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Politicians told to end the high life

Lite Beer

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"The political struggle has left our country bruised. Using the rule of law to solve the problems may not be enough. We must use religious principles of compassion and forgiveness,'' he said.

Does this sound like an amnesty bill to anyone else? Yingluck always talked very softly, so she must be a very nice person, which means that she should not be prosecuted even if guilty. Thainess at it's finest.

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Greed and money money and even more lovely money that’s the Thai catch phrase when I first came to Thailand 16 years ago they all seemed so normal caring and happy people now it’s all about money and how much money they can get, we know money makes the world go round but the Thais are just spinning for themselves money and greed has overtaken everything else. Just like the West in 2008 eventually it all has to stop once people see that there is more to life than money.

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Just look at Australia within a month of being in power Bishop was under fire for travel rorts , they are not really needed as they only make our lives harder.

May be and the former party in power never did anything wrong?

Being a politician is about self-aggrandisement, well, at least for too many of them anywhere.

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espinoza, on 24 Aug 2014 - 08:05, said:

The only change I can see is that a car trip from Nong Khai to Bangkok is done much smoother than before. Before the ROYAL Thai police were around every corner to catch people for speeding and other so-called offences. Now we do not see the police at all on this route. Why ??? I think they are not brave enough to continuing their practise, because the military will put them in jail if they try to extort anybody. That was their living before. Now I can drive how fast I want, no police, mai pen rai. But this means that if the new prime minister is serious and an honest man, he will kick out every policeman with rank over sergeant all over the country. Make a new police force from the bottom. The most corrupt people normal people are used to meet is the police officers and the guys at the desks in the ampeu.

Does "Now I can drive how fast I want" mean you go faster than legally allowed, if so you are breaking the law, the same as a corrupt cop would be.

Cruising speed above 100Kmph is just wasting fuel. Hmmm...what kind of people don't give a darn about law breaking and wasting resources?

Harley_Davidson, turning petrol into noise for more than 100 years!

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Duh... this is why they became politicians in the first place, at time forking out millions in bribery

just to be elect to live the life that now they being asked to refrain from...

Exactly. A huge problem is the "bribes" people pay to get elected. I'm not talking about the 500B at the polling station, I'm talking about all the back room deals with the regions hi-so's.

I visited a very small town not long ago. Driving down the main road was this huge "mansion". It was massive. Guess who owned it? Right.

I don't know?

The local police chief?

The mayor?

Or the local drug dealer?

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espinoza, on 24 Aug 2014 - 08:05, said:

The only change I can see is that a car trip from Nong Khai to Bangkok is done much smoother than before. Before the ROYAL Thai police were around every corner to catch people for speeding and other so-called offences. Now we do not see the police at all on this route. Why ??? I think they are not brave enough to continuing their practise, because the military will put them in jail if they try to extort anybody. That was their living before. Now I can drive how fast I want, no police, mai pen rai. But this means that if the new prime minister is serious and an honest man, he will kick out every policeman with rank over sergeant all over the country. Make a new police force from the bottom. The most corrupt people normal people are used to meet is the police officers and the guys at the desks in the ampeu.

Does "Now I can drive how fast I want" mean you go faster than legally allowed, if so you are breaking the law, the same as a corrupt cop would be.

Cruising speed above 100Kmph is just wasting fuel. Hmmm...what kind of people don't give a darn about law breaking and wasting resources?

Harley_Davidson, turning petrol into noise for more than 100 years!

I have run out of likes already.

Have one of these. thumbsup.gif

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espinoza, on 24 Aug 2014 - 08:05, said:

The only change I can see is that a car trip from Nong Khai to Bangkok is done much smoother than before. Before the ROYAL Thai police were around every corner to catch people for speeding and other so-called offences. Now we do not see the police at all on this route. Why ??? I think they are not brave enough to continuing their practise, because the military will put them in jail if they try to extort anybody. That was their living before. Now I can drive how fast I want, no police, mai pen rai. But this means that if the new prime minister is serious and an honest man, he will kick out every policeman with rank over sergeant all over the country. Make a new police force from the bottom. The most corrupt people normal people are used to meet is the police officers and the guys at the desks in the ampeu.

Does "Now I can drive how fast I want" mean you go faster than legally allowed, if so you are breaking the law, the same as a corrupt cop would be.

Cruising speed above 100Kmph is just wasting fuel. Hmmm...what kind of people don't give a darn about law breaking and wasting resources?

Harley_Davidson, turning petrol into noise for more than 100 years!

Turning noise into thrills and excitement for more than 100years

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it would be so, so, easy to transform Human Governing. The Flaws with anarchy, autocracy, democrazy, communism, [et al] are *A. there is no Fool proof leadership selection process... *B. [all] of the failed systems, which is ALL of them, allow a few men to decide how to spend our tax monies. < Just remove these 2 flaws.

The Swiss sytem is very close to the model that would work, needing only a few refinements. The American system needs 4 more Amendments and it would work. Siam could model after the Swiss Techno-Democraacy, only as a Crown-Democracy; then the World would have 2 Leading Examples.

We shouldn't Vote for Leaders, we should Assemble on Issues. The People should make the Laws, like they, partly, do in Switzerlland. The Elected Reps Collect tax monies, but canNOT spend it. 100% impossible to Bribe or Lobby a Rep. We [Hire] our Stewards who canNOT collect tax monies. They can be Crown Appointed, but have to be House approved; a REAL bicameral political architecture.

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it would be so, so, easy to transform Human Governing. The Flaws with anarchy, autocracy, democrazy, communism, [et al] are *A. there is no Fool proof leadership selection process... *B. [all] of the failed systems, which is ALL of them, allow a few men to decide how to spend our tax monies. < Just remove these 2 flaws.

The Swiss sytem is very close to the model that would work, needing only a few refinements. The American system needs 4 more Amendments and it would work. Siam could model after the Swiss Techno-Democraacy, only as a Crown-Democracy; then the World would have 2 Leading Examples.

We shouldn't Vote for Leaders, we should Assemble on Issues. The People should make the Laws, like they, partly, do in Switzerlland. The Elected Reps Collect tax monies, but canNOT spend it. 100% impossible to Bribe or Lobby a Rep. We [Hire] our Stewards who canNOT collect tax monies. They can be Crown Appointed, but have to be House approved; a REAL bicameral political architecture.

ps... there are Letters from *1926 between 2 great Siamese scholars, proposing a Sharing of Governing. These proposals were soundly rejected by the Khana Ratsadon, both the the Civilian and Military factions, also rejected by the Elite. You Search Cornell University to read these IMPORTANT documents. * [the too little, too late History is refuted by the mid 1920's tone of the proposals.]

Title: Siam's political future : documents from the end of the absolute monarchy
Author: Batson, Benjamin A.
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Would be nice to put a name with that story. Anyone have a clue as to who this upcountry offender might be?

Nicer would be if the dear General checks their bank accounts. Finds the corruption. Seize everything and put them in jail.

Don't look at the bank accounts only, most are smart enough not to leave that obvious money trail. Look at the money put into land and mansions. Takes some real financial forensic work but if it is really wanted to crack down.....

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If your earning was reflected in the work you do, the African women would be the riches people in the world. there are no work worth 100.000 baht an hour or dollars forthat matter. Most are corrupt, in one way or another. while we others must still work hard for pennies.

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it would be so, so, easy to transform Human Governing. The Flaws with anarchy, autocracy, democrazy, communism, [et al] are *A. there is no Fool proof leadership selection process... *B. [all] of the failed systems, which is ALL of them, allow a few men to decide how to spend our tax monies. < Just remove these 2 flaws.

The Swiss sytem is very close to the model that would work, needing only a few refinements. The American system needs 4 more Amendments and it would work. Siam could model after the Swiss Techno-Democraacy, only as a Crown-Democracy; then the World would have 2 Leading Examples.

We shouldn't Vote for Leaders, we should Assemble on Issues. The People should make the Laws, like they, partly, do in Switzerlland. The Elected Reps Collect tax monies, but canNOT spend it. 100% impossible to Bribe or Lobby a Rep. We [Hire] our Stewards who canNOT collect tax monies. They can be Crown Appointed, but have to be House approved; a REAL bicameral political architecture.

The Swiss model would work?

Look at their record of banking without ethics,and looking after anybodies money no questions asked for many, many years. Corruption at it's most institutionalized and all blessed by the state and democratic government,

Swiss bankers - rhymes with something appropriate wink.png

Good pocket knives though.

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i dont think the private sector wants these useless parasites either

These freeloaders would never survive in the private sector - when you make money from your own hard work, you are very careful how you spend it. I'm not poor, but I would never buy a first class ticket if I was paying for it myself!

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"The political struggle has left our country bruised. Using the rule of law to solve the problems may not be enough. We must use religious principles of compassion and forgiveness,'' he said.

"The fight for money and power has left our country crippled. The rule of law does not apply to whoever rules the country. We must now use our only strategy left: amulets."

clap2.gif Good onecheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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it would be so, so, easy to transform Human Governing. The Flaws with anarchy, autocracy, democrazy, communism, [et al] are *A. there is no Fool proof leadership selection process... *B. [all] of the failed systems, which is ALL of them, allow a few men to decide how to spend our tax monies. < Just remove these 2 flaws.

The Swiss sytem is very close to the model that would work, needing only a few refinements. The American system needs 4 more Amendments and it would work. Siam could model after the Swiss Techno-Democraacy, only as a Crown-Democracy; then the World would have 2 Leading Examples.

We shouldn't Vote for Leaders, we should Assemble on Issues. The People should make the Laws, like they, partly, do in Switzerlland. The Elected Reps Collect tax monies, but canNOT spend it. 100% impossible to Bribe or Lobby a Rep. We [Hire] our Stewards who canNOT collect tax monies. They can be Crown Appointed, but have to be House approved; a REAL bicameral political architecture.

The Swiss model would work?

Look at their record of banking without ethics,and looking after anybodies money no questions asked for many, many years. Corruption at it's most institutionalized and all blessed by the state and democratic government,

Swiss bankers - rhymes with something appropriate wink.png

Good pocket knives though.

I think there is a difference in education between the two.

I know people don't like their banks but there is a heck of a lot more than banks in Switzerland.

Sorry to disrupt the single minded know nothing but money orientated in my pocket club.

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i dont think the private sector wants these useless parasites either

These freeloaders would never survive in the private sector - when you make money from your own hard work, you are very careful how you spend it. I'm not poor, but I would never buy a first class ticket if I was paying for it myself!

Not true...?

CEOs have been known to bankrupt companies and still walk away with windfall bonuses...

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The Swiss model would work?

Look at their record of banking without ethics,and looking after anybodies money no questions asked for many, many years. Corruption at it's most institutionalized and all blessed by the state and democratic government,

Swiss bankers - rhymes with something appropriate wink.png

Good pocket knives though.

i think I know what you are getting at - but hiding your wealth is different than making it illegally - right? I mean, why should I have my earnings and dollar movements reported to the USA, when I have already declared everything to my country of tax residence. Why should a foreign government know about my business? There are many good and bad aspects of secrecy.

My problem is less with the secrecy aspect, it's the way the uber rich have a different set of financial options than the rest of us. They have access to investment instruments that are closed to 99% of people, but that's the banking system in general, and not the Swiss in particular

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The lure of 500฿ for a vote is just too great for some. Don't know how they can look at these polititions they voted for them, with their glamorous lifestyle of high priced wine and fish sauce

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The lure of 500฿ for a vote is just too great for some. Don't know how they can look at these polititions they voted for with their glamorous lifestyle of high priced wine and fish sauce

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Harley_Davidson, turning petrol into noise for more than 100 years!

Turning noise into thrills and excitement for more than 100years

The "thrill/excitement" is trying to get the damn thing around a corner, or corners, at high speed? What am I missing here? Just saying.

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This again points to the importance that members of the NCPO, NRC, and NLA report their assets to NACC for complete transparency. If that isn't mandatory, then who in the Junta dominated agencies have the right to scrutinize the local politicians?

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People are forgetting most politicians, have 'very' successful family businesses as well. The political people did not get where they are without cash,

I have no doubt most of them could quickly rejoin their family companies. Natural Fruit anyone???

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When GM needed a bailout, they went from ordering steak and lobster for lunch to the office, to bringing their own homemade sandwiches.

I like this story.

But they all flew into Washington in their private jets asking for a hand out. Big business is no better than these politicians the CEO's are making millions at the expense of the shareholders.

True...but it is already understood that a business enterprise operates to make as much profit as possible and that is a given, so to speak......where as politicians are theoretically supposed to apply their time and effort on behalf of the citizens of the nation.

Of course that is not the way it is concerning politicians...but still....

Surprisingly there are politicians that do build a reputation on honesty and integrity but here in Thailand the overwhelming majority of the politicians use their positions to enrich themselves ....while there is no guilt or shame at all on their part.

Just saying


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To answer the question raised in the original OP; "I got this piece of information and I was shocked at how far they have gone. They are just local politicians and how would they behave if they rise to national level?"

One only has to look back and delve into the assets of ministers of the previous government, such as Chalerm, to answer such a basic question.

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the politicians write the rules businesses are supposed to follow. It is a good investment for businesses to own politicians. This is probably true everywhere. The foxes guard the hen house. Until the cost of following proper laws is less than the cost of paying off bureaucrats and politicians, this will continue. By "cost" I mean serious law enforcement, jail time and confiscation of assets. I am not holding my breath on this one, nor idea that if we are just a little more religious, everything will be fine.

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