriend

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My condolencies to the girls family and a small amount of sympathy for the old fool. Has it occured to anybody that if Thai law was not so ###### protectionist then foreigners could own land or businesses here in their own names. As it stands Thais are well aware we have zilch rights here and this breeds a lottery ticket mentality and we are the tickets. Anyway I suspect we are due a severe recession and Thailand will become so desperate for foreign currency that the powers that be finally give us the rights that Thais would have in many other countries.

I so agree Steely Dan, if the Thai laws were changed to be fair to foreigners who want to legitimately start businessess and bring money into the Thailand economy there would be a lot less of this trickery and lottery ticket mentality.

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Really? A Thai girl posted this? Where do you reside then that you would write this charming piece of trite :o

I don't care what you think about me or my posts , You poor sad man, sbk... You don't need to know where I reside :D Most people here feel sorry for the girl but has anyone thought why he killed her? By laws, he is in troubles that is for sure but if that girl did not create ... this wouldn't have happened.

Hope your life is as smooth as my soccer ball... :D

:D I love your anwers.. hahaha.. and I hv the same point of view too.. :D

cheers lady!



I'm guessing that neither of you realise that SBK is a woman ?



I am predicting a very short posting life here for that one!

I guess I qualify as a 'newbie' too because I don't post often and only on subjects that interest me or where some other posts stir me into doing so.

I have some sympathy for both the girl and the guy, the girl was obviously playing a game not uncommon in Pattaya, Phuket or where ever. Did she deserve to die? No way, can I understand the guys anger and loss of control? To some extent yes, but he could have found some other way to get his own back if he felt he must.

The age difference, I'm not sure if the guy expected the young wife to love him with a passion but at least he probably expected that for what he was providing there would have been some gratitude and fidelity. My thai wife is 37, I'm 69, our daughter is 16 and in High School, will it last forever, dunno, but I hope it will. If it doesn't I'd say thanks for the last 18 years, I'll miss the cooking, the massages and the affection.

In todays Thai language newspapers, you will find where a Thai man in Uttaradit chopped his wifes head off because she said he was as dumb as a buffalo. It will be interesting to see who gets the longest sentence because of mitigating circumstances.

All you young handsome experts who know that the girls choose you for those qualities rather than a chance to marry a falang and improve their and their families live, Gee, I just wish I had your conceit. :D

sir, you are one very blessed person and i must say that i am extremely jealous of you and if buddha smiles on me i might possibly end up with just a little bit of your luck.

to have an 18 year relationship with a genuine thai lady is a dream come true and im sure you will power on into old age with your wifes love and support guiding you along.

i have always been under the impression that one must live in thailand to be truly succesfull within a relationship as the thai are so ingrained with each other and family tie's so strong but you must be an exception.

after all the above comments regarding thai western age related relationships you are living proof that some do work out and more power to you.

i have alot of respect for thai ladies in general and if western men could spend more time learning about there culture, upbringing and especially what could be going on in there minds there would be a lot less of these dramas going down.

a good starter is to learn thai so one knows what the thai lady is telling her girl friends & very hard to play along a falang if he speaks the lingo.

one must spend time and i mean alot of time getting to know the physie of thai people in general and its a top idea to live here long term to really get a handle on it learning the good and bad of these people.

if one is a genuine person treating the thai with respect and always realising you are only a visitor in there country you will be repayed 1000 times over and come to love all thai for what they are and what this country has to offer.

problem is that most guys will never learn these things hanging out in bars on there short trips to thailand.

it always amazes me (in an amusing way) that men fall in love with bar girls in such short periods as the girls are providing a service and the male must reciprocate with green backs to keep everybody happy. thats business in its purest form and one and all are happy as long as business is taken care of.

the people who really get to love thailand for what it has to offer are usually the backpackers who get around the country and interact with the real thai not bothering to spend all there time and money speaking <deleted> to the hookers .

thats how i started all those years ago and never forget the real thai that i lived with in koh phangan when travellers were just a novelty and i must say what a brilliant apprenticeship it was.

have long lasting respect for the thai people and none for the punters that continually get ripped of by bar girls and then slag all thai women in general.

the poor deluded fools wouldbevictims to the hookers in there own country all things being equal but they choose to come here for the cheap sex and think that these lovely young drop dead georgous thai girls truly love them.

there is no age limit on that one as ive seen it all.

they truely are pathetic examples of us falang but you sir are a true legend who really has hit the jackpot so continue to enjoy your thai wife and chock dee cup to you.

im sure your wife will give you long life just always remember to respect her.


problem is that these guys will never learn these things hanging out in bars on there 2 week trips to thailand. it always amazes me ( in an amusing way) that men fall in love with bar girls as the girls are providing a service and the male must reciprocate with green backs to keep everyone happy. thats business pure and simple and one and all are happy as long as the rules of the game are adheared to.

do they really think that they are the one and only true love of the working girl?


BTW Mr. my-wife-is Laos-not-Issan.....my wife is an Issan lady and speaks English. She is smart enough to know that speaking English is an asset. The tone of your post seems to suggest that Issan women are inferior to Lao women........

LDB = LaDyBoy

Hey totally Agree, I lived in Laos for 2 years and have known many Lao Girls both good and bad every7 where my friends. Why would you learn to speak read and write Thai when you are married to a Lao. bit strange too.

first point, inferior???? who said that? YOU DID, Why jump to this conclusion, do you know something i dont?... read the post properly and you would surely understand that was never implied. Why would I learn to speak Thai? as the post said I lived in Thailand???? what language would you learn to speak if you lived in Thailand, Bahasa Malay perhaps? please don't try and be clever it does not suit you.

secondly, Mr "I totally agree" I lived in Laos for 2 years.... and yet in all of that time you never realized that Lao only has 1 state run TV channel that comprises of news and government bulletins, so therefore EVERYONE has big antennas and watch The Thai TV channels as they offer at least some form of entertainment and this means that they also learn to understand Thai..... and the difference in the written language is only a few characters, less than 10 % so surprisingly I can now read and write both...... are you one of the bigots I was referring to in my post?... I bet you have never been bothered to learn Thai properly have you???? and when you return home you spend a lot of your time slagging off the local Indian shopkeeper because his English is poor....... If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man. :D

I would like to comment further but due to your typo errors "lao girls are both good and bad (Amazing that, did that take you a while to work that out? have you found that to be true of any other nationality?) every7 where my friends......<deleted>??? are you too lazy to do a spell check before you post or do you like your peers to think you are a fool? judging by your comments the latter I think. :o


Has anyone thought if the silly Thai girl didn't rip the old man off, he wouldn't have ripped her life? I am sure that he wouldn't have liked to kill her. She deserved it I reckon !!!

Those who said that he was a blind man... I bet you would do the same thing when you trust someone :D doesn't have to be Thai girls....I meant someone anyone from any part of this little wobbly world.

Being young or old doesn't mean that you have to rip someone off...**edited for offensive comment***

I think Thai girls should be more faithful and thoughtful towards their partners:

1) to save their own lives.

2) to reduce Aids from spreading.


Why did the victim get him to invest if she didn't want him? .... TYPICAL !?!?!?!

From Thai girl xx

Really? A Thai girl posted this? Where do you reside then that you would write this charming piece of trite :D

I don't care what you think about me or my posts , You poor sad man, sbk... You don't need to know where I reside :D Most people here feel sorry for the girl but has anyone thought why he killed her? By laws, he is in troubles that is for sure but if that girl did not create ... this wouldn't have happened.

Hope your life is as smooth as my soccer ball... :D

:D I love your anwers.. hahaha.. and I hv the same point of view too.. :D

cheers lady!


check this out dudes !


i aint never meet any thai girl or guy who say's " I RECKON " AND I ONLY BEEN HANGING AROUND FOR 20 YEARS OR SO but im loving it as its got to be an aussie possing as a katoy but i bet he's a really ugly mother fo.

hey dont spit the dummy dudes as im an aussie as well but this guys a classic little bleeder just like norman gunston so there you go, i not talking it up am i.

12 oclock shadow on the upper lip wearing a pink tutu prancing around soi cowboy in purple stilletos calling out "love you long time aussie punter and promise not to rip you off if you buy me a bar and a condo"

ill bet that i can find you there in about 2.5 milliseconds and im comming to get you and if you rip me off by not giving me long time good time ( if you get my drift ) for 10 stang im going to bitch slap you all the way back to aussie and tell your mother that you are an old horrible slapper hanging out with my katoy mates and being a very naughty aussie punter.

you got to be from queensland write? get the association " QUEENSSSLAND "

jokes just jokes man so dont spit the dumb. my dog liked it.

i know all them katoys so i think you should split to koh san road but hang on a tick, i know them all there as well.

hey dude your busted but im loving your work.

you got to get rid of the 12 oclock shadow bro its killing your look.

keep on partying dude and drop the thai girl routine as your not good enough to pull it off.

aussie can smell aussie anywhere at any time but is it true your mummy wears army boots.

who said that one i hear you say !

it was auntie jack you poor fool but you would like him/her as it wears a dress as well.

lets lightin up people and ave a bit of a giggle . : :D:o :: :D

ps. i have to keep posting like the world will end tomorrow as i got in trouble for being a newbie and it broke my cotton picking little heart so im on a roll bro


Really? A Thai girl posted this? Where do you reside then that you would write this charming piece of trite :D

I don't care what you think about me or my posts , You poor sad man, sbk... You don't need to know where I reside :D Most people here feel sorry for the girl but has anyone thought why he killed her? By laws, he is in troubles that is for sure but if that girl did not create ... this wouldn't have happened.

Hope your life is as smooth as my soccer ball... :D

:D I love your anwers.. hahaha.. and I hv the same point of view too.. :D

cheers lady!



I'm guessing that neither of you realise that SBK is a woman ?


Emmm... I dont really care if is a woman or not.. Im not talking about her comment, Im just talking about the x000x comments... :o


BTW Mr. my-wife-is Laos-not-Issan.....my wife is an Issan lady and speaks English. She is smart enough to know that speaking English is an asset. The tone of your post seems to suggest that Issan women are inferior to Lao women........

LDB = LaDyBoy

Hey totally Agree, I lived in Laos for 2 years and have known many Lao Girls both good and bad every7 where my friends. Why would you learn to speak read and write Thai when you are married to a Lao. bit strange too.

first point, inferior???? who said that? YOU DID, Why jump to this conclusion, do you know something i dont?... read the post properly and you would surely understand that was never implied. Why would I learn to speak Thai? as the post said I lived in Thailand???? what language would you learn to speak if you lived in Thailand, Bahasa Malay perhaps? please don't try and be clever it does not suit you.

secondly, Mr "I totally agree" I lived in Laos for 2 years.... and yet in all of that time you never realized that Lao only has 1 state run TV channel that comprises of news and government bulletins, so therefore EVERYONE has big antennas and watch The Thai TV channels as they offer at least some form of entertainment and this means that they also learn to understand Thai..... and the difference in the written language is only a few characters, less than 10 % so surprisingly I can now read and write both...... are you one of the bigots I was referring to in my post?... I bet you have never been bothered to learn Thai properly have you???? and when you return home you spend a lot of your time slagging off the local Indian shopkeeper because his English is poor....... If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man. :D

I would like to comment further but due to your typo errors "lao girls are both good and bad (Amazing that, did that take you a while to work that out? have you found that to be true of any other nationality?) every7 where my friends......<deleted>??? are you too lazy to do a spell check before you post or do you like your peers to think you are a fool? judging by your comments the latter I think. :D

well said my man,

some people are just dumb mother fo's pure and simple and yes why dont they read the whole freaking post for what it is intended to say before they blow a rod, rip there undies off and start crying about nothing at all.

they slip into the thai girls and had a good go at you for freaking nothing but i recon they wear there mommys undies the big girly swats.

im on your side bro but can you please go easy on that spell check thing that you spat out at that bad dude up top.

i forgot to spell check my last post and im :D:D:o sensitive and feel a bit silly now.

maintain the rage and im there to back you up.

lets unite against silly people writing <deleted> and giving us grief because we got john cleese pulling for us doing that silly walk sort of thing, but lets not forget the golden rule ?


hey dude, hope you are not a german and if you are im real sorry about About that so we will just keep that


thing between me and you OK.



Really? A Thai girl posted this? Where do you reside then that you would write this charming piece of trite :D

I don't care what you think about me or my posts , You poor sad man, sbk... You don't need to know where I reside :D Most people here feel sorry for the girl but has anyone thought why he killed her? By laws, he is in troubles that is for sure but if that girl did not create ... this wouldn't have happened.

Hope your life is as smooth as my soccer ball... :D

:D I love your anwers.. hahaha.. and I hv the same point of view too.. :D

cheers lady!



I'm guessing that neither of you realise that SBK is a woman ?


Emmm... I dont really care if is a woman or not.. Im not talking about her comment, Im just talking about the x000x comments... :o


what ever it is man, woman or animal, but ill give you the tip, its a naughty aussie , just trust me on that one, it must resort to very naughty words because its very limited intelligence is a little or lot on the retarded side.

we all know that interesting input with a little bit of humour out plays naughty words any day but this poor sod has none of the above.

leave it up to the big brother moderator and you go and have a nice cuppa and a good lie down.


I think the point was brought up due to the large number of newbies that have crawled out of the woodwork for this topic, and the often outlandish opinions expressed by some of those newbies.


"A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long." (member with 4 posts)


"How can anyone trust a Thai when According to the Bangkok post, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday that corruption is quite normal in life and to be expected." (member with 7 posts)

"Get a life you sad ######,s she tried it on and she lost" (member with 5 posts)

"You sad ######s she Was a TART" (same member, now with 6 posts)

"Does it really matter? She probaly got what she deserved." (member with 5 posts)

"dont be so hard on these good old falang criminals, there mommy obviously did'nt love them and after all pattaya is a top place for them to have a bit of fun after serving there time to society. besides what would all the girlies do without there money that they stole off me and you." (member with 3 posts, all in this thread)

"Are your stupid or what.The guy obviuosly planed killing this girl.and should get the death penalty." (member with 11 posts)

"this is in no way an attempt to plead the guy unguilty but anyone who lives here for a while knows how these public lady's lifestyle is.Anyone know they lie and cheat as they believe in it theirselves.But they do it in such an unprofessional way that it is easy to find out the truth.

And anyone also knows how their temper is when they are confronted with their own lies and they risk to lose the golden farang goose.

Anyone even considred that this could be an act of self-defence." (member with 14 posts)

This is just a short selection of posts made by various members with 15 or fewer posts in total.

Outrageous comments have been made by members with even more posts, even by some whose post count is in the thousands. Such comments are not limited to newbies, thought the majority of these kinds of comments do seem to come from newbie members.

There have also been some sensible comments made by newbies as well.

I believe raro's "hidden" question is, Where are all you newbies when it comes to other topics ? Why do you wait until a controversial topic like this comes up before you post ?

The lengths you have gone to in counting peoples number of posts, to provide such an inane point, are staggering.

What colour is the sky in your world please?


first point, inferior???? who said that? YOU DID, Why jump to this conclusion, do you know something i dont?... read the post properly and you would surely understand that was never implied. Why would I learn to speak Thai? as the post said I lived in Thailand???? what language would you learn to speak if you lived in Thailand, Bahasa Malay perhaps? please don't try and be clever it does not suit you.

secondly, Mr "I totally agree" I lived in Laos for 2 years.... and yet in all of that time you never realized that Lao only has 1 state run TV channel that comprises of news and government bulletins, so therefore EVERYONE has big antennas and watch The Thai TV channels as they offer at least some form of entertainment and this means that they also learn to understand Thai..... and the difference in the written language is only a few characters, less than 10 % so surprisingly I can now read and write both...... are you one of the bigots I was referring to in my post?... I bet you have never been bothered to learn Thai properly have you???? and when you return home you spend a lot of your time slagging off the local Indian shopkeeper because his English is poor....... If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man. :D

I would like to comment further but due to your typo errors "lao girls are both good and bad (Amazing that, did that take you a while to work that out? have you found that to be true of any other nationality?) every7 where my friends......<deleted>??? are you too lazy to do a spell check before you post or do you like your peers to think you are a fool? judging by your comments the latter I think. :o

Hey I never said this

BTW Mr. my-wife-is Laos-not-Issan.....my wife is an Issan lady and speaks English. She is smart enough to know that speaking English is an asset. The tone of your post seems to suggest that Issan women are inferior to Lao women........

That was a quote from a previous post, BTW sorry about my small typing error .

I did mean to say good and bad everywhere. And BTW I have been living in Thailand since 1992. I can speak Thai reasonably well, but cannot read or write. I also have a good relation with my Thai Family, Wife & Son 15 years duration.

I never been to my home country since 1994.

Just wonder why this thread is so far off topic, sorry if I upset you.


My condolencies to the girls family and a small amount of sympathy for the old fool. Has it occured to anybody that if Thai law was not so ###### protectionist then foreigners could own land or businesses here in their own names. As it stands Thais are well aware we have zilch rights here and this breeds a lottery ticket mentality and we are the tickets. Anyway I suspect we are due a severe recession and Thailand will become so desperate for foreign currency that the powers that be finally give us the rights that Thais would have in many other countries.

I so agree Steely Dan, if the Thai laws were changed to be fair to foreigners who want to legitimately start businessess and bring money into the Thailand economy there would be a lot less of this trickery and lottery ticket mentality.

Another 'more likely to happen in this lifetime' alternative (to waiting for the laws to change) would be to not go into business with prostitutes with por 3 educations. Plenty of locals out there don't believe in 'the lottery' and would never play it.



Waiting for the <deleted> to reply who think a young Thai girl and older farang relationship can't work. I'm 50 the TW 25; one year together. You've been together 18 years.....wow.....here's to another 18. :o

well said but one year is to short to be sure - but good luck - I want one of these young studs to answer why my mother ages 24 (swiss) married my father age 60 (english) and she had more money than him - but as i tell my sceptical friens i only married my thai wife for her money and she only married me for my body - still its still working after 5+ years and has been a dream compared with the last 15 years of my previous marriage in UK - so guys why did my mother 24 with loads of money marry my almost bankrupt father afe 60 and why did my grandfathers second wife 24 years younger than him marry him (he swiss 74 she french 40) ???

but ive got an agreement with my lovely younger thai wife she says i can find a younger wife after 30 years - only 25 years to go :D I hope super viagra has been invented by then - but i reckon ill stay with my current wife

Have a nice life - dont listen to prats and go with your heart but let your head have a look in so you dont do something really stupid

The lengths you have gone to in counting peoples number of posts, to provide such an inane point, are staggering.

What colour is the sky in your world please?

Well, as you seem to be interested, it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to look slightly below a members name and avatar, to see how many posts that person has.

Not that "staggering" if you know what you are doing. :o

And making an "inane" post, to comment on someone else's "inane" post ? Well, let's just say it helps to illustrate the "inane" point I (and others) were trying to make in the first place.

Oh yeah, the sky here in my world is a dark blue/black right now, with a few little points of light visible through the hazy, Pattaya night sky at midnight.

And just to keep this On Topic, I just saw the Pattaya City News TV report on the event.

This guy had been here a few times previously, met the girl, and they had "lived together" during some of those visits.

The guy returned to Pattaya on 26 June. He had sent the girl 600,000 baht to open the beer bar, which she did. He had also sent her 40,000+ baht for her personal expenses.

When he got here this time, she turned down his sexual advances. He found out she had been shacked up with a Thai guy her own age. He confronted her, they had an argument, he stabbed her and then took off into the hotel.

Looked like a pretty big guy, but it didn't appear he had all that much blood on him when they where carrying him out (especially as he had supposedly been cutting himself in a failed attempt at suicide) :D


The lengths you have gone to in counting peoples number of posts, to provide such an inane point, are staggering.

What colour is the sky in your world please?

Well, as you seem to be interested, it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to look slightly below a members name and avatar, to see how many posts that person has.

Not that "staggering" if you know what you are doing. :o

And making an "inane" post, to comment on someone else's "inane" post ? Well, let's just say it helps to illustrate the "inane" point I (and others) were trying to make in the first place.

Oh yeah, the sky here in my world is a dark blue/black right now, with a few little points of light visible through the hazy, Pattaya night sky at midnight.

And just to keep this On Topic, I just saw the Pattaya City News TV report on the event.

This guy had been here a few times previously, met the girl, and they had "lived together" during some of those visits.

The guy returned to Pattaya on 26 June. He had sent the girl 600,000 baht to open the beer bar, which she did. He had also sent her 40,000+ baht for her personal expenses.

When he got here this time, she turned down his sexual advances. He found out she had been shacked up with a Thai guy her own age. He confronted her, they had an argument, he stabbed her and then took off into the hotel.

Looked like a pretty big guy, but it didn't appear he had all that much blood on him when they where carrying him out (especially as he had supposedly been cutting himself in a failed attempt at suicide) :D

Thanks Kerryd, that sheds a little more light on the subject. As I mentioned in a previous post, so many people are jumping onto the 'she deserved it' bandwagon before knowing the facts, and that she may have been largely innocent. It is starting to sound like she might have got mixed up with a total nutter.

I wonder if that proves to be the truth some members may post again admitting their error. Some must be sorely missed in Salem.


It is pathetic and sad that some one of that age should take a bar girl's life because she wanted to break up with him, or more likely because he found out that she had a Thai boyfriend all along. I can understand more some one in their 20s or even 30s falling for the whole thing but a 60 year who should know what life's about is beyond me. There are plenty more bar girls you can hook up with, if you have a problem with one. In addition to killing the girl and snuffing out several peoples' livelihoods, he's ruined his own life and caused misery to his own family, if he has one, in Australia for no reason.

The murder sounds quite brutal and I wouldn't be surprised to learn he had a prior record of violence. I doubt that it would go down very well in a court in France or other countries where the crime of passion concept is incorporated into the legal system. Examples of what is generally defined as a crime of passion in those countries are: a husband actually surprising his wife in bed with another man, not having previously known she was unfaithful; a woman who has been regularly beaten up by her violent husband killing him out of fear when he threatens her or starts beating her again. The girl was most likely not his wife and there is no suggestion that he surprised her in bed with another man. A French court would no doubt take the view that the case of a much older man in a relationship with a prostitute or former prostitute could not constitute a crime of passion even if he had caught her in flagrante, since having since with numerous men was her profession. In addition, they were in a business relationship running a bar together as well the implied prostitute customer relationship and it might equally have been a business dispute that resulting in the killing. A Thai court would probably be more lenient in the case of a more classic crime of passion where a respectable husband caught a hitherto respectable wife in flagrante. On the other hand their are several recent examples of the other type where a woman has killed her violent husband out of justifiable fear for her own life. Without fail the Thai courts have handed down extremely harsh sentences to women in this situation, even if they have young children to care for. In conclusion I would say this is a murder case without much mitigation and I would expect the Thai courts to treat it as such and not to show any leniency. It will probably get 25 years to life.


well said my man,

some people are just dumb mother fo's pure and simple and yes why dont they read the whole freaking post for what it is intended to say before they blow a rod, rip there undies off and start crying about nothing at all.

they slip into the thai girls and had a good go at you for freaking nothing but i recon they wear there mommys undies the big girly swats.

im on your side bro but can you please go easy on that spell check thing that you spat out at that bad dude up top.

i forgot to spell check my last post and im :D:D:o sensitive and feel a bit silly now.

maintain the rage and im there to back you up.

lets unite against silly people writing <deleted> and giving us grief because we got john cleese pulling for us doing that silly walk sort of thing, but lets not forget the golden rule ?


hey dude, hope you are not a german and if you are im real sorry about About that so we will just keep that


thing between me and you OK.


Cheers my man.... and no im not German... UK :D


first point, inferior???? who said that? YOU DID, Why jump to this conclusion, do you know something i dont?... read the post properly and you would surely understand that was never implied. Why would I learn to speak Thai? as the post said I lived in Thailand???? what language would you learn to speak if you lived in Thailand, Bahasa Malay perhaps? please don't try and be clever it does not suit you.

secondly, Mr "I totally agree" I lived in Laos for 2 years.... and yet in all of that time you never realized that Lao only has 1 state run TV channel that comprises of news and government bulletins, so therefore EVERYONE has big antennas and watch The Thai TV channels as they offer at least some form of entertainment and this means that they also learn to understand Thai..... and the difference in the written language is only a few characters, less than 10 % so surprisingly I can now read and write both...... are you one of the bigots I was referring to in my post?... I bet you have never been bothered to learn Thai properly have you???? and when you return home you spend a lot of your time slagging off the local Indian shopkeeper because his English is poor....... If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy man. :D

I would like to comment further but due to your typo errors "lao girls are both good and bad (Amazing that, did that take you a while to work that out? have you found that to be true of any other nationality?) every7 where my friends......<deleted>??? are you too lazy to do a spell check before you post or do you like your peers to think you are a fool? judging by your comments the latter I think. :D

Hey I never said this

BTW Mr. my-wife-is Laos-not-Issan.....my wife is an Issan lady and speaks English. She is smart enough to know that speaking English is an asset. The tone of your post seems to suggest that Issan women are inferior to Lao women........

That was a quote from a previous post, BTW sorry about my small typing error .

I did mean to say good and bad everywhere. And BTW I have been living in Thailand since 1992. I can speak Thai reasonably well, but cannot read or write. I also have a good relation with my Thai Family, Wife & Son 15 years duration.

I never been to my home country since 1994.

Just wonder why this thread is so far off topic, sorry if I upset you.

I was not upset, I was just pointing out a few basic flaws in you logic, if you are going to take potshots at people be sure you know what you are talking about, I promise you I DO... your comments were stupid and I just pointed that out. I could not understand, if as you say, you lived in Laos for 2 years (and you are not lying, when really you have only visited on visa runs from Chang Mai) I fail to understand how you could not know that everybody watches Thai TV and the characters are 90+% the same?????? ... and BTW you have been in LOS since 92 (14 Years) and have been in a relationship for 15 years, Please explain that one as I cannot understand how that is possible, did you meet your wife in your home country and then move to LOS with her or are you talking B******T.... where did you learn maths???? was it the same place you learnt typing??? And by the way I was aware that it was two different peoples posts, that’s why I separated my reply into two parts...... does you know if LDB stand for LaDyBoy ???? I was just wondering!!! :o

I think stevespiral's spell check is definately off and the bottles are all empty!!! :D:o

:D C'mon now Dave & coconut..... read the post properly the quote was misspelled not my answer... :D


I think stevespiral's spell check is definately off and the bottles are all empty!!! :D:o

:D C'mon now Dave & coconut..... read the post properly the quote was misspelled not my answer... :D

US street style spellchecker? :D


Hey Terry...I don't care if you are Terry or Bob....the way you put words is similar to those kids who are trying to be adults. " I reckon " applies to everybody here in Qld... and I don't give a ###### if you think that I am a Kateoy because I am not-- :o

I am 100 % Thai lady and live in Queensland quite a few years ( Ring me if you want ) :D DON'T YOU ROT A REPUTATION OF AUSSIE KIDS AND STOP THAT TANTRUMS... :D

I only said what I think about the murder case... She deserved what she did...THINK WHAT IF YOU WERE IN HIS POSITION!!!

Peace out ... :D Sawasdee ka :D


Really? A Thai girl posted this? Where do you reside then that you would write this charming piece of trite :D

I don't care what you think about me or my posts , You poor sad man, sbk... You don't need to know where I reside :D Most people here feel sorry for the girl but has anyone thought why he killed her? By laws, he is in troubles that is for sure but if that girl did not create ... this wouldn't have happened.

Hope your life is as smooth as my soccer ball... :D

:D I love your anwers.. hahaha.. and I hv the same point of view too.. :D

cheers lady!



I'm guessing that neither of you realise that SBK is a woman ?


Emmm... I dont really care if is a woman or not.. Im not talking about her comment, Im just talking about the x000x comments... :o

:D pop_corn


Murder is tragic, and attempted suicide is also very very sad.

From what I have read of the facts of the case, it seems to me that both parties acted either stupidly, or recklessly, from the beginning.

Maybe the guy genuinely fell for the girl. Wouldn't be the first time, would it?

Maybe he had/has emotional problems. Wouldn't be alone there, would he?

The girl might have been behaving honourably in the beginning. We will never know, will we?

My understanding of Thai culture is that if something good happens to you, you deserve it. She probably thought that she deserved her good fortune. Obviously she should have been a bit more discrete, or clever, in brushing the old guy off. Did she offer to repay him the money he had spent on the condo and the bar? Probably not. Should she have? Yes, she should have made an effort, at least.

As I said at the beginning, both parties seem to have acted either stupidly, or recklessly, from the start.

It is an old rule, but a good one. You get nothing for nothing, and not much for quite a lot.

May the girl's soul find peace. May the old guy also...eventually.


Read the tone of the posts on this thread.

We have a young lady dead. Thats a fact and that is sad and tragic.

We have an older man who stated he did it and attempted suicide. Thats also very sad.

I would probably guess that the old guy came to his senses and is very remorseful over what he apparently did.

But again feel the tone of the retorts, replies and comments on this thread.

All the holier than thou individuals, as usual I might add, ready to castrate, kill, hang shoot or draw and quarter the bloke.

I am not a religious person, but it sure brings to mind some at least quasi religious thoughts. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" might be one

And maybe, There but for the grace of God , go I" might be another.

Why as much venom in the posts, does it make each of us who post like that somewhat stronger or in some way superior? I kind of feel bad , because maybe someday I will find myself in such a prediciment..

I do offer my condolences to the girls family.


Ok Gang .... rip me apart

Sir,you have put it far better than I ever could.Agree wholeheartedly.

Well this would all be fine if the stone throwers served a out a death penalty, I'd hardly she deserved to die for doing what most other thai working girls do to farangs.........rip them off, should they all die ?

This was a tragic incident, an unfortunate girl suffered the ultimate penalty, her crime ?

Taking advantage of someones stupidity.

My thoughts to this girls family and friends.


This is another example of foreigner not being able to own anything in Thailand. If the old guy could have bought the bar outright himself would this have happened? Because of the system he buys the bar in a Thai (girlfriends) name and she becomes the defacto owner. Is the system designed to ensure that a large amount of foreigner wealth and 'goodwill' ends up in Thai hands? Sounds cynical but the proof is out there? The Thais could improve this situation, but you can bet they wont?

I also don't understand why foriengers want to buy things in Thailand when they can't own them? Especially large value items that involve your life savings? Better to rent, enjoy your time here. When it all ends very little financial outlay and you can move onto something else?

As for love and falling for a Thai lady. Well its easily done and we were all newbies to Thailand at some point and made similar mistakes. I think its better that we old hands have a responsibility to try and guide the new guys along so they dont make stupid mistakes like this guy did. I believe if you try and enforce the rules you would use any home for a relationship here, then you wont go far wrong. I mean would you buy a house back home for a lady you just met? Would you get married after a very short time? Use common sense.

Beautiful women? My experience is that the more beautiful they are the more problems you will have. In Asia the more beautiful a woman is, the higher the price she can command (I mean just head down to the 'hotels' in Ratchada if you want to see this; models versus ordinary girls). Thus its wiser to find a lady who is reasonably beautiful but still has some common sense rather than a lady whose beauty has one to her head...

I guess this guy won't be the last...

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