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Sondhi freed on bail, posts Bt12-million assets as guarantee


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You can't give yellow shirts special treatment and ignore the reds. This is not going to reunite the country but just tear it apart again. Showing blatant bias for your friends is going to upset a lot of people and the Junta is stepping on very thin ice acting foolishly.

He isn't receiving "special treatment" nor "blatant bias for your friends." He's not any different from the many, many red shirts like Jatuporn, Natthawut, Weng, and countless other red shirts who are similarly free on bail on countless charges going as far back as 2007.

The only "upset a lot of people" are blind red shirt supporters who somehow can not see the equal treatment that is received by all concerned.

Never hurts to also remember that this case actually has nothing to do with yellow shirt/red shirt issues, but over financial shenanigans that occurred a full decade before the yellow shirt/red shirt issue. wink.png


Edited by slovitz
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Sorry, many red shirts still in jail since 2010 because no 12 million to pay bail.

You are right there are some still in jail on criminal charges even though their own Govt was in power for more than 2 years yet did nothing to help them.

If a recent interview with one of the reds who has finished his sentence and been released is anything to go by that is an extremely sore point among those still in prison.

Yet the ones who have had the money or backing are out, some even making it to the parliamentary benches or cabinet positions.

No Sondhi should not be out on bail, but then there are so many others who should also be denied that privilege. But then that's the way the system works......at present.

Roll on reforms.

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The thing is that the Thai legal system does allow for bail pending an appeal & following sentence.

When you argue if the granting of bail is proper or not you only need to ask if the risk of flight has been properly considered.

In the west it's unusual for a person sentenced to 20 years to be granted bail pending an appeal, but it's not unheard of.

In some countries, the UK is a good example, bail does not usually involve any money at all. The money is not what's important here, what is important is that justice needs to be served.

Edited by technologybytes
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Of course he goes out. Anyone thinking he will be gone for 20 years in jail is naive.

As they say in Thailand Money talks Bullshits walks.

BTW: What happened to the Ferrari guy that killed a cop? Still in Singapore or why is Thaksin passport not cancelled? People that have money in Thailand will always go free.

Sorry grasshopper, you have it backwards. Here in Thailand you get bullshit talks, then money walks (out of jail). I had vision of bank robber being caught, then reaching into his bag and paying bail with money he stole. Similar to what this guy is doing... son of red bull has a really really sore throat, and must remain there for treatment.

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Well if Bernie Ecclestone,(F1),can buy his way out of jail time ,why not this guy,

just enforces the Word wide premise that if you are very rich,you can wiggle out

of anything,sometimes even murder.so there is defiantly 2 laws in the world,and

the common man will always get the shit end of the stick.

regards worgeordie

Sorry I must correct you, there is only ONE laws in the world......Money

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You can't give yellow shirts special treatment and ignore the reds. This is not going to reunite the country but just tear it apart again. Showing blatant bias for your friends is going to upset a lot of people and the Junta is stepping on very thin ice acting foolishly.

I don't think it has anything to do with the color of your shirt. Lots swap them easily when it suits. More to do with bank balance, assets and family.

Sorry to say, that is getting to be the same in very many countries again too.

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Well if Bernie Ecclestone,(F1),can buy his way out of jail time ,why not this guy,

just enforces the Word wide premise that if you are very rich,you can wiggle out

of anything,sometimes even murder.so there is defiantly 2 laws in the world,and

the common man will always get the shit end of the stick.

regards worgeordie

Bernie's and Sondhi's offenses are not comparable and neither are the amounts they paid out.

Bernie Ecclestone a sterling billionaire worth 3 to 4 billion pounds, paid around 60 million pounds ($100,000,000) to end his bribery trial. PAID OUT. End of story.

Sondhi has posted B12 million as a guarantee. Not PAID out, he has not paid for the cases against him to be dropped. He still has to behave himself. It is a bail payment. Big difference.

I wonder what grounds he appeals to the supreme court . ..

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Easy enough choice between sitting behind bars for 20 years than freedom oversea. Expect him to bolt. That cheap bag of bail money is for him to flee and not reveal too much about what the inside story of the PAD and their backers. He will obviously get another bag for fleeing and not telling.

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Well if Bernie Ecclestone,(F1),can buy his way out of jail time ,why not this guy,

just enforces the Word wide premise that if you are very rich,you can wiggle out

of anything,sometimes even murder.so there is defiantly 2 laws in the world,and

the common man will always get the shit end of the stick.

regards worgeordie

Yep, GERMANY sold its Soul to Ecclestone!

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I called it on August 14th


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Posted 2014-08-14 12:09:42

I think that he should be out on bail agin in the next week or two. Justice has to appear to be served until it quiets down.

I suspect that there may be a medical complication that requires frequent trips to a first class hospital etc. etc. etc.

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Easy enough choice between sitting behind bars for 20 years than freedom oversea. Expect him to bolt. That cheap bag of bail money is for him to flee and not reveal too much about what the inside story of the PAD and their backers. He will obviously get another bag for fleeing and not telling.

Crazy conspiracy post.

The reason that many get bail here for all sorts of crimes is that justice is so slow. It's nothing to do with the junta as even convicted killers received bail before. Yes, no doubt lunch boxes sometimes work.

It's also nothing to do with the PAD and how jail, running away or being found not guilty has anything to do with 'the inside story of the PAD', is just conspiracy gone wild.

I supported a lot of his anti-Thaksin efforts but I've no problem for him to receive justice in this case. I don't engage fortune telling to decide whether he flees or whether he is found guilty by the Supreme Court & has to spend years in jail.

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3................2...............1............................ enter the red bleatings and brayings!! coffee1.gif

However, he should NEVER have been granted bail. 12 mill is noting to a scumbag like him. He'll never do 20 days never mind 20 years. dry.png

Once again - surprise,surprise - "MONEY TALKS" Oh, and by the way, I presume they let him keep his passport?clap2.gif

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Easy enough choice between sitting behind bars for 20 years than freedom oversea. Expect him to bolt. That cheap bag of bail money is for him to flee and not reveal too much about what the inside story of the PAD and their backers. He will obviously get another bag for fleeing and not telling.

Please share what the "inside story of the PAD and their backers" is with us.


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There I was saying how even handed the new regime is by locking this guy up.

The new regime didn't grant him bail. Same as they didn't grant bail to free Jatuporn, Natthawut, et al.

How'd he get bail?

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You can't give yellow shirts special treatment and ignore the reds. This is not going to reunite the country but just tear it apart again. Showing blatant bias for your friends is going to upset a lot of people and the Junta is stepping on very thin ice acting foolishly.

He isn't receiving "special treatment" nor "blatant bias for your friends." He's not any different from the many, many red shirts like Jatuporn, Natthawut, Weng, and countless other red shirts who are similarly free on bail on countless charges going as far back as 2007.

The only "upset a lot of people" are blind red shirt supporters who somehow can not see the equal treatment that is received by all concerned.

Never hurts to also remember that this case actually has nothing to do with yellow shirt/red shirt issues, but over financial shenanigans that occurred a full decade before the yellow shirt/red shirt issue. wink.png


You didn't read the headline that said, "YELLOWSHIRT" take it up with the OP.

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Easy enough choice between sitting behind bars for 20 years than freedom oversea. Expect him to bolt. That cheap bag of bail money is for him to flee and not reveal too much about what the inside story of the PAD and their backers. He will obviously get another bag for fleeing and not telling.

Please share what the "inside story of the PAD and their backers" is with us.


I would if I could but I can't. You'll have to look it up yourself and then keep very very quiet about it.

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There I was saying how even handed the new regime is by locking this guy up.

The new regime didn't grant him bail. Same as they didn't grant bail to free Jatuporn, Natthawut, et al.

How'd he get bail?

The supreme court approved it. I don't see anything untoward about it at all. He's innocent until his appeals are rejected. The same goes for everyone. The fact that he had to serve two weeks in jail while arranging bail indicated the seriousness of his case.

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3................2...............1............................ enter the red bleatings and brayings!! coffee1.gif

However, he should NEVER have been granted bail. 12 mill is noting to a scumbag like him. He'll never do 20 days never mind 20 years. dry.png

Well I'm yellow and I don't think he should be granted bail. He's been convicted by one court. The conviction was upheld by an appeals court. How many courts should it take to send a guilty rich man to jail?

even more so how can you appeal an appeal against an appeal at an appeal court, oh I forgot we are in thailand

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3................2...............1............................ enter the red bleatings and brayings!! coffee1.gif

However, he should NEVER have been granted bail. 12 mill is noting to a scumbag like him. He'll never do 20 days never mind 20 years. dry.png

Well I'm yellow and I don't think he should be granted bail. He's been convicted by one court. The conviction was upheld by an appeals court. How many courts should it take to send a guilty rich man to jail?

even more so how can you appeal an appeal against an appeal at an appeal court, oh I forgot we are in thailand

He has friends in very high places.

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  • 2 months later...

The Thai bashers have already forgotten about the "Too big to fail" scumbags that took down the world's financial markets, and were then put in charge to mend whatever was left of what they had trashed. Millions lost their homes, pensions and they and others are struggling to make ends meet, if at all. These financial terrorists are still walking free, and are enjoying lavish salaries, and even bigger bonuses, as nothing has happened, have never been charged, never seen a cel for the inside, and here we are thinking Thailand is incomparably corrupt? Think again, and look at your own country's shortcomings first for a change, before posting another ignorant response, thank you.

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