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Israel PM vows further Gaza campaign


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Perhaps if Israel would testify before an independent international (or even a US) investigation we would have more narratives to discover the truth.

The usual deflection. The US is not involved in an investigation of why the Qassam Brigades kidnapped and killed the three boys on an officially sanctioned mission.

Improve your reading skills, I used the conditional mood.

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The solution, or at least the start of the solution, for the conflict with the Palestinians is very simple. Israel has to stop the present genocide, the relentless shelling of Gaza and give back all territory which they occupy and of course accept Palestina. Once this is done the anger about Israel will diminish and with it the support for Hamas.

If Israel does not do that we are looking at another hundred or so years of conflict.

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The solution, or at least the start of the solution, for the conflict with the Palestinians is very simple. Israel has to stop the present genocide, the relentless shelling of Gaza and give back all territory which they occupy and of course accept Palestina. Once this is done the anger about Israel will diminish and with it the support for Hamas.

If Israel does not do that we are looking at another hundred or so years of conflict.

I may want to add up to this that I do not have much hope that there is any change in Israel's stand towards their neighbours. Right wing racist zionismism is too wide-spread and has too much influence, may it be within Jews but as well internationally. Israel still can profit from the overwhelming sympathy because of that happened to the Jews during the Holocaust. But that generation is dying of and Israel has done just everything right during the last few years to undermine that sympathy. They show that at least 50% of the population are from the blood-thirsty, racist, terrorist kind.

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For someone who confidently claimed Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnapping

whatsoever, even when killers were known to belong to the al-Khalil Qawasmehs, that's pretty rich.

Well, your sources are obviously superior to the Israeli police. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld spoke to a journalist about the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens in the West Bank in June. Rosenfeld said that the men who killed 3 Israeli teens were definitely a lone cell (other sources identified them as the al-Khalil Qawasmeh clan) - and Rosenfeld said that they were hamas affiliated - but not operating under Hamas leadership. Other media sources also reported these same facts. Google them.

It is patently clear that the kidnappings and murders were a pretext for Netanyahu to attack and provoke Hamas. He sure wanted to move the Palestinian Unity Government off the front pages of the press. And make sure the EU and USA never even got to talk to them. He did a very good job - ok, it cost about 2,500 people their lives, and probably 3 times that many are now condemned to a lifetime coping with injuries and disabilities. Children are orphaned. Lives are ruined. But hey, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, eh? So go ahead if you must, do a few contortions to try to tie Hamas to the murders, and help Bibi on his merry way.

This story, such as it is, originated from a series of Tweeter posts by BBC's John Donnison. There was no corroboration offered to the report, and basically all of the other media outlets who picked this up did so on the based on this. There was, to the best of my knowledge, no follow up on this by either Donnison or other reporters. When interviewed, Rosenfeld denied Dannion's version of things said. Curious how Donnison will juggle this further.

Shoddy and biased reporting is nothing new to Donnison - in the past he used pictures from Syria that were presented as if were depicting events in the Gaza Strip, as well as attributing the death of a colleague's son to IDF fire, only to be corrected afterwards that it was due to a failed rocket launch by Hamas. Other similar things of lesser magnitude in his reports.

For all intents and purposes, the Qawasmeh clan IS the military wing of Hamas in al-khalil (aka Hebron). This was covered in previous topics, and (with various alterations) one can find the name in connection with many terrorist acts over the years. While they do represent a more hardline approach, they were never outcast or shunned by Hamas, for simple reasons - being a key factor in the area, and delivering as advertised. This whole song and dance thing is nothing new as well - Israel, the PA, and the Hamas reach a certain understanding, Qawasmeh (or other hardliners) carry out attacks anyway (with the blessing of some Hamas elements), Hamas central first denies responsibility and distances itself (although gives blessing as well), later on takes pride and admits the connection.

As the second part of your post hangs on the first, there's little to be said about it. Except that one (like me) does not have to be a Netanyahu supporter in order to accept the facts above.

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You are telling tall stories, yet again. Saleh al-Arouri is far from a "minor figure" In fact, he is an original gangster that was exiled by Israel for terrorist activities.

From YOUR link:

A veteran Hamas official has said that the Islamist group was behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank – an incident that was a major trigger for the current brutal war in Gaza.

Saleh al-Arouri, one of the founders of Hamas's military wing, made his comments at a conference in Istanbul, where he lives in exile. A tape of his comments was posted online by conference organisers.

one time founder of Hamas's military wing...now a minor player living in exile trying to bignote himself.

Hardly worth going to war and sacrificing 69 Israeli lives for.

And your assertion that he is a "minor player" is based on what? That he lives in exile? So do Mashaal and Marzook.

Saleh al-Arouri dubbed as one of the founders of Hamas military wing has to do with his efforts to set them up in the

West Bank, where he comes from. For someone who confidently claimed Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnapping

whatsoever, even when killers were known to belong to the al-Khalil Qawasmehs, that's pretty rich.

Better ask Israeli police spokesman Michael Rosenfeld then. He’s also confidently claiming that Hamas leadership had nothing to do with the kidnapping either. He states that if Hamas leadership had ordered the kidnapping Israeli intelligence would have known about it in advance. He points to lone Hamas affiliates operating independently. If Hamas were kidnapping Israelis to exchange for jailed militants, not much point in shooting them the same day. Clearly the work of two hate filled psychopaths operating inependently.


Sorry, I didnt realize CBR250 had already addressed the issue above.

Copy of reply to similar previous post by CBR250:

This story, such as it is, originated from a series of Tweeter posts by BBC's John Donnison. There was no corroboration offered to the report, and basically all of the other media outlets who picked this up did so on the based on this. There was, to the best of my knowledge, no follow up on this by either Donnison or other reporters. When interviewed, Rosenfeld denied Dannion's version of things said. Curious how Donnison will juggle this further.

Shoddy and biased reporting is nothing new to Donnison - in the past he used pictures from Syria that were presented as if were depicting events in the Gaza Strip, as well as attributing the death of a colleague's son to IDF fire, only to be corrected afterwards that it was due to a failed rocket launch by Hamas. Other similar things of lesser magnitude in his reports.

For all intents and purposes, the Qawasmeh clan IS the military wing of Hamas in al-khalil (aka Hebron). This was covered in previous topics, and (with various alterations) one can find the name in connection with many terrorist acts over the years. While they do represent a more hardline approach, they were never outcast or shunned by Hamas, for simple reasons - being a key factor in the area, and delivering as advertised. This whole song and dance thing is nothing new as well - Israel, the PA, and the Hamas reach a certain understanding, Qawasmeh (or other hardliners) carry out attacks anyway (with the blessing of some Hamas elements), Hamas central first denies responsibility and distances itself (although gives blessing as well), later on takes pride and admits the connection.


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For someone who confidently claimed Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnapping

whatsoever, even when killers were known to belong to the al-Khalil Qawasmehs, that's pretty rich.

Well, your sources are obviously superior to the Israeli police. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld spoke to a journalist about the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens in the West Bank in June.

June. Two months before Saleh al-Arouri admitted that the Qassam Brigades kidnapped and killed the three boys on an officially sanctioned mission. Police often draw the wrong conclusions when they don't have all the evidence.

Police often draw the wrong conclusions when they don't have all the evidence.

...and it appears so do you!

Perhaps if Israel would testify before an independent international (or even a US) investigation we would have more narratives to discover the truth.

Is conducting international inquiries and getting full cooperation from sides the norm in the world?

Or are you just making this argument for Israel's sake and setting a new high standard in international relations?

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Must admit it is a catchy tune though.

Set it as your ringtone. wink.png

Point proven though about Hamas being terror organization, eh?

No, hahaha, point proven that it was a catchy tune and the lyrics were anti-Zionist, not anti-Jew.

I wonder why the young people of Israel like the song. The commentator doesn't really say, but speculates hopefully that it is because they want to be reminded of Hamas's terrorism.

It's a weak speculation, especially in the light of the fact that she could not get a definitive answer from her nephews et al.

I could speculate too, and my speculation may have firmer ground than hers; Maybe the young people of Israel like the song and it's lyrics simply because they are conscripted to fight against a people that they pity. Maybe this song is one way of expressing how they feel in an atmosphere where they feel they can't speak out loud.

Or maybe you are just not familiar with Israel.

This sort of thing always catches for a while, same was true for the Palestinian chant as they went on the roof tops and

cheered Saddam Hussein's missiles (still used, with variation of lyrics for Hamas rockets). Same goes for certain quotes

from regional figures. There was a time when the latter was even used by fans on football matches.

Matter of time before someone posts a parody version in Hebrew on YouTube.

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'The military-run local administration said it was a response to the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teenagers in the area in June.'

Lesson to Hamas: Don't kidnap and murder Jewish teenagers. Lesson to Fatah: Don't cheer them on.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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'Israel to take over West Bank land'


'The military-run local administration said it was a response to the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teenagers in the area in June.'

You can't make this up.

The biggest land theft in decades. 400 hectares of Palestinian land. To expand yet another settlement of Zionist fanatics.

And just to show its "democratic" and "peace loving" credentials, "the Palestinian owners of the land have 45 days to contest the decision to Israel's Military Appeals Committee." Well, you can't ask fairer than that, can you? The impartial Military Appeals Committee.

I notice that at no point have any of the Israeli apologists on TV denied that Israel is stealing land. Sure, they prefer terms like "annex", "appropriate" etc, but they are as aware as all of us that Israel has not stopped stealing Palestinian land since 1948.

The US and the EU have both opposed Israel's land thefts as "illegal" and an "obstacle to peace" in the past. Let's see if they do any thing different this time. In the past, they have colluded with Israel's "Play For Time" strategy - making "tut tut" noises and dithering about while the Israelis roll about peeing themselves with laughter. That's why Israel comes out with lines like "it was a response to the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teenagers in the area in June." Just to make it really clear that they don't give rat's backside what the rest of the world thinks.

"The depressing truth is that Israel's current behavior is not just bad for America, though it surely is. It is not even just bad for Israel itself, as many Israelis silently acknowledge. The depressing truth is that Israel today is bad for the Jews."

(Tony Judt, 23 October 2003) - http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/palestinians.php

While those supporters of Israel who are blind, cerebrally deficient and malicious try to divert attention to the war in Gaza, or some other subterfuge, the reality of land theft from Palestinians continues. The stupid part is that this new example of Israel's sociopathic behaviour is guaranteed to alienate ever more people around the world. If there is growing wave of anti-semitism, as a few posters here postulate, it is very easy to see why this would occur. While there are many Jews who oppose Israel's actions, their voices are being drowned by the screams of triumph from the zionist fanatics.

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