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BPH - 2,300 baht to have my waxed up ears cleaned out, about double what I would pay in NZ. The Medical Council's ethics committee needs to take a serious look at this hospital and it's extortionate practises.

'ang on, pigs are flying Barber shop do a good ear cleaning exercise 70 baht

Really? How do they do it? Last time I had a problem I went to PIH. I was in bad shape. Took almost an hour. I think it was close to 2k Baht also. Had to lay down on a bed for the whole time and the doctor took great care in dealing with this.

It is quite good . Lie back in chair,they take quite a while doing it too,no pain,I virtually fall asleep while it is being done,it is dry wax that is the problem ,either heat or humidity just escalates away.

Soi B virtually on the bend opposite R Con 70 baht.

Bet you did lie on the bed too for at least 50 minutes ,then the doctor came in for the last 10 minutes. PIH is a money making machine,they all are now. Anything serious high tail it to Malaysia or India ,now they do care there

They put some solution in my ear to loosen up the wax, I had it in my ear for a good 10-15 minutes. The doc came in and cleaned it out, then picked out the pieces one by one. There was a bunch. Not sure I'd trust a barber with doing that in my ears. I see people use toothpicks in their ears. Not good.

I've had problems with this my whole life.

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Loppylugs, think more carefully. Some people's ears get plugged up quickly and badly and it's a delicate exercise to clean them - in those circumstances, only a clot would let a barber near them. You want a perforated ear drum? Fine. I don't. My regular barber (married to a Brit, speaks excellent English, so no comm. problems) refuses to touch some people's ears.

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Loppylugs, think more carefully. Some people's ears get plugged up quickly and badly and it's a delicate exercise to clean them - in those circumstances, only a clot would let a barber near them. You want a perforated ear drum? Fine. I don't. My regular barber (married to a Brit, speaks excellent English, so no comm. problems) refuses to touch some people's ears.

Have it done a couple of times a year,had it done for years,no problems

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I was a couple of times in the Bangkok Pattaya and Memorial hospital during the past 12 years for some kind of minor issues.

BPH was expensive but had the most up2date technical equipment, aynway I preferred because of the most reasonable price to go to the Memorial Hospital.

Last week I was there for a chronical Bronchitis where any pharmacy drugs didn't work at all and so I decided to consult a "real"doctor.

It was standard procedure to measure blood pressure, degree and weight. Then a doctor, playing online games on his notebook in the background, asked and consulted me for 5 minutes and prescribed a infusion and some pills.

Paid 4100,--Baht and was shocked as I was used to pay around 800,-- - 1.200,--Baht before for any similar treatments.

Now they do have a Russian receptionist, foreigner, who deals with the biggest customer base there.

I will not return except in any kind of emergency but give Dr. Olivier of any other clinic a try next time.

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Just rip off merchants the lot of them.I know this is local hospitals ,but for treatment that requires surgery etc an option unfolding is a two hour plane ride away fantasic service and pricing India

Now where have I heard this before let me think whistling.gif

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When a hospital starts caring more about profits than providing the best care for their patients, it stops being a hospital.

Some of you may know me as a big supporter of BPH. Both my kids where delivered there, and I have always went there for anything major.

However, over the last 6 months my wife was very sick. As we thought treatment at BPH, it has become clear that their services have shifted from being a Health-care provider to a money making machine. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind paying good money for good service. That was the reason I was supporting BPH over the years. But I feel now they have crossed the line and deteriorated to a point where I can no longer recommend them.

My impression has been that procedures are being selected based on profit and not patient benefits basis. Simple tests and procedures are replaced with more complex and involved procedures, even if there is zero benefit to the patient. Doctors are making quick and oftentimes incorrect assessments without checking the facts. Patient well being is no longer first priority. May be it never was - it's a business after all.

Everything is now quick quick quick ... no more than 3 minutes with a doctor ...

And on top of everything, anything that is more than a doctors visit requires pre-payment in full. I asked 50% deposit, and was told "No", must pay in full in advance !

I think all my future doctors visits that are not an emergency will be in Bangkok. Emergencies I will try to take to Pattaya International ....




Still cant decide where send pregnant gf.

I thought BPH But u ruined my hopes

My GF is 9 weeks pregnant and we are using Pattaya Memorial. Not cheap (4,000 for ultrasound, blood/urine tests and lots of vitamins) but its central location (we have no car/motorbike) makes it very convenient. Dr Yao seems OK, although my GF finds her Thai pronunciation strange (I'm guessing she's Chinese not Thai) and a little difficult to understand. Her English is fine though.

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1.Bkk Pattaya,been there once and very happy with the experience.My 8 days there was covered through insurance and my insurance company said I should use only Bkk Pattaya

(years ago I`ve been twice to Bkk Phuket.....same terms and same positive experience) thumbsup.gif

Edited by Yahooka
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My Filipina wife needed several dental procedures including an implant. She has a "deeply rooted" fear of dentists and I decided to have the surgery performed at BPH. The price was 75000 THB (approx. 30% higher than several other quotes I was given from free standing dental clinicsin Patts).). The other procedure was a root canal and insertion of two replacement teeth (85000THB) I was happy to pay as the Dental Clinic at BPH is extremely professional and quality of post dental care is excellent.

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My Filipina wife needed several dental procedures including an implant. She has a "deeply rooted" fear of dentists and I decided to have the surgery performed at BPH. The price was 75000 THB (approx. 30% higher than several other quotes I was given from free standing dental clinicsin Patts).). The other procedure was a root canal and insertion of two replacement teeth (85000THB) I was happy to pay as the Dental Clinic at BPH is extremely professional and quality of post dental care is excellent.

Sorry but i have a friend who would not agree ,they were not up to much with his work ,far far cheaper and better work in town.at many of the dental clinics

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My Filipina wife needed several dental procedures including an implant. She has a "deeply rooted" fear of dentists and I decided to have the surgery performed at BPH. The price was 75000 THB (approx. 30% higher than several other quotes I was given from free standing dental clinicsin Patts).). The other procedure was a root canal and insertion of two replacement teeth (85000THB) I was happy to pay as the Dental Clinic at BPH is extremely professional and quality of post dental care is excellent.

Sorry but i have a friend who would not agree ,they were not up to much with his work ,far far cheaper and better work in town.at many of the dental clinics

Root canal 7 or 8 visits the most professional and personal care I could wish for,lady dentist,7,500 baht (yes all happy) Happy dentist off Soi 17 Pattaya south

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Bangkok Pattaya Hospital Dental Clinic last week: scaling and cleaning by hand and machine and a deep cleaning with the Airflow technology. The lady doctor was very gentle and professional, the procedure took ca. 60 minutes. Cost 2,000 Baht which is half less than I would have paid in Europe.

First I made an appointment for Airflow cleaning in a smaller clinic. Went to my appointment only to find out their machine is broken and the dentist could not tell when it would be fixed. I had specifically requested the Airflow cleaning when making the appointment so it would have been nice of them to call me and cancel. Wasted half of my day and didn't get a reassuring feeling that this clinic is up to handling other than basic dental procedures. I decided to only go to these int. hospitals for my health needs because I trust more that their equipment is maintained properly, even if it would cost a few baht more.

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Bangkok Pattaya Hospital Dental Clinic last week: scaling and cleaning by hand and machine and a deep cleaning with the Airflow technology. The lady doctor was very gentle and professional, the procedure took ca. 60 minutes. Cost 2,000 Baht which is half less than I would have paid in Europe.

First I made an appointment for Airflow cleaning in a smaller clinic. Went to my appointment only to find out their machine is broken and the dentist could not tell when it would be fixed. I had specifically requested the Airflow cleaning when making the appointment so it would have been nice of them to call me and cancel. Wasted half of my day and didn't get a reassuring feeling that this clinic is up to handling other than basic dental procedures. I decided to only go to these int. hospitals for my health needs because I trust more that their equipment is maintained properly, even if it would cost a few baht more.

900 baht at the dentist in Jomtien. the wife had it done.

Edited by i claudius
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1.Bkk Pattaya,been there once and very happy with the experience.My 8 days there was covered through insurance and my insurance company said I should use only Bkk Pattaya

(years ago I`ve been twice to Bkk Phuket.....same terms and same positive experience) thumbsup.gif

What insurance u got?
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Bangkok Pattaya Hospital Dental Clinic last week: scaling and cleaning by hand and machine and a deep cleaning with the Airflow technology. The lady doctor was very gentle and professional, the procedure took ca. 60 minutes. Cost 2,000 Baht which is half less than I would have paid in Europe.

First I made an appointment for Airflow cleaning in a smaller clinic. Went to my appointment only to find out their machine is broken and the dentist could not tell when it would be fixed. I had specifically requested the Airflow cleaning when making the appointment so it would have been nice of them to call me and cancel. Wasted half of my day and didn't get a reassuring feeling that this clinic is up to handling other than basic dental procedures. I decided to only go to these int. hospitals for my health needs because I trust more that their equipment is maintained properly, even if it would cost a few baht more.

900 baht at the dentist in Jomtien. the wife had it done.

Which one.?
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When a hospital starts caring more about profits than providing the best care for their patients, it stops being a hospital.

Some of you may know me as a big supporter of BPH. Both my kids where delivered there, and I have always went there for anything major.

However, over the last 6 months my wife was very sick. As we thought treatment at BPH, it has become clear that their services have shifted from being a Health-care provider to a money making machine. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind paying good money for good service. That was the reason I was supporting BPH over the years. But I feel now they have crossed the line and deteriorated to a point where I can no longer recommend them.

My impression has been that procedures are being selected based on profit and not patient benefits basis. Simple tests and procedures are replaced with more complex and involved procedures, even if there is zero benefit to the patient. Doctors are making quick and oftentimes incorrect assessments without checking the facts. Patient well being is no longer first priority. May be it never was - it's a business after all.

Everything is now quick quick quick ... no more than 3 minutes with a doctor ...

And on top of everything, anything that is more than a doctors visit requires pre-payment in full. I asked 50% deposit, and was told "No", must pay in full in advance !

I think all my future doctors visits that are not an emergency will be in Bangkok. Emergencies I will try to take to Pattaya International ....




Still cant decide where send pregnant gf.

I thought BPH But u ruined my hopes

My GF is 9 weeks pregnant and we are using Pattaya Memorial. Not cheap (4,000 for ultrasound, blood/urine tests and lots of vitamins) but its central location (we have no car/motorbike) makes it very convenient. Dr Yao seems OK, although my GF finds her Thai pronunciation strange (I'm guessing she's Chinese not Thai) and a little difficult to understand. Her English is fine though.
Be carefull with that hospital. Scams reported..

That's worrying. Do you have links? Where have the scams been reported?

Im not sure but even in this thread there is report of evercharging, swiching half full oxygen canisters etc..

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When a hospital starts caring more about profits than providing the best care for their patients, it stops being a hospital.

Some of you may know me as a big supporter of BPH. Both my kids where delivered there, and I have always went there for anything major.

However, over the last 6 months my wife was very sick. As we thought treatment at BPH, it has become clear that their services have shifted from being a Health-care provider to a money making machine. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind paying good money for good service. That was the reason I was supporting BPH over the years. But I feel now they have crossed the line and deteriorated to a point where I can no longer recommend them.

My impression has been that procedures are being selected based on profit and not patient benefits basis. Simple tests and procedures are replaced with more complex and involved procedures, even if there is zero benefit to the patient. Doctors are making quick and oftentimes incorrect assessments without checking the facts. Patient well being is no longer first priority. May be it never was - it's a business after all.

Everything is now quick quick quick ... no more than 3 minutes with a doctor ...

And on top of everything, anything that is more than a doctors visit requires pre-payment in full. I asked 50% deposit, and was told "No", must pay in full in advance !

I think all my future doctors visits that are not an emergency will be in Bangkok. Emergencies I will try to take to Pattaya International ....




Still cant decide where send pregnant gf.

I thought BPH But u ruined my hopes

My GF is 9 weeks pregnant and we are using Pattaya Memorial. Not cheap (4,000 for ultrasound, blood/urine tests and lots of vitamins) but its central location (we have no car/motorbike) makes it very convenient. Dr Yao seems OK, although my GF finds her Thai pronunciation strange (I'm guessing she's Chinese not Thai) and a little difficult to understand. Her English is fine though.
Be carefull with that hospital. Scams reported..

Scams galore,can vouch for that. Hit the roof at the bill,went to see medical director ,threatened with police,after an hour or two asked how much would like to pay 50% off

Well done.

What was that for.?

p-neumonia bill of ...well a lot

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This is absolutely true..............

I have a good friend who was shopping alone in Big C on 2nd Road. He felt unwell and recognised he was having a stroke (We had often talked about recognising the symptoms, given our age).He tried to talk to someone for help but he was slurring his words (one of the symptoms). Anyway he managed to stagger over to soi 4 and entered the hospital (PIH). When he was leaning on the wall at reception trying to indicate he was in dire distress the receptionists kept asking him for his name, address and how he was going to pay. Just before he collapsed a passing member of the medical staff intervened and he was rushed off to emergency treatment. He's OK now but has restricted mobility, but the doc said it was touch and go with the timescale since his stroke to the treatment.

That one of the things that is wrong in these medical supermarkets Q1 how are you going to pay?

Surely reception staff should have some flexibility and be trained to recognise an emergency.

Oh yes,,, while I'm on. When I was sent by ambulance by a doctor to Bangkok/Pattaya Hospital some years ago with alleged Denghi fever I didn't ask for suite of rooms with 2 TV's sofas and armchairs. I could easily have walked there and be happy in a single room. But it seems you have no choice. I spent 2 days on a drip and then discharged. I got little sleep during the day as there were a regular procession of nurses, people from the finance dept etc coming to speak to me.

You will appreciate I am not criticising the medical care, I in fact had very little except the drip.

A year later I had the same symptoms. Went to bed at home for 24 hours with plenty of drink and sleep and fully recovered.

Someone told me the doctor was in some sort of agreement with BP hospital to send them patients. , of course, cannot comment on this but it does increase my cynicism.

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I had fresh/horrible experience from BPH today!!!

My relative had a sever food poison and even vomit after taking medicine. He is a European and prefers hospital than the acupuncture. So I took him to BPH. We waited horribly long time before the doctor received him for 3 min. (He was feeling very ill and I complained to the nurses but we still had to wait like hell).

Then, they wanted to take him to in- patient dept. I firmly refused. He didn't have dehydration etc so the situation was not really critical .He had some infusion and then left BPH. ......Also took long long time before the nurse got the medicine and did infusion on him...

I used to have very good impression of BPH and I had my baby born there. But today 's visit made me very angry. The boy was very weak and suffering a lot, but they still let us wait wait wait.

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I had fresh/horrible experience from BPH today!!!

My relative had a sever food poison and even vomit after taking medicine. He is a European and prefers hospital than the acupuncture. So I took him to BPH. We waited horribly long time before the doctor received him for 3 min. (He was feeling very ill and I complained to the nurses but we still had to wait like hell).

Then, they wanted to take him to in- patient dept. I firmly refused. He didn't have dehydration etc so the situation was not really critical .He had some infusion and then left BPH. ......Also took long long time before the nurse got the medicine and did infusion on him...

I used to have very good impression of BPH and I had my baby born there. But today 's visit made me very angry. The boy was very weak and suffering a lot, but they still let us wait wait wait.

It reads like you took complete control of the situation. Why even go to a hospital since you knew what he needed and didn't need? To then complain about the services offered makes no sense. You were in control and making the decisions.

These hospitals are businesses. I think we've established that. At a business, you have to pay. If you can't pay or don't want to pay, go elsewhere where it's free. Emergencies are no exception in a third world country like Thailand.

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My Filipina wife needed several dental procedures including an implant. She has a "deeply rooted" fear of dentists and I decided to have the surgery performed at BPH. The price was 75000 THB (approx. 30% higher than several other quotes I was given from free standing dental clinicsin Patts).). The other procedure was a root canal and insertion of two replacement teeth (85000THB) I was happy to pay as the Dental Clinic at BPH is extremely professional and quality of post dental care is excellent.

I had my implants done at PhyaThai in Si Racha. 40,000B each. The quality of the work was fine as far as I am concerned.

When I checked some dental prices at BPH I noticed that most of them were getting on for double the price charged at PhyaThai.

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I had fresh/horrible experience from BPH today!!!

My relative had a sever food poison and even vomit after taking medicine. He is a European and prefers hospital than the acupuncture. So I took him to BPH. We waited horribly long time before the doctor received him for 3 min. (He was feeling very ill and I complained to the nurses but we still had to wait like hell).

Then, they wanted to take him to in- patient dept. I firmly refused. He didn't have dehydration etc so the situation was not really critical .He had some infusion and then left BPH. ......Also took long long time before the nurse got the medicine and did infusion on him...

I used to have very good impression of BPH and I had my baby born there. But today 's visit made me very angry. The boy was very weak and suffering a lot, but they still let us wait wait wait.

Well done taking things under control. The long waiting time was probably because you refused them to admit the boy in ward. A friend of mine got ill and was quite dehydrated and we helped her to get to BPH. As soon as they learned that she has fully covered health insurance they rushed her to the ward into a private room with separate lounge room for visitors and two balconies. She was put on saline drip which is OK and needed but they also put her on antibiotic drip before even checking what’s wrong with her, no blood or stool samples first. She stayed there for 2 nights, the bill was 20,000 baht. It turned out she had a garden-variety stomach flu.

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I never worship doctors blindly.

I only go to BPH for 2 things: Operation (baby birth)... and annual Health Check.

I have efficient medical knowledge to judge the situation, make the decision and do treatment smile.png))

Today, the room mate of that boy has the same problem, and my baby too, as she visited them last night . The room mate went to another hospital and the result shows "virus infection", not too serious.

Yesterday, BPH did not do any lab test of the boy and just gave antibiotic.. In fact, the boy has insurance in Europe, but he was too weak even to explain the details... Lucky, so he didn't need to stay overnight in BPH smile.png))

I don't mind to pay expensive. But look at the service we got yesterday, I thought that was really shabby.

PS: The boy is already back to normal today. Just some intestine virus infection. As long as you have good rest, vomit/poo all the garbage out and keep the electrolyte level normal , it will disappear after a certain period. I send him to hospital because he WANTED to go ! Farang !!!

Edited by susanschwaiger
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I've been to both BPH and the International and both were good for me. I'd say the International is cheaper if you're paying but just as good. However, if it was anything major or complex then I'd only go to the BPH in an emergency. As previous posters have said, it's advisable to have insurance. A friend had severe pneumonia and spent ฿2,100,000 at the BPH. I was surprised by the trouble they went to and delighted when he survived after a month in intensive care as I thought he was done for. He was able to dance for joy when his insurance paid the bill too, so averting a heart attack.

Don't forget that if you have time, you can plan and go to somewhere like the Bumrungrad in Bangkok. I went there for an operation and was very pleased with the result and the bill. They have an 'International Department' who are very good at sorting everything out and you can book a visit from abroad as I did once.

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I never worship doctors blindly.

I only go to BPH for 2 things: Operation (baby birth)... and annual Health Check.

I have efficient medical knowledge to judge the situation, make the decision and do treatment smile.png))

Today, the room mate of that boy has the same problem, and my baby too, as she visited them last night . The room mate went to another hospital and the result shows "virus infection", not too serious.

Yesterday, BPH did not do any lab test of the boy and just gave antibiotic.. In fact, the boy has insurance in Europe, but he was too weak even to explain the details... Lucky, so he didn't need to stay overnight in BPH smile.png))

I don't mind to pay expensive. But look at the service we got yesterday, I thought that was really shabby.

PS: The boy is already back to normal today. Just some intestine virus infection. As long as you have good rest, vomit/poo all the garbage out and keep the electrolyte level normal , it will disappear after a certain period. I send him to hospital because he WANTED to go ! Farang !!!

Antibiotics kills bacterias but not viruses at all.

U need antivirals.

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I've been to both BPH and the International and both were good for me. I'd say the International is cheaper if you're paying but just as good. However, if it was anything major or complex then I'd only go to the BPH in an emergency. As previous posters have said, it's advisable to have insurance. A friend had severe pneumonia and spent ฿2,100,000 at the BPH. I was surprised by the trouble they went to and delighted when he survived after a month in intensive care as I thought he was done for. He was able to dance for joy when his insurance paid the bill too, so averting a heart attack.

Don't forget that if you have time, you can plan and go to somewhere like the Bumrungrad in Bangkok. I went there for an operation and was very pleased with the result and the bill. They have an 'International Department' who are very good at sorting everything out and you can book a visit from abroad as I did once.

What insurer was that?
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