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What is the most dangerous thing you have witnessed in Thailand?


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jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


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jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


Jesus Christ ND, do you have a work permit to operate a mobile I-pad?

I believe that the WP that you need would be a Digital Nomad WP.biggrin.png

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I once saw a Greek man trying to milk a Honey Badger.

I suspect you were somehow involved in this.

I thought we would of at least had a road related incident by now. So far it's all about badgers and Costas.....the Greek milking god.

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jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


you're not travelling to the restaurant at the end of the universe are you?...........i hear its quite dangerous cos if you fall off you'll have a major tom experience.

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jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


Jesus Christ ND, do you have a work permit to operate a mobile I-pad?

I believe that the WP that you need would be a Digital Nomad WP.biggrin.png

You are the second person to call me Jesus Christ. I'm starting to wonder if I am indeed e great man :)

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jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


you're not travelling to the restaurant at the end of the universe are you?...........i hear its quite dangerous cos if you fall off you'll have a major tom experience.

Does a major Tom experience involve a Thai man lady riding a Modified Yamaha Fino ?

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jesus ND...............you at a loose end today!

Not really SBC, I was driving long distance today and thought I would create a few threads as I travelled the long straight boring stretches. I've got my new IPad mounted on the steering wheel, seems to work alright too.


Jesus Christ ND, do you have a work permit to operate a mobile I-pad?

I believe that the WP that you need would be a Digital Nomad WP.biggrin.png

You are the second person to call me Jesus Christ. I'm starting to wonder if I am indeed e great man smile.png

Only the second? wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gifwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gifwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif

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The most dangerous thing, I have experienced, is when I lost my gerbil.

I was so frightened to go to the hospital to find him.

But, Jesus Christ, Mr Neverdie ( I'm the third person calling you that.......it must be true........you are the Great Man),

the Gerbil came out of his hiding hole.............................................behind the sofa.

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The most dangerous thing, I have experienced, is when I lost my gerbil.

I was so frightened to go to the hospital to find him.

But, Jesus Christ, Mr Neverdie ( I'm the third person calling you that.......it must be true........you are the Great Man),

the Gerbil came out of his hiding hole.............................................behind the sofa.

Wow. 3 times in less than an hour.

Thanks for sharing this very 'moving' story. ;)

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The most dangerous thing, I have experienced, is when I lost my gerbil.

I was so frightened to go to the hospital to find him.

But, Jesus Christ, Mr Neverdie ( I'm the third person calling you that.......it must be true........you are the Great Man),

the Gerbil came out of his hiding hole.............................................behind the sofa.

As good as ND is, Dr. Will would have recovered your gerbil faster.

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The most dangerous thing, I have experienced, is when I lost my gerbil.

I was so frightened to go to the hospital to find him.

But, Jesus Christ, Mr Neverdie ( I'm the third person calling you that.......it must be true........you are the Great Man),

the Gerbil came out of his hiding hole.............................................behind the sofa.

As good as ND is, Dr. Will would have recovered your gerbil faster.

Yes, indeed Dr Will is a great man.

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A vespa motocycle stacked with material rolls and a workeroï balancing on the top and the rider on the edge of his seat flying down Rama 4

Remind me of the time I was riding along the edge of Rama II and a passing truck lost a carpet roll & the thing virtually bounced right across the front of me, nearly taking my head off.

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The most dangerous thing, I have experienced, is when I lost my gerbil.

I was so frightened to go to the hospital to find him.

But, Jesus Christ, Mr Neverdie ( I'm the third person calling you that.......it must be true........you are the Great Man),

the Gerbil came out of his hiding hole.............................................behind the sofa.

As good as ND is, Dr. Will would have recovered your gerbil faster.

Yes, indeed Dr Will is a great man.

My wife is pretty scarey...


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The most dangerous thing, I have experienced, is when I lost my gerbil.

I was so frightened to go to the hospital to find him.

But, Jesus Christ, Mr Neverdie ( I'm the third person calling you that.......it must be true........you are the Great Man),

the Gerbil came out of his hiding hole.............................................behind the sofa.

As good as ND is, Dr. Will would have recovered your gerbil faster.

Yes, indeed Dr Will is a great man.

My wife is pretty scarey...


LOL @ sLip. What the ?

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Saw some pruney looking guy driving down the road not watching what he was doing.....looked like he was trying to make his horn work by pushing all over the place on the steering wheel with two fingers.....almost ran over a herd of domesticated badgers on the way to the milking barn......DANGEROUS situation......if badgers run it ruins the milk.......

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Myself and 3 Thais once lifted one of those heavy concrete rings, to be the the fourth on top as the base for a water tank for the fields. If it had slipped, I'm sure one of us would have been crushed.

But actually every day, just crossing the road- buses, trucks are hurtling along, motorbikes are weaving left,right and centre, but Thais of every age are content to wander between lanes,quietly waiting for a gap.

Somehow metal and flesh miss by centimetres, it seems to be telepathic, the driver of the speeding missile of death and the languid pedestrian both seem to sense the space available to avoid a tragedy.

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